Hot Dirty Love (Copperline #5) (16 page)

BOOK: Hot Dirty Love (Copperline #5)
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With a muffled groan, he jerked his head back and rocked his hips. Rain turned her head to face me, to catch my gaze as I fucked her and yanked him off. I shifted her leg up and over to my other side, allowing me to lie between her thighs, and fiercely stroked in balls deep.

“Oh, fuck yes, Justin,” she moaned. “Fuck me.”

“Do you want him to fuck you, too?” I asked. I stroked deep, holding it, craving the feel of his movement inside her… caressing me through the thin barrier within her body.

Her eyes opened, dark with passion, staring at me for a long moment before she answered.

“I want him to fuck
,” she moaned in a broken breath.

I froze. A million things raced through my head. I’d thought about it before. Fantasized about it. Until tonight, though, it had only been faint touches. Feathery caresses, innocent byproducts of group passion.

But tonight I was driven by wild abandon. I felt free to do whatever my body craved. Whatever felt good to me and Rain and Cole.

“Please,” she whispered. “I want him to fuck you while you’re fucking me. I want you to feel the closest thing possible to what you made me feel.” She raked her nails down my back to my ass and dug in deep, pulling me closer and revealing me to Cole.

“Fuck, yeah… finally,” I heard him mutter.

One more second of panicked hesitation, and then he shifted to kneel behind me. I felt the scrape of his rough hand trail up my inner thigh, so foreign compared to her smooth, soft touch.

A groan escaped my lips as I felt the heat of his mouth against my skin. Down by my balls, breathing in the scent of her arousal where I was still buried deep inside her. The flick of his tongue, tasting us and trailing up to my asshole. He circled around it. First wide, then swirling closer, making me shake.

The whole time, Rain locked her gaze on mine. Watching me close in the low light. Cupping my cheek as I let him touch me and taste me. Fire raged through my veins. My entire body shook with dark anticipation.

His tongue slipped inside me for a second, and I jerked at the intrusion, pushing hard into Rain again. My cock was swollen painfully hard, and her tight walls gripped me closer.

“Fuck,” she whispered, pressing a tender, breathless kiss to my lips. “Yes, fuck yes.”

I practically devoured her kiss, wanting to swallow her whole. I felt his tongue on me again, leaving a thick, wet pool of saliva to lube me up. His fingers spread it around, slipping the tip of his index finger into me. Only Rain had done anything remotely like this before, and her hands were fine-boned and slender. Cole’s were broad and strong.

“I can’t wait to fuck your ass,” Cole groaned, making me shiver and burn.

He slowly sank his finger in until his knuckles pressed up against my skin. The thick digit swirled inside me, stretching me. Disturbing me as he primed me. He pulled almost completely out and spat at our point of contact, then pushed it back in, harder this time. Apprehension welled in my throat, choking a ragged groan out of me, making it hard for me to draw a breath.

Yet the more he touched me, the more Rain whispered soft encouragement in my ear and squeezed her hot pussy around my raging cock, the more I wanted this. All of this. Her and him, altogether.

I felt a chill as his hot breath left me. There was a crinkle of a condom wrapper followed by the nudge of his dick at my ass.

With the first push, my body tensed. I moaned with the strange pleasure pain, instinctively jerking away.

“Shhh…” Rain murmured. “Relax… it feels so good once he’s inside…”

“Relax,” I panted, suddenly so far from my comfort zone it wasn’t even funny. “Relax, she says.”

“Yes,” she breathed into me, “push back against him a little.”

Almost like my words to her once before.

So I heeded my own advice, just like she told me to. I lifted my ass slightly, pulling almost fully out of her, and she gasped into my mouth with the movement. Her hips followed me up, and the wet slide of her sweet pussy distracted me for a moment from the increasing pressure of Cole’s invasion.

“Fuck,” Cole swore, again like that first night. Word for word. “That’s it… so good.”

With a firm, smooth thrust, he pushed through the tight ring of muscle inside me, forcing me to ram into her softness below. I let out a choked, hoarse cry echoed by Rain. Echoed by Cole.

For a second, we just held that position, absorbing the myriad of sensations that pulsed through our veins. The three of us connected in a way I’d scarcely imagined. Every tremble drawing out more passion and fire.

Finally, I gave the faintest stir of my hips, relishing in the feel of being inside her hot little body and his steely hardness inside mine. Cole’s breath caught, a deliciously choked gasp, almost like pain, searing through my soul. Blindly, I kissed Rain with a rabid ferocity, and she squirmed closer, fucking herself along my dick in the tiny space she had beneath me.

And then Cole began to move. His first careful thrust wrenched a ragged moan from deep in my chest. I suddenly couldn’t even fathom moving in any way. I could only lie there and feel as he stroked again slowly. And again.

His movements coincided so incredibly with Rain’s beneath me, and soon she didn’t even have to move as Cole’s thrusts became firmer. Forcing my own hips to push into her. The eroticism of it all was mind-numbing. Overpowering. Her nails cut into my ribs where she clawed for purchase. His fingertips bruised my hip where he held me steady. My own cock pulsed and burned to let go, drawing my balls up tight and desperate for release.

It was all so wicked and forbidden…

…and I
fucking loved it.

Cole began to increase the speed and force of his thrusts, gaining momentum until he was fluidly fucking my ass. He leaned down and bit hard over the corded muscles at the base of my neck, and that extra shot of pain sent a jolt of pure bliss through me.

“Fuck yeah,” he breathed against my skin.

“Oh fuck,” I hoarsely groaned as I buried my face in Rain’s hair.

“Oh, God,” she gasped in my ear. “Yes… yes…”

Cole leaned down, still slamming into me, to kiss Rain hard over my shoulder. So animalistic it triggered my orgasm, and I shouted, a low, guttural groan. My body shook violently as the force of it ripped through me. Cole’s weight lifted slightly, and I vaguely felt Rain’s kiss trail down my cheek to my lips, breathing life into my shattered body. Her body trembled, ripples of pleasure coursing through her small frame to milk me dry.

For just a moment, Cole slowed, meticulously savoring my shaking response. Drawing out the wild sensation rushing through my bloodstream.

I turned my head from Rain, and he leaned down and kissed me, pressing deep and holding tight. The invasive sweep of his tongue took my breath away. His muscles vibrated with his own unsatiated need to come, and he broke off the kiss to suddenly start driving back into me without abandon, harder and faster than before. Making me feel so deliciously used and weak. Rain’s hands held my face, her dark eyes locked onto mine, keeping me with her as Cole finally groaned his own end and fell back to sit on his knees.

Labored breathing echoed around the large room. Rain’s trembling body beneath mine drew me back into consciousness… somewhat. Enough to stroke my fingertip down her cheek and trail on to her shoulder.

“Did you come?” I murmured in a deep, hoarse voice. I vaguely remembered her writhing and sobbing beneath me, but it was all so jumbled and fantastic.

“About a million times,” she breathed with a tremulous smile, eyes closed. Spent.

So fucking beautiful that I couldn’t help but kiss her as Cole lay down on his side next to us, resting his hand on my lower back.

And for a little while, we all just lay there and soaked up the afterglow.



The pictures were Cole’s idea.

It started with a not-so-innocent comment. His musing how hot it was to gaze upon us, my hips still pressed tight between Rain’s silky thighs, feeling the cool touch of air on my balls, completely drenched from her repeated orgasms. Her dainty feet flush against the backs of my calves. The contrast of her softness and my sculpted muscles.

Before we realized what he was doing, he had grabbed his phone, leaned back slightly, and taken a picture, then showed us the image.

Our faces weren’t in the frame, but rather just our shoulders down. He’d set it to have a vignette filter to darken the edges. Almost black and white, but not quite. The lack of color made the shadows pop, made the glow of Rain’s skin look like satin. Her softness melted into my rigid body. A touch of side-boob being caressed by my thumb as my hand cradled her ribs.

It was really

He sat up, moving down towards our feet and coaxing Rain’s bare leg to the side to take another one. This one showed me still inside her, the faintest gleam of her gushing arousal glistening in the low light.

Seeing that one made Rain’s pussy tighten around me. Coaxing some life back into a dick I’d really thought was down for the count.

He told me to kiss her breast and snapped a close-up of my lips closing around her nipple. Another of my teeth bared, nipping at the hardened bud, as her fingernails dug into my shoulder. And one more of my hand cupping the soft swell of flesh.

Then he had me lay back with Rain’s fingers splayed out low on my hips, the tip of her tongue trailing up the length of my cock. Close up so only the tiniest bits of her face were in view. The tip of her nose, her full lips and tongue. A thick lock of her hair curtained off much more.

He was careful to avoid capturing our full faces, instead focusing on the abstract caresses. The goosebumps rising on our skin. The tangle of limbs.

He was as talented behind the lens as he was in the sack.

He moved around behind Rain, her sweet pussy on full display in all of its glorious wetness, then another with his fingers stroking her deep. She arched, and the dimples low on her back caught the shadows.

He had me recline on the couch, my fully revitalized dick in my hand, pumping my fist around it a few times. He pulled Rain into his arms, her back to his front, to show her how he zoomed in. How he found just the right angle. The perfect combination of shadows and light.

Rain gave it a go, and his hands roamed over her luscious curves while she studiously tried to master his technique. She gave it her full attention until a drop of fresh cum beaded up on the end of my dick, at which point she handed the phone back to Cole and crawled on her hands and knees towards me. Her erect nipples grazed my thighs as her dainty fingertip touched the clear fluid, toying with it. Her wet tongue darted out to taste me, stringing a trail of saliva as she slowly pulled away.

All digitally captured by Cole.

He took pictures of Rain alone, her own fingers spreading her pussy lips apart and dipping inside. Swiping wide circles around her clit.

This time, he showed me what to do. How to move in and his methods for capturing the eroticism that hovered about the room. With a slick stroke of his tongue to wet his palm, he gripped my dick as I aimed the lens at Rain, and his hold tightened with each stroke up and down as she began to take herself higher. Her moans began to grow deeper, more fervent. He left me with the camera to replace her hand with his mouth, and I moved closer to catch the detail of his tongue teasing her. His shoulders were down and his ass was up, and, without a second thought, I shifted the lens to photograph my finger running up the narrow channel of skin from his balls to his ass. My thumb pressed over his opening, and he groaned deep and harsh with a firm push up to my touch. His vocalization must have caused a tremendous vibration because Rain’s thighs quivered and tensed for a second, then shook as waves of ecstasy washed through her.

I got a close-up of her lips gasping in release. Another of Cole sweeping his tongue deep inside her. Then he turned, the scent of her orgasm all over his face, and kissed me to share her rich, creamy flavor.

Long into the night we played. Thoughtlessly, the three of us under some spell where the forbidden became vital. At long last, we made it up to my room, Rain crashed against my chest on one side, Cole sprawled out and facing me on the other.

BOOK: Hot Dirty Love (Copperline #5)
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