Hot Dirty Love (Copperline #5) (22 page)

BOOK: Hot Dirty Love (Copperline #5)
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His gaze remained impassive, but the light dimmed. Hardened. Warily, I dipped my chin in parting and headed out to my truck. I felt strange and unsettled.

And I went straight to Rain’s.



“Justin?” Rain gasped when she answered my knock, glancing around nervously before she quickly pulled me inside her apartment and closed the door behind me. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m not sure exactly,” I replied. I took a few steps across her small living room before I turned back to face her. “I just saw Cole.”

She froze momentarily, but recovered so quickly it was almost unnoticeable.
. “You just saw Cole… like
him ‘saw him’ or
him ‘saw him.’”

Jesus, this was suddenly getting complicated. Both of them were starting to show signs of envy. When this all began, they had both kinda wanted each other, too, but now they each seemed to be focusing more on me. Almost like they were fighting over me.

“He thinks I’m gay,” I blurted out.

Rain pondered that momentarily before responding. “What do you think?”

I just frowned. I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t know the right answer. I didn’t want to say some dick thing.

“Have you slept with just him? Like without a girl?” Her voice was a little small, but she was clearly trying not to sound affected. “Without me?”

“No. Not before you, and not since without you,” I replied, unsure what else to say. I hadn’t. Yet for some reason, I continued to talk. Rain wasn’t one I felt like I could lie to. I felt the strange compulsion to be forthright and upfront. “But I’ve thought about it.” Then glanced at her nervously. Her face revealed a tiny touch of her own insecurity. “Do you think I’m gay?”

Her eyebrows came together thoughtfully. “Well,” she started slowly, “I guess, I don’t really know. I’m not exactly in your head, so I only know what you tell me. It would be an awful shame if you were, though.”

Okay, that wasn’t helping. I hadn’t the faintest fucking idea what she was talking about.

“Why?” I asked.

“Because you’re
really fucking good
with pussy.” Her voice almost shook with emphasis. The air began to thicken around us.

Just like that, I felt incredibly better. My uncertainty vanished in the beat of a heart. Her words soaked through me, mending the cracks of doubt in my mind, leaving a warmth that brought cocky Justin back out into the mix.

“I am, huh?” I grinned as my ego levels began to return to normal.

“You are,” she nodded as a warm flush began to warm her skin. Her breathing hitched just a bit as I stared at her, as I took a step towards her, and then another.

“Tell me more,” I hoarsely ordered. I was so close now, I could feel the heat radiating from her body. I could feel the wisp of her breathlessness on my skin.

“The details are a little fuzzy,” she murmured, “but I remember you fucking me into unconsciousness once.
La petite mort
. Nobody’s
done that to me before.”

“Scared the shit out of me,” I recalled, with a tinge of guilt tightening in my chest.

“It’s something about the way you hold me sometimes,” she said softly, “tight up against your chest. So tight I can barely draw a breath.”

“Jesus, I’m probably asphyxiating you,” I realized, a little startled. I hadn’t realized a correlation, but now that I thought about it…
. That could really hurt her.

“It’s beautiful. Unbelievable. I’m feeling a little lightheaded just thinking about it.”

“You know, I’m kind of a freak. You shouldn’t say shit like that to me.” I murmured. My lips were a whisper away from hers. As sick and twisted as it was, my dick was raging. I suddenly wanted to fuck her into next week.

“Does it make you want to do it again?” she asked.

“A little,” I murmured, surprising myself. “Do you think about stuff like that often?”

“All the time. That’s why I fucked up so bad on that last test. Over the past couple weeks, the whole time you were lecturing—the whole time you were preparing us for it—all I could do was think about your thick, hard cock inside me.”

“Jesus, Rain,” I moaned, and swept in to capture her lips.

And just like that, we were off to the races, fucking like animals on the couch.

“Hold me tighter,” she breathed.

“Fuck, Rain,” I moaned, “I don’t want to hurt you."

“Please,” she begged, kissing me deep and curling her body tight up against mine. “Please, Justin…”

, the way she pleaded. It fucking killed. I knew I shouldn’t, but,


I clutched her closer, gingerly at first. Trepidation rocked me to the core.

“Tighter…” she whispered. “Harder…”

She begged so beautifully. I was scared shitless, but her pussy really made me do some crazy-ass shit.

And I did as she wanted. I fucked her harder and held her tighter. Everything got rougher and wilder until I was barely hanging on by a thread. It was intense. Insane. Her hoarse pleas became more and more fervent until her pussy suddenly pulsed around me, drenching my dick.

And then Rain’s eyes rolled back as she began to go limp in my arms.

I immediately relaxed my hold as a surge of panic ripped through me. I lowered her to the couch, my throbbing cock painfully hard and still buried balls deep.

Jesus. Fucking hell.

I placed tender kisses over her eyes and stroked my fingers lightly down her cheek.

“Shit, Rain,” I gasped.

She was barely out a split second before her lashes fluttered and slowly opened, blinking once and then twice.

“You did it again,” she whispered with a lethargic smile.

“Just call me Britney, bitch,” I choked out, a bad joke in an attempt to cover the pure overpowering panic I felt at it all.

Her breathless laughter squeezed her pussy tight around me, and I moaned a little. She bit her lip at the sound and gingerly urged me to roll to my back, then rose up over me, swaying slightly as she slid back down on my cock. Her body stilled momentarily as another wave of bliss coursed through her. As she gathered herself to move. As she worked me over so well, exactly how I needed her to.

The truth was, I felt a bit vulnerable after going all Neanderthal-ish. I felt like I’d turned into the fucking Hulk and was almost afraid to touch her for fear she’d pass out on me again.

So I gave her the reins. I gave her complete power over me, something I’d never done before with anyone.

At first, it was genuinely terrifying. The how and why of it all—how did she do this to me and why her—had me freaking the fuck out for a second.

Then she arched back, her hands behind her head to lift her hair. So fucking beautiful with her hips circling gently. The soft bounce of her breasts. Suddenly, the how and why didn’t matter. Everything about her spoke to me on some molecular level and seemed entirely too right and real. All my senses tuned to her—the taste of her kiss, the touch of her skin, the scent of her arousal, the sound of her gasp, and the vision of her entire being. She overwhelmed me with her allure as the aftershocks of her orgasm rippled through her, drawing the cum up out of me like a fucking geyser.

And when I’d shot off like Old Faithful and the waves of ecstasy finally stopped, she curled up against my chest, pulled a blanket over our naked bodies, and fell fast asleep in my arms.

As I held her, a lump developed in my throat. A new, foreign sensation took root in my chest.

I was lost.

I was hers.

I saw my life flash before my eyes and it terrified me. It was full of her. Her smile and the way she’d gaze up at me in class. Flashes from the past that morphed into the future. Hunger burning as she watched me on stage. I saw her in white, standing before me whispering vows. I saw her crying tears of pure joy as she held our first child. I saw her crawling across the bed—our bed—in a slinky little number that rocked my world.

I saw everything, realizing I hoped it was true and real and forthcoming. Everything I wanted that I never knew I wanted. What my friends had found and treasured. What made me ache and burn.

Swirling images chaotically raged through my mind, and I shifted back a touch to look down at her. Her lashes lay thick against her cheeks.

With every fiber of my being, I knew I would never feel this way with anyone else.

I was a fucking goner.






It was my fault that things went to hell.

Cole, Rain, and I were playing on a Saturday afternoon. I was taking it to her from behind while she gave Cole head, and he twisted around to sixty-nine her. This gave him a front-row seat to my dick ramming into her, and he moved his mouth from her to my balls, stroking them with his tongue.

That did it.

I shot off inside her, pumping a few last vinegar strokes as she milked me dry and Cole laved his tongue along our connection. He pulled me free and started to suck me into his mouth.

Suddenly, he pushed Rain off him, and sat up. His eyes fluttered dangerously. A little hot, but kinda scary like in a not-so-hot way.

“You son-of-a-bitch,” he growled at me.

Rain and I, both trying to come down from the orgasmic high, stared at him.

“What?” I asked.

“You just fucked her without a rubber.”

Oh shit

It had been a few weeks since we’d seen Cole. He’d been out of town for work. In that time, we had fucked like rabbits, never once using a condom.

I didn’t even think about it today. I had just slipped inside her.

“I can’t believe you,” he snarled.

“Cole—” Rain started, but he pointed at her.

“You shut the fuck up.”

“Cole—” I growled, moving in front of Rain protectively. I did
like him taking that tone with her.

“You cocksucker,” he interrupted. “How long have you guys been fucking bare?”

“Just calm—” I tried again.

“How long?” he shouted.

“A month or so,” I finally admitted. “Right about the time Brannon and Sophie had their kid.”

Cole kept up his tirade and stormed over to his clothes. “You’ve been fucking hiding it from me.”

“We didn’t know how to tell you,” Rain quietly said, but he ignored her as he pulled on his jeans, still fuming.

I grabbed mine, too, tugging them on, yet leaving them unbuttoned, as Rain grabbed a blanket to wrap around her naked body.

“You still used them with me. Both of you fuckers have still been using them with me.”

Which was true. We hadn’t reached the point with him that we felt comfortable going without.

“Cole, wait—” Rain began.

“You shut the fuck up. This is between Justin and me.”

BOOK: Hot Dirty Love (Copperline #5)
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