Read Hot for Teacher Online

Authors: Dominique Adair

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Contemporary

Hot for Teacher (8 page)

BOOK: Hot for Teacher
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He yanked her to her feet and shook her. Her breath caught when she realized how far gone he was. If she’d thought him to be angry before, now he was enraged. His hand fisted over the delicate lace of her bra and he tore it from her body. Her protest was cut in half when his mouth came down over hers. The pressure was bruising and he would give her no quarter.

Hands tore at her clothing, pinching her flesh until she was alternating between a paralyzing fear and painful arousal. Finally he broke the kiss as one hand moved to her throat. Archer pushed her down on the couch then straddled her hips. Leaning forward, his grip tightened on her throat.

“I’ll ask you one more time, Jane. What are you doing to me?”

Chapter Eight

I’m going to make you beg.

Staring into his tortured gaze, she bore witness to the pain in their depths. Something was eating this man alive from the inside out. She didn’t know what it was, but it was stealing pieces of his soul until soon there would be none left. No matter what he did or how hard he tried, nothing would ever fill the darkness that was eating through him like a cancer.

Jane relaxed beneath him, her gaze held his. Confusion was followed by panic before his grip loosened on her throat. Horror flashed over his face and he started to move away, but she’d have none of that. Twisting, she slammed him into the back of the couch then under. Bracing her legs on either side of his, she pinned him down with her body.

“Tell me, Archer, what gets you off?”

Stretching, she bit his throat hard. He froze, and his muscles turned to stone. His breathing was fast, and she felt his overwhelming need for the basic kindness of flesh against flesh. Jane kissed the reddened skin she’d just wounded before moving to his flat nipples. Sucking on the tender nub it hardened against her tongue.

“Few women can give me a satisfactory ride,” his words came out in a rush. “I’m a man who takes a while…to come.”

Wow. She certainly hadn’t seen that one coming. Jane sat up and took his cock in her hand. “Do you have sensitivity issues?”

“No, not that.” She was surprised at the faint blush that crept over his face. “It’s difficult for me to orgasm when I’m inside a woman. Usually they are too sore before…well...I’m even close.”

Hot damn!

“Sounds like a dare to me.” She began stroking his erection, and the tension eased from his body.

“You have great hands.” His hips bucked upward. “So you think you can succeed where others have failed?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know, but if you think I’m going to give up a chance to ride my own personal orgasmatron, you’re crazy.” Her grin was wicked. “Who knows, I might wear you out.”

He laughed and pulled her against his chest. Holding her tightly, he flipped positions until she was on the bottom before working his way down her body with his mouth. No part was left untouched and by the time he reached her pussy, she was in pre-orgasmic agony.

“You’re so wet for me, Beauty.” Pleasure filled his voice. “Seeing how this will be a leisurely ride, I must ensure you are prepared.”

A devilish glint entered her eyes as he parted slick petals. Avoiding her clit, he licked sucked and stroked her swollen flesh. His tongue licked around her slick entrance and every now and then he’d penetrate her with his tongue. When his teeth grazed her labia she jumped and tried to capture his head to push him in the right direction. Instead, he captured her hands then pinned them down by her sides. As his tongue fluttered over her pussy, her hips bucked upward in a silent plea to end the torment. Instead he pulled away and rose over her.

“You are a work of art, Jane Porter.” His lips touched hers, and she tasted the sweetness of her cream on his tongue. “You will be a pleasure to train.” After grabbing his pants from the floor, he sheathed his cock then lowered his body to hers. “You could be my crowning achievement.”

“I’ll bet you say that to all the women,” her voice was oddly breathless. Wearing only thigh high stockings and her high heels, she felt sexy and daring. With his cock rubbing against her pussy, moisture ran down the crack of her ass.

“I’ve never said it to any woman.”

Her answer was turned into a moan when he thrust inside her. One moment they were two people and the next his cock was filling her. His gaze bore into hers, probing, searching, very much like another part of his anatomy was doing a bit lower down her body.

Bracing his body over hers, he began to move. His stroke was slow and steady as if he had the rest of the day to make love to her. Stroking his back, she felt the stretch and bunch of his muscles as he moved lazily. A sweet smile touched his mouth, and his eyes were now closed. His expression was blissful, dreamy as he slowly fucked her.

Jane had experienced all different kinds of sex. Slow, fast, hard, soft, sweet, hungry and on and on…but she’d never felt anything this before.

The way he held himself and the manner in which he moved was like a full body massage without the hands. Sweat gilded their skin and they slipped and slid over and under one another. She moaned with each easy descent, her pussy was hypersensitive to each ripple of movement. Shivers wracked her body as he rocked in out, in out, in out. Every now and then he’d add a little hint of a shimmy, a move that stretched her opening as he rimmed her with the thick head of his cock.

Each time he performed the move a slow heavy groan would work its way up his throat. He was making love to her from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. Her entire body was a sexual organ, and the arousal was slow and thick as it moved through her limbs.

But he never increased the pace.

“You feel so good, Jane.” His mouth was soft when he kissed her. “Close your eyes and feel me.”

When she did, the slow glide in and out of her body grew richer and more complex. Each new sensation was sweeter, hotter and even more arousing. Her body was on fire, and her pussy clenched tight around his cock. She heard his indrawn breath, and she opened her eyes. He was watching her with an intensity that was as disturbing as it was sexy.

“Archer, I need to come.”

“I’m not stopping you.” He bit her throat.

“I need…”

What did she need? She was being penetrated, and the friction he’d created was incredible but a little more oomph would hit the spot.

Pardon the pun.

Her nails raked down his back to his ass as she zeroed in on his anus. Pressing her finger against the tight ring, Jane gasped when his hips slammed against hers.

“Yeah, baby,” she panted. “Fuck me hard.”

She plundered his ass, and her fingers stretched and stroked him hard. The rougher she was, the harder he thrust as any attempt to maintain a rhythm was lost. Her cry was high and sharp, as her orgasm washed over her. It was slow and protracted. Each wave seemed to take twice as long to peak leaving her shaking. By the time Archer joined her, she’d lost count of the number of times she’d come. Her body had morphed into one big erogenous zone and anywhere he touched hummed like a tuning fork.

As they dressed Jane was forced to dig into her cache of clothing she kept in the bathroom. Archer had destroyed her favorite Cavalli skirt and she had no desire to drive home with her bare ass on a leather car seat. When she walked out of the bathroom, he caught her with a kiss.

“Jane, that was amazing.”

“The master of understatement.” She smiled.

He tweaked her nipple with his thumb. “When will you put yourself on the auction block? Before the end of the year?”

“I don’t know—”

Annoyed, she slammed her lips closed and stepped away. “I never said I would.”

“You will.” The confidence in his smile made her want to smack it right off his face. Opening the door, he paused. “It’s only a matter of time before you realize your true calling, and I’m the only man who can bring it to you.”

“You—” she started.

“Ah,” he made a
noise. “I see you need to work on restraint. Until next time, Beauty.”

Annoyed beyond words, she stomped into the bathroom, tearing off the clothing she’d just put on moments ago. She’d been putty in his hands, damn it. Turning on the shower, she stepped inside the glass cubicle. Damn him. She wished she’d never seen him before.


What happened between them was one of the strangest and most memorable sexual encounters of her life. She’d always had a taste for the dark side. A little pain could bring on a great deal of pleasure. In Archer’s hands, what would be the cost of pleasure? Or, more importantly, would she be willing to pay it?

That would be a—

The telephone ringing cut off her silent answer. Turning off the water, she stuck her head out of the stall to grab the phone. Only her private line rang directly into her office so she knew it had to be someone close to her.

“Jane, where are you?” Antonio’s smooth voice poured into her ear.

Both the tension and anger that Archer stirred up melted away at the sound of his voice and she knew exactly where she wanted to be. In his arms.

“Sorry, I lost track of time.”

“No problem. We just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“Well, if I wasn’t I certainly am now.” She grabbed a towel and draped it over her head. Drying her hair with one hand wasn’t exactly an efficient way of doing things.

He chuckled. “Come home to us, Jane. We’re missing you.”

“I’m leaving now,” she promised.

“I love you.”

Her throat tightened. “I love you too.”

Hanging up the phone, she rushed through getting dressed. Before the phone rang she wasn’t exactly sure if she was willing to go the distance for what Archer could teach her. There was only one thing she knew for sure.

She’d travel to the ends of the earth for the two men who waited for her at home and for now, that was enough.

About the Author

To learn more about Dominique Adair, please visit
. Send an email to Dominique at
[email protected]
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Look for these titles by Dominique Adair

Now Available:

Jane Porter

Educating Jane Porter

Reinventing Jane Porter

Educating Jane Porter

He’s throwing a kink—or two—in her plans…

Educating Jane Porter

© 2009 Dominique Adair

Jane Porter

Last night Jane met the Master of her dreams…

Tall, dark and very Spanish, Antonio Villareal is a lover unlike any Jane has ever known—undeniably sexy and more than willing to help her explore her submissive side. To find a master who’s a natural dominant is one thing. But kind and considerate, as well? She can hardly believe her good fortune.

Antonio is well aware that Jane is determined to keep their sexual relationship temporary. But he has a different plan in mind.

In the morning he introduces her to his best friend…

Enjoy the following excerpt for
Educating Jane Porter:

“I’m very pleased to meet you, Jane.”

His voice was smooth, cultured like a fine brandy or the perfect cigar. When he assumed the chair next to her, his scent, a mixture of lime and healthy male, tickled her senses.

This man was hot, really hot. She’d never considered going to bed with another man so quickly after bedding Antonio, but—

When she became aware both men were giving her a curious look, she cleared her throat.

“Uh…it’s lovely to meet you too.”

Santos flashed her a smile that was both amused and pleased.

You’re acting like a complete hick.

“So what brings you…uh…here, this weekend?” Inwardly she groaned. Of course he was here for Antonio’s birthday. They were friends.

Santos’s brown eyes twinkled. He took her hand and raised it to his lips.

“My friend told me the women were exquisite.”

His lips touched her skin, igniting a quick flash of heat. When his tongue touched her knuckle she shivered.


She didn’t miss the glance the men shared. Her sex clenched.

“Isn’t she as beautiful as I described?” Antonio slid into the chair directly opposite Santos. Between the two of them they’d effectively pinned her in the corner of the terrace.

“That she is.”

“Blonde, elegant, confident.” Antonio’s hand slid under the table to settle on her left knee. “What more could a man ask for?”

“I don’t know if I’m all that.” Under the stare of both men, her cheeks heated.

“You are, and much more.” Antonio’s smile was intimate. He gave her knee a gentle squeeze and a warm ribbon of heat unfurled in her stomach.

“You’re making her blush.” Santos sounded amused.

“I enjoy making beautiful women blush.”

Her lover’s hand slid up the inside of her thigh pushing her skirt along with it. She sent a silent thank you to Kitten for requesting full-length tablecloths. Whatever he was up to, no one would be able to see under the table.

Antonio gently pressed his hand against the inside of her leg indicating his desire. Reaching for her glass, she opened her legs several inches.

“It appears you do it well,” Santos spoke.

Another hand touched her right knee, and she started. Her gaze flew to Santos’s face, but he wasn’t looking at her. A waiter approached with them with three bowls on a tray.

“As you ordered,

“Thank you, Ramon. The sun is warm, and this will be much appreciated.”

Ramon placed the first bowl in front of Jane.

“I hope you like lime,” Santos said. “I took the liberty of ordering for you.”

“Why yes, thank you.”

In unison, their hands slid further up the insides of her thighs, gently tugging them apart. Jane snatched her spoon as the waiter completed his service. He left with a slight bow.

Antonio’s hand squeezed her upper thigh. Santos’s hand moved upward and without thinking, she spread her legs. His pinky nudged her mound, and a rush of liquid filled her pussy.

BOOK: Hot for Teacher
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