Hot & Humid (7 page)

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Authors: Tatum Throne

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Hot & Humid
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Thane put his hand on her elbow and opened the door that led to the courtyard. Patio furniture was positioned around the stone gallery. Marble statues of naked women in provocative poses were carved out of the pillars. Thane moved them into the shadows. The heat of his touch made her nipples harden. She had to get control of herself. She pulled her elbow away. He caressed her arm with a lazy stroke that seared her skin as he let go.

He smiled and the effect hit her hard. He made her feel vulnerable and wanted. “Beg.”


He leaned in closer. Thane had an erotic way of dominating that would leave any normal woman weak kneed and panting. Brine wouldn’t be swooning over Thane ever. “I’m guessing you got into some trouble with your little stunt. Ah, I see you did.”

“I’m not the only one to blame here.”

His brows furrowed. “I only submitted the photo and told them what happened. The rest was them. I had no idea about the rest.”

The rest was her burns that put her in intensive care for weeks. The rest was the reconstructive surgery, the skin grafts, the pain. She snorted. “Right.”

She tried to push away from him. He was dangerous to the rational side of her brain. She had to get out of there. Now.

Thane blocked her from leaving with his body. His face was close to hers. Somehow he was able to corner her close to a pillar and the building. “I didn’t know about your family or the fire. I’m sorry, Brine. That wasn’t me.”

“Fine. Now you know. I’m all damaged goods beneath this dress.” She tried to push away again but he wouldn’t let her go.

“Everyone has scars, Brine.”

She shivered. “Trust me. You don’t want to see mine. They’re not pretty. I’ll see you, Thane.”

“We’re not finished here.”

“Oh, I think we are. I’ve apologized. I’ve done my part to keep my job.”

“Not good enough. You may have done your part for your job, but apologizing isn’t going to get you off the hook with me.”

He was blackmailing her, and that burned. “What am I going to have to do to make this thing right with you?”

“Kiss me.”


“One willing kiss.”

She bit her lip and refused to look him in the eye. “Just one?”

“Yes. Look at me. I don’t want any misunderstanding between us.” His voiced lowered to an erotic whisper that had her body arching up and taking notice. “One slow, deep kiss.”

She snorted. “That’s more than a kiss. That’s mouth fucking.”

“It’s how I kiss.” He paused. “Well? What’s it going to be? Are we going to kiss and make up?”

One kiss. She could do this, especially if it got her out of this mess for good. Men and women shared kisses all the time and they didn’t mean anything at all. Daytime television was full of professional kisses. They were kissing each other all the time for work. She could pretend. Women acted all the time when it came to getting men off, at least that was what she suspected.

“Brine…you’re trying my patience. I want an answer. Do we have a deal?”

“Okay. You have a deal. One kiss to make up. Then we’re done fucking with each other.”

He edged in closer, taking his time to position their bodies together in a slow dance of seduction. She tried to remind herself that it wasn’t seduction when she was being forced into the kiss by blackmail. Her body felt otherwise though.

“Ready?” he asked.

“I don’t think I’ll ever be.”

He hovered over her lips with erotic anticipation that had her pussy readying to be touched. The memory of his big hand touching her thatch had her unconsciously moving closer to him.

“Maybe I should think about this. Maybe right now isn’t a good idea. We could meet up tomorrow night. What do you think about that? Do this somewhere a little more private?” he suggested.

“For the love…just freaking kiss me!”

“I knew I’d get you begging for it,” he said.

He growled as her breasts pushed forward against his chest. His blue eyes darkened to steel as they dropped to the front of her dress. She’d be lying if she didn’t admit that she’d purposely chosen a dress that showed off what she had to offer. Her breasts were one place that was completely without scars. His hand slid up her waist and she gasped as his lips connected hard with hers.

Brine fought him, but it was impossible once his tongue crossed the barrier of her lips. He tasted of wine and erotic seduction. There was a raw edge of primal hunger in the way he kissed. It was powerfully male and thorough. His leg slipped between hers, and her clit stood up to be petted heavily. Her pussy throbbed with all the pent-up frustration she’d been experiencing for the last twenty-four hours. He kissed her with everything he had to offer, everything that he was, and she took it.

“Thane? What’s going on?”

Brine was breathing wrongly as his lips broke away suddenly. The blonde came across the gallery. He reluctantly let her go.

“What is it?” he said.

“They need the check.”

Thane stepped back to reach into his coat. Bitter questions echoed within the blonde’s gaze as she looked Brine up and down as though she didn’t belong there. There was more truth to that look than Brine wanted to acknowledge. She didn’t belong there with Thane.

She had to get out of there. It was enough of a distraction for her to slip away. While he was looking the other way, Brine scooted from beside the pillar, pretending to give them privacy. She didn’t stop there though. She headed through the center courtyard at a quick stroll.

At the last second, she glanced over her shoulder. The blonde was heading back inside. Thane twisted around and realized she was gone. Their eyes locked for the briefest of seconds. It was then she was reminded of his predatory gaze that made her feel wanted. He jogged down the gallery stairs to chase after her to finish their interrupted kiss.

She ran.

Brine slipped off her heels, but he was quicker. Faster. She wouldn’t make it out of the courtyard before he caught up. She had to try though. She was out of the courtyard in a flash and down the wrong side of the parking lot.

She nearly tripped over her dress as she hit a muddy patch of grass on an embankment. She slipped, losing her balance and her shoes as she went up the other side. He caught her in a bear hug before she hit the ground and tried to lift her out of the mud. She struggled and they both went down in a swamp of standing water. Thick, dark mud was cold against her body, and Thane was hot against her backside.

Hot lips touched the sensitive edge of her ear. She was panting as he held her tightly. “Don’t ever run from me again.”

She shivered as he licked and nipped her ear. It was pointless to struggle but she did anyway. She wiggled and fought him. Thane flipped her around.

“Stop fighting me.”

“Let me go!”

“We’re not finished with that kiss.”

He kissed her hard silencing the scream at the back of her throat. His tongue slashed its way inside, flicking with hers. His muddy hands were planted on either side of her body. Brine pushed her hands against him but he didn’t move. He broke his lips away and stared at her.

Brine’s lips felt swollen and used in the most thorough way. “Are we good?”


Thane rocked back on his legs and lifted her easily into his arms. Brine had no choice but to wrap her hands around his neck. It took her a moment to realize that Thane was carrying her to the parking lot behind the museum. Moonlight glinted off his big silver truck. He opened the door with one hand. She groaned inwardly as he pushed her into the passenger side, even taking the time to make sure her ruined dress wouldn’t catch in the door.

“What are you doing?” She demanded.

“I’m taking you home with me.”

“Like hell. My car is parked out front.”

“You want me to drop filing that lawsuit, don’t you?”

Brine sighed. “I guess I don’t have a choice then, do I?”

“Nope. This will give us a chance to work out the little tiff we have going on here, too.”

“We kissed and made up,” she pointed out.

“We kissed, but I don’t think we made up. The kiss was interrupted, too.”

He shut the truck door and circled around the front. She watched that smooth, easy swagger he was known for. Brine was all hot and bothered for too many reasons to count. She felt trapped by a man that probably always got what he wanted when he wanted it. This time was different. He wouldn’t be getting her anytime soon.

Brine spotted the handcuffs on the seat. She grabbed them and slid them into her hand, hiding them under her dress. He sat behind the wheel and started the truck.

There was a hardcore edge about Thane. Brine was drawn to him in the most confusing and sexually dangerous way. It wasn’t safe for her to be alone with him. She knew it. He made her feel things she never knew she was capable of feeling. That scared the life out of her. A man like that could ruin a girl for all other men and have no idea he was doing the damage until it was done.

Brine looked around. This was by far the most scenic route to her house. She knew he wasn’t taking her home. That thought alone brought a shiver of fear slithering down her spine. Shadows darkened his profile. He was tense, guarded. Frustrated. She could see that in the way he was sitting.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“Are you frightened of me?”

The question was a quiet whisper of seduction. A chill of need fluttered defiantly through her body, hitting her hard in the pussy. She could feel her body readying despite her reluctance. “I’m not frightened of you. Why would you ask me that?”

He cast a doubtful glance her way. “Most women are.”

“I’m not like other women.”

“I know you’re not.”

He turned the truck up a long driveway, giving her a long, assessing look as he parked. The pulse in her neck was raging to life at the way he was undressing her with seductive gaze. The memory of that stolen kiss at the museum had her parting her lips and her tongue licking out to see if she still tasted of him. They were swollen with passion. The move didn’t go unnoticed within the darkened car.

The very thought of him touching her again had her clit thrumming hard. She wouldn’t do this. Not with him. She cleared her throat. She didn’t have sex with men she just met.

The house was a beautiful cabin with giant pine trees around it. A black and gray husky paced back and forth on the front porch, wagging his puffy tail.

“What are we doing here?” she asked.

“Getting you cleaned up. I feel bad your dress got ruined.”

He opened the truck door, but she didn’t wait for him to open hers. Fine, if he wanted to clean off the mud that was perfectly okay with her. It was just what gentlemen did. Brine wasn’t accustomed to men being concerned about her well-being. The dog jumped off the porch and came sprinting.

“Easy, Shadow.” Thane scratched the dog behind the ears. “He’s friendly. Just excited.”

Brine grinned as she hunkered down to pet the dog. She refused to meet Thane’s gaze. She’d look everywhere else if she had to. “He’s gorgeous.”

“He’s the worst guard dog I’ve ever had.”

She laughed and the sound surprised both of them. “He’s sweet. I like him.”

“Do you now?”

She could feel Thane searching her face for the honesty that slipped out. “Yes.”

Shadow led the way up the stairs. Thane opened the front door and flipped on the lights. Wide-planked mahogany floors flowed through the house. Brown leather sofas, throws, and a huge fireplace were in a spacious living room. Artwork hung on the wall. A rectangular, bronze piece of the backside of a nude woman hung on a far wall. A staircase to the right led upward to the second floor.

“Go upstairs. Take off the dress.”

“Do you always order the woman in your life around?” she demanded.

Thane took off his suit coat with a snap of controlled patience. He jerked his tie loose. Brine knew she was seeing the panther inside of him threatening to attack.

“You know it’s a funny thing. You’re the only one in my life that drives me completely insane, and we just met! Explain that one?”


He was breathing hard as he backed her against the door, placing both palms flat on the glass. “Go upstairs. Take the dress
or I’ll take it
for you.”

He frowned as though he wanted to rip her clothes off. Thane turned away before she could protest further. He tossed his tie with the jacket. It was then that she saw how muddy he’d gotten, too. He pulled off his shoes. He undid his pants and dropped them to the floor. His shirt came next. The muscles of Thane’s back bunched and flexed as he moved. Ripped abs were corded steel, and his lats were thick twines of knitted muscle down the side of his abdomen. Black hair tapered over his abs.

The only thing he stayed in was his black boxer briefs. Mud dripped from the rippled edges of her dress making a mess of his floor. There was really no cleaning it. She held up the edge and saw a tear, too.

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