Read Hot Sheets Online

Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #erotic ebook, #ray gordon

Hot Sheets (38 page)

BOOK: Hot Sheets
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"Of course
it's not a trick! He's staying up there because it's the safest
place, safe from would-be assassins. Right, this way," he said,
leaving the lift and walking down the hall to a vacant sex

Belinda into the room, he closed and locked the door behind him.
She'd probably put up a good fight when he ripped her clothes off,
he mused as she turned to face him, her eyes widening as she
realized that Harold wasn't there. But he'd win, and strip her
naked! His mouth twisting into an evil grin as he moved towards
her, he focused his lustful eyes on her pink silk blouse, nodding
his head appreciatively.

"You've a nice
body," he complimented her, ripping her blouse open and exposing
her braless mammary globes, her delicious milk teats. "You have the
best tits I've ever seen. I think I'll spunk over them. Yes, I'm
going to enjoy..."

"Mike, if

"If I what,
Belinda? You were going to bump off poor old Harold, weren't

"No, of course

"Yes, you
were! Please, give me some credit! A gun, the letter... how much
was Mrs Gloom going to pay you?"

"She wasn't
going to pay me anything!"

"Good God, my
ex-wife, a freelance assassin! A perfect candidate for a tit

"I am not an

Snaffling a
pair of handcuffs from a hook on the wall as he walked towards the
window, Mike turned towards his ex-wife. Holding her blouse
together, concealing her firm breasts, she watched with bated
breath as he approached her with evil reflected in his deep-set

"Mike!" she
cried as he swung her round, grabbing her arms and cuffing her
wrists behind her back. "Mike, I'm warning you!"

"Warning me?
You're a paid assassin, for Christ's sake! You should think
yourself lucky that I'm not going to march you straight down to the
police station and have Dickwipe book you for murder!"

"I am not a
paid assassin!"

"Well, I
believe you are. The thing is, what do I do with you? Apart from
spunk over your tits, that is."

"Let me go, if
you've an ounce of sense in your thick head. Don't forget that I
have someone outside, waiting for me."

"What a load
of old bollocks that is!"

"Is it? You'll

"Ball bags!
Someone outside, my arse! My spunking cock! My Aunt Fanny! My
rolling balls!"

"God, you're
so crude."

"Dammed right,
I am! And I get worse! When we were married there were things that
I wanted to do to you - sexy things, filthy dirty things."

"You're a
typical man; all you think about is sex!"

"Yes, and
you're a typical woman - you have all the naughty bits, and you
won't use them. You were such a stuck-up prude that I daren't
suggest we do anything out of the ordinary. But now... well, now I
can do what I like to you."

Tugging her
short pink skirt down, revealing the triangular patch of her
bulging white panties, Mike made his wicked plans. He'd force her
to lick Wendy's cunt out, he decided, ripping her panties off,
exposing her shaved pussy lips. He'd force her to breathe in the
heady scent of another woman's sex folds, to drink another woman's
warm girl juice. Marching her into the hall, he led her to the
original room sixty-nine and stood her before Wendy, his evil
thoughts plunging him deeper into the fathomless pool of sexual

"You have a
visitor," Mike announced, grinning at Wendy as Trudie finger-fucked
the woman's tight vaginal sheath. "Oh, I see you're enjoying a
little lesbian attention."

"I am not
enjoying it!" Wendy spat. "I'm not a lesbian!"

"Lesbian or
not, you're going to enjoy some more!" he laughed, removing the
handcuffs from Belinda's wrists.

Belinda's naked body to the frame, her hands above her head, her
feet wide apart, Mike dragged Wendy's chair across the room and
placed it before his captive. Her flushing face only inches from
Belinda's gaping pussy crack, her shaved outer lips, Wendy turned
her head and squeezed her eyes shut.

"Don't you
like looking at her cunt?" Trudie asked impishly, hooking her long
black hair behind her ears as she gazed at Belinda's blatantly
exposed femininity.

"Of course I
don't!" Wendy hissed.

"You enjoyed
Nancy licking your cunt out, so why don't you enjoy licking
Belinda's cunt out?" Mike asked, taking a length of rope from the

"I... I didn't
enjoy it."

"Of course you
did. You loved her tongue stiffening your clitty, licking your open
pussy hole, lapping up your girl juice."

Wrapping the
rope around Belinda's naked body, Mike pushed Wendy's head forward,
her face pressed against his ex-wife's shorn pussy, her mouth
against her yawning sex crack. Running the rope around the back of
Wendy's head, he tied it fast, securing her in the indecent lesbian

"There, now
you can lick her cunt for hours on end!" he laughed.

"You disgust
me, Mike!" Belinda hissed, looking down at Wendy's face locked to
her open girl slit.

"I seem to be
rather good at disgusting people. Talking of which, you're pretty
disgusting yourself, Belinda. I still can't get over it - an
assassin, for Christ's sake! You should be tit-spunked and

"I am

"Wendy, I want
you to lick my ex-wife's cunt out. Go on, push your tongue out and
taste her fanny or I'll whip your bare arse! Give her a

Hanging her
head, Belinda sensed Wendy's wet tongue delve into her gaping
vaginal crevice - licking, tasting her there. Grinning at the
humiliation portrayed in his ex-wife's expression, Mike wondered
what other degrading acts he could force her to endure. As Trudie
joined in with the lesbian games, sucking Belinda's erect milk bud
into her hot mouth, Mike had an idea and moved behind Belinda.
Hauling his solid penis out of his trousers, he admired his huge
member, pulling his foreskin back and exposing his silky glans.
She'd enjoy a good anal shafting, he mused. Well, she wouldn't, but
she'd have his cock up her arse, anyway!

Belinda cried as he parted her tensed buttocks and pressed his knob
against her closed anal portal. "Mike, not there! Please, I don't

"You've never
had a cock fucking your arse, have you?" Mike taunted, pushing his
glans harder against her delicate brown tissue. "You've had the
copulating machine screwing your arse, but not a real cock."

"No! You just
dare to..."

Her words
breaking off as Mike's solid shaft slipped deep into the heat of
her anal duct, Belinda grimaced, tightening her sphincter muscles
to protect her virginal bowels. Wendy's tongue tunnelling into her
slippery vaginal tube, Trudie's hot mouth sucking on her erect
nipple, Mike's massive cock embedded deep within her velveteen
rectal sheath, she raised her head and looked up to the ceiling as
the sensations of crude sex permeated her naked body.

"Oh, oh!" she
breathed, jolting with the enforced anal shafting, her cunt milk
decanting, her clitoris swelling. "Oh, God!"

nothing like an arse-fuck!" Mike chuckled, his belly buffeting the
padded bar running across her lower back as he repeatedly thrust
his ballooning knob deep into her bottom-hole.

"I'll get you
for this, Mike!" Belinda spat.

"How will you
do that, assassinate me?"

I'll... oh, ah! My... my clitoris!"

"Lick her
clitoris, Wendy!" Mike gasped as he drove his penis deep into
Belinda's bowels again. "Bring her off with your tongue and drink
her come!"

Gasping as
Wendy licked and sucked her pulsating sex button, Belinda closed
her eyes, picturing Mike's solid cock repeatedly withdrawing and
entering her anal duct. Her body tingling with sensations of crude
sex, her orgasm stirring within her contracting womb, she began to
shake violently.

"Coming!" she
finally cried as her clitoris ballooned and throbbed beneath
Wendy's sweeping tongue and Mike's shaft swelled within her
tightening rectal duct. "Don't stop, I'm coming!"

"God, your
arse is tight!" Mike cried as his spunk coursed along his penile
shaft. "Ah, ah! Here it comes!"

"Yes, I can
feel it! I can feel your sperm!"

His hands
gripping her hips, Mike relentlessly rammed his orgasming knob deep
into Belinda's hot bottom-hole, his spunk jetting, filling her anal
cavern. He wouldn't release her, he decided as his swinging balls
drained. He'd keep her prisoner along with Wendy and use them both
for sex. Belinda's sperm-drenched anal flesh massaging his
pistoning glans, Mike pumped the last of his spunk into her
quivering body, wondering how to position her for a two-cock anal

"Two cocks,"
he breathed. "You're going to have two cocks spunking up your

"And a third
up your cunt," Trudie giggled, painfully pinching the woman's
sensitive nipples.

"And one in
your mouth," Mike chuckled, finally stilling his spent knob.

"No, no,"
Belinda groaned in her coming. "No, not... not four..."

"Yes, four!
But first, you're in for a thrashing!" Mike laughed, watching her
delicate brown tissue shrink as he slid his wet member from her
inflamed rectal sheath.

Zipping his
trousers, he gazed at Belinda's quivering buttocks as Wendy
continued her clitoral tonguing, sustaining the woman's shuddering
multiple orgasm. Her taut, unblemished anal globes perfectly
rounded, inviting the cat of nine tails, Mike turned and eyed the
whip standing in the corner of the room. Belinda was going to
endure an arse-whipping so merciless that her cunt juices would
flow in torrents and her pitiful cries would shake the

She needed to
be taught a lesson, he mused as the woman hung limply from her
cuffed wrists - a lesson she'd never forget! Pulling Wendy's chair
away, he instructed Trudie to release Belinda and bend her over the
padded bar. In the aftermath of her incredible climax, the woman
could do nothing to defend herself as Trudie released her. Her cunt
milk coursing down her inner thighs as she leaned over the bar,
projecting her buttocks, she whimpered, the reality of what she was
about to endure hitting her as Trudie bound her wrists to her lower
legs with rope.

"For your
meddling, you're going to have the thrashing of your life!" Mike
yelled, taking the whip from the corner of the room.

"No, please!"
Belinda cried, tensing her naked buttocks as she gazed between her
parted legs at the leather tails dangling down from the wooden

"You come
bursting in here with a gun, you threaten me, you..."



"Please, don't
whip me! I'll do anything if you let me go!"

"Yes, you
probably will do anything - anything to drop me in it!"

"I promise
that I'll..."

"Do you happen
to have a wet pair of panties about your person?" Mike asked,
turning to face Trudie.

"Coming up!"
the horny brunette grinned, tugging her panties down and passing
them to her boss. "Or, should I say, coming off!"

"Right, I'll
stuff these in your mouth to shut you up, Belinda!" Mike laughed,
pushing the cunny-wet silk delicacy into her mouth. "There, that's
much better!"

Raising the
whip above his head, Mike brought the tails down across Belinda's
trembling buttocks with a deafening crack. Trying to spit the
girl-scented panties out of her mouth, Belinda moaned through her
nose as the whip lashed her rounded bottom orbs again, leaving thin
weals fanning out across her stinging flesh. Again and again Mike
lashed her bottom cheeks, delighting in the thrashing as his
ex-wife's naked body jolted.

The lewd scene
ripening her clitoris, Trudie knelt before Wendy and moved her head
forward, positioning her face between the delicious blonde's parted
thighs. Licking her prisoner's sex slit, lapping up her flowing
lust juices, the girl lost herself in her lesbian debauchery.
Gasping, Wendy closed her eyes and tossed her head back as her
clitoris swelled and pulsated, responding to the sweeping female

"Please stop!"
Belinda cried as she managed to expel the wet panties from her
mouth. "Mike, I'll do anything you ask!"

"Stop? Never!"
he chuckled, bringing the tails down again, lashing her crimson
buttocks. "Never!"





Her buttocks
turning scarlet, her vaginal milk decanting, dripping from her
engorged inner petals, Belinda's cries reverberated around the
building as the leather tails repeatedly flogged her quivering
bottom orbs. Perceiving a strange revenge for the years of marriage
he'd endured, Mike was going to give the woman no quarter, her
screams only serving to fuel his vengeance.

"I'll whip
your tits next!" he chortled, imagining the thin tails lashing her
firm mammary spheres. "And then I'll..."

"Mike, I think
she's had enough!" Trudie cried, turning her cunny-wet face away
from Wendy's swollen pussy lips to focus on Belinda's glowing

"Enough?" he
echoed, halting the thrashing.

"Look at her
bum, for God's sake! She can't take any more!"

Mike!" Belinda sobbed. "Please, no more!"

"I'll allow
you to rest for a few minutes before I administer the next twenty
lashes!" he laughed, dropping the whip and slapping her scarlet
arse cheeks with the palm of his hand. "Just a few minutes

"When I get
out of here!" Belinda wailed. "I'm going to..."

"Jesus bloody
Christ, don't start arsing on with your futile threats again!"

"I mean it,
when I..."

"Trudie, I'm
going downstairs to see what the others are doing," Mike
interrupted his distraught ex-wife.

BOOK: Hot Sheets
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