Hot Springs Werewolf Complete Series (BBW Werewolf Erotic Romance) (19 page)

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Authors: Emily Cantore

Tags: #alpha male werewolf curves, #bbw werewolf erotic romance, #Hot Springs Werewolf, #bdsm werewolf

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The light in the lounge came on just as I opened a cupboard in the bedroom to find assorted men and women's clothing. Red came back inside and walked up behind me.

"It is such a shame to cover up that butt," he said over my shoulder. I pulled out a long pair of jeans that looked like it would fit him and passed them back, as well as a t-shirt. I found some black pants and top for myself as well as a black cardigan that fit perfectly.

"Such a shame to cover-" I started to say and then my stomach rumbled so loud that Red heard it from the other side of the bedroom.

"Oh my god, I'm hungry," I finished.

In the kitchen there was a refrigerator but it was unplugged and empty. In the cupboards though there were plenty of canned goods, boxes of freeze-dried foods, coffee, tea and powdered milk.

"Tinned tomato soup followed by beans and rice served with a side of whatever this is meant to be," Red declared. "Some sort of freeze-dried salsa I think. Hmm."

Red found some pots in the cupboard and lit the gas stove to prepare the food while I continued searching through what was available. I was starving and could have really done with a granola bar or something to tide me over. I found something better though.

"Vodka! And tinned pineapple juice!"

The vodka was some brand I didn't recognize and the pineapple juice came out of a tall tin but the drinks I mixed up were spectacular. Red and I sipped our drinks and then sighed in unison.

"Here's to alcohol," Red said, clinking his glass with mine.

"Here's to soup and alcohol and whomever stocked this cabin. I love them and want to marry them right now and sex them and stuff."

Red laughed and then nearly choked on his drink. He ended up coughing over the sink, vodka dripping out his nose.

I'd only had two mouthfuls but on an empty stomach it was already going to my head. I thought this was the most hilarious thing to happen in the universe. I was still laughing as I took over stirring the soup while he went to the bathroom to clean himself up. He came back just as I was serving up the soup into brown earthen bowls.

"Alpha werewolf and can't even handle a vodka. Tut, tut."

"One drink and you're proposing marriage and sex."

"What?" I stopped, a ladle full of soup hovering above the pot.

"This is my cabin Harper. Why do you think the clothes fit me so well?"

I looked down into the red soup, my face turning about the same color. Take foot, insert in mouth. Take other foot, insert in mouth too.

I finished filling the soup bowl and put the ladle down on the bench.

"Soup is ready."

My voice squeaked and I inwardly groaned as Red looked at me with a smirk on his face. I grabbed my drink and gulped it down.

"Oh, shut up already," I said and poked him in the stomach.

He grabbed my hands and I tried to pull them back but as usual, he was too strong. He pulled me close to him and kissed me.

"If you want to get married for soup and vodka, I'm fine with that. I can give you a bread roll as an engagement gift."

I laughed despite my embarrassment and then leaned forward to kiss him. I kissed him and then bit his lip.

"Dinner time Mr. Wolf. No funny business."

We took our bowls to the table while the rice and beans quietly bubbled in their respective pots. For the first few minutes we didn't speak and the only sound was the two of us eating our tomato soup and groaning in pleasure. I felt hungry not just in my stomach but in my whole body. I guess the running for three days thing caught up with me. Soon we finished the soup and Red served up beans with rice and the rehydrated salsa. It was good - like eating the inside of a burrito without the bread or salad.

Between the food and vodka I felt a warm relaxation come over me. Out there in the world there were land transfer papers, an explicit diary and missing Donald Crisp but here in the cabin there was just me and Red, sitting across from each other at the table, eating. I did still have some questions though.

"Is Donald Crisp a werewolf too?"

"He is. Although he doesn't change much from human. Sometimes when werewolves get older they start to favor one or the other."

"How many werewolves do you have in your pack?"

"A werewolf will never tell you that answer. Might appear weak."

"How many Toulouses are there then? Do you know that?"

"Eighty-three direct. About forty indirect. Plus a bunch of bribed humans. You know that saying about having a finger in every pie? They own the bakery, metaphorically. And literally I guess with Toulouse bakery."

"Millie mentioned there being a Finch bakery once. Said it got broken into and the ovens damaged."

Red shrugged and I watched his muscles move in his shoulders. I was relaxing but another part of my mind was watching this man and starting to think hot thoughts.

"Well, there's no Finch bakery, just Toulouse Bakery. Maybe that was it? Damaging businesses and then coming in to buy them for next to nothing is precisely the type of thing they'd do though."

We kept eating as I absorbed this. In alternate world, werewolf Harper Finch grew up in Hot Springs and probably worked in the family bakery when she was younger. Surely a far better job than the terrible hamburger stand where I slaved away for next to nothing when I was a teenager.

"Werewolves are telepathic?"

Red held up his hand with his pointer and thumb an inch apart.

"Little bit."

"Anything else shocking you'd like to share with me now?"

Red smiled at me and his sipped his drink before his face went serious.

"There are a few things. You're going to feel some anger when you're in human form. Might lash out. Punch formerly betrothed girls in the face. Growl at cops. That sort of thing."

Oh, so he knew about that.

"I seem to have it under control though right? I didn't bite that cop or anything. And Ana deserved that punch."

"True, but that was human you who'd only come close to shifting. Now that you have turned, it's going to be far more intense."

I sipped my drink and looked at him over the rim. He used shifted, changed, turned interchangeably but they weren't really the same thing. Shifted and turned almost were. But changed... changed was how I was feeling. I wasn't Harper Finch, writer who had been living in a terrible apartment with rats in the wall and who had an ex-boyfriend who'd called her fat. Even thinking back on that time I found it hard to believe that was me. So passive. Willing to take whatever happened and with a smile. Hiding the pain inside me. Break up with me and call me fat too? I'd thrown a coffee cup last time. If werewolf Harper had been there then my ex would have ended up being thrown down the stairs.

"Your eyes are glowing. What are you thinking about?"

I came back to the room and saw Red watching me. I could feel myself getting mad at the past. Which was stupid given that I couldn't do anything about it.

"Just an ex-boyfriend who called me a name when he broke up with me."

"That's the next thing. You're going to get stronger and faster, day by day. You can't try to right wrongs or fix things by fighting."

"You fought Marcus. And you fought one of his brothers down at the sunflowers."

"And you snooped around outside my house when I wasn't there."

"I was looking for you. By the way, we need to exchange numbers if we're going to be boyfriend and girlfriend."

It slipped out so fast that my brain didn't have time to stop it. The words zipped out and then there they were. The silence in the cabin was deafening.

Red pushed his chair back, the wooden legs scraping on the floor. It sounded abnormally loud. Again, I was stuck in shock and I could feel my heart thudding in anxiety. Red stood up, his face expressionless.

"You want to be my girlfriend?"


Oh yes, well done Harper. C'mon with the words! Say what you want! You're a werewolf! The timid Harper is gone! Get some exclamation marks out there!

"You want me to be your boyfriend?"

Red stepped around the table, stalking towards me. I pushed my chair back and stood up, circling away from him around the table. We'd circled like this before but now it felt more intense. I could see every muscle in his body move. I could hear his breath. I could smell his scent, warm and spice and overwhelmingly masculine.

"Werewolves don't have girlfriends or boyfriends."

"Humans do."

Yes, finally. My voice had come back. Keep it going Harper.

Red slowed and then reversed direction. I did the same.

"The third thing to be aware of is that your senses will intensify. What is good will feel incredibly good. What is bad will feel terribly bad. You will have the best and worse meals of your life. And the bedroom will be a whole new level."

His eyes sparkled gold then and I suddenly became aware of my own body. I was tired but it was working more as relaxation now. I could feel the fabric of the borrowed clothes rubbing against my skin. There hadn't been a bra in the drawer and the soft cotton was moving slightly against my breasts.

I tried to pull myself back from it but the lure of my body (and Red's across the table) was incredibly strong. I wanted to have him. To absorb him. To hold him and possess him entirely. He was food and I was hungry.

I managed to turn my mind away from Red and sex and my desire to leap across the table and tackle him to the floor but I almost broke out in a sweat doing so. All I wanted was him. It was nearly overwhelming. Was this even a sliver of what he felt for me?

"Yes, I do want you to be my boyfriend. I do want to be your girlfriend."

I stopped moving as Red did. The calm, cool, collected, white-wine drinking, gardening mystery of an Alpha actually looked shocked. Then he smiled at me and the gold faded from his eyes.

"I'd like that too," he said softly.

He moved around the table, no longer stalking me. He stepped close and we kissed, a human kiss that didn't end in a bite. We kissed and did that stumbling walk to the bedroom before falling over on to the bed. We kissed gently and murmured nothing to each other.

The last time in bed (still couldn't believe it was three days ago) had been angry, forceful, overwhelming. Designed to tip me over the edge and make me change. Now we kissed and stroked each other's bodies and although it was soft and somewhat subdued, Red had been right about the intensity of sensation.

He moved his hand down my body, his palm rasping against the simple black cotton t-shirt and to my ears it sounded like trees falling in the forest. His scent, warmth and spice was now stronger and I breathed it in. I pulled the cardigan off and felt the fabric against my skin, heard it rub against itself. Even though Red's scent filled me, I could still smell the grass outside, the wood of the cabin, old pipes and our dinner. I could taste pineapple in my mouth.

I pulled his t-shirt off and ran my fingers over the hard muscle underneath. I could spend a day just stroking his abs. We slowly undressed each other until we were naked, laying entwined on the bed. Red's body was always warm but now he felt much hotter. I wanted to stretch out atop him, like a cat on a window ledge.

We moved slowly against one another, kissing and touching but soon I felt myself heating up. For every touch I wanted three more. Red stroked his fingers down my stomach and came achingly close to my pussy before skipping across to my inner thigh and I found myself growling at him. We were side by side and I pushed at him and to my surprise he rolled over on to his back. Normally he was strong and immovable. As he moved, I saw his muscles in the moonlight streaming through the window. Overlaid with his scent was almost a color and I felt the wolf sensations rising up.

"What do you want Harper?" Red asked. His chest was rising up and down, his breath even, his eyes hazel without the slightest touch of gold in them. He had himself under control, even though he was aroused. I ran my hand down his body, delighting in the feel of it until I touched his cock and I heard him sigh.

"I want to drive you crazy," I whispered.

I kissed his chest and then gave him a little nip. I understood the game although we hadn't discussed it. He was showing me control and I was going wild.

I moved down his body, kissing a trail from his chest, down his abs and to his left thigh. I heard him sigh again as my breasts brushed against his cock. I moved my head down to between his legs and in one swift move, pulled his cock down with my hand and sucked it into my mouth. Red gasped and I pulled out, twirling my tongue around the head of his cock.

"Oh c'mon," I heard him whisper and then he held his breath. I pulled his cock into my mouth again, as far as I could go and held it there. Then I slid it out, sucking all the while. When I reached the head again, Red let out his held breath in a burst of air.

"Fuck me," he whispered. It was to himself but it was all the invitation I needed. But just not yet.

I moved up his body and sat up, positioning myself over him. I pushed his cock down and then pressed my pussy against it, pinning it between our bodies.

"I decide when to fuck," I said, sliding forwards.

I was having trouble holding it together. Just the touch of his cock against my pussy made me want to reach down between my legs and pull it up so I could slip it into my body. I kept my hands on his chest and pushed myself down, holding back the groan that was building in my chest.

"I'm not stopping until I see your eyes turn golden," I said and pulled myself forward.

Red opened his eyes and looked up at me. They were hazel still, no gold at all. He held my gaze as I slipped back and forth on his cock. He started to gasp but still, no gold.

"Fucker," I whispered and moved my body up his chest until my pussy was an inch from his mouth. I reached down and entwined my fingers in his hair.

"Open your mouth," I commanded.

I moved forward and pressed my pussy against his mouth. It was so hot I nearly screamed in pleasure. I managed to hold it back to a sigh and then Red started to move his tongue against me. He licked up and brushed my clit. I felt like I'd touched an electric fence and jolted on top of him. He was winning this game and my resolve was weakening with each passing second.

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