Hot Springs Werewolf Complete Series (BBW Werewolf Erotic Romance) (20 page)

Read Hot Springs Werewolf Complete Series (BBW Werewolf Erotic Romance) Online

Authors: Emily Cantore

Tags: #alpha male werewolf curves, #bbw werewolf erotic romance, #Hot Springs Werewolf, #bdsm werewolf

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I turned around, pressed my pussy against his lips and engulfed his cock with my mouth. I felt his hands on my hips and I reached back to slap them away. I moved forward, sucking and licking his cock and then back again. As I did, I felt his hot tongue slip into me. He was licking and sucking like crazy and the pleasure was nearly unbearable. But with his cock in my mouth I could concentrate, hold myself together. I pulled forward and started a rhythm. Forward and suck, back and lick. I ran my tongue around the head of his cock and heard him groan. I did it again and his leg jerked involuntarily. I kept going, feeling his body tense under mine. I knew with every movement, I was taking him closer to the edge but still, there was no way I could win here. With each move back he licked and sucked and my clit throbbed as his tongue ran over it. For a moment I pulled myself back and closed my eyes as he swirled his tongue around, feeling my inevitable orgasm building. Then I came too and pulled myself forward but it was too late. When I pressed back again, his tongue was waiting and again I sat, enjoying it and forgetting what I was doing.

I pressed back and heard Red make a sound halfway between a moan of lust and a growl. It short straight through me, down my spine and hit right in my pussy. I felt myself get wetter and the throbbing turned up a notch. But before I could come, I pulled myself up off of him and looked down, expecting to see his eyes at least flecked with gold. Red looked at me and I saw the lust in his eyes. I saw he wanted to fuck me. But they were human eyes. He was still under control.

I lifted myself off him and turned around. When I saw his cock I almost pulled it into my mouth again and when I fought that off I came close to just sitting astride him to fuck his brains out. But I held back. I would get him to lose control, no matter what and I had one final trick up my sleeve. The night Red had come into my cabin when I'd been on the bed naked with my ass up in the air, he'd been unable to resist me. It was submission and dominance. I could tempt him with that.

I laid down next to Red and pressed my lips to his ear.

"No thrusting allowed," I whispered before I turned over and pressed my ass against him. He turned to face me and I felt his hard cock behind me. I reached back and slipped it into my pussy. For what seemed like an eternity I held there, feeling muscles inside me twitching, hearing every cell in my body cry out to start moving my hips. I held my breath and finally the lack of oxygen got to me and I managed to push the feeling away. I took a breath and let go of Red's cock, pushing myself back so he was deep inside me.

Then, I squeezed.

I heard Red breathe in and felt his heart speed up.

I squeezed again. And again. And again. Sometimes I squeezed slow and sometimes fast. I squeezed two fast and two slow. Then three fast and three slow. Then a minute of slow long squeezes. I felt the pressure of his cock inside me and each time my muscles tightened around his cock I felt my clit throb. I heard Red gasp and groan and I looked back over my shoulder to see him with his eyes clenched shut, beads of sweat on his forehead. I saw his teeth were looking distinctly sharper. I was nearly there.

was nearly there. The irresistible drumbeat of my clit was urging my hips to move and I was trembling to hold them still. I squeezed again, keeping my gaze on Red. I knew my eyes would be glowing golden but that didn't matter. That wasn't the game.

"Open your eyes Red," I whispered.

He shook his head and I saw a droplet of sweat roll down his face. I squeezed, hard and long and then again.

"I want you to fuck me Red."

He clenched his eyes shut even more, looking like a man in pain rather than in pleasure. I kept squeezing and we held in that position for a few minutes. With each squeeze I came closer to losing control but so did he.

I turned away from Red and saw the black t-shirt sitting on the bed next to us. I folded it and pressed it over my eyes. It was a thin blindfold and I could still see though it but it fit around my head.

"Hold the blindfold Red," I instructed.

I heard him make a low sound of lust and then felt his fingers touch mine as he told hold of the t-shirt. He had both sides of it clenched in one fist. I felt the blindfold tighten against my eyes.

"Make me yours," I whispered, and squeezed.

I went from on my side to on my stomach in an instant as Red roared above me. He started furiously fucking me, holding on to the blindfold with one hand, his other arm wrapped under me against my collarbone. I felt his weight on top of me and his power and I couldn't move. It only took moments for me to come, feeling his cock hit my g-spot over and over again, feeling my body be pulled up and down beneath his. I could hear his growling in my ear. I came and it was like nothing I'd experienced before. At first it was rushing towards the peak, that moment where it is too much and not enough at the same time. Then it kept going, past where pleasure hit, past that moment where your entire body clenches and muscles twitch and the heat rushes out through you. It was more in every way. The heat was a fire, each twitch an electrocution. I felt completely overtaken by my senses and still it didn't stop. Pleasure built upon pleasure and the world narrowed to a thin blindfold, the bed, and Red behind me. I came and the word was not enough to describe what I felt, the whole body pulled into an intense sensation that shocked through me over and again. I heard Red grunting and breathing heavily and then he thrust into me harder than before as he came. Again and again and I felt the hot liquid inside me, felt his cock throbbing against my g-spot.

He collapsed down on top of me, barely holding his weight off my body with his arms. I felt the blindfold slip away. I turned my head, my eyelids as heavy as lead and saw his eyes glowing gold. He was drenched in sweat and looked like he'd just come out of a swimming pool. I sighed in pleasure as he moved slightly against me and his cock pressed against my g-spot.

"Just stay," I whispered.

Red kissed my neck and ear and I realized I was covered in sweat too. I could smell the saltiness of it, feel the slipperiness of my skin.

"Woman," he breathed into my ear and gently rocked.

"I win," I replied.

He kept rocking and the fading echoes of my orgasm began to build again. Surely not so soon?

"You win the battle but not the war," Red whispered.

He pulled himself out of me and flipped me over on to my back in one move. Then he pulled my ankles up on to his shoulders and slipped his cock into me. I was wet, wet beyond belief but this angle made his cock feel enormous, like it was too much. I reached for his body as he started to thrust into me, hardly believing he was still going. Didn't most men need at least a short rest?

But Red was no ordinary man...

I felt Red's hands on my legs, pulling me closer to him, his cock sinking deeper into me. What had been a gentle warm pressure that had made me smile before was now a demanding solid force I could not resist. I opened my eyes to see Red above me, his face wild and his eyes blazing. I was beyond words, beyond thought. He fucked me as hard as he could and I felt every movement. I gasped air, not realizing I'd been holding my breath and then all I could feel was the sensation inside of me. The pleasure again, building upon itself. This time though it was fast, rushing up to the peak and with it came my voice. I began to cry out, louder and louder with each thrust and Red sped up, baring his sharp teeth, using his hands to pull me into him. I was locked in place and when I came I screamed at the top of my lungs, a piercing scream that rattled the windows. I screamed because that was all I could do as I came and I shook beneath Red, muscles clenching, my heart pounding. He did not stop and so the peak stretched out as I was pulled along. I felt my eyes rolling and my head was buzzing and then sometime between a few minutes and the rest of eternity, Red came again, thrusting into me and growling.

Finally he toppled to the bed beside me and I felt my legs hit the sheet. I was panting and so was he, like we'd been when he'd finally caught me in the forest. All I could feel were ripples of pleasure running up and down my body and I sighed in bliss, drunk on the sensation. I felt myself slipping towards sleep and managed to turn over to face Red. His eyes were closed and his breathing was slowing down and I knew he was on the edge of sleep too.

Two feelings rose up inside me almost as swiftly as my orgasm had. The first was from werewolf Harper. She wanted Red, wanted him absolutely. She understood what it meant to find your mate and the agony of not being with them. She wanted to run in the forest with him, to fuck and play and bite and live life on the hot edge of sensation. To be his completely, to be possessed, to be

The second feeling came from Human Harper. She wanted him too. The man he was. Strong, capable, interesting, sexy. A mysterious mixture of a man who fucked like a wildman but still sipped white-wine and made a kickass beef stew. But she was worried too. It was too fast, too soon. It was lust and it would fade. He would realize that he could have any girl he wanted and he wouldn't want me.

Me, human Harper. Strong but still fragile. Curvy and loving being curvy but still insecure. Afraid to love and yet wanting to fall into the song of it so much it made my heart ache.

To one side of me, my protestations were hollow and see-through. Flimsy as spider-web and as easily brushed aside. Just say yes Harper. Let go of your fears. If the Finch family hadn't been killed you'd be a werewolf, strong and powerful and he'd be your mate. And now I was a werewolf so...

I pulled myself closer to Red and remembered him running Talia and those other werewolves off his land. His property he'd said. He'd been talking about me. He'd met me on the road, had me over for dinner and then I'd ended up holding on to the kitchen sink, moaning as I came, Red behind me. In that short time he decided that I was his. His mate.

Red slipped his hand around me and brushed his nose against mine. He kissed me and then an instant later he was asleep.

I breathed him in, a singular moment shimmering in my mind. Me, on the side of the road next to a broken-down Boris. A truck approaches and a man gets out. But not just a man. A werewolf. He looks at me and I look at him and down in the heart of me I knew that it had been the moment that some deep part of me had decided he was mine.

I drifted off to sleep, the two sides of me arguing to a stalemate. Werewolf Harper wanted a mate. Human Harper was happy to settle for a boyfriend.

There was time, I told myself.

I had time.


orning, another tin of soup, hot showers and that almost wary I-can't-believe-we-decided-to-be-together feeling. The one where you look the same as yesterday but something fundamental has changed. You have agreed to the relationship, have spoken it aloud and now you walk around each other, gently touching, giving soft kisses, grinning like a fool and half-afraid now you have spoken aloud, the universe will come crashing down on you.

"I think today we hitchhike," Red said, wiping off the last droplets of tomato soup from the bench.

"Why didn't we do that yesterday? Oh, right, the nakedness."

Red nodded and put the sponge on the sink to dry. The cabin was neat and clean, just as it was when we arrived (minus a fair amount of vodka of course). I was dressed in all black, looking like I was a props person for a theatre company and Red had managed to find me some jogging shoes that fit.

He locked the cabin and put they key back under the mat and we set off toward the road Red promised was only a few miles away.

It was an odd sort of morning. We walked in silence, sometimes holding hands or touching each other on the arms and shoulders when the terrain allowed. I had many many questions but I didn't want them to intrude into now.
was a new world, one where I had a boyfriend(!) and the old world could just stay out there for a little longer.

It took us about two hours to reach the road and maybe another twenty minutes before a car appeared. It was being driven by Earl Watson and his wife Isla. They were on their way to Hot Springs to visit their daughter and would be happy to give us a ride (because the person who was meant to be picking us up had their car break down we'd lied) and oh my weren't we a lovely couple and how I reminded Isla of their daughter Anna (two n, not one, I checked) and would we like some home-made biscuits and some tea from a thermos and so off we went, back to Hot Springs.


any cups of tea, biscuits, chicken sandwiches (which were delicious) and stories later, the Watsons deposited us at the gate to Red's property. Isla had put the thumbscrews on Red regarding single eligible men he knew and he'd eventually handed over his business phone number so her granddaughter could get in touch and "you can introduce her to a good man because, poor thing, she just can't seem to find one". Even though they were a bit over the top and practically force-fed us, there was something so warm and caring about them that my heart ached a little to see them drive away, Isla waving through the window. My dad's parents died before I was born and my mom's lived on the other side of the country and weren't the most happy people in the world. I got a glimpse of what loving grandparents were like and it hurt, a tiny sting.

Once they were out of sight we walked up the drive towards the cabin. As soon as we passed the property line I saw the front door was still shut, which was a good sign. That good feeling lasted for all of a minute when we reached the cabin and it was clear it had been ransacked. Red used the spare key to unlock the door and then I rushed in, feeling like I wanted to be sick. The papers and diary were gone. Half my groceries had been thrown around the room and uncooked rice crunched underfoot. Whomever it was had gone through my room too, throwing clothes all over the place. Then I saw my laptop sitting on the sofa. It had been on the kitchen table before. I picked it up and opened it and then felt a true pain in my heart. The screen was cracked, a spiderweb across the glass. I didn't turn it on in case something would then short out and destroy it entirely. It had all my work on it - years worth and yeah, I'd been a little remiss in backing things up.

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