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Authors: Melanie Ting

How The Cookie Crumbles (28 page)

BOOK: How The Cookie Crumbles
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“Take it easy, Frankie. I’m not complaining, I like that you’re built for fun. But you’re so bossy, the other guys were probably afraid they’d lose the key to the magic kingdom if they said anything.”

“But not you.”

“Nope, I don’t get whipped.” Even without seeing him, I knew he was smiling.

“How come?”

“Can’t tell you, it’s part of the guy code.”

But I knew anyway: it was because Jake genuinely didn’t give a damn. He was relaxed about sex the way he was relaxed about life. I wanted him and now I was having sex with him, but I had no idea what was going to happen next. There was a real possibility that he was going to have sex with me and then move on. I had decided to take a chance, but that didn’t mean I was suddenly a different person, so I tried hard to put my romantic issues away.

“Okay, all done.” He ran a finger over his handiwork, which was turning me on. Then he got a wet face cloth and cleaned off all the shaving cream. He disappeared from the room for a minute and came back with a bottle of olive oil. Did he just walk around the apartment naked? Man, he was so free.

“I thought I’d get you all oiled up,” he said grinning.

“That better be extra virgin,” I said.

“Why? Pretty sure you’re not.”

“Please, nothing but the best for me.”

Jake poured a stream of oil right on my newly shaven parts and then started rubbing it in, going into every fold and crevice and I almost came right on the spot. Then he ran a line down my stomach and between my breasts, and used both hands to rub that into me, ending up working on my breasts. He squeezed them and pushed them in circles, all the time watching my face and grinning. The guy was seriously into breasts, which was not a total surprise.

“Don’t fight the feeling, Frankie, just go with it.”

“Go… with what?” I asked him, feeling a little breathless.

“Look at you, looking all hot and shiny,” he was chuckling, “I think you might be a dirty little girl under all that uptight stuff.”

Then he flipped me over, and poured more oil down my back and started rubbing it into me. I couldn’t help but wonder briefly about the sheets and if all the oil was going to wash out of them. I sighed and tried harder to get into the moment. First he massaged my back, then my legs, and finally my ass. Then he stopped, and I heard him breathing heavily.

“Fuck, you look so hot all oiled up. Can I take your picture?” He started looking for his cell.

“God, no!”

“Why not, Frankie? I’d like to look at you later, when you’re not around. You look like a model or something, a hot model.”

“No way. What if I want to, I don’t know, run for Prime Minister later? I can’t have nude photos around. Plus you’re so disorganized, you’d probably send them to your parents by mistake.”

“I’d vote for anyone who looked like you naked,” he laughed in reply and then got another idea. Apparently there was no end to his creativity in bed. “Looking hot, babe. Good enough to eat. Hey, you got any chocolate sauce around?” Leave it to Jake to turn sex into a calorie-laden activity.

“No, and no whipped cream either. Why don’t I just dunk myself in Diet Coke so you can have all your food groups at once?” I turned over, got up on my elbows and looked down there, I was looking extra naked and sort of porn star-ish. I ran a finger over myself and I felt soft and smooth.

“Sounds good to me, a little Frankie juice and Diet Coke.” He smiled and watched me. “I like to see you touching yourself.”

I jerked my hand back, embarrassed. I was only feeling the newly shaved areas, but I guess the difference was hard to distinguish.

Jake shook his head at me. “Do you even get how hot you are?” He laughed and pulled my hips to the edge of the bed, and kissed me loudly right between the legs. And then he breathed hot on me.

“Do you remember what else I promised you?” came the muffled voice from between my legs.

“Yes,” I squeaked excitedly. God Frankie, get a grip!

He started by licking gently all around me, licking the newly naked areas, which created all these tingling sensations in me. Then he spread my thighs apart and ran his tongue up and down my inner thighs. He kept making these slurpy noises, like I was soup or ice cream or something. He got closer and closer to my clit, and I was actually trembling with anticipation. Then he started lapping gently at my clit, which was already pretty sensitive from all the sex we had already had. It didn’t take long before I was coming. I moaned out loud, tensing my thighs, and pushing up against his mouth. Jake stopped and looked up at me, grinning and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

“Enjoying yourself, Frankie?” he asked calmly.

“Uh huh,” I managed to answer, actual words not being possible right then.

And then he went back down on me! He kept changing things up: licking me, sucking me, using his fingers to rub my clit and then to finger-fuck me. The guy was unbelievable, and I lost track of what exactly he was doing. I just rode on this wave of unreal sensations, like one orgasm was moving right into the next. This was Olympic quality sex!

Finally he lay down on the bed beside me.

“Oh my God, Jake, that was amazing.”

“So, now what?”

“Well, you look like you’re ready to go….” He was fully erect, but I felt a little selfish, so I bent down and kissed his cock, running my tongue over the tip.

“Mmm, nice.” He stroked my hair and pulled it back so he could watch me. I took the tip in my mouth and looked up at him. Then I worked him over a bit, tonguing all over his penis and licking his balls.

“Let’s do it, Jake, I want you to do it now.” I lay down and spread my legs. I was so wired that I knew I’d come big time once we started.

“Okay, baby, I will, but….” he paused, and grinned at me. Oh God, not this.


“Say it, look how good I made you feel, don’t you want to make me happy too?”

“You can’t be serious, Jake! That won’t make you happy; sex would make you happy.” I wanted him so much, he was torturing me. I reached down and started caressing his balls to get him going, but he was holding his cock and watching me. He must have had superhuman control, because he was just smiling calmly.

Damn it, I wanted him bad. I caved.

“Put Mr. Whitesnake in me.”

Then he did, and it was totally worth it.


34. Walk of Shame


I woke up when I heard my phone alarm go off. I was all tangled up with naked Frankie. Her bed was way too small for the two of us, but it was kinda nice. Man, she still looked hot in the morning, and since I had a boner, I thought about waking her up with a bang. I checked my phone and tried to figure out if we had enough time for one more fuck before I had to go. There was a text from Mally telling me to get my ass back to the hotel. Shit.

I pushed Frankie’s hair back from her face and kissed her. She opened one eye sleepily and looked at me. Then she smiled, grabbed my face, and kissed me back.

“Mornin’ babe,” I told her, and then I rolled out of bed. She reached one hand out to pull me back.

“Where you going? It’s sooo early.”

“Gotta go.” Frankie had hung all my clothes on the chair in the corner. I called for the cab as I pulled on my suit pants. Then I found the rest of my stuff. Frankie was lying in bed watching me get dressed and she looked all serious.

I leaned over to kiss her again. “Bye, Frankie.”

“Bye, Jake,” she said, still watching me as I closed her door behind me.

After Jake left, I went back to sleep and when I finally rolled out of bed, it was almost noon. I took a quick shower and went down to the kitchen where Bianca was making her lunch and Lauren was eating hers. I sat down and waited for the water to boil for my tea. I was tired and in a daze. Was there such a thing as overdosing on sex?

Lauren gave me a funny look, and then asked, “Frankie, seriously… did your date, or hook-up or whatever he was, go into our kitchen naked last night? Because I’m pretty sure that’s what I saw.”

“You were up pretty late,” I mumbled and I started blushing, even though it wasn’t my fault that Jake was so uninhibited.

“You saw Jake Cookson naked? How was he?” Bianca asked Lauren. Shouldn’t she be asking me? Not that I was going to tell, of course.

“Fine, I guess. He was a naked guy. I was so surprised, I didn’t have time to whip out my measuring tape.”

“I suppose you’re not talking either,” Bianca said to me, “since you’re the one who insisted he was just a friend. But when is the last time a friend came over in the middle of the night and then kept you up all night? I could hear you guys laughing in the bathroom at three in the morning! I can only thank heaven that my bedroom is not next to yours.”

My room was next to the bathroom, so Lauren didn’t have to hear anything either. I knew we had been noisy, and that was embarrassing too. It was like a walk of shame in my own apartment.

“He was only a friend, until last night,” I tried to defend myself weakly. But what was he now? A hook-up or something more? I shook my head and tried not to think about it.

Bianca just shook her head. “I could tell from the moment I saw you guys together that you were totally into him. I hope we get more hockey tickets.”

“I don’t think the Kings play here again for a long time,” I told her. It was something that I had looked up when I got up this morning. Just out of curiosity. They weren’t back in town until the end of March next year.

“Ah well,” said Bianca. “Hey, I’m trying to make a salad dressing, and I can’t find the olive oil. Has anyone seen it?”

After lunch, I threw my sheets in, with the washer on hot; discovered that Jake had left his underwear here, and then started doing homework. I tried to focus on some readings, but it was hard not to think about last night. Plus I was a little sore, so every time I shifted in my seat, I thought about Jake.

Wow, that was an incredible night. On one hand, it was pretty out of character for me to do something like that. But on the other hand, I felt like I already knew Jake so well, and I had suddenly seen him in another light. I guess it was seeing that he could be serious about something that made me think that he was more than a goofball. And maybe I was always a little attracted to him, but that extra quality of competence pushed me over the edge. Jake probably thought it was all because of the hockey, but that wasn’t it exactly. It was like finding out your old buddy was secretly a superhero; of course you’re going to be more impressed with him.

But now, were we even going to see each other again? He wasn’t coming back here to play until March. After an incredible night like that, I was really feeling connected to Jake. I knew he wasn’t really into relationship stuff, he had said a few things over the summer, and there were some issues around his ex-girlfriend. And it wasn’t like I really wanted a relationship with him, did I? It was hard to separate sex and emotion though, because when I was intimate with someone I wanted emotional trust too.

Still it was hard to see how it could work. He lived in L.A., and I lived in Vancouver. I was going to school, and he was playing hockey. And I already knew he wasn’t one for keeping in touch much. Except for the tickets, I hadn’t heard from him since I left Kingston. I had no clue where his head was at. In the summer, I suspected he would just like to have sex with me and then check me off on his long list of conquests.

Was I even sure what I wanted? Well, I guess I wanted to see Jake again… and definitely have sex again. Because really, the sex was interplanetary, a whole new level of sex for me. Not that I could actually tell anyone that. I could not imagine talking to Chloë, “Oh yes, I’m seeing Jake now, mainly because he can do things with his tongue that should be illegal.” Plus, how did he get to be so good at sex; was it a matter of practice making perfect, because that was kind of gross.

I sighed. Time to forget about the Orgasmatron and get back to work. I focussed on Abstract Expressionism like my life depended on it.

Later that night, my phone rang.

“Hey there, Frankie,” Jake said, “How ya doing?”

“Hi Jake, I’m fine.” I felt slightly uncomfortable talking to him since things were different now. “How was the game?”

“Sucked. We lost.” But he didn’t sound too upset. “We’re just getting ready to catch the plane home, but there’s some delay.”

“Too bad,” I said lamely. Before it was always easy to talk to Jake, but now it seemed so awkward.

“Look, we play the Canucks again this Friday. In L.A.”


“Why don’t you come and see the game? I have another game Saturday, but we could spend some time together. Maybe you could come early or stay a few days after.”

I thought about it. To get there at a reasonable time, I’d probably have to skip my last class Thursday, but I had Fridays off, and the work wasn’t starting to pile up yet. And I wanted to see him again. Well, not just see him of course; I wanted to have sex with him again. And see how things went.

“Okay,” I said.

“C’mon, Frankie, it would be fun and I can take you around L.A. You can go to the art galleries or shopping or….”

“Jake! I said yes.”

BOOK: How The Cookie Crumbles
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