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Authors: Melanie Ting

How The Cookie Crumbles (27 page)

BOOK: How The Cookie Crumbles
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She rolled off me and started laughing hysterically. “Oh Jake, how can I treat you like a man, when you act like a boy?” She kept laughing and curled up into a ball. Man, everything had been going so well. What was the big deal; didn’t most guys have a name for their penis? It was like a good friend.

Frankie straightened out her body and lay face-up beside me. She looked hot with just her panties on, her tiny waist, and her nipples all hard and pointing straight up. Her eyes were closed, and she started talking, half to herself, but it was all about me.

“You looked so good on the ice tonight, I loved the way you ran the power play, changing it up all the time… your point shot… so hard and fast… and on net.”

“Frankie, are you talking dirty about hockey?”

She was one weird chick. Good thing she was hot or she wouldn’t be getting any.

“Yeah, when I saw you play tonight, it really turned me on.”

“Are you kidding? That’s why you’ve been hot for me all night, because I had a good game?”

She kept her eyes closed, and said in a low voice, “Not a good game, you had a great game. You were the best damn player on the ice. And you were so into it.” Then she slowly ran her tongue over her lips. Mr. Whitesnake liked that.

What the fuck? Well, I had wanted her for a long time, so whatever floated her boat. I leaned over and started sucking her nipples again and dipped my fingers into her panties.

“Did you see when I painted the boards with Kesler?” I whispered in her ear.

“Oh man, that was awesome. Your hip check is… the best,” Frankie replied. She was totally wet down there, and I pulled down her panties. Just as I imagined, she was trimmed in a very modest way. She lifted up her hips, and I pulled her panties off and tossed them aside. She reached over to turn off the lamp, but I stopped her.

“Whatcha doing, babe?” I asked, running my hands down her back and squeezing her ass.

“Oh, it’s kind of bright in here. It’s more romantic if I turn the lights down,” she explained.

I didn’t want to blow things again so I let her do it, but I figured it would be way better to see every part of her incredible bod. I wanted to do this for so long, and I wanted to enjoy every minute. But she just dimmed them, so I could still see okay.

“You’ve got a great ass,” I told her. She looked over her shoulder at me, her eyes wide. I kissed her on the back and she smiled at me. Then I leaned down and kissed, then bit her ass gently. I reached between her legs and pushed my finger up into her.

She arched her back and bent her head back and whispered, “Feels so good.”

It sure did. She was hot and wet and tight, even with just one finger in her. I took out my finger, and turned her over and had a good look. Very pretty. I rubbed my thumb over her clit, and she cried out. I smiled and kept touching her, then I lay on the bed beside her and leaned down and kissed her.

“Are you ready for Mr. Whitesnake, baby?”

Frankie’s legs snapped shut and she tried to sit up and look at me.

“Let’s get one thing straight. If Mr. Whitesnake would like to be inside any part of me, he is going to have to change his name to cock, or penis or Jake’s dick. Because I cannot have sex with a guy who acts like some adolescent hoser.”

I pushed her onto her side, reached down and started spreading her ass cheeks wide.

“Jake, are you listening to me? Um, what are you doing?” She sounded a little breathless, like I was getting her excited. In some ways, Frankie was a dirty little girl. But in other ways, she was way too uptight.

“I’m just trying to find the big stick that I know is up here.”

“Oh, screw off!”

“C’mon Frankie, just relax. Did I get mad when I found out that you have to replay my highlight reel before you can get wet? No, I just go with it.”

Frankie started getting mad, she turned and tried to push me away. Like that was going to happen. I straddled her, bent down, and kissed her. She was pummelling her fists against my chest but it didn’t hurt at all.

“Jake, you drive me crazy… you’re such an idiot!”

“You drive me crazy too, Frankie. But in a good way, you’re so hot.” I held her shoulders down and I kept kissing her, her face, her neck, the tops of her big tits. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to fuck you? Ever since the day I first saw you. And even more this summer, seeing you in those workout outfits and in your swimsuit, every time I hung out with you.”

I put one of my legs between hers, and then both, and pushed her thighs apart. She arched her back and twisted around a bit, but I was pretty sure she wanted it too. But maybe I should check, “It’s okay, right Frankie?”

“Oh yeah, okay… yes.” That seemed pretty certain. I reached over and grabbed my jacket and took out a condom.

I opened her up and entered her. She was hot and juicy, and she flexed all her muscles around me as I slowly pushed inside. It felt good, really fucking good. At first I just gave it to her slowly, but she was really moving and thrusting against me.

“Go harder, Jake,” she begged me breathlessly. And so I went harder and faster. Frankie really liked it when I pulled out almost the whole way and then thrust back in all the way. At first we just did it on the bed, but then I moved her around a bit, pulling her to the edge of the bed and holding her knees wide apart so I was deeper inside her. I fucked her faster and I liked watching her, her soft flesh moving with each thrust, her eyes closed and her lips open and panting. I kept going at her. It felt so good and when Frankie came she kept it all in, biting her lip and then crying out softly. I liked the feeling of her spasming around my cock, and I held back a bit, grabbing her knees and pushing them up, so I could pound her deep until she came again and squeezed me hard inside her. But she was still so quiet, holding everything inside, and I wanted to make her lose it. I pulled out and she sighed a little, her eyes tightly closed.

Now it was time to fuck her the way I had imagined doing it ever since I first saw her. I lay down beside her on the bed, and kissed her, and then I rolled onto my back with my cock standing straight up.

“I’ve been doing all the work, babe. Now it’s your turn.”

She smiled a little, and climbed over me, a little shakily, spreading her pussy lips and slowly sinking down on me. Then she started to ride me slowly, moving her body up almost to the point where I thought I’d fall out of her and then down all the way so I was deep, deep inside of her. Again I could see her biting her lip as she fucked me, breathing hard but not saying anything. Didn’t she ever let go? Everything felt great, but I wanted more from her. I grabbed her above the hips and started moving her body faster, spearing her with my cock and forcing the pace. She started to gasp and breathe loudly and unevenly, moaning each time I bottomed out in her.

As she pounded up and down on my cock, not only did it feel fantastic, but it looked fucking awesome. Her head was back and her tits were flying.

“Go babe, I love to see your tits bounce.” I told her, and she gave me a surprised look, like she just woke up.

“God, Jake,” she panted, “You’re so….” I thrust hard into her and she lost her train of thought, crying out. After a few minutes of going hard at her, she was totally out of control. She was screaming out, calling my name, begging me to stop and then to go, and finally just groaning. She was as hot as I knew she’d be, and she was totally turning me on. When I finally came, I thrust hard a few more times, tensed, and then let go of Frankie, and she collapsed on top of me. Mostly it was pretty easy to get chicks, but with Frankie I had waited so long that it felt special, more like a victory to do her.


33. A Close Shave


“Wow,” said Frankie, “You’re really good in bed.”

She had rolled off me and was staring up at the ceiling. She was a hot mess, with tangled hair and a sweaty sheen all over her body.

“Thanks for sounding so surprised.” Actually I was surprised at what a sex maniac she was, that was pretty unexpected, but good unexpected. “I think I told you all summer I was good.”

“Guys always say that, and they’re usually exaggerating,” she scoffed. Then she turned to look at me, “But you actually don’t brag, do you?”

“Not really. So now when I suggest stuff, you should do it.”


She moved over and nestled in next to me, pulling a sheet over us. I cradled her in my arms, and I kissed her forehead and then the tip of her nose. She put her head on my chest. “ Well, I should have guessed you could go long. You do have a lot of endurance out there.” Frankie sounded very matter-of-fact.

I did play the most minutes of anyone on the team. Would it turn her on to hear that? “Back to my on-ice performance, are we?”

“It’s apparently linked to your in-bed performance.”

“Want more?”

Her eyes went wide, and she lifted the sheet to see what was up. Nothing yet, but if she wanted to put those pretty lips to good use, we could be in business again. I figured I could sleep on the plane and then at the hotel.

“Yeah I do, but let me rest a few minutes first.” She snuggled closer and draped one arm over me.

“Plus you have to say his name.” I tickled her under the arm, and she tried to hide under the covers.

She looked questioningly up at me for a moment and then it clicked. “Don’t make me say that.”

“Say it, and I’ll take you to paradise again.”

“What makes you think you took me there before?”

“Your girlish squeals of pleasure. The part where your eyes rolled back in your head. Oh maybe… when you screamed, ‘It’s so fucking good.’”

“Could be, or maybe it was just some sort of demonic possession.”

“Say it.”

“No. Don’t make me, I’ll do anything else.”


“No, forget it. I can’t even imagine what you could think up.” She was right, I could fantasize about stuff she didn’t even know existed.

“Then say it, he can’t perform unless you say his name.”

“Screw off, Jake. I’m not saying it.”

“You will, baby, you will.” I hopped off the bed and went through my jacket pockets.

“Look what I’ve got,” I waggled a new razor in her face.

“Oh my God, Jake, I cannot believe you remembered that. And are you sure you want to let me near your throat with a sharp metal object?”

“Dude, who would kill the goose that lays the golden eggs? So you’ve got shaving cream, right?”

We went to the bathroom to shave me first. As Frankie came in, I noticed she was now wearing a fancy robe.

“What’s this?” I pulled on the robe.

“I, um, just don’t like to walk around naked,” she replied, looking at the floor.

“Are you kidding me, with a body like yours?” But she looked genuinely embarrassed. “Frankie, you’re beautiful, all of you.” I undid the belt, and slid the robe off her shoulders. She blushed and let me take it off her, but her hands came up to cover herself. I took her wrists and pulled her hands down to her sides. Her nipples were all big and puffy now, and I bent down and kissed each one and then her belly button. She giggled a little. I told her, “I waited too long to see you naked not to see you naked whenever I can.” She shook her head like she didn’t believe me, but she stopped covering herself.

We cleaned each other off with hot, soapy, face cloths, and then I let her lather up my face. She had never shaved anyone before, so we went slow and I finished up for her. I really got off on looking in the mirror and seeing her naked body, her tits swaying as she worked on me.

She ran a hand over my clean-shaven face. “I like,” Frankie laughed. And then she popped up and kissed me, “Mmm, that feels better too.” She kissed all along my chin line and then licked me. She was pretty damn cute when she relaxed.

I took her by the hand and led her back into her bedroom. I laid out a towel on her bed. “Place that pretty ass here.” She sat down, giggling nervously, and I pushed her down gently. I gently lathered her up with shaving cream, and she was already getting excited and started wriggling around.

“Stay still and spread your legs wide, Frankie,” I told her and she obediently did it. That was hot, she was all laid out in front of me. It was like night and day: all summer Frankie had done the opposite of what I told her and now, she was so into everything.

I lay on the bed, and raised my head to watch him. He looked like he was taking things pretty seriously, cocking his head and looking at me down there, and shaving me with slow strokes. He had turned on every light in the room, and I was feeling a little self-conscious, but there was something reassuring about Jake and the way he looked at me. I felt he was only looking for the good stuff and not the flaws. He was no perfectionist for sure.

“It would be better if you put your head down,” Jake directed me.

“Why?” It was hard to relax, but I lay back and looked at the ceiling. It was kind of a turn-on that he was doing this, but I also felt exposed and completely vulnerable.

“Because you keep twitching. You don’t want me to slip and nick your clit or anything. Of course, it’s so big, it’s hard to avoid it.”

“I can’t believe you’re looking at the most intimate part of me and complaining. I’ve never had any complaints before.” Unless you counted Matt talking about the stretch marks on my thighs, a thought that made me tense up again.

BOOK: How The Cookie Crumbles
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