How The Warrior Fell (Falling Warriors series Book 1) (34 page)

Read How The Warrior Fell (Falling Warriors series Book 1) Online

Authors: Nicole René


BOOK: How The Warrior Fell (Falling Warriors series Book 1)
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Leawyn woke with a startled jerk when a hand slammed onto her lips, muffling her scream as she was pulled up by her hair and spun around.

“None of tha’ now,” a baritone voice said in her ear when Leawyn struggled against her captor. She froze immediately when she felt the cool steel of a blade being pressed against her throat.

“Now, you an’ I are jus gonna wait here quietly ‘till yer husband comes home. Aren’t we, lovie?”

Leawyn gave a short, jerky nod. “Attagirl,” he murmured against her ear. “Won’t be long now. You’ve been sleeping for a long time. Poor dearie missed the start of the feast.”

Leawyn closed her eyes, her breathing erratic against his hand still pressed to her lips as he held her. Though it was impossible for Leawyn to be able to get a look at the man by the way he was holding her in front of him, she could guess even though he had to bend down to her ear when he talked, he wasn’t as tall as her husband. He had a hard chest, and since he wasn’t in armor, it meant the firmness she felt was made of solid muscle.

Leawyn flicked her eyes downwards. His wrist guards were made up of some type of leather Leawyn wasn’t familiar with. It was dark brown in color, with small, jagged slits that held spikes from his wrist down. They looked as if they were made out of animal bones that were filed to razon sharp points. Almost like talons.

It held no notable tribe markings, which meant he was from 
Part of the army bent on destroying them.

The army that destroyed her village.

Filled with fury, Leawyn renewed her struggles with more vigor.

“You were doin’ so good, lovie, why you’d have to ruin it, eh?” She heard him tut in exasperation in her ear, seemingly not at all phased with her fight. Leawyn screamed in frustration against his hand, which came out muffled, and she jerked her body wildly. She even went as far as to drop all her weight, hoping to unbalance him.

It didn’t work.

All she managed to do was make him chuckle huskily in amusement as he lifted her higher in his arms.

“Nice try, sweetens. But tha’ not gonna work wit me. I was warned about yer spirit.” Leawyn tensed with fear at his words. He was 
she had spirit?

“Lucky ferya, I like me girls with some fight in them.”


They both stilled at her husband’s cry.

“Ah, finally.” The hand against her mouth pressed more firmly around her as he adjusted the grip he had on the dagger. He pulled her in closer so her ear was adjacent with his lips just as the door to the hut door burst open, slamming against the wall with a loud bang.

Leawyn where are you

Leawyn watched her husband freeze in shock as he assessed the picture they presented. Anger quickly ignited his eyes as he saw the dagger pressed into her skin. Along with something else.



Leawyn couldn’t help it; her eyes instantly watered with tears as she met Xavier’s furious gaze. His features smoothed to an expressionless mask that told Leawyn his warrior training was taking over.

“Chief Xavier, how nice of ya to come. We’ve been waitin’ for ya.” Xavier’s dark eyes locked on the person behind her, his face a picture of terrifying fury.

“Let her go. Now,” Xavier growled lowly. The threatening tone made Leawyn shiver in both fear and relief.

“Why would I wanna do tha’?” Leawyn felt him chuckle against her back. “Me and beauty here were just getting to know each other. Weren’t we, beauty?”

Leawyn flinched away when her kidnapper brushed his lips against her temple, tears of fear spilling over her cheeks. Xavier’s eyes zeroed in on her tears, and if possible, he looked even more furious.

“Let her go now, and I might still let you keep your head.” Xavier’s growl was almost inhuman, it was so deep and guttural.

He kept his gaze on Leawyn’s kidnapper, his insides feeling as if they were going to explode with his rage. Every fiber of his being wanted to charge at the bastard who dared to kiss 
wife. His Leawyn.

Xavier almost lost it when he saw the tear slide down her cheek. A red haze was slowly clouding his vision, making him irrational, which was something Xavier couldn’t let happen. He couldn’t afford to let his emotions cloud his judgment. He needed to be the warrior he was known to be. 
needed him to be the warrior he was known to be.




He needed to not be the man who was seized with an ungodly fear for his wife’s safety.

Trouble was, Xavier needed this man alive. He needed answers.

“Who are you?” Xavier growled out, slowly starting to circle his prey. His eyes never wavered from the man who held Leawyn as he mimicked his movements, dragging Leawyn along with him each step of the way.

“Me names’ na important, but—for courtesy’s sake—you can all me Hiinex.” Hiinex grinned back at Xavier. Xavier studied him silently.

Hiinex could’'t have been much older than Tristan and Tyronian. He was lean with solid muscles. His hair was an interesting mix between copper brown and black, with a shadow of stubble along his angular jaw.

Though his face looked young, and had lines from laughter, Xavier saw the calculation in his multicolored eyes that was a glimpse of the warrior within. That look alone put Xavier’s guard up. Hiinex was a seasoned warrior, and that meant he wasn’t just some foot soldier sent for the suicide mission of testing the waters.

He held importance, and a mission.

“Why are you here?” Xavier barked out, his voice noticeably more demanding as he stopped his slow prowl, which in turn made Hiinex stop as well.

Xavier positioned them so Leawyn was closest to the hut’s door while Hiinex and himself were parallel to each other and the fire pit that dominated the middle of the room. His hope was Hiinex would throw Leawyn aside, directly beside the door, before he attacked him.

In Xavier’s mind, Hiinex hadn’t hurt Leawyn thus far, which made him believe the man wouldn’t condemn her to the pain of flames eating her flesh and would instead choose to throw her to the safer option: the door.

It would give Leawyn just enough time to escape and for Xavier to disarm Hiinex. Judging by the look in Hiinex eyes and the slow grin tugging the corner of his lips, he knew exactly what Xavier had planned.

It also proved Xavier’s hunch. Hiinex was a seasoned warrior.

“This is gon’ be fun, I can tell.” Hiinex chuckled, his knowing eyes bright with amusement.

“Last chance,” Xavier said over Hiinex’s humor. “Why are you here?”

“All in good time,” Hiinex replied. Dipping his head, he whispered to Leawyn. “You really are a beauty, sweeting. Excuse me poor form, but I canna resist any longer.”

It was the only warning she got.

Hiinex dropped his hand an inch from her mouth, tilted her jaw to him, and smashed his lips onto hers—tongue and all—before Xavier’s enraged roar shattered the moment.

Tearing his mouth from hers just in time, Hiinex gave Leawyn a hard push away from him as Xavier crashed into his body, lifting him clean off his feet and slamming him down on the ground.

“You dare kiss my wife!” Xavier bellowed in fury as he pinned him to the ground and immediately brought his enclosed fist down onto Hiinex’s face with a quick, hard, jab.

Blood instantly burst from Hiinex’s nose and covered Xavier’s hand as he broke the bone. Xavier pushed aside the arm Hiinex threw up to block his punch effortlessly, and landed another hard blow into the soft flesh of Hiinex’s cheek.

The assailant’s head snapped to the side from the force, but he quickly recovered. Grabbing Xavier’s shoulders, Hiinex yanked him down toward his face and slammed his forehead upwards in a hard head-butt.

The blow disoriented Xavier just enough for Hiinex to throw Xavier over his head with his leg. Once Xavier was thrown off, Hiinex catapulted his body up and onto his feet so he was once again standing upright.

Xavier pushed himself up quickly, bracing his body when Hiinex’s shoulders slammed into his stomach, throwing him back against the table, which instantly broke under his weight. Xavier landed with a short grunt, his elbow flying up to block the right hook Hiinex sent his way.

“Xavier!” Leawyn screamed out in warning. Xavier snapped his head up, looking toward Leawyn at her scream. “Look out!” She pointed at the flash of metal in Hiinex’s hand as he brought the dagger straight for Xavier’s stomach.


It happened in seconds.

Hiinex thrust the blade forward, but Xavier hollowed himself out, ducking his head as he did so, and blocked the knife using the back of both his arms. One hand hooked around Hiinex's elbow, and Xavier used his grip to pull Hiinex toward his chest. The attacker fell forward, his only free arm slamming on the ground to try and catch his balance. He let out a pained scream when Xavier stomped on his hand with a heavy boot. In quick succession, Xavier jerked his knee up into Hiinex’s temple, knocking him out.

The knife clanged to the floor when Xavier dropped Hiinex and stepped back, wiping the blood out from under his nose with the back of his hand as he did. After kicking the knife away, Xavier looked up and caught his wife’s eyes. Leawyn sobbed once.

It took three long strides.

The first step, he was in front of her. The second, he had his hands on her cheeks in a tight grip, keeping her captive.

By the third, he had her pushed against the wall, his lips slanted against her own in a searing kiss.

Leawyn whimpered into his mouth desperately, throwing her hands around his neck and clutching him closer to her as her tongue dueled with his. The kiss spoke volumes. Pouring everything they were feeling into the contact.





The kiss said it all. It was the words they were unable to speak, both to themselves . . . and each other.

Leawyn gasped for breath when Xavier broke the kiss, pulling away from her slightly to look down at her. “Are you hurt?” he asked, his voice laced with quiet urgency.

Her nails bit into his shoulders as his hands tightened on her cheeks. He forced her head back and away from his lips as his eyes roamed over her form. “Answer me!” Xavier shook her chin, catching her eyes when they flew up to his.

“Did he hurt you?” Xavier gritted out beneath clenched teeth. His body was wound tight with anger and worry for her.

“No,” Leawyn whispered huskily, her voice thick with tears and fear. “No, he didn’t hurt me. I just . . . he had a knife,” she said shakily. “Oh Gods,” she gasped out, her eyes growing wide as the shock slowly wore off and realization hit. She looked from the knife on the floor, then back up to Xavier’s face, as if noticing for the first time how swollen and bloody he was.

“He had a knife! He could have—” Her eyes filled with tears and she cried once, running her hands down Xavier’s sides. Feeling for blood.

“I’m fine,” he said shortly, soothing her in his gruff way. “But he could wake up any minute. I need you to listen to me, okay?” He ducked down, making sure he held her eyes and that they were clear and not dilated with shock.

Xavier nodded his head in approval when Leawyn’s blue eyes locked onto his with her undivided attention.

“You’re going to go outside, find Tyronian or Tristan—whoever you see first—and you bring them here. You 
do not 
tell them what happened in front of anyone else, and you 
do not 
go anywhere else. You find them, and you bring them straight here,” Xavier ordered sternly. Leawyn gulped at the vehemence in his tone.

“Do you understand me, Leawyn?”

She gave a quick jerk of her head to show that she understood. Xavier gave another nod of approval to her and dropped his hands from her shoulders, stepping back so Leawyn could go.

She shot a nervous look down to where Hiinex was as she stepped around Xavier and toward the door.

“Leawyn.” Xavier snagged her wrist as she went to slide past him. He stared at her for a long moment. She looked up at him, eyes unblinking, plump lips set in a grim and determined line.

“Be careful,” Xavier said gruffly.

Leawyn’s shoulders dropped some of their tension as her face smoothed over, the hard lines of fear and worry softening. Without any hesitation, she took the two steps needed to get close to him. Reaching up and placing her hand on his cheek, she pulled his head down as she went up on her tiptoes and placed her lips on his in a soft, tender kiss.

“You too,” she whispered.

Xavier gave a subtle nod and Leawyn smiled softly, her fingertips trailing down his chin once before she turned away and hurried out of their hut.

He watched her go until a low groan brought his attention back to the body on the floor. Hiinex was waking up. Good.

Using his toe, Xavier kicked Hiinex onto his back. He felt his lips pull back in a sinister grin.

He had some questions that needed answering.

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