How to Handle Your Emotions (Counseling Through the Bible Series) (26 page)

BOOK: How to Handle Your Emotions (Counseling Through the Bible Series)
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Time and time again, fear arises in Gideon’s heart. A vast army of Midianites has gathered again, ready to raid the land of Israel at harvest time. Meanwhile, the Lord has promised Gideon total victory. Yet Gideon
asks for divine confirmation concerning his call. “Gideon said to God, ‘If you will save Israel by my hand as you have promised—look, I will place a wool fleece on the threshing floor. If there is dew only on the fleece and all the ground is dry, then I will know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you said’” (Judges 6:36-37).

God exercises great patience with Gideon’s fragile faith, and the next morning, His reluctant servant finds a damp fleece and a dry floor.
But wait a minute,
Gideon must have pondered,
Might not that have happened naturally? Of course the floor would dry before the fleece.
So Gideon asks God to participate in a second test, and this time to reverse the outcome. He asked for a dry fleece and a damp floor. And

“that night God did so”


A. What Are Symptoms of

The fear Gideon feels is completely understandable. His enemy is real, and his life is in real danger. He has “normal” fear. However, God has proven Himself to be both powerful and trustworthy. So why does God seem absent in this situation? It isn’t that God doesn’t see Gideon’s circumstance or denies his dilemma. God knows neither is a problem for Him, and Gideon needs to know that too! No fear—normal or abnormal—is beyond God’s ability to resolve.

What are the differences between normal and abnormal fear?

Normal Fear

Why would God give us the emotion of fear if it could be detrimental to us? The answer is found in asking another question: If at this moment you were surprised by an assailant with a knife in his hand, would you not want the “
of fear?”

Put a check mark (√) next to the symptoms you exhibit when you experience fear. These benefits include…

Apprehension (to proceed with caution)

Increased breathing (to deliver more oxygen to your body)

Increased energy (to provide the fuel to take immediate action)

Increased heart rate (to fuel your muscles with blood)

Hyper-alertness (to increase awareness of danger)

Racing mind (to provide options to consider)

Contracting muscles (to prepare for the “fight or flight” reaction)

Increased perspiration (to cool your body and prevent over-heating)

Dilated pupils (to increase vision, especially at night)

Heightened senses (for the purpose of dealing with the feared object)

Lessened sleep (to provide more “awake” time)

BOOK: How to Handle Your Emotions (Counseling Through the Bible Series)
10.07Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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