How to Liv (23 page)

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Authors: Megan Keith

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: How to Liv
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“Shut up!” I giggled.  My laughter was cut off quickly by a moan when he dashed my underwear to the side and inserted his tongue. 
“Oh god!”

“No, Joel will do.”  The vibration of his voice against my mound almost pushed me over the edge.  But then he started trailing his tongue along my thighs again, teasing me.


“Please what?”

“Stop teasing me.”

“Ooh, so demanding,” he said mockingly.

I didn’t get a chance to respond to that before he was forcing his tongue inside me again, fucking me with it, then he replaced it with his fingers and moved his tongue to my clit, changing pace from fast to slow and then fast again, until I was coming with an almighty orgasm.  He sat up between my legs and smirked down at me, obviously satisfied with himself for getting me off so quickly.  He pulled my underwear off slowly and then ran his hands up and down my thighs while he continued to stare at me.


“I love making you come,” he said devilishly before wriggling his jeans and underwear down, and putting a condom on.  “And I love fucking you,” he said, then started kissing his way up my body before settling his hips between my legs.  He rubbed himself against me, I was slick with need and desperate for him.  He continued to tease me, it seemed to be his favourite past time.

“So, fuck me already!” I said loudly, without a care in the world.  I needed him and that was all that mattered.  It seemed those words were exactly what he was waiting for.

He moved slowly and deeply as he straightened his back and braced himself on outstretched muscular arms.  His eyes held mine with an intensity that I was becoming very familiar with.  Even in the darkened room I couldn’t look away or stop saying his name.  His eyes eventually squeezed shut as he shuddered and came inside me, before collapsing on top of me.  I cradled his head in the crook of my neck and squeezed my own eyes shut for a moment.  They were slightly wet with tears - happy tears.  Running my hands through his soft hair, I let out a contented sigh.

“Good?” he mumbled, against me neck.

“So good,” I replied with another sigh.  “So when can we do that again?”

“Give me ten minutes and I’ll have you screaming my name again.”



oud giggling in my ear, woke me up to a bright and sunny room.

“Good morning, sunshine!” Joel said cheerily from beside me on the bed.  I turned my head to see he wasn’t talking to me but to a giggly Chelsea that he was tickling.

“I is munchkin not a sunshine,” she said through her laughter.

“Well, good morning,
munchkin smarty-pants!”

As he continued his ticklish assault on her I sat up slowly and looked at the two cheery people through blurry and heavy lids.  My head was killing me and Chelsea’s loudness was not helping in the slightest.

“Aunty Wiv!” she squealed when Joel finally let her go.  She threw herself into my arms and I couldn’t help but squeeze her back.  Hangover or not, it was a great way to be greeted and it warmed my heart.

“Good morning, Chelsea.”

Joel leaned over us and gave me a peck on the forehead then whispered in my ear, “I’m busting for the loo, do you think you could take her out of here?”

I looked at him quizzically but when his cheeks flushed and he nodded his head toward his lap I got his meaning and laughed.  He was completely starkers under the doona
probably sporting a morning woody.  I breathed a sigh of relief that I’d had the forethought to put my undies and t-shirt back on before I went to sleep.

“Chelsea, how about we go find something to drink?” I asked the girl with the big blue eyes directed at me.  Not just to distract her, but also because I had a bad case of the dry horrors.

“Okay,” she replied, jumping off my lap and standing at the side of the bed.  “Mummy’s makin’ brekky fwar you.”

“Oh, she is?  Well I better get out there then.”  I stood and grabbed my jeans from the floor and quickly put them on just before Chelsea raced from the room ahead of me. 

“Thanks for that!  I really didn’t want to have to answer any questions, or give her the fright of her life, by hopping out of bed naked.”

“Glad I could help.”  I turned to Joel, leaning over the bed to give him a kiss.  Threading my hands through his hair I pulled myself closer to deepen it, turning our kiss into an earth shattering one. 

“Ugh,” he groaned when I removed my lips and tongue from his.  We both looked at each other, breathing heavily.  “Now I won’t even be able to walk, you cruel, cruel woman.”

“Suffer!”  I turned on my heel and squealed when Joel gave me a hard slap on my arse before I got a chance to get away.

“There she is!  Good morning, Liv!” Raelene beamed at me when I entered the kitchen.  She was standing in front of a sizzling stove.  The kitchen smelled of perfect hangover food - eggs and bacon.

“How can you wake up so happy?” I grumbled.

“Years of practice.  You’ll understand when you have your own kids.  Speaking of, didn’t I ask you to go get dressed Chelsea?” she asked the girl seated on the floor playing with a couple of dolls.  “Or do you need me to help you?”

doin’ it!  Geez!” Chelsea replied, standing up and stomping away.

“I swear she’s going on thirteen not three sometimes!  Little Miss Independent has discovered that she can pick her own clothes and dress herself these past few days.  It’s been interesting to see what she comes up with!”

“Ha, too cute!” I said, too loudly, then winced.  “Are you suffering at all?”

“Yep, I’m just faking it.  Plus it helps that I got up in the night and sculled like a litre of cordial.”

“I should have done that,” I said, sitting on a bar stool and wincing at the hardness of it. 
Just how much sex did I have last night?

“I gather you were probably too busy.”  She wriggled her eyebrows up and down then added in a soft, exaggerated tone, “
Fuck me already!

“I beg your pardon?” Joel asked with a chuckle, walking up behind me while I hid my face with embarrassment. 
She heard me?  I could just die right now! 
“Are you propositioning my girlfriend, Raelene?”

“No, not at all,” she replied seriously, shaking her head.  Then she burst out laughing.  “I’m fairly certain she had more than her fill last night!”

I buried my face in my arms against the kitchen counter.  Joel’s hand started rubbing my back soothingly.  I peered over my shoulder to see the smug look on his face before quickly hiding again. 
He’s enjoying this!

“Oh Joel,” Adam said in a silly girly voice as he entered the room a moment later.  I lifted my head in time to see him dry humping my boyfriend from behind.  “Fuck me already!  Oh yes!”

“Oh. My.
”  I cringed, trying hard to fight the smile that was trying to come out.

“Yes, I think I heard that last night too!” Raelene butted in, causing everyone to laugh really loudly.  I couldn’t hold it in after that either.  Letting out an
embarrassed giggle, I got up from the stool and buried my reddened face in Joel’s chest.

“Remind me not to drink at next week’s party,” I mumbled.  His arms wrapped around me and I quickly let the humiliation go.  Nothing really mattered when I was in his hold.

Luckily, Chelsea returned not long after that and everyone stopped teasing me and instead turned their attention to her colourful outfit.  She was wearing green shorts with a yellow skirt and a pink and blue striped t-shirt over a long sleeved purple top.  She also had some lovely orange beads draped around her neck.

Chels, darlin’, you don’t need a skirt
shorts or long sleeves,” Adam said, walking towards her.

“But I
wanna wear them,” she said, pouting and crossing her arms.

“Suit yourself.  You may get a little hot though.”  He stopped and shrugged his shoulders.

“I think you look very pretty!” I interjected and I got a big smile in return.

“See!” she said to her dad with a twist of her lips.  “Aunty
Wiv fwinks I’m pwetty!”

“I didn’t say you
pretty Chels, I just said you might get
.  Maybe you should wear a dress?”

“Oh, okay Daddy,” she said turning and going back to her room to change.

“If only her mother was so agreeable!” Adam said to me with a wink.

“Aye, you knock that off or I’ll show you how
agreeable I can be!” Raelene replied with a smirk and a wave of the spatula.  “Do something useful and get your guests a drink, will ya?”

  These two are family, not guests!  They can get their own damn drinks!  I’m gonna go have a quick shower.”  And with that he left the room, leaving my heart a little warmer –
he considers me family?

Joel opened the fridge and eyed its contents then turned back to me. 

“Yes, please.  Can I give you a hand with anything Raelene?” I asked.

“Could you pop some bread in the toaster?” she asked, motioning to where the loaf of bread was waiting right by the big family sized toaster.

As I helped with breakfast I again marvelled at just how right it seemed. 
Casually enjoying breakfast with my new
like I’d done it a hundred times before.

It was the Australia Day long weekend and none of us had to work the next day so we all fell into holiday mode.  Joel and I stayed at Adam and Raelene’s the entire day.  I borrowed a pair of Raelene’s shorts, which surprisingly fit me perfectly.  The boys kicked around the footy for a bit and Raelene and I watched Chelsea play in her little wading pool on the patio.  When Chelsea eventually had a nap that afternoon all of us adults ended up seated around that pool with our feet in it to cool off.  Of course there was the occasional splash too.

It was a lovely day spent in good company and after polishing off a late night pizza, Joel and I decided it was time to finally head home.

“So my place or yours?”
I asked with a teasing tone and a wiggle of my eyebrows when we stopped at a T intersection of a quiet road.  I knew left would take us to my place and right in the direction of his.

“Well, I’m guessing you probably want a change of clothes…” he said, tapping the steering wheel with his finger.

“Yes, and I’m guessing you need to check on your dog.”

“How about we swing by your place so you can grab a few things and then go to mine?”

“So you’re assuming that I want to spend the night with you?” I teased.

No, not at all,” he said matter-of-factly.  “I’m telling you that you will.” The heat in his gaze by the dashboard light set me alight with desire.

“You are insatiable,” I said with a scoff.  Though I didn’t really mean it; I wanted him all the time too.

“Only with you.”  He squeezed my hand in the dark before turning the car left.

After spending Sunday night and all day hanging out at Joel’s we spent Monday night at mine.  It was beginning to become a habit, sleeping beside each other, and it was one I didn’t want to break anytime soon.  I loved falling asleep and waking up with him and just being with him in general.  When we were apart, I couldn’t get him off my mind or wait to get back to his side.

Tuesday morning I was woken before my alarm.  I groaned in annoyance when Joel started kissing my neck.  I was tired and he really

“Joel, it’s too early,” I complained, glancing at the alarm clock and seeing the time was only five a.m.  I didn’t need to get up for at least another hour.  I rolled to my side, grumbling.

Joel curled into me and started kissing my bare shoulder, it was nice.  His fingers ran down the length of my arm, it felt good.  I sighed happily in my sleepy state.  Then his hand curved around my hip and trailed downwards.  He moved his body closer and his lips moved up my neck, his kisses becoming more erotic, his hand pushing in between my legs.  When I felt his hard shaft between my naked arse cheeks I was more than a little awake.  I widened my legs, letting him between them, allowing his fingers to find my sensitive spot.

“Good morning,” he said, thrusting his cock inside me suddenly, causing me to gasp.  It wasn’t long before I was panting with need.  Hard and fast, our bodies were slapping together, my back to his front.

“Feels so fucking good Liv,” he said as he climaxed inside of me.  He withdrew and I rolled onto my back in time to see him removing the condom he must have sneakily put on while I was sleeping.  He kissed me swiftly and then left the bed before my breathing had even slowed. 
Well, that was a morning quickie if ever I’ve had one!

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