How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week

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Authors: Jenny Allan

Tags: #Health; Fitness & Dieting, #Diets & Weight Loss, #Other Diets, #Weight Loss, #90 Minutes (44-64 Pages), #Diets, #Weight Maintenance

BOOK: How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week
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How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week – The Ultimate 7 Day Weight Loss Kick Start

By Jenny Allan

Copyright © 2013 Jenny Allan

All Rights Reserved


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Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Steps to Take Prior to Starting

Step 1: Let Go of Yesterday
Step 2: Engage in Proper Goal Setting Techniques
Step 3: Don’t Start Empty Handed
Step 4: Make Your Plan Fit Your Lifestyle
Step 5: Prepare to Celebrate Your Accomplishments

Chapter 2: Fasting 101

Cutting Out Sugar
Eat Only Natural Foods
Water Only
The Master Cleanse
Put It All Together

Chapter 3: Understanding Weight Loss

Know How Many Calories You Need
Use These Numbers to Create a Plan

Chapter 4: Get Rid of Bloat

Why Do You Bloat?
Decreasing Your Waistline

Chapter 5: Get Control Over Your Emotions

Negative Consequences of Emotional Eating
Ending the Cycle

Chapter 6: Why Water is Fundamental to Weight Loss

The Advantages of Water
What’s an Appropriate Water Intake?

Chapter 7: Herbs, Vitamins & Other Supplements

Natural Supplements to Consider

Chapter 8: Time for Bathroom Talk

Chapter 9: Get Physically Active

Exercise is Your Friend Not Enemy
Fun Exercise is Sustainable Exercise
Calculate Your Body Fat
Strength Training Basics
Strength Training Exercises
Proper Strength Training

Chapter 11: Keep Yourself Motivated

Create Set-Points
Reward Yourself
Face Your Inner Motivation
Ask for Help

Chapter 12: Get Your Sleep

Advantages of Peaceful Slumber
Perform a Personal Sleep Inventory
Improve Your Sleep

Chapter 13: 7-Day Kick Start

Prepare for Weight Loss:
Sample Daily Plan:
The Continued Journey

Chapter 14: Medical Conditions that May Affect Weight Loss

Where To From Here?

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While it would be nice to wake up one morning and be the size of your dreams, it just isn’t a reality. Losing weight takes time. But, that doesn’t mean that it has to take more time than necessary. With a few little tweaks to the way you do things, you can kick start your weight loss and see tremendous progress in the first week alone!

In honesty, you’re not going to be dropping a lot of fat in those first seven days. Some of it will be excess water and toxins that have built up in your system and some of it will simply be just reducing any bloating you may have going on. Regardless, you’ll end this first seven days looking and feeling better than you have in a long time!

How is this going to happen, you ask? You’ll get everything you need by reading this eBook. For example, in
Chapter 1
you’ll find out exactly what to do to get your mind and body ready to shed the pounds quickly and easily.

Chapter 2
will teach you about fasting, its positives and negatives, and what to do to insure your safety should you choose to incorporate them into your weight loss plan; whereas in
Chapter 3
you’ll learn some proper eating techniques to help you not only lose weight, but keep it off for the long term.

Chapter 4
discusses why bloating occurs and how to avoid it and
Chapter 5
will go over eating out of emotional hunger versus physical hunger and provide a little bit of information about eating disorders. After all, if you can uncover your reason for overeating, you can start to heal the problem instead of covering it up with food, resulting in weight loss that lasts!

Chapter 6
talks about water and why it is essential in the weight loss process. It will even help you find out how much your body specifically needs.

Chapter 7
you’ll learn which dietary nutrients and foods will actually stoke the fat loss process and which ones don’t live up to the hype; and
Chapter 8
will go into how your bowels may be working against you in the weight loss process and what you can do to help them turn around and work for you.

Chapter 9
discusses exercise and how to make it something you look forward to instead of something you dread. One of the key elements to burning calories (even while you’re not active) is increasing your muscle mass, which you’ll learn in
Chapter 10

Of course, staying motivated can prove to be a challenge so you’ll get some handy tips and tricks in
Chapter 11
that will help you keep your head in the game.

Although food and exercise is extremely important to the weight loss process, so is adequate sleep, which you’ll learn in
chapter 12

Chapter 13
is going to give you what you need to kick your weight loss in gear that first week (and beyond). And, just in case you don’t get the results that you’re after
Chapter 14
is going to cover some medical reasons that may be to blame.

One thing is for sure, after you’re done with this eBook, you’ll have a toolbox full of tips and tricks to help you reach your weight loss goals once and for all!

Let’s get started, shall we?

Chapter 1:
Steps to Take Prior to Starting

Have you struggled with dieting and weight gain for years? And, do you find that each time you lose weight it is easier to regain it and even more difficult the next time you try to get it back off? If you answered yes to these questions, don’t despair because you’re now on your final journey to weight loss success!

You’re going to take the next week and help your body learn how to get its metabolism back where it should be. Actually, you’ll get it better than it ever was as long as you follow the guidelines in this eBook!

Of course, you want to make sure that your body is up to the tune-up first. So, please take the time to see your family doctor prior to starting this weight loss journey and make sure you don’t have any medical conditions that could be affected by some of the recommendations. No reason to hurt yourself when you’re trying to make yourself healthy, right?

Once you get the go ahead, here are the steps you’ll want to follow to get your body re-energized for the next week and beyond:

Step 1: Let Go of Yesterday

Even if you’ve tried to lose weight before and not been successful, it’s not a problem. As no two people are the same, you have to learn what specific things help you lose weight and what your obstacles are as well.

Whatever happened last time or the time before when you tried weight loss, it’s time to forgive and forget. Quit holding on to choices you made that didn’t help you reach your goal. What’s done is done and it’s time to move past that.

The fact that you’re even still trying to meet your goals is a great sign! It means that you believe you’re capable of losing the weight once and for all – which is so very true!

So, keep the past in the past, okay? Use your drive and motivation to make today the best day ever! The result will be a tomorrow that’s loaded with joy and happiness because you will have succeeded at finally reaching your goal. How great is that?

Step 2: Engage in Proper Goal Setting Techniques

The reason you’re doing this is because you have a goal, right? Well, what is it? Is it getting to a certain weight or wearing a certain size clothes?

Most importantly, why is this goal important to you? What would it mean to you to have your goal become a reality? For example, would you be more social because you’d have higher self-esteem, or maybe you’d have more courage to ask for that long overdue raise at work if you felt better about yourself?

It is this type of information that will make the difficult times easier. It will be your drive when you just don’t feel like you have the energy to move forward.

Now that you know what your goal is and why, it’s important to take note of a couple other factors that will help make it easier to reach. They are:

  • Make sure your goal is reachable. If you set something that is too difficult to reach, you’ll only cause yourself added aggravation, which will increase the likelihood that you’ll give up altogether.
  • Don’t cut yourself too short on time by creating a deadline that’s hard to keep. You want it out far enough to make it reasonable, but close enough to keep it in the forefront of your mind.
  • Break it down into smaller increments that aren’t so daunting. For example, it’s much easier to stomach the idea of losing five pounds three times than it is to think of dropping fifteen pounds.

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