How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week (5 page)

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Authors: Jenny Allan

Tags: #Health; Fitness & Dieting, #Diets & Weight Loss, #Other Diets, #Weight Loss, #90 Minutes (44-64 Pages), #Diets, #Weight Maintenance

BOOK: How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Week
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Although we know it’s good for us, sleep is often pushed aside as unnecessary. However, research suggests that if you don’t get the minimum requirement of 7-10 hours nightly, you’ll likely have more fat.

Perform a Personal Sleep Inventory

Take a look at your sleep habits. Are you spending enough time in bed, or should you be spending more? What can you do to get yourself in bed earlier if it is an issue?

There are definitely times in our lives that we’re more sleep deprived, such as with an infant or when work is crazy. However, other things impact our shut-eye time too, such as late night video games, drinking and worrying about things beyond our control.

Improve Your Sleep

One of the best ways to sleep better at night is to de-stress your body. Keep your body active, spend some time in the sun and limit your caffeine intake. If you have a lot on your mind, write it in a diary or share your concerns with a friend. You can also do some form of yoga or meditation to relieve some stress.

Try to avoid taking medications as they can become addictive. If you want to take something, try melatonin supplements.

If you live in an apartment or have noisy neighbors, use earplugs or get a white noise machine. Also, trim down the light in your room by getting curtains that darken the room or turning the display on your alarm clock so it faces away from you.

Create a feeling of serenity by relaxing before bed. Drink something warm, like a nice cup of tea. Take a hot bath or cuddle up with a blanket or book.

When you get good sleep, you’ll find it easier to handle life. And, since you’re going to be changing yours a little bit with healthier behavior, why not set yourself up for success?

Chapter 13:
7-Day Kick Start

You know everything you need to lose weight successfully, so now it’s time to take action!

What follows is a handy cheat sheet to make sure you don’t forget anything and a plan you can use the first week to get your body burning fat at amazing rates! (Keep using it past the first week to enjoy optimal burn!)

You’ll notice it’s a little vague. That’s because no two people lose weight the same way so you need to adapt it so it works for you.

Remember that it has to fit your lifestyle. So, set it up in a way that you can live with for the long term.

If you have a lot of weight to get off, your results will be higher in the first week. And, the closer you get to your goal, the slower they’ll become. I only mention it so that you don’t get discouraged.

Okay, ready for your first 7 days of the rest of your life?

Prepare for Weight Loss:

  • Figure out whether you will fast
  • Calculate your calorie usage
  • Stock up on healthy supplies
  • Pick a fun workout that will keep you energized
  • Connect with others who share similar goals
  • Make sleep a priority

Sample Daily Plan:

  • Begin your morning with hydration – think green tea and water. Also, make a breakfast that has lean proteins and don’t forget to do your yoga.
  • If mornings are easy for you, get in your exercise. Try for 30-60 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of strength training.
  • Have 5-6 mini-meals, making sure you don’t exceed your calculated calorie count.
  • Get your daily intake of water. (1 ounce for every 2 pounds you weigh)
  • Stay away from sugar and salt.
  • Spend your evening time engaged in some relaxing stretches.
  • Soothe your body even more by drinking a warm cup of tea or reading a good book.
  • Get 7-10 hours of sleep.

Make all seven days like this. Remember, you need to eat well, exercise often and sleep good at night.

Also, keep in mind that you shouldn’t strength train the same muscles two days in a row. So, you can start with upper body exercises one day (such as push-ups and pull-ups) and do lower body the next (like lunges and squats). Use the third day to work your tummy, doing sit-ups and leg-lifts.

Keep this schedule all week and you’ll feel fantastic by the end of day number seven! Don’t forget to reward yourself for a job well done this week so you’re motivated to continue on your weight loss plan.

The Continued Journey

The reality is that this schedule is one that can and should extend beyond the first week if you want to burn the maximum amount of calories possible. You don’t even have to change it once you reach your goal, because it will help you maintain it as well.

The only thing you’ll want to limit is fasting. But, the diet and exercise suggestions can be followed indefinitely to get you the body you’ve waited so long to enjoy.

As long as you keep doing healthy behaviors time after time, your results will be permanent. The key is in consistency.

Chapter 14:
Medical Conditions that May Affect Weight Loss

If you follow these guidelines and aren’t seeing results, it’s possible that a medical reason may be to blame. Although they’re not very common, they have to be considered as options if nothing else is working.

Medical conditions such as Cushing’s disease, diabetes or pre-diabetes, hypothyroidism and polycystic ovary syndrome for females can make it hard or impossible to lose weight. Some even promote weight gain.

Testing for conditions such as these can be done easily through blood. If you find that you have one of these, your doctor can help come up with a way to treat it. And, once it’s under control, losing weight will become an option.

If you’re struggling to drop the pounds, it’s possible that you’re on a medication that is making it difficult. For instance, oral steroids and the birth control drug Depo-Provera can cause you to gain weight.

If you feel this may be happening to you, talk to your health care provider. It may be something as simple as switching you to a different medication that doesn’t have weight gain as a side effect.

Where To From Here?

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All the best,

Jenny Allan



Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Steps to Take Prior to Starting

Step 1: Let Go of Yesterday
Step 2: Engage in Proper Goal Setting Techniques
Step 3: Don’t Start Empty Handed
Step 4: Make Your Plan Fit Your Lifestyle
Step 5: Prepare to Celebrate Your Accomplishments

Chapter 2: Fasting 101

Cutting Out Sugar
Eat Only Natural Foods
Water Only
The Master Cleanse
Put It All Together

Chapter 3: Understanding Weight Loss

Know How Many Calories You Need
Use These Numbers to Create a Plan

Chapter 4: Get Rid of Bloat

Why Do You Bloat?
Decreasing Your Waistline

Chapter 5: Get Control Over Your Emotions

Negative Consequences of Emotional Eating
Ending the Cycle

Chapter 6: Why Water is Fundamental to Weight Loss

The Advantages of Water
What’s an Appropriate Water Intake?

Chapter 7: Herbs, Vitamins & Other Supplements

Natural Supplements to Consider

Chapter 8: Time for Bathroom Talk

Chapter 9: Get Physically Active

Exercise is Your Friend Not Enemy
Fun Exercise is Sustainable Exercise
Calculate Your Body Fat
Strength Training Basics
Strength Training Exercises
Proper Strength Training

Chapter 11: Keep Yourself Motivated

Create Set-Points
Reward Yourself
Face Your Inner Motivation
Ask for Help

Chapter 12: Get Your Sleep

Advantages of Peaceful Slumber
Perform a Personal Sleep Inventory
Improve Your Sleep

Chapter 13: 7-Day Kick Start

Prepare for Weight Loss:
Sample Daily Plan:
The Continued Journey

Chapter 14: Medical Conditions that May Affect Weight Loss

Where To From Here?

BONUS: Free Book Giveaway + Lifetime Updates

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