How to Rope a McCoy (Hell Yeah!) (36 page)

BOOK: How to Rope a McCoy (Hell Yeah!)
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concentrated on how wonderful it felt to be with him. She held her breath, memorizing
the sensation. He pulsed inside of her, her own blood flowed through her veins
with the same rhythm. For her, sex with Heath was more than a physical act, it
was spiritual. Locking his gaze to hers, Heath pulled out slowly, then pushed
back in, dragging his shaft over nerves so sensitized that every movement gave
her tingling pleasure. She buried her heels in his ass, needing to connect with
him. Repeatedly Heath
into her, arching his
pelvis and undulating his hips. The erotic motion pressed against her clit as
he thrust his cock higher inside of her.

her knees, Heath thrust in and out of Cato’s hot, creamy pussy. Nothing—nothing
had ever felt so good. She threw her head back, those luscious tits were
jiggling with every plunge he made. This wasn’t one-sided, she milked his cock
over and over again, stealing his very breath. His baby was soaring, her
fingers were grasping his arms and she was making the sexiest purring noises.
Bending over, he crashed their lips together. He wanted to be kissing her when
she came the second time.

felt a wave of euphoria rush over her, causing her skin to heat with a rosy
glow. “Faster, faster, Heath,” she pleased. “Fuck me hard.” She wanted it
all—the connection, the contact, the friction, the pleasure.

was eager to please, he pounded into her, placing her legs up on his shoulders.
Over and over again, they came together, the sounds of their flesh slapping
together made Heath even harder. “So good, so good,” he

coming!” she keened as Cato felt herself fly apart.

ground into her, moving his hips in a circular motion, the pleasure gathered,
built, tighter and tighter. “Yes!” he shouted, his whole body stiffening as his
release hit. With a shudder, he bellowed, then spilled his very essence into
her body. He held her still, wanting the feeling to last, burying his face in
her neck.
I love you. I love you
. His heart shouted what he couldn’t
bring himself to say out loud.

up, he cupped her cheek. He didn’t pull out, rather he stayed inside of her,
wanting to be connected for a few more precious seconds. “Did you enjoy that?”

kissing his palm, then laid her hand on his chest, feeling his heart thundering
beneath her palm. “I don’t want it to end. Tell him to fly around the






















as the pilot had promised, a limo awaited them when they landed in San Francisco.
Their reservations weren’t until eight, so they had several hours to sightsee.
Heath instructed the driver to hit the high spots, so they did, driving over
the Golden Gate
, taking in Fisherman’s Wharf,
having drinks at the famous Chinese Theatre. They even parked so Cato could
ride the cable car down Nob Hill. After that, it was nearing time for their
reservation, so Heath instructed the driver to take them north to Yountville.
“I can’t wait to see how you like this restaurant,
five star, some of the best food in the world. And the Vintage Inn where we’re
staying is world class.”

Cato felt uneasy. “I don’t think the clothes I brought are quite up to par.”

shook his head. “You look beautiful.”  

at least let me freshen up, I want you to be proud of me.”

electric moment passed between them when he let his eyes slowly rove up her
body from the tips of her painted toenails peeking out of silver sandals to the
top of her curly waterfall of dark brown hair. “Nonsense, you’re perfect.”

still want to change clothes. Don’t we have time?”

course, we take time for what’s important.” He tapped on the limo’s window.
“We’re going to be busy. When we get to our destination, stop, but don’t open
the door, I’ll do it.”

sir.” He understood.

didn’t wait for Heath to reach for her, she went to her knees in front of him,
pulling his head down for a kiss. She covered his lips and devoured Heath’s mouth.
As though he couldn’t prevent himself from petting her, he slid a palm up her
leg, pushing the silky skirt up her creamy thigh. “What are you doing, baby?”

you,” she whispered as she pulled down the zipper of his pants and opened up
the fly. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the ridge of his cock as it
strained against the soft white material of his briefs. For a few seconds, she
palmed it, rubbing him through the white cloth before tugging on the waistband
so Heath would rise up and push them down. When he had sprung free, she noticed
a pearl of pre-cum in the tiny slit on top. Lowering her head, she flicked it
with her tongue, swirling around the large flared tip.

leaned back in the seat, his fists clenching and unclenching as she took his
cock in one hand and licked all along the side of his shaft, paying special
attention to the sensitive glans. He tensed the muscles in his legs, forcing
himself to be still as she
the head, then
sucked him deep in her mouth. “Damn,” he breathed.   

she swirled her tongue around the end of his dick as she moved her head up and
down to take more of him into her mouth.

me harder,” Heath muttered, then tried to communicate his wishes to her by
scooting a bit down in the seat, offering for her to take him even deeper. Cato
seemed to understand, drawing him all the way to her throat, swallowing, which
almost drove him mad. “Fuck, yea, that’s it.”

up at him through her lashes, Cato could see him. He was loving it, there was
no denying his response. Knowing this, she just wanted to do more. Cato lapped
at him, petting him with her tongue, showing him by her passion what she didn’t
feel free to tell him with her words.

Heath placed a hand on her hair, knowing he wouldn’t last much longer. He saw
she was watching him. “Suck me, baby, make me cum.”

an inch or two closer to him, Cato reached for his other hand, entwining their
fingers. Holding his gaze, she frantically worked Heath’s cock with her lips
and tongue, licking and sucking while he bucked his hips in short, sharp
thrusts. She wanted to give him everything

pleasure, love, adoration

her very soul.
Moving her lips back to the head, she suckled on the tip, then drew him back
in, humming her enjoyment around his cock. With a jerk, Heath stretched out his
legs and his cock pulsed. Jets of hot cum filled her mouth, Cato drank him
down, making Heath writhe in ecstasy.

he was finished, she laid her head in his lap and Heath lay back in the seat,
spent. “Come here.” He drew her up into his arms and kissed her deeply. They
could feel the limo slow down and come to a stop. “Perfect timing.” He grinned.

owe me one,” Cato patted his tie.

scooted off his lap and he straightened his clothes. “A debt I’ll gladly


*  *  *


French Laundry Restaurant was aptly named, having been placed in a building
which had once been used as a French steam laundry. “Jimmy is friends with the
chef, that’s the only reason we have reservations,” Heath confessed. “This
place has been named the best restaurant in the world twice.”

I look okay?” Cato worried as they exited the limo. After she’d changed into a
cream lace cocktail dress, she’d googled their destination while Heath
showered. This was one of the most exclusive restaurants in the world, serving
two different nine course tasting menus a day with no two ingredients used
twice. She’d almost choked when she found out there was a standard fee of three
hundred dollars per person. This would be her most expensive meal ever, a far
cry from her usual fare of soup from a can or fast food. Cato loved to cook,
but cooking for one was no fun.

worrying about your appearance,” Heath spoke close to her face. “Look around,
there’s not a woman in the place who even compares to you.” He kissed her
gently on the mouth. “There’s no one else in the whole world I’d rather be with
than you.”

soared through Cato. After that, it didn’t really matter what the food was
like—her feet never touched the ground. But Heath made it an evening to
remember. They were seated in a romantic alcove and he purchased them a bottle
of champagne. While they were waiting for the food to arrive, he pulled
something from his coat pocket. “I want to give you this, something to show you
how much our time together has meant to me.”

trembling fingers, she took the box. It wasn’t ring-shaped, but that didn’t
dampen her excitement. Obviously, she wasn’t expecting a proposal from him—not
tonight anyway. To say she didn’t have hopes that their relationship was
beginning to get serious would have been a lie. “You didn’t have to get me
anything,” she protested, but she was thrilled he had.

it.” He smiled.

seemed excited, so she delicately removed the paper and ribbon. Taking the top
off, she gasped. “A charm bracelet!” Cato pulled it out and examined it. There
were tiny gold charms chronicling their time together.

at everything and see if you can tell what they are and what they mean.”

took a tiny sip of champagne and laughed with joy. “This tiny punch cup is

laughed, covering one of her hands with his. “Yes, and what’s this?”

bull from when I was treed.” She rubbed her finger over his tiny horns.

and this?”

was a small disc. She had to think. “Oh, I know, this represents our tubing

and this one’s a hot air balloon.”

was also a sea shell representing their time in Corpus and a tiny replica of
the Alamo. Placing her finger on another, she almost cried. “A library book,
from when we met and you saved me.”

right, and a cable car for this trip.”

this one?” She pretended not to recognize the shape.

a pickup, Old Red.”

love it! This way, I’ll never forget any of it.” As if she could. “Thank you,
so much.” She hugged him. “I can’t believe you did something so romantic.”

I have my moments.”

food was delicious, everything from truffles lasagna to lobster bisque, Cato
ate every bite. She could say this was the happiest she’d ever been. Heath was
attentive and the stares she received from other women clearly showed their
envy. Twice she almost asked when their next date would be, but something held
her back. She didn’t want to be the one to mention it, she wanted Heath to
bring it up.

he took her dancing at a private club housed in one of the beautiful Tuscan
style villas. This was Napa, vineyard country, and the very air was
intoxicating. She gazed up at his face with rapture, the words ‘I love you’ on
the tip of her tongue. “I can’t believe you brought me dancing. You don’t

still don’t dance, but I sure do love holding you. Haven’t you figured it out
by now?” Heath asked, looking into her eyes. “You have me under your spell.
I’ll do anything for you—anywhere, anytime.”

nestled into his arms and dreamed that the night would last forever. 

it didn’t. All too soon, they had to pack up and leave. “I want to come back
here one day with you,” she said. “There’s so much I want to see.” Even the
place they’d stayed had been magnificent with a huge sunken tub in the room and
a central waterway flowing through the lush gardens.

sure you will.”

answer was a bit off-hand. Cato tried not to let it bother her, knowing his
mind was already on things back home. “We’ll be back in Texas soon. Have you
checked with Zane to see if jury selection is complete?”

held up his cell. “Just got a message. Trial begins tomorrow.”

felt a knot in her stomach. “I know you’re nervous. Everything’s going to be

should be.” Heath tipped the steward who helped with their bags. “With a jury
trial, you never know. The prosecutor would love to make a name for himself by
taking down a McCoy. High profile cases like this are always good come election

we have a computer on board and Wi-Fi? If we do, I can go through those
documents again.” She couldn’t help but remember what Cady had said.

I’m sure there is. But we’re running out of time.”

tone wasn’t condemning, but somehow Cato felt like she’d let him down. “It
won’t hurt to try.”

it can’t hurt.” So once they’d boarded, both of them busied themselves with
work and phone calls. There was no trip to the playroom, nor did they sit and
talk. The closeness that they’d shared seemed to be gone. And it got worse.
Heath called Jimmy to tell him when they would land. When they met him on the
tarmac, he was in a buoyant mood. “So, when’s the wedding?”

couldn’t see his face, but they were standing next to Jimmy’s black SUV and she
could see his reflection in the tinted windows.

froze, waiting to see what Heath’s reply would be.

laughed, obviously caught by surprise. Carefully, he averted his face so Cato
couldn’t see his mouth. He had no idea she was watching him in the reflection.
Popping off, he replied, “Jimmy, you know no woman is
hogtie me in the bonds of holy matrimony. The day I get married is the day you
know I’ve given up on being happy. What Cato and I are doing means nothing.”

felt sick. She stood straighter, trying not to let her dismay and embarrassment
show on her face. Heath wasn’t aware, but Jimmy had seen where her eyes had
been—he knew, he looked at her in sympathy.

between the two of them, Heath seemed to realize that he’d stepped in it,
because he turned to look at her with an odd expression on his face. “Cato…” he
began and stopped. “Damn, my phone’s ringing, it’s Philip. I need to take
this.” He flipped open the phone and turned his back.

struggled for something to say. “Heath’s right, why spoil a perfectly good

walked over to her, placed a hand on her shoulder. “Give him time.”

was about to respond, when Heath whirled around, a curse on his lips. “Let’s
get outta here, my damn refinery just blew. And I know who’s responsible.”

Jimmy and Cato spoke simultaneously.

. I’m going to confront the asshole. I know he did it
and he’s not getting away with this.”

offered to come with them, but Heath insisted he was fine. After he’d loaded
Cato and her luggage in, they took off. “I’ll take you home after this.” He
spoke succinctly. She had to lean over to make sure what he was saying.

problem, I’m so sorry. Was anyone hurt?”

The bastard took an acetylene torch and cut the main fuel line. He had help,
the cameras were disabled and security had been drawn to the other side of the
plant by an alarm which was set off.” Heath was breaking speed-limits. Cato
just held on and listened. “I’ll have to lay-off workers. He thinks he’s going
to break me. We’ll just see about that.”

are we going?”

his office, I’m confronting the fucker. He isn’t going to get away with this.”

you think it’s wise to just barge in? What if he calls the police?”

was furious—not at Cato, but he had a hard time keeping his focus. Through
gritted teeth, he answered, “I’m not the one who committed a damn crime. We
called the police and Zane told them exactly who was responsible.”

he’s been arrested by now?”

his head, Heath saw the irony. “They say they have to have proof, a just cause.
I wonder where the just cause came in when they arrested Philip.”

BOOK: How to Rope a McCoy (Hell Yeah!)
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