How to Rope a McCoy (Hell Yeah!) (35 page)

BOOK: How to Rope a McCoy (Hell Yeah!)
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is looking into that. And he’s subpoenaed the email records of your office.”

did my name come up? Because my boss was in a
mood and he acted like it was all my fault. Plus he demanded those records that
I refused to share.”

name did not come up,” Heath promised. “I made it a specific request.”

you.” She cuddled down into the seat. “Any idea on who might have pulled the
trigger or who shot me that day?”

the search turned up dry.” He put his hand on her knee. “Let’s think about
something else, just for a couple of days. Okay? If Zane calls or something
comes up, we’ll put it back on the front burner.”

She adjusted the vent and cuddled closer to him.

drive to the airport didn’t take long, especially since she laid her head on
his shoulder. Guess it was true that time passes quickly when you’re having a
good time.

never been to San Francisco. Have you?”

couple of times, once with my parents and once with…my ex-fiancée.”

Cato growled. “I don’t like her.”

coughed, trying to hide his amusement when Cato spit like a kitten. Funny, the
pain was gone that usually accompanied Amy’s memory. “I’m not overly fond of
her myself.”  

I’d been in her shoes, I would’ve been waiting at the altar for you when you
walked in that church. You wouldn’t have had to wait for me.”

whole body jerked at her emphatic statement. To hear Cato stand up for him like
that did funny things to his heart. “Cato…”

she didn’t hear him, they had pulled up to the hangar and she wasn’t looking at
Heath but at what lay before them. “Is that Jimmy’s plane?”

our ride, isn’t it a beauty?”

is!” Today she didn’t wait for him to help her. Cato slung her door open and bounced
out. Heath, who was still reeling from the implications of her previous
statement, wasn’t as fast. He thought she was about to run toward the plane,
instead she ran to him and threw her arms around his neck. “Thank you, I’m so
excited. I can’t believe you’re doing this for me.” She kissed him on the cheek
then let him go, grabbing his hand.

chest felt funny. God, he hoped he wasn’t coming down with something. He
coughed, straightened his hat and took a deep breath. “You’re welcome.”

pilot came out to meet them. “Hello, Mr. McCoy.”

introduced Cato and the pilot explained to them the flight plan and where
they’d be landing in San Francisco. “Mr.
arranged for a limo to meet us and take you wherever you’d like to go.” He also
introduced them to the flight attendant, Marty. Jimmy had assured Heath that
she was discrete and only came when summoned unless there was an emergency.

they boarded, Marty explained to them about take-off, safety and brought them a
drink. “I’ll serve you lunch in an hour and a half, if that would be

looked at her and Cato nodded. She was so busy taking the place in that she
could barely sit still. The interior was all leather and oak wood grain
furniture, the carpet was thick and every amenity seemed to have been included.
She saw a TV, a sound system, several plush couches and several recliners. It
was like no other plane she’d ever seen. When Marty left them alone, she
allowed Heath to help fasten her into the seat and he reviewed what Marty had
told them about the oxygen and when they could get up again. “This isn’t any
different from a commercial flight, just more comfortable.”

was smooth and soon they were winging their way over Austin. She looked down at
the Capital building, the tower at UT and the winding Lady Bird Lake which
looked like a lapis jewel embedded in the earth. “It’s beautiful, thank you.”

, it was my turn to surprise you and I’m
glad I did. Jimmy is a good friend.” He kissed her hand. A heavy weight of
worry seemed to lift from his shoulders as the plane ascended. Being with Cato
always made him feel better. Soon he had to deal with how she was making him
feel, being with her was becoming necessary for him. “I’m glad you’re here.”

too.” She smiled, chewing on her bottom lip. “How long will we be in the air?”

enough.” He unbuckled them and stood. “Come with me.”

remembered what he’d said about the ‘mile-high club.’ Immediately her body
responded to the idea of being with him again. “Are we going to do it in the
bathroom like they do in the movies?”

hardly.” He laughed. “We’re in
here.” Heath walked over to a closed door. “This is Jimmy’s private room, a

Cato stepped in to the semi-dark area, her eyes widened and her mouth fell
open. “What is this?”

order to see her better, Heath turned on the overhead light and everything
inside the room came into clear view. “Jimmy’s into a little kink, he’s a
sexual Dom, these are things they use in BDSM.”

pulled away from him. “Oh, I know.” Her eyes sparkled. “I read.” She ran her
hand over a raised table. “This is a spanking bench.” Then she walked to the
wall. “And this is a St. Andrew’s cross. Can we try some of these things?”

constantly surprise me.” Heath marveled. “I didn’t know if you’d be open to
this or if you’d be hunting a parachute to get away from me.”

you kidding? I can’t wait to play with you.”

all it took, Heath was hard. Slowly, he removed his shirt. “Okay, let’s use
this contraption over here.” He pointed to what look like a bundle of macramé
hanging down.

Cato didn’t know whether to examine the unknown sex toy or stare at him as he
undressed. She never grew tired of looking at him. “What is that?”

a sex swing.”

fun.” With teasing little moves, she began to remove her clothes. “I don’t want
to wrinkle this. I actually got up and ironed this morning.”

she pulled the dress over her head and he saw what she had on underneath, Heath
almost tripped. “My God, woman,” he whispered. She didn’t know what he’d said,
but that was okay. He had more than one way to communicate. Going to her, he
ran his hands over her smooth skin, from her neck, shoulders to the tops of
those luscious breasts he adored. “You have the most beautiful body.” She was
wearing a black-lace low cut bra and a pair of boy-cut panties that fit her
like the sweetest glove. 

you.” She held still while Heath petted her. She loved that he enjoyed touching
her. “How is this going to work?”

show you, but first let’s get some extras.” He pointed to a cabinet on the
wall. “There’s some surprises over here.”

like surprises as much as you.” For just a moment, Cato let herself analyze
where she was—she was in a private plane with the sexiest man alive about to
make love in a Dom’s dungeon. She wanted to do a fast fist-pump, but refrained.
When Heath opened the doors, they both laughed.

must have been a boy-scout when he was young. He’s definitely prepared.”

say.” She leaned in closer. “I don’t think we need lube.”

kissed her. “No, we don’t. You respond perfectly, no help needed.” He opened a
drawer. “Oh, I like this.”

almost groaned when she saw he had a small vibrator. “Oh, yeah. That would hit
the spot.”


blushed. “Heath, I’d say you’ve proved that I don’t have a G-spot, I have a
G-wall. When you’re inside me, it’s the most amazing feeling in the world.”

think I want you to wear these.” He held a pair of nipple clamps up.

right.” Cato smiled. “If you’ll wear this.”

that what I think it is?” Heath reached down and rubbed his cock through his
pants. This was going to be fun.

a cock ring, one that will tickle my clit.” She pulled on it, stretching it
out. “I hope it will fit.”

do you know about these things, Miss Recent Virgin?”

I do research for a living.” Before he could blink, she was on her knees. “May

yes.” He was anxious to get this show on the road. Heath went up on tiptoe as
Cato pulled down his pants. He was so hard, he felt like his cock was trying to
saw its way out of his pants. Stepping out of them, he groaned as she pulled
down his briefs and immediately rubbed her face against his cock, kissing it.

love you all over, but this is one of my favorite parts.”

too,” he admitted, although she wasn’t watching his face to see his answer.
Cato was totally preoccupied, stretching the cock ring over his manhood and
fitting it into place.

is going to feel so good.”

come!” He took her by the arm and pulled her up. With shaking hands, he
unclasped her bra and pulled the panties down her legs, kissing a trail behind
his hands. “Now for the clamps.”

took the bejeweled silver chains with the tiny clothes-pin shaped pinchers. A
tiny niggle of apprehension flashed through Cato, but when he bent and began
sucking on her nipples, the wariness vanished. “What are you doing?”

you,” he said when he turned loose, the nipple popping from his lips. “
, one more suck.” He held her waist and loved on her
tits and Cato felt her juices begin to flow. When he had them sufficiently
stiff, Heath affixed the clamps.

bite was sharp, but she liked it. “Dang.” It made her pussy throb in rhythm
with the blood pumping in her nipples.



took a moment to appreciate her, pushing her tits together. The plump, lush
mounds topped with those sexy clamps were a sight to behold. “What did I ever
do to deserve you?”

had no answer for that, just a plea for more. “I ache, Heath. I want you.”

efficient moves, he held the swing open and helped her in. She responded in
true Cato like fashioned and bounced on the bungee type cord affixed to the
ceiling. The natural movements of the plane would provide extra stimulation,
but Heath couldn’t help playing with her. With a smile, he took his hand and
spun her, then exulted in the euphoric giggles spilling from her lips. When
she’d made a couple of rounds, he slowed her down and let her see how much he
needed her.

think we need a bigger cock ring.”

need you.” He cupped her face and drank from her lips, swirling his tongue
between her lips, eating the sweet moans she was making. She gripped his
shoulders and wrapped her legs around his waist as they kissed some more. The
swing gave them total freedom, almost a weightless sensation. “Hold on.” He
went back to the cabinet and took the pocket rocket vibrator out of the
package. Returning, with a hungry intent in his eye, Heath proceeded to set her
on fire. “Just relax and feel, let me play.” Heath ran the small pulsating rod
over her throat and around her nipples, following its path with his tongue.
Tugging on the chain that held the clamps, he grinned when she whimpered. “You
like this?”

answer was to buck in the swing, trying to get closer.

he murmured as he continued to tease, tracing her belly button on his way
south. When he touched her clit, she jumped. “Hit the spot?”

can’t believe this,” she whispered. “What am I going to do without you?” She
touched him almost reverently, running her hands over his shoulders and chest
as if memorizing every muscle.

met her gaze, but he didn’t voice his feelings. When she touched him it was
intense, like he was her lifeline. The total rightness of being with her
pounded through his brain like a gong. Slipping the pulsing tip of the vibrator
up into her sheathe, Heath watched her writhe in ecstasy. She was right, this
goddess didn’t have just a G-spot. She craved penetration more than he ever
knew any woman could. “My turn.”

the switch first,” she pointed at his cock ring, “I want the full effect.”

do it.” He moved closer. “I always want your hands on me.” His cock pressed against
her mound, right against her most sensitive spot, urgent and throbbing,

smiled shyly, took her hand and moved the switch to ‘on.’ Twin vibrating rings
with tiny spinning nubs came to life. “Fuck,” Heath groaned. “I thought you’d
be the only one to feel it.”

him in.” She spread her legs farther. He made her so glad she was a woman.

paused, seeing up close what he’d seen on the phone a couple of days ago.

you’re pretty.” Going on one knee, he caught her ass through the bottom of the
swing and buried his head between her thighs.

too wet,” she protested. She was so past excited that she felt there was too
much moisture. Cato didn’t want him to be disgusted.

voracious licks and nuzzles, Heath showed her what he thought of the desire
that had pooled between her legs. “Heath!” Desperation rose inside of her. The
free easy movement of the swing didn’t give her anything to steady herself
by—but him. So, Cato tangled her fingers into his hair and pushed her pussy
into his face. She felt overwhelmed, undone, overpowered by sensation.
Valiantly she fought to savor the moment, but she couldn’t stop it. The orgasm
Heath orchestrated swept over her and she cried out his name. “Heath!”

held her, sucking on her clit, reveling in the way her legs worked, hips
bucking. She pulled his hair so hard that it would’ve hurt had he not been too
excited to care. With one last lingering kiss, he stood, took his cock in hand
and pushed in. Tight. Hot. He always had to work his way in and Heath loved
that. The swing was full of advantages—for one, he could hold on to the ropes
and watch as his cock disappeared into her body. “Being inside you feels so
damn good.”

BOOK: How to Rope a McCoy (Hell Yeah!)
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