How to Train Your Knight: A Medieval Romance Novel (24 page)

BOOK: How to Train Your Knight: A Medieval Romance Novel
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Chapter 20

Five years later

“You’re back home! We’ve missed you so.” Ann dashed down the staircase and landed in front of the hearth where Marcus was engaged in a serious conversation with Sir Thomas. She found his cheeks, gave him a peck on each, and smirked. “You look none the worse for wear.”

“I see you’ve been busy.” He grinned, leaned over the cradle, and pulled down the fur that covered baby Edward. He had a thumb in his mouth while a finger curled around a lock of inky black hair. Her other son chased his best friend around the tables. They both wielded long swords of wood while arguing over who had just cleaved who in half.

She ushered the young warriors outdoors, returned to the hearth, and said, “I can’t wait to hear about all your adventures.”

Thomas cleared his throat, glanced around the room, then met Marcus’ stern glare. “I do believe I need to attend to something first. Can I see her?”

Marcus nodded with a deep frown and pointed out the door. “She’s in the baths.”

“Please excuse me.” Thomas blushed and all, but dashed out the door.

After he departed, Ann gave her husband a playful hit to the shoulder. “Didn’t you tell him?”

“Why should I be the one to spoil the surprise?” Marcus glanced down as Edward stirred, opened his eyes, and sucked on his hand fiercely. “Sit. The boy needs to eat.”

“I don’t know who is bossier these days.” She loosened her dress and he put Edward in her lap. The babe latched onto a breast.

“Ow.” She poked an index finger into the corner of his mouth to release the suction, then gave a little smile when the milk settled in and the babe nursed.

He stood over and watched them both as he oft times did. She hated to change the mood but had to know. “So, how did Thomas say we did on the continents? Did we trade well?”

“Aye.” He smiled when Edward made a mighty gulp. He grabbed him, placed him on a shoulder, and patted his small back expertly.

“Are we rich?”

“We were before.” He whispered about horses and spears while patting and pacing.

“I know. But are we more rich, now?”

He paused in the middle of the story of a great black charger with wings. “Hmm? Rich? We can continue to feed our guild members sumptuous breakfasts and supper in the great hall. I’d also guess we may need to build an extension, for all the tradesmen you will no doubt want to have with your new monies.”

“Maybe we can find another glazier? Would it not be wonderful to have sunlight in the hall? I’d have all the slits covered-in.”

“Whatever you want, dear wife. As long as you leave some method for defense.” He continued to pat the boy, tell the tale, and pace.

“And another potter, and a dressmaker to work with our cloth. Don’t forget a windmill with mechanism.”

“Whatever your heart desires.” The baby finally burped and he handed him back.

“You’re too good to me.”

“Aye, I am.”

She put the baby to the other breast, this time prepared for his onslaught and laughed. “I’m going to have to wean him soon.”

“A shame. You do it so well.”

“It’s a natural thing. Takes no expertise at all.” Being a mother was truly better than any other trade she could think of.

He laughed. “That’s one thing that I can’t help you with.”

She laughed back at the joke they’d shared for two sons. She handed the now babbling baby back to him, so she could adjust her tunic. “That’s true.”

He bent over, kissed her gently, and hugged them both. “You’ve been everything my heart has ever wanted. However you bewitched me, I’m grateful.”

“You’ve taught me to feel safe. Given me a home full of love. A woman couldn’t ask for more, except . . .”

He raised his eyebrows.

She patted her stomach. “Mayhap a daughter this time?”

The ever present crinkles around his eyes deepened as he grinned widely. “Whatever you say, m’lady.”

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