Read How to Worship a Goddess Online

Authors: Stephanie Julian

How to Worship a Goddess (8 page)

BOOK: How to Worship a Goddess
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With his hands on her hips, he held her steady as he slid even lower until his mouth hung above her mound. His breath ruffled the short dark hair there and her fingers tightened on his head.

“Brandon, do it. Now.”

She tried to force him closer but, as strong as she appeared to be, he refused to bend until he was damn good and ready. She was going to beg.

“What do you want, Lucy? You have to beg.”

She moaned, a sexy sound that made his cock pulse and pre-cum moisten the tip.

“A goddess never begs.”

“Well, this one will, if she wants me to eat her out.”

Crude, yes, but effective. He swore he felt her entire body vibrate. Her fingers felt strong enough to crush his skull but he knew she wouldn't hurt him. He knew it in his bones.

Or maybe that was the lust talking. Either way, he didn't care.

“Come on, baby,” he coaxed, letting his tongue flick out to wet her curls. “What do you want? Beg me. And remember to say please.”

Silence reigned. Shit, had he pushed her too far?


“Please, Brandon.” Her voice had a breathy quality, almost inaudible. “Please use your mouth on me.”

Yes. He wanted to shout out his triumph but he couldn't take the time. By the time she spoke the second please, he'd latched his mouth onto her clit.

The stiff bundle of nerves felt like a little stone against his tongue, hard and hot. He sucked on it with strong pulls before drawing back to flick at it.

Lucy squirmed and cried out beneath him, her hands releasing his head for a brief second before latching onto his shoulders, as if to hold him to her.

Not that he was going anywhere. Hell, the earth could have split open beneath them and he would've continued to feast on her as they fell.

She tasted like the best fucking liquor. It went to his head, drowning him in pleasure so great his muscles tightened as he ached for more.

His cock nearly exploded from the pressure as he rubbed himself against the slick fabric of the chaise.

No way was he coming yet.

With another growl, he pushed himself to his knees, his hands under her ass, lifting her hips off the cushion.
. Her pussy tilted at the perfect angle for his mouth, he licked her, the flat of his tongue swiping from her perineum to her clit.

Her hands had fallen to her sides when he'd lifted her and he pulled back to see how hard they gripped the sides of the chaise, hard enough to rip through the fabric.

“Play with your nipples, Lucy.” He barely recognized his own voice, the sound closer to the rumble of an animal. “Use your hands and keep them stiff.”

She didn't hesitate to obey and he felt like a fucking god when she began to pinch and roll her nipples, possibly even harder than he'd done it.

He filed that away for later. Right now, he had pussy to eat. So sleek, so wet. So damn good. She tried to move, but he refused to let her squirm. He held her hips in a ruthless grip as he stiffened his tongue and fucked it into her tight, hot channel. She cried out his name, her moisture overflowing and spilling onto his tongue.

Forcing back his own lust, he worked her with his teeth and his tongue, alternately biting her clit and thrusting his tongue into her channel.

She came with a choked cry, her body seizing and going tight with her orgasm. He lapped it up, her flavor intensifying as she clenched around his tongue.

He teased it out as long as he could but, when her body went limp, he couldn't hold back any longer.

He let her hips drop back onto the cushion, his knees ensuring she kept her legs spread. His gaze dropped as well, taking in the sight of her sex splayed open for him.

Those lower lips had felt like silk against his tongue and her channel had gripped him as tight as a vise. He couldn't wait any longer to feel her wrapped around him. But he needed…

“Open your eyes, Lucy. I want you to watch my cock sink into you.”

Drawing in a shuddering breath, she opened those beautiful gray eyes only halfway, as if she didn't have the strength for more. Good enough. He knew she was watching him.

Her gaze dropped when he moved forward, lifting her hips again and sliding her ass up his thighs. Grabbing his cock in one hand, he angled it down, aiming straight for her slit.

Tilting her hips, she rubbed her clit against the head of his cock, forcing a groan out of him. His hand tightened on her hip until he swore he felt her bones. He knew he shouldn't hold her so tightly but that thought got lost in the sensation of her juices coating the head of his cock.

. He clamped his hand around the base of his dick, forcing back the orgasm that wanted to detonate now. He kept it there, knowing if he released his grip now, he'd blow.

He also knew Lucy wasn't going to make it easy for him.

Despite his hold on her, she managed to move her hips just enough to continue to rub her lower lips against his cock.

Goddamn, it felt great. And when she got the angle just right and he slipped into her, just the head, he sucked in a deep breath.
Fuck, fuck, fuck

He thrust once, hard, releasing his hold on his cock, and sank all the way to the root in one smooth motion.

Despite her tightness, she was so wet he had no trouble at all.

Tight, so tight.

“Holy fuck, Lucy.”

Her lips curved in a smile so hot, the muscles of his stomach clenched hard. “I think it might be your turn to beg, Brandon.”

Then she tightened the muscles of her sex and clenched him in a grip so fierce, he swore his eyes crossed.

He forced his eyes to focus again. When they finally cooperated, he watched her as he pulled out as slowly as he could manage. Each drag of flesh, each centimeter he pulled away sent shafts of pleasure streaking through his body. Pleasure so great he deliberately bit down on the inside of his mouth until the pain drew him away from the edge.

He needed to show her… needed her to see what she'd be missing if she sent him away again.

Pulling free completely, he made her wait as long as he could possibly stand before he shoved back inside.

And this time he used force, so much so, her back bowed and she cried out.

He froze. Shit, had he hurt—

“Blessed Goddess, Brandon, again.”

Her words unleashed something primal in him. The instinct to cover her couldn't be denied. He fell over her, crushing her into the chaise as his hips began to piston his cock into her.

His bigger body completely enveloped hers. Planting his elbows into the cushion on either side of her shoulders, he lifted his upper body just enough for her to breathe.

With his hips pounding and his cock spreading her wide, he bent his head to press openmouthed kisses to her neck.

He felt her pulse pounding at the side, ran his tongue over the throbbing vein then bit her. Hard.

Fuck, too hard. He felt out of control, his body reacting without conscious thought. But he couldn't stop. He had to take her. She was his.

He tried to slow down, to lengthen each thrust. To draw this out.

Each inward thrust drew his orgasm closer to the fore. Each retreat made him long to be thrusting back in.

Her arms curled around his back, her fingers digging into his skin before sliding down his back to grab his ass.

Yes. God, yes. He wanted her to reach between his legs and stroke his balls. He widened his legs and moved his mouth to her ear, about to tell her what he wanted. She didn't need to be told. Her fingers slid between his thighs, sending shivers up his spine and making his balls draw up even tighter.

His orgasm gathered in the base of his spine, making him struggle to hold it off. Lucy teased and tormented, her hips moving with his, forcing him into her harder.

Lacing the fingers of one hand through her hair, he pulled her head back, until her throat arched in a slim column and he could reach her mouth. He fitted his lips to hers as he felt his cock pulse wildly, pumping his seed into her. Groaning into her mouth, he kissed her until he could barely breathe.

And when he finally felt his orgasm fade, he slumped over her like he'd taken a crosscheck shot into the boards.


Lucy could barely breathe.

Brandon felt like a ton of bricks but there was no way she would tell him to move. She basked in his body heat like a cat in the sun and reveled in the feel of his cum seeping from her sex.

Blessed Goddess, she'd never thought to have him again. Had told herself she couldn't. It wasn't smart. It didn't matter one damn bit.

Her arms tightened around him and she felt his head turn toward her, felt his lips caress her cheek. When he made a move to slide to her side, she tightened her arms around him.

“No, don't.”

“I must have a hundred pounds on you, babe. I'm gonna crush you.”

“No, you won't.” She didn't tell him she could withstand much more weight than he could ever put on her. She was stronger than he'd ever know. “Stay.”

“Do you mean for the night? Because if I do, I wanna wake up in the morning knowing I was here. Knowing what we did.”

How did she answer that? Well, she knew how she
to answer him. She wanted him to remember, to want, to ache for her. But she knew it was too dangerous. He couldn't leave here with his memories.

“I want you to stay.”

He must have understood what she'd left unspoken. With a sigh, he rolled to a seated position, then stood before reaching down for her.

He gathered her in his arms and headed for the kitchen and the stairs he knew would take them up to her bedroom. He eased onto the bed with her and they ended up on their sides, face to face, those dark eyes staring relentlessly into hers.

“Then I'll stay.”

He sealed his mouth over hers and kissed her long and deep until she felt like she was about to pass out.

“Go to sleep, Lucy.”

And she did, with Brandon wrapped tight around her.


Brand woke with a start, his eyes flashing open to stare at the wall across from the bed.

Lucy's bed.

He knew exactly where he was. He felt none of the brief disorientation he sometimes experienced on a road trip. And he still had his memories.

Yeah, but for how long?

He glanced down at the woman in his arms. Lucy lay with her back to his front, his body curled around hers. Her head lay pillowed on his arm, his other arm wrapped around her waist like a vise, as if he was afraid she'd try to get away. She continued to sleep, out cold.

It was still pitch black in her room and he turned his head to see if she had a clock on the bedside table. He didn't want to wake her but he had the sudden awareness that something wasn't right—

“Holy shit!” Brand sat up, pulling the covers over Lucy's naked body and coming up onto his knees, fists up. “Who the hell are you?”

Two people stood at the bottom of the bed. At least, he saw two human-sized outlines at the bottom of the bed. Damn it, he needed light.

“Oh dear,” a female voice said. “I am so sorry to barge in like this. I do apologize, but I need to talk to Lucy.”


“Tessa?” Lucy's sleepy voice sounded beside him as light flicked on from somewhere overhead and her warm hand landed on his shoulder. “Tessa, is that you?”

As his eyes adjusted to the light, he realized a pretty blonde bombshell smiled at him from the bottom of the bed. She winked at him before turning her sky-blue gaze to Lucy. “Yes, it's me. I'm so sorry to arrive unannounced in the middle of the night, but I need to talk to you.”

Yawning, Lucy sat up, letting the covers fall away as she stretched. Completely naked.

Brand had the almost uncontrollable urge to throw a sheet over her because the other person at the end of the bed was male. But the hard-ass standing next to the blonde never glanced at Lucy. He was too busy staring at Brand.

Good thing for him or Brand would've had to punch the guy. As it was, the guy looked ready to pound him, so maybe—

Lucy started to slide off the bed, but he grabbed her arm and pulled her back behind him.

“Wow, he's a cutie.” The blonde tilted her head and let her smile widen as she gave Lucy a thumbs up. “I highly approve.”

Lucy sighed as she laid a hand on Brand's shoulder. But she made no move to leave his side.

“What's wrong, Tess? What's happened?”

The blonde's smiled dimmed as her gaze skated over Brand again. “Maybe you'd like to talk alone?”

Lucy paused, her hand tightening on his shoulder. “Whatever you need to say, you can say in front of Brandon.”

Well, damn if that didn't stroke his ego. And since he was naked, he'd better try not to get a hard-on. He glanced over his shoulder and got caught in Lucy's warm smile. The woman lit him up like a firecracker.

Fuck, he really needed to get his mind off sex because he didn't want to be kneeling here on the bed with an erection in front of two other people. So he went back to staring at Hard-Ass.

Dark hair cut military short except for the front fringe that hung nearly to his eyes, the guy's glacial gray gaze bored into his. He wasn't tall, but he was built like a fighter, broad through the chest, lean through the hips and clearly not happy to see him.

Yeah, well, the feeling was mutual.

“Who're you?” Hard-Ass asked.

“Maybe you want to answer that question first,” Brand threw back at him.

“Boys, boys.” Lucy's tone held a hint of amusement that made Brand's back straighten. “Play nice, please. There's no need for macho posturing, at least not unless Cal's naked too. Tessa, what's going on?”

Tessa giggled, her features becoming even more beautiful as she did, but she stopped after too short a time and sighed. “It's a long story.” Tessa glanced at him again, her gaze making a thorough inventory before she glanced up at Hard-Ass. When she reached for him, her hand landing on his forearm, Brand watched the guy relax. And when Hard-Ass looked at Tessa, Brand knew Hard-Ass would do anything for his woman.

BOOK: How to Worship a Goddess
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