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Authors: Chuck Musciano Bill Kennedy

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By consistently setting apart your headers and footers using rules, you help users locate and focus upon the main body of your document.

4.10 Special Character

5.2 Inserting Images in Your



Chapter 5

Rules, Images, and Multimedia


5.2 Inserting Images in Your Documents
One of the most compelling features of HTML is its ability to include images with your document text, either as an intrinsic component of the document (inline images), as separate documents specially selected for download via hyperlinks, or as a background for your document. When judiciously added to the body content, images - static and animated icons, pictures, illustrations, drawings, and so on - can make your documents more attractive, inviting, and professional looking, as well as informative and easier to browse. You may also specially enable an image so that it becomes a visual map of hyperlinks. When used to excess, however, images make your document cluttered, confusing, and inaccessible, as well as unnecessarily lengthening the time it takes for users to download and view your pages.

5.2.1 Understanding Image Formats

The HTML standard does not prescribe an official format for images. However, the popular browsers specifically accommodate only certain image formats: GIF and JPEG, in particular (see following sections for explanations). Most other multimedia formats require special accessory applications that each browser owner must obtain, install, and successfully operate to view the special files. So it's not too surprising that GIF and JPEG are the de facto image standards on the Web.

Both image formats were already in widespread use before the Web came into being, so there's lots of supporting software out there to help you prepare your graphics for either format. However, each has its own advantages and drawbacks, including features that some browsers exploit for special display effects. GIF

The Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) was first developed for image transfer among users of the CompuServe online service.

The format has several features that make it popular for use in HTML documents. Its encoding is cross-platform, so that with appropriate GIF decoding software (included with most browsers), the graphics you create and make into a GIF file on a Macintosh, for example, can be loaded into a Windows-based PC, decoded, and viewed without a lot of fuss. The second main feature is that GIF uses special compression technology that can significantly reduce the size of the image file for faster transfer over a network. GIF compression is "lossless," too; none of an image's original data is altered or deleted, so the uncompressed and decoded image exactly matches its original. And GIF images can be easily animated.

Even though GIF image files invariably have the
) filename suffix, there actually are two GIF versions: the original GIF87 and an expanded GIF89a, which supports several new features, including transparent backgrounds, interlaced storage, and animation, that are popular with HTML authors (see section The currently popular browsers support both GIF versions, which use the same encoding scheme that maps 8-bit pixel values to a color table, for a maximum of 256 colors per image. Most GIF images have even fewer colors; there are special tools to simplify the colors in more elaborate graphics.

By simplifying the GIF images, you create a smaller color map and enhance pixel redundancy for better file compression and consequently faster downloading.

However, because of the limited number of colors, a GIF-encoded image is not always appropriate, particularly for photorealistic pictures (see JPEG discussion in section Rather, GIFs make excellent icons, reduced color images, and drawings.

Because most graphical browsers explicitly support the GIF format, it is currently the most widely accepted image-encoding format on the Web. It is acceptable for both inline images and externally linked ones. When in doubt as to which image format to use, choose GIF.[
] It will work in almost any situation.

[2] We cannot resist the temptation to point out that choosy authors choose GIF. Interlacing, transparency, and animation
GIF images can be made to perform three special tricks: interlacing, transparency, and animation. With interlacing, a GIF

image seemingly materializes on the display, rather than progressively flowing onto it from top to bottom. Normally, a GIF

encoded image is a sequence of pixel data, in order row-by-row, from top to bottom of the image. While the common GIF

image renders onscreen like pulling down a window shade, interlaced GIFs open like a venetian blind. That's because interlacing sequences every fourth row of the image. Users get to see a full image - top to bottom, albeit fuzzy - in a quarter of the time it takes to download and display the remainder of the image. The resulting quarter-done image usually is clear enough so that users with slow network connections can evaluate whether to take the time to download the remainder of the image file.

Not all graphical browsers, although able to display an interlaced GIF, are actually able to display the materializing effects of interlacing. With those that do, users still can defeat the effect by choosing to delay image display until after download and decoding. Older browsers, on the other hand, always download and decode images before display, and don't support the effect at all.

Another popular effect available with GIF images - GIF89a-formatted images, actually - is the ability to make a portion of them transparent so that what's underneath - usually the browser window's background - shows through. The transparent GIF

image has one color in its color map designated as the background color. The browser simply ignores any pixel in the image that uses that background color, thereby letting the display window's background show through. By carefully cropping its dimensions and by using a solid, contiguous background color, a transparent image can be made to seamlessly meld into a page's surrounding content or float above it.

Transparent GIF images are great for any graphic you want to meld into the document and not stand out as a rectangular block.

Transparent GIF logos are very popular, as are transparent icons and dingbats - any graphic that should appear to have an arbitrary, natural shape. You may also insert a transparent image inline with conventional text to act as a special character glyph within conventional text.

The downside to transparency is that the GIF image will look lousy if you don't remove its border when it is included in a hyperlink anchor ( tag ), or is otherwise specially framed. And content flow happens around the image's rectangular dimensions, not adjacent to its apparent shape. That can lead to unnecessarily isolated images or odd-looking sections in your HTML pages.

The third unique trick available to the HTML author with GIF89a-formatted images is the ability to do simple frame-by-frame animation. Using special GIF animation software utilities, you may prepare a single GIF89a file to contain a series of GIF

images. The browser displays each image in the file, one after the other, something like the page-flipping animation booklets we had (even drew!) as kids. Special control segments between each image in the GIF file let you set the number of times the browser runs through the complete sequence (looping), how long to pause between each image, whether the image space gets wiped to background before the browser displays the next image, and so on. By combining these control features with those normally available for GIF images, including individual color tables, transparency, and interlacing, you can create some very appealing and elaborate animations.[

[3] Songline Studios has published an entire book dedicated to GIF animation:
GIF Animation Studio
, by Richard Koman.

Although simple, GIF animation is powerful for one other important reason: You don't need to specially program your HTML

documents to achieve animation. But there is one major downside that limits their use except for small, icon-sized, or thin bands of space in the browser window: GIF animation files get large fast, even if you are careful not to repeat static portions of the image in successive animation cells. And if you have several animations in one document, download delays may - and usually will - annoy the user. If there is any feature on your HTML that deserves close scrutiny for excess, it's GIF animation.

Any and all GIF tricks - interlacing, transparency, and animation - don't just happen; you need special software to prepare the GIF file. Many image tools now save your creations or acquired images in GIF format, and most now let you enable transparency, as well as let you make interlaced GIF files. There also are a slew of shareware and freeware programs specialized for these tasks, as well as for creating GIF animation. Look into your favorite Internet software archives for GIF

graphics and conversion tools and also see
Chapter 15, Tips, Tricks, and Hacks, for details on creating transparent images. JPEG

The Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) is a standards body that developed what is now known as the JPEG

image-encoding format. Like GIFs, JPEG images are platform-independent and specially compressed for high-speed transfer via digital communication technologies. Unlike GIF, JPEG supports tens of thousands of colors for more detailed, photorealistic digital images. And JPEG uses special algorithms that yield much higher data-compression ratios. It is not uncommon, for example, for a 200-kilobyte GIF image to be reduced to a 30-kilobyte JPEG image. To achieve that amazing compression, JPEG does lose some image data. However, you can adjust the degree of "lossiness" with special JPEG tools, so that although the uncompressed image may not exactly match the original, it will be close enough that most people cannot tell the difference.

Although JPEG is an excellent choice for photographs, it's not a particularly good choice for illustrations. The algorithms used for compressing and uncompressing the image leave noticeable artifacts when dealing with large areas of one color. Therefore, if you're trying to display a drawing, the GIF format may be preferable.

The JPEG format, usually designated by the
) filename suffix, is nearly universally understood by today's graphical browsers. On rare occasions, you'll come across an older browser that cannot directly display JPEG images.

5.2.2 When to Use Images

Most pictures are worth a thousand words. But don't forget that no one pays attention to a blabbermouth. First and foremost, think of your HTML document images as visual tools, not gratuitous trappings. They should support your text content and help readers navigate your documents. Use images to clarify, illustrate, or exemplify the contents. Content supporting photographs, charts, graphs, maps, and drawings are all natural candidates for appropriate HTML images. Product photographs are essential components in online catalogs and shopping guides, for example. And link-enabled icons and dingbats, including animated images, can be effective visual guides to internal and external resources. If an image doesn't do any of these valuable services for your document, throw it out already!

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