Hugo! (85 page)

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Authors: Bart Jones

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Channel 2 (RCTV).

RCTV (Radio Caracas Television, Channel 2)

charisma of Hugo Chávez.

See also
speeches of Hugo Chávez

Citibank president on

with Clinton, Bill

disarming opponents

in Elorza hinterlands

hug trademark


and jail

and military superiors

name memory

por ahora
speech after failed coup


US ambassador Michael Skol on

Chávez, Adán (Hugo Chavez brother)

and Bravo-HC meeting


as civilian collaborators' contact

and constitutional assembly

detained in Caldera crackdown

and HC politics

history of

influence on HC

as Patriotic Front go-between

political inclinations

Ruptura (PRV) membership

at ULA (University of the Andes), Mérida, Venezuela

Chávez, Argenis (Hugo Chávez brother)

Chávez, Elena Frías (Hugo Chávez mother)

after HC presidency

and HC falling out, alleged

Chávez, Hugo de los Reyes (Hugo Chávez father)

candy spider selling

as HC fifth grade teacher

lunch with Fidel Castro and HC

political leanings

as state governor

Chávez, Isaías "Latigo," Hugo Chávez baseball hero

Chávez, Marisabel Rodríguez de (Hugo Chávez's second wife).

Rodríguez de Chávez, Marisabel (second Hugo Chávez wife)

Chávez, Rosa Inés (Hugo Chávez grandmother)

death of

on HC/military

as HC role model

and history love

influence on HC

as "Mama Rosa,"

moving to Barinas

Chávez Frías, Hugo Rafael

See also Bolivarian headings;
charisma of Hugo Chávez; civilian-military union concept of Hugo Chávez;
presidencies headings;
road to power of Hugo Chávez; socialism for twenty-first century

and antiglobalization

as anti-imperialist

life/thoughts as blueprint

on uniting Latin America

on Bush, George W.: and Afghanistan war

as Mr. Danger


at United Nations

Cooper Union speech

on criticism as power-mad

decrees prepared for 1992 coup

economic record 1998-2006

elite landowner inspired by

environmentalism of

as failed coup leader


as father

fiscally conservative/socially progressive

friendship with Fidel Castro

See also main heading
Castro, Fidel;
main heading
heroes of Hugo Chávez); complications of

heir apparent of Latin left

as "Hurricane Hugo,"

indigenous culture pride

interview with

interview with Hugo Chávez

in Japan

key life elements

as ladies' man

Maisanta medallion

movement building

on multipolar world

opponents, treatment of

and peaceful revolution

as personality cult figure

against political party formation


on Rice, Condoleezza

on self as president

serenity in crises

on socialism

socially progressive/fiscally conservative

and united Latin America

on USA: and Latin America intervention

media hostility

2008 presidential race

rejection of HC

and terrorism

in UN speech

See also
speeches of Hugo Chávez); world domination

and "
¡Vuelvan caras!
" battle cry of Páez

wealthy, exeriences with


after "mega-election,"

claimed deadly ambushers at Llaguno Bridge


crowds outside Turiamo naval base HC holding place

Donde Est
Que Hable
! (Where's Chávez? Let him speak!) demand

at Fort Tiuna

HC saving from bloodbath

and HC vice president)

hospitals overflow with

to march

at Miraflores

protests of Venezuelan network

and tear gas canister/rubber bullets

tide turning

victims of 2002 coup march

and HC 2002 disappearance

and National Assembly

Venevisión identifying as deadly ambushers

Chicago Tribune,

childhood of Hugo Chávez.

See also
Chávez, Rosa Inés (Hugo Chávez grandmother)

candy spider selling

baseball obsession

baseball love of Chávez)


Bolívar Peak viewing

Chávez, Rosa Inés (Hugo Chávez grandmother)

and El Gavilan (the Hawk), avenger for poor

and Guevara, Ernesto "Che,"

as literacy volunteer

llanos rebellion legacy

Ruíz family friendship

(Goofy) nickname

TV "poison" denied

children of Hugo Chávez

Hugo Rafael: fleeing Caracas during 2002 coup

Indonesia visit

María Gabriela

letter to HC on relationship

Rosa Virginia



See also
Allende, Salvador (Chilean president 1970s)


initiative of HC

Chomsky, Noam

The Christian Science Monitor,
US ambassador after 1992 coup


See also
NED (National Endowment for Democracy)

and Allende, Salvador (Chile)

See also
Allende, Salvador [Chilean president 1970-1973])

Arbenz, Jacobo overthrow (Guatemala)

and Bravo, Douglas (PRV/guerrilla leader)

and Castro, Fidel

and Church Commission

contra training

Guatemala coup

Haiti operatives

and bin Laden, Osama

most wanted list claim

1970s scandals

and Nixon, Richard

pre-2002 coup "crisis,"

radical movement suppression

Tenet, CIA Director George

Venezuela intelligence-gathering for Bush administration

Cisneros, Gustavo (Venevisión network owner).

See also
Venevisión as Chávez hater

Panamco Coca-Cola bottling

and Reich, Otto


Cisneros, Oswaldo (Venezuelan elite)

Cisneros, Ricardo (Banco Latino "apostle")

Citgo (PDVSA subsidiary/US gas station chain)

discounted heating oil to USA needy

Mandini, Roberto (Citgo vice president): named PDVSA president by HC

refineries in USA

7-Eleven chain separation

civilian-military union concept of Chávez

and Bravo, Douglas (PRV/guerrilla leader)

to break oligarchy grip

in China

from concept to uprising

in Elorza hinterlands

in HC newspaper column

masses' role

and Patriotic Front concept

and Plan Bolívar 2000

and Zamora

journalists' anti-HC activism

Clinton, Bill

asking HC to increase oil output

meeting with HC

CNN en Español

Neudstadl, Otto (correspondent)

COFAVIC Venezuelan human rights group

COINTEL echoes

Colmenares, Nancy (Hugo Chávez's first wife)

divorcing of


See also
García Márquez, Gabriel

asylum granted Pedro Carmona (interim coup president)

and Bolívar, Simón

defense budget

Gaitán, Jorge Eliécer assassination


Plan Colombia

Columbia Journalism Review,
journalists' anti-HC activism

Communist Manifesto

Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV)

CONASEDE (national security council)

HC as personal assistant to chief of

Confederation of Venezuelan Workers (CTV).

CTV (Confederation of Venezuelan Workers)

constitutional assembly of Chávez

presidency of Hugo Chávez (first term)

appointments, backroom

and cabinet members

and Congress, traditional

constitution: contents

voter approval

"Constitutional Assembly Now!" slogan

Defender of the People office creation

democratic activity at street-level


fast-track legislation presidential power

HC dream of in jail

and indigenous people

judicial emergency declaration

legislative emergency declaration

and magna carta, contemporary

military right to vote

"mini Congress" interim body appointment

National Assembly creation

National Electoral Council

See also main heading
National Electoral Council)

nation name change

oath of office

and oligarchy

and presidential terms

prison reform

recall mechanism

La Reconstituyente
The Reconstitution
play parodying assembly

referendum on by HC

regional meetings

Supreme Court: declared defunct

Supreme Tribunal of Justice

constitution of HC administrations

Article 350 (right to oppose government deemed undemocratic)

and Catholic social teachings

human rights agenda

and military

socialist elements

voter approval of

contras in George W. Bush administration.

Iran-contra figures in George W. Bush administration

COPEI (Social Christian Party)

AD-copei hegemony

Correa, Rafael (Ecuador president)

corruption in Venezuela

See also
judicial system, Venezuelan (traditional)

and Banco Latino

as culture

in democratic eras

The Dictionary of Venezuela

by international standards

and military

milk scandal

and PDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela)

of "piñata culture,"

as racket

tax evasion

and Transparency International


1992 coup against Pérez; 2002 coup

criticism of Chávez presidencies.

See also
media headings; presidential categories;
recall; State Department, USA; USA

by Abrams, Elliot (NSC human rights point man)

on Afghanistan war statements

"as sugar cane crushing machine,"

austerity claims invalid

and backroom deals

ballot-box fraud allegations

bloodshed guilt accusations

of Bolivarian Circles

of Bolivarian schools

candlelight vigils

China oil plan as unrealistic

and civilian aides

civilian militia as following Cuba

concentration of power in HC

by CTV

Declaration of Maracay

as distorting military role

"Don't Mess with My Kids!"

educational programs of social missions

by environmentalists: on land appropriation


as fake democracy

by Fedecámaras

foreign investment discouraged

as fostering corruption

and free speech

hatred of HC as primary platform

HC as sellout

and HC ego

on HC media empire

heard by revolutionary tourists

heating oil US program as "political theater,"

as inept

and international oil project takeover

long-term goal lack

media "Gag Law,"

medical programs

by middle class

militarizing the government fears

military plaza occupation

also main heading
Plaza Altamira "Liberated Territory")

on mudslide tragedy

National Electoral Council

as neo-liberal by Douglas Bravo

oil revenue largesse as corrupting

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