Hunt, Sofia - Riding the Circuit [Rodeo Riders 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (10 page)

BOOK: Hunt, Sofia - Riding the Circuit [Rodeo Riders 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Why did you walk out on me that night?” She stared at him, her gaze direct and accusing.

He jerked back, blindsided by her question. “You told me to.”

“I did not.” She glared at him, hurt and distrust shining in her eyes.

Confusion battered his normal defenses. “You told me earlier in the evening that you never let a man stay the night with you. Once the deed was done, you expected him to leave.”

“So you took me at my word and left?” Her accusatory tone betrayed the depth of her hurt.

Confused, Riley shook his head. “I was doing what you expected, what you wanted.”

more of you. I thought we had something special.”

Only a woman would come up with such twisted logic. “So did I, but the next day when you didn’t want anything to do with me, I assumed I was just another guy to you.”

“You treated me like a piece of ass, nothing more.”

“I did not.”

“You did.”

“You are the most contrary, unpredictable woman I have ever met.” Riley’s head hurt. Never try to figure out a woman’s logic.

“I expected you to be different.”

“You wanted me to leave.”

“I never said that. I said I told other men to leave. You weren’t other men. Didn’t you get that? You didn’t have to leave. Do you do everything a woman tells you?”

“Fuck, no, but I thought—” Riley fisted his hands in his hair. “You didn’t want me to stay but you did want me to stay?”

Mitzi blew out a held breath and nodded, actually almost smiled. “Doesn’t make sense, does it?”

“Not one damn bit. If it makes a difference, I wanted to stay. It took every ounce of willpower I possessed to leave your bed that night.”

Silence hung over them. Words unspoken. Thoughts not articulated. Feelings hidden and protected from each other. It all boiled down to self-protection on both their parts.

“Riley. We’ve been so stupid. You and I.” Her eyes sucked him in, sold him on their sincerity. He bought it, hook, line, and sinker.

“Yeah, we have.” He stood and moved to her. Rasping her hands, he pulled her to her feet and into his arms.

She hesitated, pushed against his chest. “What about Jonah? I slept with him. I’m attracted to him, too.”

Riley chewed on that for a moment, considered it, and found it didn’t disturb him nearly as much as expected. “It’s okay, honey. Jonah and I don’t mind sharing. It’s a possibility we’ve already discussed.”

She frowned at him. “I don’t know how I feel about that.”

“You don’t need to worry about it right now. We’ll cross that bridge later. For tonight, let’s tuck you in bed and make sure you’re safe.”

She grabbed his arms and held him. “Don’t leave me. Will you stay with me for a while?”

“Sure will.” Like anything could keep him from her bed tonight.

Riley pulled her up onto her big bed in the gooseneck portion of the trailer. He’d just hold her, nothing more. He lay down next to her and wrapped her in his arms. Her heart still beat a little too rapidly under the thin material of her shirt.

“It’s okay, baby. Jonah and I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise.”

She buried her head in his shoulder. “I’m still not sure about how Jonah will take this.”

“You’re worried what we’ll both think since you slept with Jonah not too long ago?”

“Yes. I am. I wouldn’t want to do anything to hurt Jonah. Or you.”

“Mitzi, you don’t need to hurt either of us. I told you we’re okay with this.”

“I know, but it seems so

so weird.”

“Call it what you want. It’s okay, trust me, but only with us. We might share between us, but we don’t share with others.”

“I want you both. I don’t know how it can be, but it is.”

“You don’t need to choose.” Riley wanted—needed—her to understand how it was. He threaded his fingers through her long hair and touched his lips to hers. Her mouth parted slightly, and he touched the tip of his tongue to hers. She moaned, a primal sound which reverberated throughout his body and tightened his balls. His cock grew impossibly hard.

Riley’s hands slid up underneath her top and rubbed her warm skin. He covered her mouth with his, kissing, licking, sucking, exploring every recess of her sweet mouth and tangling his tongue with hers.

He dragged his mouth from her sultry lips and ventured lower, craving the column of her neck and nipping the sensitive skin on her collarbones. He rubbed his thumbs over breasts, feeling her hardened nipples through the thin fabric.

“I have to see you.”

She whimpered in response. He took that as a yes and slid the thin straps off her shoulders and down her arms. He pushed the knit fabric downward and hit pay dirt.

“You have the most gorgeous tits.”

She giggled. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

“I might, but to you, I mean it.” He kissed her soft flesh until his mouth found its target. He flicked the nipple with his tongue and licked circles around her nipple jewelry, a small barbell. He sucked the nipple into his mouth. Mitzi grabbed the back of his head and held his face to her breast.

Riley slid his hands down her sides and felt for the top button on her jeans. He fumbled with the button, finally unfastening it, and pulled down the zipper. He slipped his hand down her jeans under her panties. Wet and willing, her legs fell open as he slid his index finger between the wet folds.

A second later Mitzi’s body went rigid. Only then did the sound of the trailer door opening invade Riley’s foggy brain.

Chapter 10

Mitzi jumped at the sound of the door opening. She grabbed her spaghetti strap top and pulled it up to cover her bare breasts. Riley stretched lazily on the bed, not the least bit disturbed by their intruder, his long index finger still buried in her wet cunt.

“It’s okay. It’s just me.” Jonah stood in the doorway, his face hidden in the shadows.

It wasn’t okay. She’d almost rather it was her stalker. A strange feeling of guilt stabbed her. She didn’t understand it. After all, she’d made no promises to either man. This was just sex, nothing more. Nothing less.

Jonah stepped toward the bed, his movements slow and deliberate. He stopped short of the set of steps leading up to the gooseneck area. Still standing in the shadows, Mitzi could only make out his silhouette. Riley nibbled on her bare shoulder, undeterred by his buddy’s appearance in the trailer. His finger pressed deeper.

“Riley, stop it,” she hissed and swatted at his strong fingers as they tugged on the stretchy material covering her breasts.

“There’s no reason to stop. Jonah doesn’t care, do
, buddy?”

A soft chuckle sounded from the shadow. “Actually, I like it. I like to watch.”

Mitzi froze as Jonah tossed his T-shirt aside. A second later she heard the distinctive sound of a zipper, shuffling of feet, and Jonah’s jeans flew through the air.

Riley resumed his assault of her neck and shoulders, and his insistent mouth distracted her momentarily. Cupping her chin in a firm hand, he pulled her mouth toward his. He attacked her with his greedy lips and tongue like the ravenous hound dog he was, making her forget everything but his demanding mouth. Mitzi kissed him back, as insatiable as Riley. Another finger joined the first, pressing against her inner walls.

The bed sank under the weight of another person and slammed Mitzi back to reality. “What the fuck are you doing?” She jerked out of Riley’s arms and drew her knees up to her chest, hugging them to her body.

Jonah grinned, not the least bit contrite. His thick cock stood tall and proud and waved like a conquering hero’s flag. “Exactly what you want, babe.”

“What I want?”

’, what you want. Weren’t you having a hard time picking between us?”

“I—uh—yeah, I guess a little.”

Riley stripped off his clothes. Unable to help herself, she feasted her eyes on his lean, muscled body. Her gaze slid down to his cock. Incredibly long and hard, she recalled how it’d filled every empty place in her, given her pleasure she’d never experienced before. She wanted his cock inside her.

“Now you don’t have to pick. You can have us both.” Riley nuzzled her neck.

“Are you damn crazy?” Despite her arguments to the contrary, Mitzi was intrigued, tempted to sample what they had to offer.

“We’ve been told that story before. Is it a problem?” Riley caressed her hip.

She gasped and attempted to move further away, but she had nowhere to go. “A problem? There are two men in my bed.”

Riley’s eyebrow crept upward, and Jonah’s grin grew broader. “You’re catching on, baby. Double the pleasure, double the orgasms.” Jonah’s big calloused hand settled on the inside of her knee.

“Don’t tell me you don’t want this. I can see in your eyes you’re intrigued.” Riley pulled her to him and sat her between his legs with her back against his chest.

“Ah, come on.” Jonah’s hand crept higher. “You’ve got a rep as a wild one. Don’t tell me you’ve never been fondled by two men at the same time.”

“Never.” She shook her head adamantly.

“Never been fucked in more than one hole at the same time?” Jonah pressed.

“Never. One man is more than I want to deal with.”

“I think you’re lying. You’re intrigued. You’re turned on. And you really want this.”

Riley’s hot breath on her neck and lower sent sharp thrills of anticipation through her body. He grabbed the top of her shirt in both hands and yanked. The material gave way, and he ripped it completely in half, baring her breasts.

“We need to see your naked body, baby.” Riley flicked on a light over the bed, bathing them in a soft glow. She tried to cover her breasts, but Riley held her hands to her sides.

Jonah wrapped his finger around the unbuttoned waistband on her jeans and slid them down her legs, adding them to the growing pile on the floor. He hooked his fingers in her panties and pulled them off. Feeling oddly modest and embarrassed in front of two men, Mitzi clamped her legs shut.

Jonah pried her legs open. His strong hands wrapped around the insides of her thighs and spread her wider. Mitzi moaned and laid her head back against Riley’s shoulder. His hot mouth teased the sweet spot under her earlobe. He filled his big hands with her breasts, massaging them in a circular motion.

Jonah bent his head. His wicked tongue licked a hot trail up her thighs. Mitzi shifted her hips, squirming under the tight hold of the two men.

“You want us to stop?” Riley’s gravelly voice tickled her ear.

Mitzi couldn’t find the words. They stuck in her throat. The cowboys took her lack of response as a no. She didn’t know how she wanted to respond. Her traitorous body gave its own answer as her hips shifted upward, giving Jonah better access to her sopping pussy.

Jonah’s fingers dived into her slit and pumped in and out with deliberate slowness. His thumb fingered her nub, and little jolts of pleasure shot through her. Mitzi closed her eyes and arched her back. She turned her head to kiss Riley. He held her chin in his hand and sucked her tongue into his mouth with such fierce tenderness that sobs welled up in her chest. Fragile emotions she’d never experienced coursed through her. She rubbed her butt on his erection. He growled in her ear and nipped her lower lip. His tongue plunged into her mouth, conquering, possessing, taking charge.

Jonah’s tongue supplemented his fingers as he lapped up her juices and worked it inside her. His finger caressed her clit in unhurried circles. Riley toyed with her nipples as his mouth devoured her mouth with just the right amount of pressure and swipes of his tongue.

Two men saw to her needs, tender yet demanding, gentle yet insistent. She’d never imagined such pleasure. Her orgasm crashed down on her as she screamed Riley’s name into his mouth and shouted Jonah’s name when at last the thrust of his tongue shattered her.

Panting, she lay still. Spent. Bathed in a thin sheen of sweat. Her body tingling from the aftermath of an inconceivable orgasm. Riley rolled her to her back and moved off the bed. Mitzi couldn’t even lift her head to see where he’d gone. Her bones were mush, and her muscles had melted to the sheets.

A second later both men appeared, one on either side of her and gloriously naked.

“You ready for another go-round, little filly?” Jonah’s sex-roughened voice promised a night of carnal fantasies.

“We’re going to fuck you together, sweetheart, and we’re going to come at the same time, all three of us.” Riley rubbed a hard nipple with his index finger, toying with the little barbell through her piercing.

“Do you understand what we want?” Jonah leaned close, pinching her other nipple and tugging on the small silver bar. Jonah brought his mouth down on hers for a wet kiss. He tasted salty from her juices and of hot, horny male. He drew back. His pupils dilated.

“Y–yes. I think so.”

“We’re not going to double-penetrate you. Tonight we’ll go easy, but there’ll be other nights we won’t be so accommodating. You’ll need to accommodate us. But tonight is all about you.” Riley propped his head on his hand and watched her face while Jonah’s eyes focused on her breasts.

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