Hunt, Sofia - Riding the Circuit [Rodeo Riders 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (12 page)

BOOK: Hunt, Sofia - Riding the Circuit [Rodeo Riders 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Howdy, ma’am.” Jonah nodded at her as if nothing was amiss and graced her with his good-
’-Oklahoma-boy grin.

“Mitzi sure cooks a mean breakfast.” Riley attempted a feeble cover-up.

Ethel sniffed as if she smelled something really foul. They probably reeked of sex and sweat.

“Riley, you forgot your belt.” Mitzi started down the steps holding Riley’s belt. She froze when she saw the guys’ warning expressions and looked in the direction they were looking.

“Uh, Ethel. You’re up early.”

Ethel’s face turned bright red, her lips puckered like she’d sucked on a lemon. “Obviously, you weren’t expecting me. Mitzi Garrison, your behavior is scandalous. Absolutely scandalous.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” To Mitzi’s credit, she kept a straight face.

“Is there a problem with her offering us breakfast?” Jonah pasted on his most innocent little-
’-me expression.

Ethel wasn’t buying it. “You’re having sexual relations with both men.” She covered her mouth with her hands, as if her next words were too horrifying to utter. “At the same time.”

Mitzi held her hands to her chest and faked a swoon. “Why, I can’t believe you’d say such a thing about me.”

“Because it’s true. I’d heard you were fornicating with two cowboys, but I had to witness it with my own eyes.”

Jonah turned away so she wouldn’t see his amusement at her use of the word fornicating. So that’s what they were doing. He’d have to remember that one. Hell, he’d fornicate his way around the rodeo circuit with Mitzi.

“What do you mean
you heard
?” Riley put on his shirt and quickly tucked it in. Like that mattered now.

“It appears I’m not the only one who considers Mitzi ill-suited for such an important role. Someone left a note on my door this morning.”

Jonah’s amusement faded. “A note? What did it say?”

Ethel dismissed Jonah as if he didn’t exist. Her attitude didn’t set well with him. He’d spent too much of his life being discounted because he was a poor kid with an alcoholic mother and no father. He didn’t scrape and claw his way to respectability to have this old crone plummet him back to the basement in a few short minutes. He’d had just about enough of this woman insinuating herself into Mitzi’s private life. Chaperoning her to rodeo events and appearances was one thing, but keeping tabs on her after hours was another, especially now that it directly affected Riley and him.

“You have an interview with the local paper at 9:00 a.m. Don’t be late. We’ll deal with your deviant behavior later, once I plot my course of action.” Ethel hurried away, as if their deviant behavior might be contagious.

“Oh, crap. She’s going to make my life a living hell.”

“Hasn’t she already?” Jonah’s eyes narrowed as he watched the tight-ass bitch disappear around the corner of the barn.

“Yes, but this makes it doubly worse. What if she tells the NARA board, or even worse, my father?”

“What if she does?” Riley snapped. She’d obviously hit a sore spot with him.

“I have a responsibility to the NARA. I made a commitment.”

“Did that commitment include celibacy?”

Mitzi chewed on her lower lip. “Not exactly. I did sign a code of conduct clause.”

“There’s nothing wrong with your public conduct. What you do in the privacy of your trailer is not up for debate.” Jonah ground his teeth together. Ethel wasn’t going to ruin what they had going on here, not when they’d just discovered how good it could be.

* * * *

“Wipe that shit-eating grin off your face.” Riley faked a grimace, but he didn’t fool his buddy. Hell, they were both riding that sex-induced wave.

They sat on their horses outside the arena, watching Mitzi gallop hell-bent-for-leather around the arena in the grand entry. Her gold sequined outfit sparkled in the sun and clung to every curve of her delicious body. She might be every man’s wet dream, but she’d become Jonah and Riley’s reality. Her long legs wrapped around the horse’s barrel like they’d wrapped around Riley last night. He shifted in the saddle, his jeans uncomfortably tight.

Jonah swept off his hat and wiped his brow with his sleeve. “
. That little lady sure can ride.”

Riley raised one eyebrow. “She sure as hell can.”

“I had a damn good time last night.”

“And well into the morning.”

“That, too. I’m tired, but Mitzi’s worth it.”

“Yeah, she is.” Riley followed her around the arena with his eyes, loving the way she sat on a horse and went all out riding close to the fence and taking the corners like a racecar driver. No fear in that woman. He found himself smiling like a fool.

“Wipe the drool off your face.”

Riley automatically swiped a hand across his mouth, and Jonah burst into laughter.

“Who do you think left that note for Ethel?” Riley smoothly switched the subject.

The twinkle in Jonah’s eyes faded. “Someone who’s been watching her closely.”

“Yeah, that’s obvious.”

“At least she won’t be sneaking out so easily anymore with both of us in her bed.” Jonah sat back in the saddle.

“Where do you think this thing with her is going?”

“If we can avert disaster with Ethel, I figure it’s going about the same way it did last night for the rest of the circuit.”

“And after that?” Riley shot a sideways glance at his friend.

“There is no after the circuit.” Jonah crammed his hat back on his head and pulled the brim low over his eyes, effectively shading them from Riley’s view. An intentional act if Riley ever saw one. Jonah played the carefree role because to care eventually got you hurt or betrayed or both. People who loved you walked out on you. That’s how Jonah saw it.

Riley didn’t have the disadvantage of Jonah’s crappy childhood. Riley’s parents were still together, through good times and bad, and still in love. Sure, they’d fallen on hard times, and were only a few missed payments from losing the family ranch, but they had each other. Riley wanted a love like theirs. If he couldn’t have it, he didn’t want anything. Up until now, he hadn’t found the woman to share his life with, and perhaps even share with Jonah on a permanent basis.

If Garrison paid them for this job at the end of the circuit, they’d have just enough to get the ranch out of foreclosure, allow his parents to retire, and run the ranch themselves. Their way.

With Riley’s business sense, Jonah’s magic touch with horses, and their combined work ethic, they could make a going concern of it and a comfortable living.

A spoiled, rich girl didn’t fit into those plans any more than two broke cowboys fit into hers.

Sighing, Riley picked up the reins and guided his horse away from the arena fence. A rock settled in the pit of his stomach and squashed the good feelings from the night before.

* * * *

Mitzi paced back and forth in front of her trailer. She’d finished her queenly duties with Ethel shadowing her every step of the way. Even worse, the woman barely spoke one word to her. Mitzi preferred confrontation to a cold shoulder any day. Just get the problem out in the open and discuss it. Normally, she’d provoke Ethel rather than face the silent treatment. This time was different because she didn’t want to face the possible results of such a confrontation. She’d examined every option, from losing her crown and being shamed, to having her father find out, to losing what she’d experienced last night with Riley and Jonah. None of the alternatives were acceptable.

She’d find another solution, a win-win for all of them, even Ethel. She swung her gaze to her friends. Armondo and Tanya sat nearby at a picnic table and sipped beer. Riley and Jonah relaxed in plastic lawn chairs. Jonah leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. Riley looked as uptight as Mitzi felt. But then Riley had always been as intense as Jonah was laid-back. Their differences were one of the things she loved about them.

Mitzi stumbled. No, not love. Liked, liked about them.

Mitzi came to halt in front of the group. “We have to do something about Ethel. I can’t handle both her and a stalker.”

“She needs a man between her legs.” Jonah straddled a bale of hay and chewed on a piece of straw.

“That’s your answer for everything, Jonah Yates,” Mitzi chastised him.

“It worked for you, didn’t it?” Jonah’s wicked grin teased her.

Mitzi kicked his shin with the toe of her boot.

“Fuck. What was that for?”

“For being a smart-mouth.”

“I still say Ethel needs a man.” Jonah rubbed his bruised shin.

“I don’t suppose you know the man for the job?” Riley spoke up, an amused grin playing at the corners of his usually serious mouth.

“I just might have the man in mind.” Tanya smiled. Every eye turned to Tanya.

“Who would be that desperate?” Riley shook his head.

“Not desperate but up for a challenge. A real challenge.
brother, Julian. He likes them tough to get, and he loves older women.” Tanya looked to Armondo for confirmation.

, he loves to cure older women of their sexual hang-ups. He especially loves older women with money.”

“She has money. Her daddy left her a pile of it, and they don’t come with bigger hang-ups than that old prune. I’d bet she’s a forty-year-old virgin.” Mitzi was warming up to the idea.

“He’ll lay that Latin charm on her, and she’ll melt.” Tanya smirked.

“Ethel doesn’t melt. She’s made of cold, hard steel.”

“Have you ever seen steel when it gets hot?” Jonah chuckled.

* * * *

“Here she comes, guys. Brace yourself.” Mitzi indicated the door with a nod of her head. The group at her table, consisting of Mitzi, Riley, Jonah, Tanya, Julian, and Armondo, stifled their grins or dipped their heads to hide their faces. Julian,
brother, merely studied the woman with acute interest.

“So that’s her?” Julian’s dark eyes sparkled with the challenge of thawing Ethel’s frosty reserve. Julian’s dark Latin looks had turned many a woman’s head when they’d walked into the bar earlier.

“What do you think?” Mitzi watched as Ethel stood in the doorway, waiting for her eyes to adjust to the dim lighting in the crowded bar.

“She is an intriguing
. I see a hidden fire under those layers of clothes.”

“I’m glad you see it, buddy, because we sure as hell don’t.” Riley slapped Julian on the shoulder.

Armondo laughed. “See, I told you. She’s just Julian’s type.”

Julian nodded his agreement, obviously intrigued and ready for the hunt.

Spotting them, Ethel marched to their table. Displeasure and disgust radiated from her every pore. She huffed like a freight train as she confronted the group.

Dressed in a plain white blouse buttoned to her neck, a simple black skirt, blazer, and practical shoes with no heels, she looked like a prim and proper schoolmarm. Ethel pushed at the glasses perched on her nose. Studying her more closely, Mitzi realized she actually had an attractive face with delicate features and high cheekbones if it weren’t for her perpetual scowl and puckered lips. Her figure wasn’t half-bad either, even covered under layers of fabric.

Mitzi glanced at Julian, who definitely looked interested. He’d already commandeered a chair from the adjacent table and was standing behind it ready to offer Ethel a seat, like the consummate gentleman. The man exuded smooth Latin charm able to melt the coldest iceberg. Mitzi suspected Ethel would give him a run for his money. She’d been frozen so long she’d not be easy to thaw.

Speaking of thawing, her chair was sandwiched between Riley and Jonah’s, their hips and thighs touching hers. She hadn’t slept with either of them since their mind-blowing ménage a few nights ago, but she knew they’d be back in her bed soon. They’d avoided talking about the arrangement, such as it was. Once the circuit ended or her stalker was caught, they’d all go their separate ways. That was the unspoken agreement.

Their temporary situation should have relieved her. After all, no expectations, no foul, no harm when it was over. Just the promise of physical pleasure with two of the hottest cowboys on the circuit. She’d never wanted or asked for more from any of her previous sexual partners. Why should these two be any different?

Only she feared they were different. She enjoyed their company, enjoyed sparring with them, challenging them as they challenged her with their wits and their strength of will. Both men’s strong personalities complimented her willful one.

But what of her father? He’d never approve of one of them, let alone both in her life. If she ever hoped to take her rightful place in the management of her father’s stock contracting business and the family ranch, her relationship with Riley and Jonah must end when the circuit ended. The inevitability of their situation filled her with sorrow, much to her surprise.

Shaking off her melancholy mood, Mitzi concentrated on the drama playing out across the table.

Ethel stood with her hands on hips, lips puckered into a disapproving scowl. She directed her wrath upon Mitzi, not even noticing Julian, who stood a few feet from her. “Why did you leave me a message to meet you at this place?”

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