Hunt the Moon : Cassandra Palmer #5

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Authors: Karen Chance

Tags: #Fantasy, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Hunt the Moon : Cassandra Palmer #5
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“You definitely need to check out this series.”
—Literary Escapism
Praise for the Cassie Palmer Novels
Curse the Dawn
“A truly riotous ride.... Chance adds plenty of twists and obstacles to her first-person series that blends time travel, magic, vampires, and more. The pace is rapid and the exploits are wild. Chance aces another one!”

Romantic Times
“Gunfights, explosions, magical catastrophes, rescue attempts, ambushes, and much more turn this book into the urban fantasy equivalent of a summer blockbuster . . . quite the satisfying urban fantasy adventure.”
—SF Site
“Outstanding. The characters pull you into their world and won’t let you go.... The dialogue is funny; the story is fast-paced, full of intrigue with really hot sex scenes.”
—The Romance Readers Connection
“A dark theme tempered with humor, action, and romance comes alive in
Curse the Dawn
, one of the best of the Cassandra Palmer series.”
—Romance Reviews Today
“Chance is outstanding in her punchy delivery.... Swift action sequences, [a] tight plotline, a memorable cast, some rather steamy and heart-thumping scenes, not to mention the occasional sweetness of dry humor amidst a lot of killing and death, are all reasons to love this book and indeed this series.”
—The Truth About Books
Embrace the Night
“Cassie is a well-rounded character, and the intensity and complexity of the plot puts her through her paces physically, emotionally, and psychically.”

Publishers Weekly
“Quick pacing and imaginative use of some old mythologies blend into a captivating read that will leave readers clamoring for more.”
—Monsters and Critics
“Ms. Chance continues to expand her well-built world with time travel, fantastical beings, steamy romance, and the nonstop action her wonderful series provides. This is a fastmoving read that’s hard to set down.”
—Darque Reviews
Claimed by Shadow
“A nonstop thrill ride from beginning to end, a wildly entertaining romp with a strong, likable heroine.”
“Ms. Chance is a master . . . a series well worth getting hooked on.”
—Fresh Fiction
“A great writer of supernatural fantasy that is on a par with the works of Kim Harrison, Charlaine Harris, and Kelley Armstrong.”

Midwest Book Review
Touch the Dark
“A grab-you-by-the-throat-and-suck-you-in sort of book with a tough, smart heroine and sexy-scary vampires. I loved it—and I’m waiting anxiously for a sequel.”

New York Times
bestselling author Patricia Briggs
“A really exciting book with great pacing and a huge cast of vivid characters. This is one of my favorite reads of the year.”

New York Times
bestselling author Charlaine Harris
“Exciting and inventive.”

“Fast and heavy on the action,
Touch the Dark
packs a huge story.... A blend of fantasy and romance, it will satisfy readers of both genres.”
—Fresh Fiction
“A wonderfully entertaining romp with an engaging heroine. Here’s hoping there’s a sequel in the works!”

New York Times
bestselling author Kelley Armstrong
“Karen Chance takes her place along with Laurell K. Hamilton, Charlaine Harris, MaryJanice Davidson, and J. D. Robb to give us a strong woman who doesn’t wait to be rescued.... The action never stops . . . engrossing.”
“Combines humor, action, and the paranormal into a scintillating story that will leave readers begging for more.”
—Romance Reviews Today
And don’t miss Karen Chance’s
New York Times
bestselling Midnight’s Daughter series
Death’s Mistress
“Chance’s patented brand of political intrigue, wrapped around deadly danger and spiced with complex characterization, is a proven winner.”

Romantic Times
“Engaging . . . a must read for anyone looking for an urban fantasy story that’s explosive, fast-paced [with] wonderful characters and a plot that will keep you guessing until the very end.”
—Night Owl Romance
“From the beginning until the ending, this story is nonstop chaos of the sort only the undead or Fey can deliver . . . high drama, indeed.”
—Huntress Book Reviews
Midnight’s Daughter
“Karen Chance doesn’t disappoint. Once again we have an action-packed adventure with a strong female character that, while tough as nails and a dhampir, is also very human.”
“Karen Chance has done it again . . . a brilliant start to a new series [that] contains all the elements needed for a great urban fantasy.”
—Vampire Romance Books
“Karen Chance knows how to write. Not just the action scenes, or having the butt-kicking heroine throw out pithy one-liners, but the setup is clever, [and] the involvement of the various factions in the simmering war is well thoughtout, as are the repercussions to various actions characters take in the book.”
—Monsters and Critics
“There is plenty of action, a bit of romance, and a fascinating look at the Dracula brood.... Karen Chance is by far one of the best authors writing urban fantasies today.”
—Genre Go Round Reviews
Touch the Dark
Claimed by Shadow
Embrace the Night
Curse the Dawn
Midnight’s Daughter Death’s Mistress
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