Hunter: MC Romance (Hell Reapers MC Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: Hunter: MC Romance (Hell Reapers MC Book 1)
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My heart stilled and the hair on the back of my neck stiffly bristled. Hunter was at my door and he looked to be bringing hell with him. I froze up and a dozen thoughts each raced through the mental maze of my mind, I wanted to let him in and I wanted to tell him to go away – I wanted to rip off his clothes and I wanted to ignore him completely.

“It’s Hunter,” he called out in that gruff, if not impatient, voice.

Barristan loped over to my side and looked between myself and the door as if to ask: aren’t you going to let my new favorite friend in? If only things were as simple as you made them out to be, Barry.

“I can’t let you inside,” I croaked, the shame cloaking itself over me. What are you doing? You have to let him in, he’s your connection to the club.

“What?” He sounded confused, “why the hell not? Are you alright?” His voice thick with concern, “you left without a word this morning…I mean you already know that, but still.”

“I know,” I replied, spying the chain lock on my door. I have to do this, I scolded. I have to do this for mom, for her treatments – for her bills. Even if it feels so damn wrong. I’m lying to this man, I’m pretending that I – that
can be together even through the absurdity of it all.

“Jessica,” his voice smoldered with anger and curiosity and hurt. “Please,” he said, “let me in?”

I considered it for a terribly long moment, feeling my heart tap against my breastbone as Barristan looked up to me with that adorable face. I turned my head back over to the door, “Alright,” I conceded, pushing out a breath through my nose and undoing the lock on the door, opening it for the man.

He stood there in all his glory, his pale blue eyes cutting me down without so much as a blink. Hunter was dressed up in his leather jacket, a gray shirt beneath it and a torn up pair of faded blue denim for pants. “What happened?” He asked as he purposefully strode inside of my apartment.

I shut the door behind him as Barristan sniffed at the man’s dark boots, “I just…I had to get out of there. What happened shouldn’t have happened,” the words came out in a tangled mess.

“That’s not how you felt last night,” Hunter reminded. He wasn’t wrong.

I turned to face him, “I was drunk,” I tried to brush it all off.

“Not the whole damn night,” he said, “not to the point of blacking out. You did plenty of consenting to this so called mistake,” he made little air quotes before puffing out his chest.

“Yes, but it’s not a so called mistake,” I mirrored his gesture, “it
a mistake,” I stepped closer to the man, my eyes hanging on his lips.

“So that’s how you wanted to leave things? That’s it, huh? You just gonna throw it all away?” He raised his voice to the point of which it practically boomed across my petite household. Barristan laid down dutifully between the two of us.

“There’s nothing
throw away. We had fun. That’s all.”

“Bull. Shit. I’ve had plenty of fun in my time, and what we had last night was not fun. We had something special, and I’m not just talking about the sex – and you what, never intended to see me again? Is that what you hoped, Jessica? I’m not so easy to toss out,” he spat with a caustic venom, “not just some toy. Trust me on that.”

“I—“ dammit all to hell, “no. I did want to see you again,” I admitted, a flourish of heat sprouting within me, “I loved everything about that perfect night.”

Hunter drifted closer automatically, his eyes pinioning me in my place.

“There are things about me that you don’t know, that you shouldn’t know,” I thought for a moment of my mother, “things that nobody should have to know.”

“I want to know those things,” Hunter lowered his voice, “all of it,” he said. “I want to know everything that I can about you.”

“Why?” I asked and it sounded so stupid when the word left my mouth, I sounded completely dumbfounded like I couldn’t even fathom how the man had anything more than a cursory interest in my existence. I rubbed my index and thumb together in a nervous tic.

“Why? Because, well,” for once Hunter was the one cursed with a tying of tongues. “It’s pathetic,” he announced quietly, cutting himself down before he even began.

“No,” I said. “It’s not.”

His eyes rounded slightly and he looked away for a moment, over towards the dog, and then back to me. “The time we’ve spent together? Some of the best moment’s I’ve ever been lucky enough to have – and I don’t want them to end here because you’re feeling uncertain,” Hunter was nearly against me now, save for the maybe two feet at best that separated our bodies. “I want you, and I want you to be certain that you want me – and I’ll pay any price to earn that sweet smile I could drink in for a lifetime and never tire of.”

I brought the tips of my fingers to my mouth, resting the elbow of that arm against the arm that I draped just below my chest. Every inch of my body glowed in this man’s presence, and that’s precisely the moment that I knew: I was in too deep. “I want to be certain too,” I admitted in a cowardly tone, “you make me a puddle of just about damn near everything. But, I don’t, I don’t normally do that, what I did – what
did. Not with just any man.”

Hunter closed the last gap between us and brought a hand to my waist, pulling me into him – the gravity of his character seducing every fiber of my being. “I am
just any man,” he husked, his blue eyes searching mine for a brief moment.

And then his lips crashed hard and hot against my own, and everything that I ever thought that I knew about love flew out the window.


Chapter 17


We stumbled across the room in a clumsy frenzy of kissing and explorative touching and gasps, making a symphony of desire all our own. I did my best to guide us toward the bedroom, but all we could seem to do was end up running into walls.

“I couldn’t stop thinking about you, baby,” Hunter husked, barely managing to pull himself from me. He grabbed me by the neckline of my shirt and pushed me firmly against the wall, pressing his hard body against mine.

“You haunted me all day,” I whispered, finding his lips once more and embracing him long and deep, our smacking sounds filling the air. A great rush of warmth flooded my core, and a tight golf-ball sized hold of need made itself known. Even just his lips were enough to waken up my nipples; they were tingling with awesome delight and stiffening for every beat of my heart.

“Good,” he crooned and then a deep, joyous laugh vibrated from his broad chest.

The laughter was infectious, “If you stop acting like a randy teenager that just discovered tits for two seconds…”

He pawed at my breasts again, this time with a renewed vigor.

I loosed a moan and stepped away from him, grabbing his wrist and tugging him towards the bedroom, “
way,” I said whimsically.

If the door to my bedroom had feelings and we were in some alternate universe, we’d have probably made it want to rest on the couch and sob into a beach bucket of Rocky Road for the way we treated it; crashing past it and collapsing onto my wonderful bed. Hunter pinioned me against the soft white blanket and pristinely kept sheets, the foam of the mattress taking in my shape and forming lines around me. His hands swept through my hair as he assaulted me with kisses and whispers of sweet affections.

My hand found the bulge against his pants, rubbing it up and down and causing my lady parts to get further and further excited. I frantically worked at the stupid button of his jeans, the silent protector that was getting in the way between me and satisfaction so glorious I’d expect angels to shine a light and blow trumpets.

Hunter moved his face from mine and chuckled, clearly noticing my frustrations.

“Condom,” I breathed, looking up into his eyes – feeling my nose flare just a tad, “now.”

“You’re bossy when you need it,” he noted, planting another hard kiss on my lips, devouring all that I was and stealing my breath from me. He kissed all down my jaw and neck, straddling me after a moment and undoing his jeans, stripping himself of all his clothes. What remained was a pure, toned body of muscle and tattooed flesh – his erect cock pulsing in attention.

“I’m bossy because I need this,” I whined, grabbing ahold of his thick shaft and stroking at it – an almost dizzy kind of lightheadedness overcoming me. “I need
,” I bit down on my lip so hard I feared that I might draw blood, my clit fully alive with ever ripening desire. Even the slightest movement against my panties, against the bed, was enough to send chills up the back of my neck.

Hunter smirked and pushed my hand away, removing my clothes in a right quickness – leaving my naked body exposed and ready for the taking. “God, I could never get enough of seeing you naked.”

I could feel the blush spreading in my cheeks. The feeling is highly, highly mutual.

Hunter spread my legs wide and brought his face level with my pussy, inspecting me closely for a good long while, some deep noises of approval escaping his chest. “Christ you’re dripping,” he said astounded, bringing a finger to the lips of my honeyed rose, brushing ever so softly against them. This sent a flash of heat through me, a tingling sensation of pleasure kissing at my wet pussy. When hunter brought his fingers up to my line of sight, I felt my chest delightfully tighten at seeing the partially clouded white of my own pre-cum.

“I can’t help myself,” I breathed, bringing my hands over to my greedy breasts and playing with the stiffened buds that my nipples had so easily become. “Please, Hunter,” I moaned, pulling on my nipples nice and hard – trying to give him as erotic a view as I could, “I need it. I need your cock,” I couldn’t believe how sultry my voice had gotten.

Hunter rubbed just above my clit and all across my navel, lavishing me with playful and curious attention to each and every dip and curve of my body. “Don’t stop, baby,” he husked, “every fantasy,” he said, “I want to hear every little perverted thought that pops up in your head.”

I cried out his name again when he rubbed at the mouth of my moist pussy. His fingers were sweeter than heaven, and yet hotter than all of the raging fires of hell.

Satisfied with himself, Hunter brought his two fingers up to his mouth and sucked them clean – that Mephistophelean smirk gracing his playful lips. He moved from the end of the bed to where he’d tossed his jeans, fishing around in the pocket of them and pulling out his wallet, producing a rubber packet and promptly opening it. Hunter then crawled back onto the bed and on top of me, running a hungering hand all along my flesh – making sure to squeeze and tease my breasts, his mouth sucking and biting and nipping away for every inch that his hand happened to touch.

Writhing around the bed, I fought against the dark crashing tides of pleasure; my nipples were sensitive as all hell with him touching and sucking so fervently. Every part of my yearned for him, for his touch and for his thick manhood. I had to feel him inside of me. Had to feel him ravage what was rightfully

Hunter flashed the yellow roll of rubber in my face and then slipped it to my lips, “Put it on me,” he ordered, picking me up so that I was sitting on my ass. I’d never had the pleasure of putting on a man’s condom with my mouth before, but I didn’t want him to know that – in my head, despite all my raging hormones and pulsing warmth, I internally cringed at the thought of accidentally choking to death.

God I hated being trapped in my own head sometimes, I swear. Hunter asked, “What’s wrong?”

“N-nothing,” I mumbled, the roll of rubber moving along with the ends of my lips. I positioned myself directly in front of his erection and through a bit of fumbling, managed to cover it’s cute head – pushing the condom all the way down his shaft afterwards.

Hunter groaned with approval, his fingers massaging against my scalp, “Yeah baby, that’s my good girl.”

My heart jumped with strange approval and joy.

“Bend over,” he growled, petting my face with the pad of his affectionate thumb. He then slid his hands down my body to my waist and forced me into position, so that my ass was high in the air and ready to receive him.

When I felt the length of his hard cock poke at my greedy entrance, I wiggled my butt so that I could help to tease the both of us, my slick pussy wetting the tip of his sex. Something deep inside of me rolled from my throat and I clutched hard the sheets of my bed. The world beneath me crumbled away into total nothingness when I felt that first resplendent inch of Hunter’s cock push its way inside of me; when I felt that explosion of warmth and that expansion of my insides, loving the way the walls of my sopping wet pussy hungrily clung to his head. “Oh, Hunter,” I cried out, I looked back at him, wishing that I could witness my pussy devouring his sex.

The bed itself creaked and moaned as Hunter thrust his hips forward, giving me the full length of his person – his cock hitting me at the perfect angle, scraping against the ceiling of my mound. He pumped himself in and out of me, the sound of his balls slapping against my ass kissed my ears – and fuck if it wasn’t one of the hottest noises ever. Each slap of them against me pushed me closer and closer to that precarious edge. I cried out his name for every stroke of his cock inside of me, picturing my hot and tight sex milking him for all he was worth, trying to imagine how his warm seed might feel inside of me.

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