Hunter: MC Romance (Hell Reapers MC Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: Hunter: MC Romance (Hell Reapers MC Book 1)
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Our breaths became ragged and I could feel my toes threatening to curl as Hunter bucked into me harder and harder still. He fit into me perfectly, like our bodies were always made for one another, we just hadn’t known it. Pretty much every sexual experience I’d ever been cursed with was a one of disappointment; always the giver and never the receiver.

Who knew sex could feel so amazing?

My and Hunter’s bodies came together in a final pitched frenzy of sweat and moan, each pump of his cock inside of me sloshing around my lady bits to orgasmic delight. Our hearts coming together into a perfect unison, guiding our physical forms into a perfect and natural rhythm – I felt my world shatter around me and I came harder than I ever thought possible, creaming myself around that man’s beautifully thick shaft.

“Jessica!” Hunter cried in a last push. I could feel his cock twitching deep inside of me, pulsing and rubbing up against my sensitive g-spot, as he experienced a perfect euphoria.


Bathing in the afterglow of my own draining climax, I buried my head against Hunter’s firm chest, escaping briefly into another world – free of stress and pain and anxiety. At ease with all. For that brief little nap, I found myself in an earthly heaven; the sound of his heartbeat tapping against my ear, the steady cadence of his breath and the soothing touch of his petting thumb. There was also the surprising liveliness of his manly parts, which still occasionally twitched whenever I would cuddle too aggressively.

My fiery hair was draped over most of his chest, and I drank in the smell of him – never wanting to forget his scent, never wanting to lose that earthly delight. He was my demon, my Lucifer. All brimstone and leather and fire.

When we were finally able to rouse one another from our probably no more than half hour nap, I guided him, still incredibly naked and giddy, throughout the household and over to the washroom.

He flicked his wrist and the showerhead spurted to life, spraying out in a hiss streams of hot water. Hunter looked over to me, a lazy and content sort of smile drawn on his face. He held out a curious hand.

But I did not take it. No. Instead I stood there just outside the bathroom, still wrought with the embers of our tryst – a phantom feeling of him inside of me teasing my senses.

I’d never been fucked with such force and caring and passion. I wanted to cry with happiness and sob in pity for what I’d thought sex was supposed to be all of these years.

“Jessica?” He called out, “you going to join me?”

I said nothing. Just stared blankly at the water of the showerhead.

Hunter stood mute, and the tiniest hand of laughter pushed at my breast when I noticed his manhood beginning to harden to half-mast.

“It’s okay,” I could feel the jagged rocks in my throat, “you go first.”

“What?” He was plainly baffled. “Shower with me, gorgeous,” he pursued.

I shook my head and looked towards the white tile floor. I couldn’t stand to look at him, the horrible moss of my bones finding me once more.

“Baby,” he called out, closing the distance between us and putting his fingers to my chin, raising it up so that I had to look at him. “Something is not right,” he said it so softly, his brows furrowing and his eyes trying to decipher the lines of my face. He brought a hand to my ass and rubbed a cheek briefly before sliding his hand upwards and to the small of my back, bringing me even closer to his person. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want,” he started, kissing the crown of my head. I felt a pang of sorrow at that, “but know that I want to know.”

It hit me suddenly and without mercy. I let go of all my strength and collapsed into his cradling arms, burying my head in his chest and sobbing myself until I was completely drained. The shower hissed and the water pattered hard against the bathtub as Hunter stroked me; held me and whispered sweet nothings.

After what felt like an eternity, when I was too weak and my brain too spent to fear – Hunter convinced me to step into the shower with him. I asked him to clean me, and he said that he’d happily oblige.

He was nothing short of perfect, and for the first time in my life, I had to wonder if the universe was playing this cruel game on me for a reason – I pontificated on the idea of it all being a dream, a cold, cruel dream.


Chapter 18


There was nothing that I could discern it felt like, no window in which I could peer through to see the pains of her soul.

And that killed me. Every bone in my body dully ached with need, to know what was going on in her head and her heart.

I’d long since washed her breathtaking body clean, and even though I hurt bad for her, to know she was in some pain that I couldn’t comprehend, I felt like the luckiest guy on earth for her to trust me with being near her. For her to give me the honor of being able to clean and to comfort her, to care for her in what ways I could. To me, there was no higher calling than that – it was all love.

Nothing scared me more. I’d been shot at and have best friends perish, never to know the love of my real parents – never to know the familial affections of even my foster parents; I could only hold on to the barest details of the ones that I liked the most. Never blamed them for how I turned out, hell I caused them way more trouble than I was ever worth.

But what I had with Jessica? It put the fear of death in me.

We were laying down in the tub now with the showerhead spraying water down at us. I’d suggested we turn it into a bath, but she adamantly refused. So I held her there after I’d gotten her nice and clean, the two of us just kind of pruning there in the relative and moody darkness of the bathroom. I pulled some of her thick, wet hair back and kissed just below her ear, “Are you feeling any better?”

She nodded weakly, “Little bit. Thanks.”

“Of course, baby,” I whispered, planting another series of kisses, having her try to lose herself against my, in comparison to her, massive body. I’d long since stopped trying to pry my way in, she wasn’t budging on telling me what was demonizing her when I asked.

Guess something finally clicked together inside of her when her hand found mine and she spoke up, “Hunter?”


“Thank you,” she said.

“You already thanked me plenty.”

“You can never be thanked enough,” she insisted, gripping my hand tighter, impressing me with the strength in which she held on to me. For such a small little thing she really did pack a punch, I’d hate to eat a hook from her good hand. Mental note: never piss this bona-fide babe off. That’d definitely make for an embarrassing gravestone. “What are you thinking?” She asked, as if she had somehow managed to learn to read my mind in the time it took for me to think up those things.

“Uh, nothing,” I chuckled.

She probably didn’t buy it, but she gave me no indication of which way her opinion on my lie was leaning. I silently thanked the Gods that I couldn’t ever bring myself to believe in. ‘Course, I found myself with a greater spiritual appreciation for the universe now, what were the odds that I’d meet a beautiful woman like Jessica? Kind, funny, caring. It just wasn’t something that I was ever used to in life, one of the big four sure – but all of them in one package?

Was it any wonder that Reyes and Holly were speaking shit about her?

Jessica placed a couple of kisses along my wrist, “Hey.”

“Hey yourself sexy,” I replied.

“Am I…” the pain in her voice gutted me, “a bad person?”

“What?” It made my bones heat just to think that she’d even consider such a thing. “No, Jess. Not even a little.”

“Don’t lie,” she said weakly, “we’re all a little bad. That’s what makes us human, isn’t it?”

“What makes us human,” I started, working my hands all along her body – massaging and feeling up her breasts, trying to physically knead out some of the hurt that clung to her. “Is our compassion,” I said, “our stubborn need to forgive and fight on…even in the face of absurdity.”

She made an acknowledging little sound, “You believe that?”

“With all that remains of my heart,” what she didn’t know was that every moment I spent with her was a miracle. Every moment it felt like I got a piece of me back, glass that’d long since been shattered – stuff that I’d thought was lost forever, it all came roaring back to me.

Life was worth living, sometimes all it takes is meeting the right people, at the right place, at the right time – no matter how wrong you’re living your life. No matter how wrong the world is, a single person can roll the cosmic dice and change it all.

“I don’t sing,” Jessica confessed, “professionally I mean,” I wasn’t incredibly surprised. “I don’t work in music at all.”

“You should,” I ran my fingers against her scalp, loving the feel of her hair between my fingers. “Your voice is a gift.”

“Shut up,” she teased, not willing to accept a simple and true compliment. “I work for a newspaper,” she said, and my whole body perked up in attention.

That I hadn’t expected. “Which one?” I asked, enraptured in total curiosity now. I knew she was hiding something.

“Applegate Sun.” I swallowed. Should I be worried?

“Good paper,” I remarked, “you an editor or something? Can’t say I know too much about that shit.”

She shook her head, “I do a bit of everything, I’m a junior level employee. Picked me up right out of college, sadly had to leave my exciting world of DJ’ing behind.”

I laughed, “You were a disk jock? I’m having a hard time imagining.”

“Well have a harder time,” she teased, wriggling her bottom against my cock and sending waves of euphoria through me. Saucy minx. “Cause it was my thing for a good long time. I have this special project that my boss, at Applegate, entrusted me with.” This pit formed in my gut, but I cut it down shortly after.

“I’ve been listening,” I assured her.

“Just making sure, I know how easily you men can be distracted with a pretty girl in your lap.”

“Naked lap,” I corrected, “and I’d argue

“In the city?”

“In the whole damn world.”

“You just want to get up in this again is all,” Jessica couldn’t seem to help but giggle, and my heart melted all over again.

“Yeah, you’re right,” I said dryly.

She pouted at that.

“I’m kidding. You are and forever will be, the most pretty girl in all the lands, I swear. This project at work, it have to do with your uh, mood?”

“Well,” she started, “kind of,” she sighed. “It’s a lot of things, and it’s been a long, long day. I’m sorry, Hunter,” she turned around in my lap to face me, giving me those doe eyes of green. “About this morning.”

“Don’t you ever stain those wonderful eyes,” I whispered, cupping her face in my hands, letting her sink into my touch, “you’ve got nothing to apologize for. If you want, I could stay the night – make sure you’re okay.”

“I’d like that,” she said and then moved close to my ear, “also you’re going to foot my water bill.”

“Damn and here I was hoping you were just going to tell me you were horny.”

Jessica’s lips curled into a bright smile, the light returning to her once again. She lifted herself up and turned off the shower, sat back down against me and kissed along my chest.

And she never stopped, until she reached exactly what she wanted to kiss.


Chapter 19


I’d done a stupid thing coming out to Hunter like that about my job. I think it hurt me even more with how implicitly he trusted me, how even if the world around him found me suspicious – he continued to give me the benefit of the doubt.

Unworthy was the only word that managed to bounce around in the dark of my head when I started to feel sad. Liar, cheat, cruel bitch – they all came and went and dug their nails in deep into the flesh of my soul. My problem was that I’d never been so happy. The sun was getting ready to say it’s goodbyes, casting a pink hue all across the skyline. I was getting finished with my dog’s walk when he loped over to my side, stick in mouth. “What’s that buddy,” I teased, grabbing at the stick and play wrestling with him for a spell.

Sleep was something I had a great difficulty with, thought it was a fluke at how well I’d drifted off when I was with Hunter the first time. But last night was much the same, if not even better. When I was around him, I felt safe. Felt protected, even somehow from myself. Sleep finally came fast and easy, and if I could just find a way to sell that in pill form – all of the world’s problems, mine especially, I was sure could be fixed.

Playing with Barristan for a few moments longer, as the sun bled across the sky, we made our way on back to the apartment. I undid his leash and padded off to the kitchen for a quick glass of water and to wipe down the sweat that stuck itself to my forehead. There was this feeling, this kind of animalistic nervousness and excitement about tonight. I’d told Sabrina that I would stop by her place for a little bit, with the wine she requested of course, I did enjoy keeping my head. But after that I was all Hunter’s for the rest of the night.

And he had made a promise that there was going to be something really exciting for me to do. I’d tried to pry the information out of him, but he said it’d come to him while we were laying in my bed and drifting to sleep – I swear that asshole was tighter lipped than a rebellious boy with a broomstick firmly planted in his backside.

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