Hunter Mourned (Wild Hunt Book 3) (18 page)

BOOK: Hunter Mourned (Wild Hunt Book 3)
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“But I am yours.” She looked imploring at him. “And you’re mine.”

The reincarnation thing again. He didn’t know if hearing her insistence was starting to annoy him or spark some kind of hope within him. Being Kai, version two, would explain his shitty track record with women. None of the girls he’d dated fit him because he’d always belonged to Rowan. It didn’t change anything, though. He’d hurt her with his reaction.

“I honestly don’t know if I believe this reincarnation business, but the fact is, I am not Kai. He lived and died a long time ago. I can’t compete with him, even if he was me in another life. In this life, I’m Trevor, an only child of a mother who would live in her bookstore if she could and a dad who always finds something in life to complain about.”

“I don’t want you to compete with him. Kai wouldn’t fit the woman I’ve become. I’m darker. Harder. You pegged me right the other day. Life has changed me.” She stood on her tiptoes and linked her hands around his neck. “You are the one who fits me. You are the one I want, but I need to let Kai go, once and for all, to make room for you. That’s part of my challenge.”

Challenge. The word crashed into him with the force of a physical blow. He snatched the hand that bore the mark of her curse. A crooked mark peeked past the edge of her glove. It hadn’t been there a few moments ago. He would’ve noticed it while they’d been in bed.

He’d caressed her skin there. “Take it off.”

She looked at her wrist and groaned. “The Triad is quick to remind me when I make a wrong move.”

“You knew you were the next one, didn’t you?”


He gripped the edge of her glove and glanced into her face. Acceptance showed there. She made no move to stop him. He peeled the material from her hand, letting it drop to the floor. Since he’d never seen the mark of her curse before, he didn’t have anything to compare it to, except the ones her siblings held. All of theirs were about a quarter of an inch wide and stretched from between their middle and ring fingers to the top of their wrists. Rowan’s mark was a half inch, darker in color, and stretched maybe three or four inches up her forearm.

He flicked his gaze to hers. “How long?”

“How long have I known I was the next pawn?”


“The morning after we first had sex.”

“Made love.” He corrected her but wasn’t sure why the distinction mattered. That first night had been all about fucking. It’d been the culmination of his lust for her that had been building from the moment he’d met her.

She exhaled slowly. “The morning after we first made love. I was talking to Rhys about you and how I suspected you were Kai’s reincarnation. I’d told him how I planned to go to the Underworld to talk to Minerva about soul mates. He’d warned me against it, reminding me of the threat Lucas poses.”

He twined their fingers, holding her tight as if that would be enough to stop Lucas from trying to seduce her and take her from him. “You knew you were the next to face your challenge, yet you went to the Underworld anyway. Is that what you’re telling me?”

“I had to go. I ran into one of Minerva’s maidens before I ended up at that bar. She told me Minerva had cried for me.” She yanked to free her hands. He held them tighter. He couldn’t bring himself to let her go. “Do you know what that means?”

Instead of answering, he stared at her. He didn’t think he’d be able to speak without yelling at her. She’d known she was the next Huntsman in the spotlight and that Lucas wanted her. She went to the Underworld anyway. Alone. Nobody to watch her back. Dammit, didn’t she know she shouldn’t have to face the bad shit alone? She had a houseful of brothers who would’ve gone with her. Why hadn’t Rhys?

“Minerva cries for love lost so that soul mates will get another chance at finding each other, loving each other, and reestablishing their connection.” She lowered her voice. “And she cried for me so that I would find Kai in another life.”

She leaned forward and skimmed her parted lips along the column of his neck. “But I didn’t look for him. I seethed. Punished myself. Mourned him. I had so much anger inside that even if I’d found him, I wouldn’t have accepted him as a replacement.”

“And I don’t want you to think I’m his replacement now. I’m Trevor, not Kai.” He walked forward, urging her backward until her legs hit the bed. “Let Kai live in your heart. He can have the old you. I want this one.”

She held his gaze for a long moment. Lust bled into her eyes, darkening them. “I want you to have me.
me. You’re my second chance at life.”

He lifted a knee onto the bed, tipping her backward. She swayed, but he didn’t release her hands so she could steady herself. He couldn’t bring himself to do so.

She dropped to her bottom and used her legs to maneuver herself to the middle of the bed. He stretched her arms above her head and joined their bodies on a single hard drive.

Steady, full thrusts rebuilt the passion that had fizzled with their disagreement. Each stroke ignited a raging need within him. Fire raced to his dick. His balls grew heavy. He quickened the pace until her body shook with his pounding drives. His cock thickened, and the sensation of her core gripping him cranked up his desires.

He took her mouth in a fierce kiss. Their tongues dueled. Teeth banged. Her hungry sounds and moans became his. He took them in, along with her breath. He wanted to own every part of her, head to toe. Wrap her around him so he’d never lose her. Tie her to him the same way Ian had claimed Tegan—irrevocably. Body, heart, and soul. He wanted to see a ring of dark green in his eyes, so everyone would know she was his. He couldn’t, though. He wasn’t a demigod, and she’d already used up her one chance at taking a mate.

Love would have to be enough. And he would earn Rowan’s love—for all time.

Her sharp intake of breath matched the tightness in her core. She was close to orgasming. He was ready to follow her.

He broke their kiss and pressed his lips to her ear. “Come for me, Rowan.”

He thrust into her once, twice, then stilled with his cock lodged deep inside her body. Her orgasm swept over her, sending rippling waves to dance over his dick, and her body tightened around his length, squeezing it and urging him to spill his seed inside her. It was exactly what he needed to send him over. He pulled back, then drove forward. On a rough grunt, he came. His cock jerked, and he gave her everything he had.

The waves massaging his dick slowed, and the last of their orgasms eased. Finally, he released her hands and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly against him. “I won’t lose you. Not to Lucas. Not to your memories. And not to your challenge. Remember what we have right here. Trevor and Rowan. Nobody else can give you this.”

She matched his embrace, squeezing his chest, then linked her ankles at his waist. “And nobody will take you away from me. I won’t let them.”

“That’s the right attitude, my naughty little Hunter. Now, let’s go hunt us some Unseelie scum.” He gave her a quick, loud kiss.

She giggled. The response he’d wanted. “Yes, let’s go hunting. Together.”

Yeah, he liked the sound of that, and once he helped her overcome her challenge, it’d be for eternity too. Couldn’t get better than that.



The conversation on the drive to the town where they believed Craig had been terrorizing women centered on Minerva and Arawn’s problems. Ian and Tegan, who sat in the middle row of the SUV, led the debate while Trevor asked questions, mostly about Minerva and Lucas. Rowan had tried to add her opinions too, but her mind kept drifting to Trevor. She’d made a horrible mistake with him. She’d known it the moment she’d called him Kai’s name.

The Triad had been quick to show her she’d taken a step in the wrong direction too. Trevor, though, eradicated her slip with his words and touch. He’d been angry, however. And hurt. Both emotions had been easy to read from his tight and distant expression. Still, he’d put it aside and guided her through the moment that might’ve ended their budding relationship if he’d been another man.

She glanced at him. His hands loosely gripped the steering wheel, and his gaze was focused on the city’s traffic. For a weeknight, the number of cars on the road surprised her, but Trevor didn’t seem to mind. He maneuvered the bumper-to-bumper traffic with ease, weaving in and out of the lanes and taking detours she never would’ve known about. Of course, this era belonged to him, and he’d probably been in this city countless times.

She wanted to hear more about his life. The little he’d told her about his childhood had fascinated her. The car ride with Ian and Tegan sitting behind them wasn’t the right time to discover more of Trevor’s past. Tegan and her mate were too busy discussing Arawn’s drinking. Although Arawn’s issues would have to be addressed, they had more pressing problems.

Rowan looked over her shoulder and caught Tegan’s brown-eyed gaze. Probably the most misjudged of Arawn’s daughters, Tegan was soft, lush, sensual, and deadly. She was third in the Hunt, but you’d never know that at first glance. Rowan knew the truth about her sister, however. She had bled at Tegan’s hands too many times not to understand. She’d deserved every beating too and was grateful for them. The fights had kept Rowan from losing her honor. Those first few years after Kai’s death had been trying.

Tegan tipped her head to the side so her wavy brown hair slid over one shoulder. “What, sister?”

“I ran into Minerva’s maiden Alana. She’s working as a waitress at a bar a few blocks from where the last woman who’d been robbed and attacked was found.”

“Alana told me you’d visited her, but she goes by Jen now. If you call her Alana in public, she might snap at you.” Trevor laughed, but the dry, bitter sound held no humor. “She certainly put Allie in her place when she talked to her.”

Rowan faced him. “That was Allie’s special project? To go to the neighborhood where Craig has been attacking women?”

Trevor cut her a quick glance. “Yeah. Allie said if I didn’t take her, she’d go herself.”

“You broke Calan’s rule. Put yourself and Allie in danger.” She grabbed the armrest of her seat. Sweat slickened her grip. She wanted to scream at him for putting himself in danger. “Craig could’ve killed you.”

“And Lucas could’ve taken you from me. Rhys warned you not to go to the Underworld, but you went anyway, didn’t you?”

She sat up straighter. “I had to go. There’s no other way to talk to someone in the Underworld.”

“Alone. You had to go and put yourself in danger without someone to save your pretty little ass.” The light turned red. He slammed on the brakes and faced her. “You could have taken Rhys or any of your brothers. They would’ve dropped whatever they were doing to go with you.”

“And take them away from the nightly search for Unseelie activity? No.” She shook her head. “I couldn’t do that. Besides, I had an escort for part of the time I was there. After I left Minerva…”

What was she doing? Admitting an ex-lover spent hours with her would not go over well. Zachariah had insisted on seeing her safely to the Huntsmen’s holdings.

“Well, who protected you? I want to thank them once I have access to the Underworld.” The demand in Trevor’s gaze was one she couldn’t ignore.

“Lucas’s other son, Zachariah.”

The light turned green before Trevor could comment. He advanced a couple of blocks, then turned into the same parking lot she’d used the other night. He cut the engine, and silence reigned.

Ian cleared his throat. “Tegan and I are going to a BDSM club. Maybe someone there will have something useful to tell us about the newest dealer in town.”

“Have fun.” Trevor’s dry tone upped the level of tension in the vehicle.

“Pretending to be a swinging couple is always a blast.” Tegan grinned. “Tonight, Ian’s introducing me as his hot wife who needs a lesson in submissiveness.”

Ian opened the door. “Call if you need us.”

“Will do,” Trevor said.

The moment the door was closed, Trevor pulled her as close as the confines of the car would allow. His mouth covered hers, and he kissed her. His rough strokes demanded
submission. She draped her arms over his shoulders, arching into his hold, and gave it to him. She couldn’t deny him when she’d been the cause of his distress.

After a few moments, he broke the kiss and glared at her. “If I can’t go with, you take one of your brothers or Tegan. None of your Teulu would want to see you become Lucas’s pawn. It’s bad enough the Triad is using you as one. Got it?”

“Yes, okay, but I’m going to eventually have to face him alone. I think he’s my challenge.”

“I thought you said it was letting go of Kai.”

“So I can accept us.” She cupped his face. “I’ll need the promise of a future with you to resist Lucas. I’ve slept with him too many times to withstand his seduction for long without you as my shield. Being with an incubus is addicting. Admitting that makes me feel weak, but it’s true.”

“You’re not weak. You just never had a reason to fight before.” Trevor pressed his forehead against hers. “You do now, and I’ll be your shield. Anything you need.”

She nodded.

“When you decide to trawl the city’s streets looking for sinners, you’re going to take me with you, and you won’t go looking for Lucas until you’re ready to face him. Promise me.”

“I’ll try, but—”

“Promise me, Rowan. I don’t want you hurt. Ever.”

“Yes, okay. I promise.”

“Thank you, baby.” He gave her another quick kiss, then sat back, breaking their connection, and got out of the vehicle. She pushed her door open to follow him. Before she could stand, he was there, blocking the exit. He held a hand out to her. She placed hers in his, and he curled his long fingers around hers.

With a gentle tug, he helped her stand and pulled her against him. “Let me do stuff like this for you, Rowan. Help you out of cars. Open doors for you. Pull your seat out for you.”

“You’re going to spoil me.” Not to mention make her feel special.

“That’s the point.” He kicked the door closed behind her and pressed the button on the keychain to lock the doors. “You’re more than just a Hunter or some lure to teach some pathetic sinner a lesson. I told you that, and I’m going to prove it to you. Every day.”

BOOK: Hunter Mourned (Wild Hunt Book 3)
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