Hunters Hit List (Fox Brothers Book 1) (7 page)

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Authors: Lolah Lace

Tags: #Interracial Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Hunters Hit List (Fox Brothers Book 1)
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He hadn’t even penetrated her and this explosion happened. She realized she was holding back tears. The terror of it all started to set in. Scar really liked the way he made her feel, the way he made her cum. Maybe he was just good at what he does. Obviously.

Before she could even think about a full-fledged panic attack she bravely opened her eyes and he was lurking above her. He was grinning down on her. Then she felt him pierce her wet hole. Her legs automatically wrapped around him. He roughly pushed deep inside her and she gasped a sound that she had never heard hail from her own lips.

Max rested his elbows at her sides as he placed his weight on his arms. He pushed into her sacred chamber and rocked her slow. Scar placed her palms on his shoulders. She twisted her face away when Max dove down deep into a sweet spot. Her entire body shivered like a cold gush of wind had filled the room. She was embarrassed by the effect Max was having on her body. She wasn’t a sixteen-year-old virgin but she couldn’t stop shaking. She was confused. She didn’t know if she wanted to shoot him for invading her body so thoroughly? Or did she want to suck his cock and show him just an inkling of the pleasure he had shown her. She was lost with the thought of choking every inch of him into her mouth.

“Scar, look at me.” His voice scared her to her pleasure filled reality.

Scar refused to let him see her so vulnerable. She was stronger than this. Well she used to be.

“Scarlet, look at me.” Max’s voice willed it so. Scar opened her eyes. She fell into a tantric trance. What was he doing to her? “Do you feel this?” Max rolled his cock in slow circles and massaged her inner walls with tender, love and care.

“Yes.” Scar moaned. She felt it. It felt he was making love to her. She knew the difference in love and sex, loving and fucking. This felt like love.

“Oh, you feel like…heaven.” Max collapsed down onto her body. His face lay lodged in the place between her neck and her collarbone.

Max was moving in ways that made her limbs lose circulation. He knew how to work his body. He knew those special places on a woman’s body. He was skilled in ways Scar had never experienced.

Max rolled his hips in rough zigzags until Scar’s legs dislodged from his waist and fell to the mattress. Max amped up his thrusts and groaned into Scar’s neck. She pressed her lips together to force certain words from bolting from her lips.

Scar’s eyes rolled to the back of her head and she came once and again. Max unloaded all his cum inside her. She could feel his huge cock gyrating as he released everything he had.

Scar was exhausted although she had spent the entire session on her back. She had just enough strength in her arm to push Max’s wet hair back off his forehead. He kissed her cheek.

“I’m not done with you.” He whispered in her arm. “I want more.”

“Whatever you want.” She couldn’t believe she said that and meant it. Scar listened as Max’s and her breathing started to become steady. She wondered why he hadn’t pulled his sizable cock out of her.

Scar was tired as hell but her excitement made it impossible to drift off into sleep. Max’s weight hadn’t started to crush her yet. She smiled thinking about Max giving her two orgasms. She knew she could love him. She knew she could make him happy but was he one of those guys with commitment-phobia. Was he the cheating type? She didn’t know much about him other than the physical stuff and the fact that he was known as the best vampire hunter in the United States.

Scar wasn’t crazy. She felt something. They shared something special. He could try to deny it but their chemistry was unrealistic. Scar knew Max was still awake even though she couldn’t see his eyes. It had only been a few minutes and she felt his cock begin to grew and swell inside her over-worked pussy.

She couldn’t believe that he was rapidly growing inside her but she could feel him filling her up and pressing snug against her taut walls. She was getting moist thinking of the magic that was taking place inside her walls. That’s when she knew the truth. She wanted him. She was going to be cool for now and hope he felt the same way.

Max reached up and grabbed a huge chunk of her hair. He lifted his body above her.

“Scar.” Max looked deep into her eyes.

“Do you like that?”

“I loved it.”

He grinned. “I did too. This time it’s going to hurt a little.”

“Okay I can take it.”

“Oh Scar please don’t say that.” Max caught the devil in his eyes. He released her hair. He took both his hands and pinned Scar’s legs flat to the mattress at her knees. Max pulled out of Scar and slammed down hard inside her. She screamed out as he split her open and burned her clit in the process. Max plunged inside her over and over faster and harder. He was like a mad man on a robotic rampage.

Scar choked on her own breath. She started to pray he wouldn’t shatter her pelvis. In between her screams she muttered his name. She cupped her own breasts in her hands and would have balled up in the fetal position of he didn’t have her knees pinned flat.

She screamed his name as she blasted her orgasm all over him. He continued to wear her bruised pussy out. He needed to cum so she could rest but he was on a mission to kill her. Just when she thought she would pass out he released her knees and flipped her limp body over on her stomach. He pushed his firm erection back into her swollen and swore pussy. Her walls sucked him deep inside her. He leaned his chest down on her back and rested there.

Max pushed down on her butt.

“OHHH!!!” Scar moaned.

“It’s okay Scar.”

“Please go slow.” She begged.

Max rolled inside her with the faintest, perfect semi circles. “Is this slow enough?” He whispered into her hair.

“Oh yes!!!” Scar moaned into the pillow. She stiffened her velvety walls around Max’s large cock. She squeezed him tight. Was she really going to have yet another orgasm? It only took a little effort on her part and Max came inside Scar just as she came. Their bodies were in sync.

Max kissed Scar on her bare shoulder. “I could fuck you forever.” He mumbled.

Scar smiled into her pillow. That was the best compliment ever.





Max woke and realized he was completely naked in Scar’s bed. Vivid thoughts of his pleasure filled night lingered in his head. He got up and hauled ass to the bathroom to empty his bladder.

He took a hard look at himself in the mirror. He looked well-rested, no dark circles and bags under his hazel eyes. How could that be? They were at it all night long. The sex was crazy good, wild one minute and sexy sensual the next. Max remembered the taste of her chocolate nipples and smiled in the mirror at his stoked reflection.

He rubbed his burgeoning beard. He needed a shave but not today. He didn’t actually plan for the sleepover. He wasn’t even sure Scar was interested in him. He just hoped so.

Max normally crept out of women’s beds in the middle of the night. He stayed there in Scar’s. He washed his face and brushed his teeth with his finger. He figured he should shower since he was already naked. He felt comfortable being here with her. He tried to think back to a time when he had ever felt comfortable with a woman after she had given him pleasure. He couldn’t really come up with any time or any other woman.

Max jumped in the shower. He reluctantly cleaned the sex from his body. He wanted her scent to linger on his body forever but they were going to have to hit the road soon. He washed his hair and thought about waking Scar with a hard stiff cock. She’s probably tired and sore he thought. He decided to be cool. Maybe he would get another chance. Sure he would. He was Max Fox.

Max grabbed a towel off the rack. He toweled off and swung the wet towel over the shower rod. He walked back into the bedroom with Scar. She was still sleeping peacefully. Her bushy hair was slightly covering her face. She was beautiful when she slept. He decided to grab his cell and take a quick picture of her.

He had never done that before and he stopped to question his actions, wondering if they were weird or perverse. She was covered. He only had her face, hair and bare shoulder in his line of sight. He took to pictures.

He glanced over at Scar’s gun on the nightstand. It was a pretty impressive piece for a girl. He smiled when he noticed the pink rhinestones on the handle. He took a seat on the edge of the bed. He grabbed his boxers and jeans off the carpet under his feet and slipped his legs in one at a time. He stood to zip, button and buckle his belt. He sat down shirtless, in just his blue jeans. He looked back at the sleeping beauty and smiled.

KNOCK! KNOCK! There were two knocks on the motel room door. Scar instantly woke and reached for her Glock that was on top of the nightstand on her side of the bed.

“Wohhhhhh Calamity Jane, its just Ryan.”

“How do you know?”

“I know that kid better than he knows himself.” Max winked and grabbed his shirt off the carpet. He walked over to the door and unlocked it. He opened it to Ryan. Max looked back at Scar and she lowered her readied weapon.

Ryan walked in a bit frazzled. Scar slowly sat up in bed with the bed sheets covering all the important parts. She wasn’t really embarrassed. Obviously Ryan knew where Max spent the night. Why else would he be at the door this early in the morning?

“Look guys I’m sorry to barge in here but Uncle Donny just called.”

“What he say?” Max was all ears. He slipped his arms into his shirt.

“Roy is back in Pennsylvania.”

“Where?” Max asked.

Scar knew exactly where a guy like Roy hung his hat. “New Kensington.”

“How’d you know?” Ryan asked Scar.

“I’m sure we can catch him at the Hunters Roadhouse. He hangs there in between jobs.”

“Yeah Scar’s right. That’s exactly what Uncle Donny said. We need to hurry before he gets a line on another job and moves again.”

“Or before the vamps get to him.” Max added sardonically.

“That too.” Ryan grimly added.

“Sounds like a plan, okay Fox brothers. You guys get out. Let me get dressed.”

Max grabbed his Ruger from under a pillow on the bed. Ryan headed for the door as Max slipped his feet into his boots.

Max lifted the bed sheet and took a long peek at Scar’s naked body. He shook his head. He liked what he saw. He wished he could have more Scarlet Buckley but they had an assignment.

“Last night was awesome. You were awesome.” Max knew he was coming off like a school-aged boy but that’s how she made him feel.

“You were pretty awesome too Mr. Fox.”

Max blushed at the compliment. “We’ll meet you at the truck.”

Scar nodded and smiled. “Fifteen minutes.” Max snatched Scar’s hotel room key off the desk and dangled it in the air so she could see he was taking it with him. He lifted the broken lamp off the floor and winked back at Scar.

Max and Ryan went back to their room to gather their belongings. It didn’t take long as they had barely anything and Ryan had packed everything as soon as he received the call from Uncle Donny.

Max returned the motel room keys to the front desk as Ryan took their belongings to the truck. Max stopped off in the convenience mart and bought three coffees and a bag of donuts.

He met back up with Ryan at the truck. Ryan walked to the passenger side and opened the door.

“Max, one question.” Ryan took the coffee as Max handed it over to him.

“Shoot.” Max placed the third coffee cup on the roof of the truck. He sipped from his coffee and waited for Ryan’s question.

“Why did you have to sleep with her?”

“If you don’t know why, I have failed you as a brother. The ass, the tits, the lips, she’s a ten, an experienced ten, a flexible ten.” Max chuckled and literally shook off the dirty images that clouded his mind.

“You know that’s not what I mean. She’s a hunter like us. She’s not one of your regular bimbos.”

“No but--”

“But nothing. She’s vulnerable Max. She thinks she’s going to die. You took advantage of her.”

Max thought this was a strange conversation even for Ryan. He just thought too much about everything. “She took advantage of me. She shouldn’t be so fucking hot.”

“You know better than anyone that you can’t have distractions when you’re a hunter. Distractions can get you killed.” Three distinct worry lines formed on Ryan’s forehead.

“Look little brother.” Max raised an eyebrow.

“Why do you always call me little when I’m bigger and taller than you?”

“Shut up. Look kid, we’re not in love. We’re not going to the chapel. We’re not on the road to matrimony. We just did a few yoga positions.”

“Yoga right, downward facing dog.” Ryan snickered.

Max winked at Ryan. “Is reverse cowgirl a yoga position? If it is, that’s my fave.”

Ryan grinned and shook his head. He couldn’t believe how easy it was for Max to bed women. It was like he had some magic love potion. Women rarely turned Max down if ever.

Ryan was too shy to approach women and half the time he never could even sense when a woman was interested in him. Usually Max would have to point it out with one of his vulgar quips. Max would say something like, Ryan she wants to ride your freight train or Ryan she wants to show you her hot tub. Ryan’s favorite was, hey kid she wants to play on your Ferris wheel. Having Max around had its advantages. He was the best hunter he knew. His instincts were always sharp. He deserved to be number one even though Ryan wished his brother wasn’t in danger.

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