Hunting Lila (31 page)

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Authors: Sarah Alderson

BOOK: Hunting Lila
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‘Give me Lila,’ Jack shouted across the space. My heart flew into my mouth at the familiarity of his voice.

There was a pregnant silence. ‘Give us Amber and Thomas, then we will,’ Demos called back across the void.

‘Where is she?’ Jack shouted, his anger shearing the words, making Amber reel backwards into me.

‘Lila, let them see you,’ Demos said, turning his head towards me, but not taking his eyes off the two of them.

‘I’m here,’ I called out, and stepped into the beam of the headlight so they could see me. I felt Ryder’s hand on my arm, just a gentle pressure, warning me not to run. I held my other arm up to shield my eyes from the glare. There was a crunch of gravel as someone, maybe both of them, took a step towards me.

‘Uh-uh,’ Demos’s voice called out.

I blinked in the glare of the light and looked over towards the dark shape I knew was Alex. I could see his outline, could see his hands cradling what looked like a gun.

‘I’m fine,’ I called out, plastering a smile onto my face to try to convince them that they could both relax and not try to kill everybody.

‘Give us Alicia and Thomas. Then you can have Lila.’

‘No. Alicia first. Then Lila. Then you can have Thomas.’

There was a huge sigh from Demos. ‘You know, I could have them both before you could do anything about it. I’m playing fair because I promised Lila I would. So, OK, we’ll do it your way. But no messing. I want us all to get what we want.’

He shouldn’t have phrased it like that. I heard a snort coming from Jack’s direction. We all knew what Jack wanted. How on earth was I going to stop him from doing something crazy? Was that what Harvey and Bill were doing? Were they out there in the darkness watching and waiting, ready to act if Jack or Alex tried something? I sure as hell hoped so. I wasn’t sure I would be quick enough to stop a finger on a trigger. Especially in the dark.

A few seconds passed and then Jack walked to the rear door and opened it. I saw him bathed in the light from the car, saw the creases across his brow, the tension in his neck making his jaw jut out. He was furious.
This was not going to be easy.

‘Suki, tell Alicia not to do anything. Tell her what’s happening.’

‘I have already. She’s fine.’

Jack helped Alicia out of the car. A little rougher than was necessary. He gave her a little shove and she started to edge towards us then, when she realised she was free, she started to run, but awkwardly. Her hands were tied behind her back. I felt the tension coming off the people around me in little waves.

Alicia stumbled the last few steps and Demos stepped forward into the light and caught her by the tops of her arms as she fell. She looked up at him and for a short second we all watched as Demos bent and kissed her on her lip, where it was split. She grinned back up at him. ‘I knew you’d do it,’ she said, laughing softly.

He pushed her behind him, and Amber took a step towards her, putting her hand on Alicia’s shoulder and squeezing gently. I saw a sudden flash of metal and then heard the plastic snap of a tie breaking apart. Alicia’s hands, now free, slid into the palm that Demos held out to her. She leant forward and whispered something in his ear.

‘Now Lila.’ It was Alex. The sound of his voice was all it took for the last licks of pain to disappear from inside me with a whoosh. Ryder’s hand dropped from my arm and I was off, racing towards him.

I wasn’t sure how I covered the ground between us but suddenly I was slamming against Alex’s chest and his arms were around me. My feet were off the ground and his lips were hard against mine and there was nothing but him and me in a wide-open and empty space. Until I felt my feet make contact with the ground and opened my eyes to see dark shapes shuffling awkwardly and heard someone clearing their throat.

I stood unsteadily with my hands locked around Alex’s waist, smiling up at him. His face was darkened by shadows but lit by the cobalt-blue of his eyes. His hands ran up my arms, as though checking I was all there, in one piece, then up my throat until they came to rest on either side of my face.

‘Are you OK? Did they hurt you?’

I shook my head and clutched at his hands. ‘No, no, I’m fine. Alex, I need to—’

I couldn’t say another word because his mouth was on mine again and lights were dancing in my head.

He pulled away gently, just an inch, and when I opened my eyes he was staring right at me. ‘I love you,’ he whispered.

My stomach lurched into my mouth, my heart following swiftly behind.

‘I take it my sister’s OK?’ Jack shouted from the other side of the car. He didn’t sound too happy. Though no one could be as happy as I was right then in that moment.

‘I’m fine, Jack,’ I called back, trying to get my voice to work properly.

More than fine. I was flying. Alex stroked my cheekbone and then pulled me to his side, his arm binding me tight.

‘Now Thomas,’ Demos called.

I heard the car door crack open again and some scuffling noises as Jack reached in and pulled someone out. We watched as a thin pile of rags began to shuffle forwards. There was a collective intake of air, then Ryder stepped forward into the beam cast by the headlights and gathered up the toppling man. I watched from behind my hands as he half carried Thomas towards the bus and helped him inside.

‘What did they do to him?’ I said, looking up at Alex.

‘I don’t know,’ Alex said through gritted teeth. ‘Come on, we’re out of here.’ He opened the back door and started to push me inside the car.

I grabbed hold of the door frame and faced him. ‘No, Alex, wait.’


We all froze at the sound of Demos’s voice. Alex turned, shielding me with his body.

‘No, it’s fine, Alex.’ I tried to edge around him. ‘I need to talk to you. You need to listen to what they’ve got to say.’

‘Did he hurt you?’ Jack yelled from the other side of the car.

‘No. No. He didn’t hurt me.’ I pushed with both my hands against Alex, then skipped around him and ran to stand in front of the car. I wanted to step between Jack and Demos if I needed to. ‘Nobody hurt me. Don’t – just listen. I need to talk to you both.’

They both stepped towards me. I could see the furrows and fury in Jack’s face, the fear in Alex’s. I held up both hands like a traffic policeman, to try to stop them.

‘We can talk in the car, Lila.’ Alex’s voice was subdued, and he was fixing me with one of his hypnotic gazes.

I shook my head at him. ‘No. I’m not going.’

They both stopped mid-step and stared at me like I’d lost my mind.

‘Listen to me,’ I said. ‘You’ve got it all wrong. They didn’t kill Mum. Demos didn’t do it. They lied to you. It was the Unit. It’s been them all along. They killed her.’

‘Get in the car now.’ Jack’s voice was like lightning. He stepped forwards, reaching out a hand to grab me.

I danced back a few steps, out of his way. ‘No. I’m staying.’

‘Lila, what are you
?’ It was Alex. I turned to look at him.

‘I know it sounds crazy and trust me, I didn’t want to believe him. But I do. I
believe him.’ I took a step towards him, my voice dropping. ‘Demos didn’t kill her, Alex.’

Our eyes were locked. I reached my hand out and took hold of his, clasping his fingers.

‘They want to talk to you. They want you to fight with them.’

‘Fight the Unit?’

‘Yes. We need your help.’

I watched as Alex’s eyes narrowed at me. ‘

‘What the hell did you do to her?’ Jack shouted at Demos. He grabbed me by the top of my arm and yanked me out of Alex’s grasp. ‘Lila, they’ve messed with your mind. Come on, we’re leaving.’

He started dragging me towards the car. I fought against him, trying to prise his fingers off me. ‘No, they haven’t. I know it’s true.’

Jack stopped pulling and I realised that Alex was blocking his way. His hand was resting on Jack’s shoulder. They faced off, staring each other down.

‘Listen to her,’ Alex said.

I stepped between them, pushing them apart.

‘Please, Jack – why won’t you just listen to me?’

‘Because they’re lying to you, Lila. Come on, let’s go.’ He turned and started walking towards the car.

‘We’re not lying, Jack. I knew your mother.’

Demos was suddenly there, standing next to me. I felt Alex’s body tense, his hand moving to his gun, holstered on his hip. I squeezed his other hand to stop him and he froze. Demos was being as good as his word. He could have stopped them both from moving another muscle, but he didn’t. Jack turned slowly back towards us, his eyes blazing.

‘He did, Jack. It’s true. He didn’t kill her. You’ve got to believe us.’

‘I understand why you wouldn’t trust a word I say, Jack,’ Demos said, ‘but at least ask Rachel – just ask her. If you still don’t believe me after that, well, then you can shoot me.’


I held my breath. I could see the gun was still in Jack’s hand, his finger on the trigger. Jack looked at me and I thought I saw a shadow of doubt flare in his eyes, or maybe it was just murderous intent. Without another word, he turned and marched to the rear of the car and popped the trunk. I heard footsteps behind me and glanced over my shoulder. The others had come to stand in a semicircle behind Demos. Ryder was back too, I noticed.

Alex pulled me closer. I gave him as reassuring a smile as I could muster. The line was back between his eyebrows. It seemed to be a permanent fixture whenever he was around me.

‘Get your hands off me!’

My stomach muscles clenched on hearing her voice.

‘You think you’ll get away with this?’ Rachel’s words faltered as she came into view and saw her welcoming committee.

She was wearing a white blouse and a knee-length black skirt and only one shoe, making her attempt to stand up straight to confront us look comical. Her hands were tied in front of her and her blonde hair was tousled and falling loose from the pins that had been holding it. She still looked beautiful, but like she’d been put through a tumble dryer.

When she saw me, she threw her head back and sneered, ‘Is she worth it, Alex?’

Alex laughed under his breath and stepped up to her. ‘Right now, you have two choices,’ he said, his voice as smooth and soft as velvet. ‘You can tell me and Jack the truth about the Unit. Or I’ll hand you over to Demos and you can tell him the truth.’ He leant forward a little and whispered in her ear, ‘And I don’t think he’s going to be as nice to you as I might be.’

He stepped back, letting her see Demos, who smiled at her in a way that sent chills even through me. I saw the fear start to gather in her eyes, though she kept her voice calm and almost flirtatious. I wanted to hand her straight over to Demos.

‘You know the truth, Alex. Whatever they’ve told you, it’s a lie. The Unit’s just trying to stop them – you know this.’ She looked at Jack. ‘He killed your mother, Jack, for chrissakes.’

‘No. He didn’t.’ I lunged towards her. ‘The Unit killed my mum. Your father’s company was behind it all. You’ve been lying to Jack and Alex the whole time. Admit it. Tell them what their precious Unit is really doing. Why you’re really chasing us. What’s the research for, Rachel?’

Rachel’s mouth opened in surprise. She closed it quickly. ‘Jack, she’s talking nonsense. She’s been brainwashed by them. Who knows what kind of mind-altering stuff they’ve done to her?’

‘They’ve done nothing to me, which is more than I can say for what you’re doing to us.’ I squared up to her and heard Alex suck in a breath before I realised that I’d let myself out of the bag, so to speak.

Rachel’s eyes narrowed. ‘You’re one of them,’ she said. Her eyes flew to Jack. ‘That must have been a surprise, Jack.’ She sneered and Jack’s expression darkened.

It didn’t matter that she now knew about me. Ryder could remove that little piece of information later.

I took a step towards her. ‘Tell them what the Unit’s really doing.’ I saw a trace of fear wash across her face. ‘Tell them why they need the scientists, Rachel. Tell them why the Unit killed my mum for finding out what was going on.’

We all froze as a gun clicked. It was Jack. He was pointing it straight at Rachel’s head. I backed away instantly. Alex’s arm circled my waist, drawing me back even further against him.

‘Is it true?’ Jack spoke.

Rachel froze. So did the rest of us.

Is it true?
’ Jack’s finger was pressing on the trigger. ‘You trained me, Rachel. You know that I’ll do it.’

For a hideous moment we all watched Rachel’s face as it transformed from her habitual iciness to a whitewash of fear. I looked at Jack, terrified at what he might be capable of.

Then Rachel spoke. ‘You’re right, Jack. I did train you. I made you what you are. Tell me, did it never cross your minds as to why you were both recruited? What made you two so special? Did you never ask yourselves why you were both made team leaders over all the others?’ She let out a high-pitched peal of laughter and I gripped Alex’s hand against my waist. ‘We wanted to keep you close – you fools.’ She threw her head back and laughed again.

I pressed myself against Alex’s body. He felt like rock, the muscles in his chest and arms locked. No one had time to react before Jack flew forward and pushed the gun against Rachel’s forehead. She stopped laughing abruptly and wobbled on her one shoe. I saw her eyes skitter around the group, looking for help. None was forthcoming.

Her blue eyes fell back on Jack, became calculating. ‘If you do it,’ she said quietly, ‘you’ll never know what happened to your mother.’

Suki gasped so loudly that I thought she’d been shot. ‘No. Oh my God.’ She bent over double, her hands on her knees.

‘What, what is it?’ Ryder had a hand on her shoulder.

‘She’s not dead.’ Suki looked up at me and Jack. Her face was pale, her eyes glowing gold. ‘She’s not dead.’

Jack dropped the gun from Rachel’s head and stared at Suki. ‘

‘I saw. I mean, I heard it. Your mum’s alive. They’re keeping her. Like Thomas.’

There was a silence so profound I could almost hear the earth turning. Then a world of noise and emotion rushed in to fill the void. A growl erupted from my chest and I lashed out at Rachel. Alex caught me around the waist and held me back. I fought like a crazed animal. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do in that moment but I wanted her to tell me more. I wanted to get into her head like Suki could and find out everything she knew.
My mother was alive.
The energy drained from my limbs and I felt myself go limp in Alex’s arms.
My mother was alive.
I looked at Jack.

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