Hurt Me (6 page)

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Authors: Glenna Marie

BOOK: Hurt Me
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“I uh, was wondering if you um, still wanted” I took another deep breath “Metogowithyou?” the rest of my question raced out of my mouth. I swear I had no control over my mouth anymore.

“Well…” He hesitated and my heart felt like it went into my butt. No lie. I was so embarrassed. You would think I’ve never spoken to him before. I was about to hang up when I heard his laughter. “Why are you laughing?” I demanded at him feeling hurt.

“You’re too cute.” I could hear the happiness in his voice. “Start packing I’ll be there in about an hour.”

“I thought we weren’t leaving until tomorrow.” I said becoming nervous all over again. What the hell was I thinking? I’ve never been alone with another man besides Lee in my whole life! The logical part of my mind was telling me to just tell him forget it and hang up. But this fuzzy excited part of me was fogging that part of my mind up.

“Yeah but I wanna see you now. Is he there?”

“Um no but…” I had no but. I wanted him to come I was just scared.

“Okay then I’m on my way start packing.” And before I could protest he hung up. I went into the bedroom and grabbed a duffle bag from the closet. It smelt like stale cigarette smoke, probably from when Lee took it on a gambling trip. I pulled out my best jeans and shirts. I put my work uniform in so I can where it home. My hands were shaking so bad I could barely fold my clothes. I grabbed underwear and socks. I then grabbed some shorts and old t-shirts to sleep in. Then it hit me, I was going to be sleeping under the same roof as him. What if he expected me to sleep in the same bed with him? No way was I going to do that, but part of me became excited at the thought of lying next to him. I put on some nice clean jeans my tennis shoes and an old baseball style shirt. I put my long hair in a ponytail and then heard the crunching of dirt under tires at the front of the drive. I couldn’t move. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my throat. I heard the truck turn off but I still couldn’t move. I didn’t want Allen to see the inside of my home. I heard him knocking on the door. “JUST A MINUTE!” I yelled. I quickly took the bottom drawer of the dresser out grabbed two-hundred dollars from my stash, put the drawer back, and headed for the door.

   My heart stopped when I saw him. He was so gorgeous, His t- shirt tight on his chest and arms. He was wearing blue jeans that set low on his hips. His hand rested on the door frame allowing skin to show above his pants. You could see the band from his briefs and the nice tanned “V” poking out from under his shirt.

“You like what you see?” he asked me while wiggling his eyebrows.

I laughed awkwardly and opened the door and maneuvering it shut to where he couldn’t see inside. This was a bad idea because he still had his hand on the door frame and now I was trapped entirely too close to this man. He smelled so good, rugged and sweet at the same time. He looked down at me and with his other hand he lifted my chin up to where I was looking directly into those beautiful eyes. He gave me a breath taking smile and I felt like my knees would give out. I leaned back on my front door for balance. He then wrapped me up in a hug that completely struck me off guard. One of his hands met the middle of my back and the other holding the back of my head. I wrapped my free arm around his torso. My heart was beating so fast and hard I was afraid he would feel it. He took
a deep breath, let me go, and grabbed my bag.

“Ready?” he asked me through a perfect smile.

I just shook my head yes and followed him to a giant lifted black Tundra. I opened the door and felt Allen behind me.

“Need help?” But b
efore I could answer he was already lifting me in the truck.

I buckled myself up watching him walk to his side and get in. We started driving out of town, there was old country music playing low in the background. I could feel the excitement exploding from Allen. It hit me I didn’t really know where we were going. God I’m an idiot, he could be a rapist for all I know. I started getting fidgety, my palms were sweaty, and my breath was coming a little fast. Allen looked over at me a little worried.

“You alright?” he asked.

I shook my head yes. “Where are we going?” I managed to ask without stuttering.

“I want to show you the house I bought.” He gleamed with pride.

After about
twenty minutes of silence we pulled into a driveway with an automatic gate. Allen pulled up and put in a passcode and it opened. The long driveway was lined with trees. We drove down it for a few minutes when I saw this beautiful white clapboard house. I sucked in a breath. This home was beautiful. Compared to the two homes I have lived in in my life time this one was absolutely amazing. My dad owned a little single wide a few streets down from the small home that Lee owned when we got married. It was run down and pitiful. But this house was magnificent with the huge wraparound porch to the beautiful barn and stables I could see in the back and off to the side. I could feel Allen looking at me.

“Do you like it?” He asked me
, like he actually cared what I thought.

“It’s beautiful.” I gasped.

Allen shut the truck off and came to my side to help me out. I tried to ignore him and get out myself but he grabbed me under my arms and lifted me like I weighed nothing. He held me for what seemed like an eternity staring into my eyes. He slid me down his body really slow. I felt my body warm and tingle in places that begged to be touched. It made my cheeks and ears turn bright red. When my feet hit the ground he let go and just when I thought he may try to kiss me but instead he turned and started walking towards the front door to the house. I just stood there staring at him debating on whether I should ask him to take me back home or not. I am a married woman what am I doing here with a man alone? I couldn’t imagine what Lee would do if he found out. What if he got out early or a friend bailed him out? I would be totally completely fucked if that happened. As I was deep in thought I heard a whistle, I looked up and saw Allen waving me towards the house.

I walked up the steps and into the house as Allen held open the door. Everything was so beautiful. The floor was my favorite. I loved wood floors, more so the old wood ones. The foyer was grand with a beautiful chandelier hanging above the entry way. I walked through the foyer to the living room and into the most magnificent kitchen I had ever seen. I was looking at everything so hard that I forgot all about Allen, until I stopped and looked up. He was staring at me with a small grin on his face. He seemed awed and amused.

“Do you like it?” The deep sound of his voice made me jump.

“Very much, why do you need a house so big if it’s just you?” I was jealous.

“I want a family one day.” He looked at me with a goofy grin.

“Well that makes sense then.” I shut up before I could sound even more stupid.

“I couldn’t wait to show it to you.” He walked beside me and grabbed my hand. “Thanks for coming with me this weekend.” He then pulled me by my hand around the rest of the house and around the stable and barns outside making sure he showed me everything. By the time we were done the sun was almost set and I could hear Allen’s stomach growling. He walked me to the truck opened my door and lifted me in. As he was climbing in I asked him “Where are we going?”

“To get food, I’m starved. Do you want to sit down and eat or drive through?”

“Ummmm, drive through.” I said. I was scared one of Lee’s friends would see me if we went out to eat.

We drove through a Dairy Queen getting burgers and shakes. We headed back to the new house and I couldn’t help but start to feel excited. I felt normal for once. We sat down on the floor in the formal dining room eating our burgers and just talking and laughing. I couldn’t help but feel something for him. The way his smile always reached his eyes or the way he always talked so animatedly using his hands. And let’s not forget how funny he was. I already had milkshake come out of my nose once. I was laughing so hard I lay on the floor grabbing my stomach. Catching my breath I looked up and stared at the ceiling. Allen lay right next to me and he grabbed my hand and held it. I felt the swarm of butterflies
in my stomach again and the warmth heating my whole body. Wow I thought, the things this man did to me were unreal.

“I haven’t laughed like that in ages.” I said. I felt completely comfortable and safe here with Allen. I think just the thought that if Lee came back while I was gone, he wouldn’t know where to find me.

“I love the sound of your laugh” Allen stated bluntly.

It made the butterflies go even crazier. He rolled over to his side and held my hand to his chest. “I really do like you a lot.” He looked at me with so much passion in his stormy grey eyes. I felt like I was about to puke up butterflies now.

I just smiled back at him feeling too nervous to speak. Every part of me was yearning for him but I kept telling myself “You’re married.” I looked at our hands for a while before Allen spoke again. “I also love how red you get whenever I compliment you.” I felt like my face was on fire.

“And how your eyes are so blue
, they look violet.” He kept on.

“I love how you’re not like anyone I’ve ever met before.” And after he said that it was like I had no control over myself rolled over to my side leaned in and kissed him.

Before I could even wrap my mind around what I had just done, Allen’s mouth responded to mine. His lips felt so smooth and soft against mine I opened my lips letting his tongue rub against mine. His mouth tasted so sweet I felt like I couldn’t get enough. Allen’s hand went around my body; I could feel him pull me closer to him. I put my hands on the sides of face then down his neck and over his chest. I was becoming hot and excited, these feeling scared me I pushed Allen off of me and tried to catch my breath. I rolled back onto my back and laid there with my hands clasped together at my chest. Allen took a deep breath stood up and walked out of the dining room. I heard him walk out the back door flinching when I heard it slam shut.

























Chapter Eleven


What was it about this woman that made me so crazy? I asked myself this question over and over while pacing on the back porch. I probably just scared the shit out of her but damn I’m confused of what to even think about her. I still couldn’t believe that she was actually in my house. I can’t believe she called. And most of all I can’t believe she kissed me. I never thought in a million years that that would happen. Her lips were so soft and her mouth was so tangy and sweet. I licked my lips just thinking about it. I took
some deep breathes to calm down. I needed to go back in there; I don’t want her thinking that I’m mad at her.

I walked inside quietly and I could hear her singing to herself. She had the most beautiful voice. I wanted to hide and listen to it all night. I finally forced myself to follow her voice into the dining room. I watched her from the doorway in the kitchen while she picked up our mess from dairy queen. She finally turned and looked at me. She jumped a little and her breath caught.

“You have a beautiful voice, you know that?” I told her. I wanted to show her I wasn’t mad.

Thank you.”  She stammered.

She put her head down trying not to look at me. She actually seemed quite shook up. All of a sudden I felt just horrible. I knew what she went through at home and there is no telling what my little tantrum made her think. Next thing I know I started walking towards her. I put my hand on her cheek and my other in her hair.

“You know I’m not mad at you right?” I asked her. I was hoping she could see the truth in my eyes and hear it in my voice. I wanted her know nothing but love from me. Whoa wait did I just say love? Wow, I need to relax. I like her… a lot but love is too much especially this soon. After Evangeline didn’t answer my question I kissed her again. I took in her tangy sweetness and devoured her mouth. I wanted to kiss her like she has never been kissed before. Her body molded into mine like they were made to fit perfectly together. I worked my mouth over hers taking in her soft supple lips and velvety tongue. Her mouth moved against mine in perfect sync. I felt her arms wrap around my back and I pulled her in tighter. I pulled in her bottom lip and bit it playfully. I pulled back and looked into her violet eyes. I wanted to see that she felt the same way for me as I did for her. I saw love and as quick as it was there it was gone and then there was guilt written all over her face.

“Where do you want to sleep tonight?” I asked her trying to keep things moving. She put on this cute face like she was thinking very hard about this. “We can sleep here or we can go back to my apartment. But to warn you we have no beds here and I have one blanket that’s in the truck.”

“We can sleep here?” she asked ignoring the stipulations that went with it. My heart started pounding at the thought of sleeping with her in my arms.

“Uh yeah
, we can if you want.” I gave a big smile. “I’ll go get the blanket and our bags. Pick a room and I’ll be right back. We have to get up early don’t forget.” She shook her head yes as I let her go. I went outside while she went to find the room she wanted.

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