Hurt Me (9 page)

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Authors: Glenna Marie

BOOK: Hurt Me
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“I need you
, Allen.” And with those words he sent me over the edge. He caressed me and whispered beautiful things in my ear as he made love to me. He made sure I knew what he was going to do and made sure I was taken care. It was the most amazing thing I had ever felt in my whole life. When we were done I lay in his arms panting. He kissed the top of my head and pulled the covers of us. I can’t believe I just made love with a man that wasn’t my husband but most of all I couldn’t believe I just made love with Allen.

   I all of a sudden started to feel nauseous. Oh no
, not now! I screamed at myself. I got up and ran to the bathroom. After I was done heaving I heard Allen behind me turning on the shower.

Was I that bad?” he asked with a smile playing on his lips.

“No, it’s the baby. I’m sorry. The morning sickness is getting old pretty fast.” I explained, hoping he really didn’t think it was his love making that caused this.

“Let’s clean you up” he said while helping me off the floor. He got in the shower and helped me in after him. He held me close to him while the water poured over us. He made me feel so good. I was still in shock that this was actually happening but so glad it was. I never knew that a man could make you feel this way, it was invigorating. I felt Allen’s hands move down to my belly and keep them there. We stood just like that until the water started to turn cold. Silently we got out and dried off and got ready for bed. We both knew what was happening but didn’t know how to address it, and this tiny person growing in me wasn’t making it easier.

We were in bed and I lay there with my head in the crook of his arm. He turned over and looked like he had been thinking really hard. It made me feel nervous; I didn’t want this perfect moment to be ruined.

“Are you excited about the baby?” Allen asked me quietly.

“I’ve always wanted to be a mom” I explained to him. “I’m just nervous about not giving this baby the home he or she deserves.”

Allen was quiet for a moment, kissing my forehead and my cheek.

“You will make a good mom.” He said to me. I felt myself blush.

“Thanks.” I smiled at him. I could tell by the look in his steel grey eyes that he meant it. It made my stomach swarm with butterflies.

“How far along are you?” he looked so curious like he really wanted to know about this baby that wasn’t his.

“I’m guessing about six weeks. I haven’t been to the doctor yet, you’re the first person I’ve told.” He looked at me shocked and kind of confused.

“Your husband doesn’t know?” he asked eyeing me suspiciously.

“No, I don’t even know if I want to tell him.” I said. I really didn’t want to tell Lee. There was no telling how he would react. God I hated him. I could feel anger rising up in the pit of my stomach. At that moment I was thankful to be laying here with Allen. I have never felt so comfortable in a man’s presence before.  I wanted to tell him everything and I secretly wished he would just take me away from it all. I wanted him to be my knight in shining armor but something told me he wasn’t going to come save me. I had to leave on my own accord.

“Well wouldn’t he know? Y’all did this together; I mean this is how babies are made.”

“It’s not that simple ,Allen.”

“What do you mean, not that simple” His voice was starting to rise a little. It scared me and I just shut up. I didn’t want to make him angry. “Eve just tell me.” I just stared at him with a blank expression on my face. “Please talk to me.” He forced me to stare into his eyes.

“There isn’t much to say Allen.” I tried to leave it at that.

he look on his face told me he wouldn’t leave the subject alone.

“He forces himself on me.” I just said it bluntly. I didn’t know how to sugar coat it. When I said it out loud it sounded just horrible. Allen sat up and scooped me into his arms, held me tight, and kissed my forehead. He wiped away fallen tears from my cheeks, which I found odd because I didn’t know I was even crying. My body wracked with uncontrollable sobs, tears started flowing down my already wet cheeks. I had so much anger and fear pent up inside and it was all of a sudden coming out. I cried for all the pain that Lee had put me through and I cried for the fear I felt from him. I cried for this life inside me wishing that it had a different father.























Chapter Fifteen


After Eve fell asleep I tucked her in and just couldn’t believe what she told me. How could this woman be so strong? She was so amazing and beautiful and the thought of someone hurting her drove me mad. I wanted to save her from everything happening in her life. I laid there beside her unable to sleep, trying to think of a way I could get her away from him with the least bit of confrontation. I wasn’t scared of her husband but I was scared of what he would do to her. I was going to take her from him whether she liked it or not. With that thought I drifted off to sleep with her in my arms.

The sun bore through my window and I could hear the most
amazing voice singing in the bathroom. I forced my eyes open and could see Eve watching herself put her hair up in the mirror. She was so beautiful that it literally took my breath away and she didn’t even know it.

“I love it when you sing” I told her. She jumped a little and looked over at me.

“I didn’t know you were awake.”

“Well don’t let me being awake stop you, proceed.” I smiled at her. She just shook her head and finished her hair in silence. When she was done I patted the bed for her to come over. She did and I pulled her down to me and gave her the most passionate kiss I could, hoping she could feel what I did through it. I pulled back and just stared in her eyes. She has to know how I feel I thought to myself. “You are so beautiful” I told her. She blushed dramatically before trying to get back up. I pulled her back down to me. “Where do you think you’re going?” I laughed as she smiled widely at me.

“Well I can smell some food downstairs and I’m starved.” She stated with a sly smile on her face.

“And what if I want to make love to you again?” I asked her as I held my body over hers, kissing her neck and collar bone. I heard a small moan come from her lips and it made me even harder. I had to have her now.

“Well I don’t know that bacon smells pretty good.”

“I promise to feed you right after.” I kissed her jaw and then her mouth. She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me closer to her. I took that as a yes and started to remove her shirt. I began to kiss her body all the way down to the waistband of her pants. She had
such a gorgeous body. I undid the button on her pants and pulled them all the way off of her. I sat up and just stared at her. She was one gorgeous creature. I removed her panties and then my sweat pants. I leaned over and kissed her again. I put myself at her entry giving us both a tease. When I thought she couldn’t take it anymore I pushed my way in and heard her moan in my ear. I took it slow giving her all the love that I had. Just when I was about to finish I felt her body writhing with pleasure under me and it sent me over the edge. I finished and then collapsed beside her.

“You are so amazing” I told her. She just smiled at me. Yeah I was definitely falling for this woman. She got up and started getting dressed again. “You really are hungry.” I laughed and started getting up as well. Eve looked at me once she finished getting dressed and just came up and hugged
me. She looked up and smiled. Ok forget falling I’m pretty sure I was really in love. 

“Why don’t you let me take care of you eve?” I asked her in my serious voice. She creased her brow together and looked like she was thinking really hard. She rubbed her belly and looked back up at me.

“I didn’t think you would want both of us.” She looked sad and it hit me like a ton a bricks, she wanted me but didn’t think I wanted her because of the baby. My heart dropped and I hugged her to me even tighter. “Of course I would want y’all both” I said. She gave me a look like she didn’t believe me. “If you left him Eve I would take care of you both. You would never have to work again.” I began to rub her belly “I would take care of him.”

“Him?” she asked me confused.

“It’s a boy.” I told her.

“I don’t want to be your charity case Allen.” She started for the door.  I grabbed her by the arm.

“What do you mean charity case? Why do you think you’re here?” I cupped her face in my hands. I can’t believe she actually thought this about me. “I care about you Eve. I wouldn’t have brought you to my parents’ house or have made love to you if you were just a charity case.” I grabbed her hands and brought them to my lips. I kissed them lightly then I put her arms around me and I kissed her forehead. “I’m falling in-love with you Eve.”

“How co
uld you fall for me?” she asked.

“Do you not
feel the same way?” I answered her question with a question.

“That’s not what I meant Allen. I just didn’t think you would ever fall for me, especially after finding out about this
.” she stated while cupping her belly.

“Do you think your husband will step up and be a father?”

“I already told you I wasn’t going to tell him. I will not have that life for my baby.”

“Then let me be the father, let me take care of y’all.” I put my finger under her chin and forced her to look at me. I saw tears in her eyes. “I want to Eve and I will no longer take no for an answer.” I bent down to kiss her and she wrapped her arms around me again. I could feel her hands run over my shoulders and my neck as we kissed. I heard her stomach growl and began to laugh. “Let’s go eat.”

“Morning, Ma” I said as we entered the kitchen. My mom was frying some bacon and making pancakes.

“Well bout time you woke up son” she said giving me a hug.

“Do you need help Betty?” I heard Eve ask from beside me.

“Sure honey. Can you set the table for me?”

“Yes ma’am.”

My heart was melting at this scene. She fit right in with my family and I could already tell that my mom loved her. I felt everything coming together and I couldn’t help but hold a smile on my face. My automatic family I thought. Everything I wanted right here in front of me. It didn’t matter that this baby wasn’t my blood. I knew I could be a good father, better than the bastard that made him. And just thinking that Evangeline was mine
and it felt great, I didn’t know how this was all going to happen when we got back home but it was going to happen.

We ate breakfas
t and Eve helped my ma clean up. Pop and I went and got my horses loaded up. I would take three and he would take two. I was excited for him to see my house. I knew he would be proud of what I was accomplishing and I could tell he liked Eve. It was already ten in the morning and we needed to get on the road. Eve said something about having to work the evening shift.





























Chapter Sixteen


I was starting to feel sick as I got into Allen’s truck. What was I going to do if Lee was out? I took a couple deep breathes and reminded myself that he had no one to get him out. It was going to be okay. He was never going to know about this. I felt Allen’s hand squeeze mine as we pulled out of his parents’ house. I think he knew I was nervous and scared. I took a few more deep breathes as I felt anxiety rushing through my veins.

“It’s gonna be ok, Eve.” I heard Allen say. I smiled at him, my mouth too dry to speak. I looked back out my window already missing my little slice of paradise that I felt when I was with Allen. I felt myself changing my mind about Lee. I was so scared of what was going to happen, I haven’t been this daring in a long time and Lee’s promise to kill me kept ringing through my head. My free hand went to my belly. I had to leave for the sake of this baby. He or she will not grow up in a home like that. I nodded in confirmation of my plans to myself.

“Eve, you look like you’re going to throw up again. Do you want me to pull over?”

I looked at Allen and shook my head no. He could read me like a book. I did feel sick but not with nausea, it was with fear. I just kept rubbing my belly for support of my decision.

“How is our little guy doing today?”

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