Read Hustle Me Online

Authors: Jennifer Foor

Hustle Me (23 page)

BOOK: Hustle Me
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When does the ten minutes start?-C

Two minutes ago.-J


My heart was beating so hard that I swear I could hear it. I could be stubborn and pretend that I didn't love him, but would I be hurting him or myself more. The truth was that being without Jammer was going to suck. For the first time since I was ten years old, I felt safe, I felt happy and most importantly I felt loved. He may have not said it, but I felt it every single day. We had become
a team and although it hadn't been long, our time together had showed me what a real relationship was like.

I looked at the clock and three minutes had passed. I had five more minutes to decide on my future with Jammer. Sure, I was still angry and pissed, but what was happening wasn't just about Jammer lying to me. I could try to handle this myself or have someone to do it with me. I think I knew the answer even before my feet hit the steps. When I got close to the front door I could see him leaning against it. I don't know why, but I stood there and just watched him. He looked down at his phone and check the time. I pulled mine out of my pocket and saw that nine minutes had passed.

I wasn't usually one to joke around, but since Jammer was so sure about me opening the door, I ducked down and waited until eleven minutes had passed.

He checked his phone and shook his head. He pressed his face against the door and looked inside to see if I was coming and turned to start walking toward his car. I waited until he hit the curb before sending him a message.


I wasn't good enough to wait two extra minutes?


He looked up and saw me waving at the door. I watched him shake his head and start walking back. When I opened it up, he grabbed me into his arms and held me tight against his chest. "I am so sorry, Charlie."

"I'm still mad at you."

He pulled away and kissed me softly. "I know. I get it."

"The thing is, I know I won't always be mad and I'm not willing to lose you in the meantime. I don't want to go through this at all, but with you by my side, it makes it all easier."

"I might have drove away, but I would have come back tomorrow."

I laughed as we walked inside hand in hand. "I would have expected you to still show up for work. You are pretty much the best bartender ever."

He smiled and nudged me with his hip. "I only work hard so I can impress my sexy ass boss."

"I hear she's a real bitch."

He cupped his hands around my face and rubbed my lips with his thumbs. "I think I'm in love with her."

This was it. This was going to be the first time I ever told a guy that I loved him. I could feel my cheeks getting red as I was overwhelmed with animosity. Talking about my feelings had always been so hard for me. Still, I just wasn't willing to take any more risks when it came to losing him. "I'm pretty sure she loves you too."

He grabbed both of my hands and pulled me into the stairwell. "I need to get you naked."

I felt his lips on mine and I pulled back a little. “This isn’t going to solve anything. I’m still going to be mad.” My hands slid under his shirt as we sat down on the stairs.

“I like it when you’re mad. You take it out on me when we fuck.” He tugged on my shirt and I let him lift it over my head. Next came my bra and then I felt him tugging down my pants. He was going to bang me right here on the steps. I grabbed the button to his jeans and yanked them down hard as our tongues continued to tease one another.

Jammer ran his hands into my hair and pressed his body against mine. I could feel his erection pressing into my thigh, so I reached down and held it in my hand. He buried his face into my neck. “I want you so bad. Turn your ass around.” He stood up and kicked off his jeans. Before I turned around, I watched him ripping off his t-shirt. I loved looking at his tattooed chest. Just seeing it turned me on. I turned around and felt the warmth of his naked body pressing over my back. His hand ran up and down my ass cheek right before he smacked it hard. I jumped and next felt his hands rubbing out where he’d slapped. “God, I love this ass.”

I leaned my head on my hands as I continued to hold my ass in the air for Jammer. His hand ran up my back and then down it. When he reached my ass, he slid his finger down in between the crack. He slid that one finger all the way down until he reached my pussy. “Tell me how mad you are, Charlie.”

His voice vibrated off of my neck when he said it. I could feel tingling in my nipples and I was ready for him to do whatever he wanted. I’d just had the worst day ever and this was just what the doctor ordered. “I hate you.”

His finger slid back up and punctured the base of my ass. I wanted to freak out, but it didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. He cupped one of my butt cheeks with one hand and slowly moved a finger from his other hand inside of my ass. He tickled the rim and continued to kiss the back of my shoulders as he leaned over me. “Tell me you want me, Charlie.”

I bit down on the back of my hand enjoying a little too much how his finger felt as it violated me. “I want you.”

He thrusted harder. “Louder, Charlie. Tell me to fuck that pretty little pussy.”

Hearing him talking nasty just made me want him more and he knew it. “Please, Jammer, I want you inside of me.” I said it loudly and it echoed in the dim light stairwell.

“Oh, I’m going to be right there, baby. You just keep that ass up in the air for me.”

I did as he said and felt him adjusting behind me. He kept his finger in my ass as he slowly placed his hard cock over my entrance. I was too wet to notice the consuming pressure of his girth forcing to fill me. With his free hand, he grabbed me by the hips and rocked his body back and forth, while inside of me. His
finger continued to tease the base of my anus, sending sensations all throughout my body. “You like it when I play with your ass, don’t you?”

Oh my God did I. “Yes,” I cried out.

He rammed me harder, pulling me by the hip until we smacked together. I cried out more, both in pain and pleasure that were overcoming me. Jammer slowed down his pace and removed his finger. “Turn around and spread those legs. I need to watch it going in.”

I turned around and leaned my head back over the steps, while Jammer guiding both of my legs to be held up by me as he looked down and played with my clit. Each time he touched me there with his finger, I bucked up off the steps. “You’re so wet for me. I had to come back to you, Charlie. I had to fuck you again.”

The tip of his penis slapped against my sensitive clit. It felt warm and as he continued, I could feel the sensations taking over my body. I cupped both of my breasts into my hands and closed my eyes tightly as it overwhelmed me again. His erect dick thrusted inside of me, just as I was starting to relax and it sent me back into convulsing movements. I couldn’t hold my legs spread
any longer, so I wrapped them around Jammer’s back. He pounded harder by grabbing my shoulder and to grind us together more. I watched his body tighten and his eyes close right before he slowed his pace and finally came to a halt.

Jammer grabbed one of my hands and brought it to his lips. “No more secrets, Charlie. I promise you.”

I nodded. “Okay.”

It wasn’t until we were upstairs and in the shower that I realized just how happy I was that Jammer was back. My head was pounding from crying so much, but all I could think about was having to spend another second with a broken heart. Jammer lied to me. Everyone lies at some point and yeah, it was a big one, but at the end of the day, I loved the man he was regardless of his full name or who his parents were.

He still wanted to try, even after knowing the truth about our families past. We were so linked that it wasn’t even funny. I didn’t remember Jammer like he could remember me. I guess I was too young. I guess he was around eight when he last saw me and I was just five. With everything that was happening at home
between my parents, I could understand how I would block out everything about that time of my life.

Our past was our past and we both needed to look toward the future. We hadn’t been together very long, but our bond was strong and letting him go wasn’t an option for me. I never understood how people in relationships couldn’t work things out. Of course, I had no experience and maybe taking Jammer back so quickly was a rookie mistake, but I was left happy instead of sad because of the decision. Screw what everyone else thought anyway.

After washing my hair like he always did, Jammer wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. “I’m going to find a way out of this mess, Charlie. I won’t let us be homeless.”

I looked up into his eyes and saw how serious he was. “Thank you, Jammer. Thanks for keeping us safe and not giving up on me. After you left today, it was just so hard to be positive about anything. I don’t want to be scared out of my home by your father, and I certainly don’t have fifty grand, but I feel like if you’re by my side, we will be okay.”

He kissed my lips and held his head against mine. “I may not be good at a lot of things, but I can make money doing what I love. Even if we do lose this place, I will get enough money for us to start over. We can get another place to stay and work on jobs once we’re settled. With what I do, we can pretty much live anywhere. I just need to know that you’re really going to give me the chance to prove it to you. I fucked up, I know that, but losing you just isn’t an option for me. I had my first love when I was just five years old. I told my mother that I was going to marry my Lena and we were going to be happy forever. I never loved another girl until I met you, Charlie and who would have known that all the while you were the same person.”

I reached up and kissed his lips again, this time letting my tongue play along with his. As we pulled away, I opened my eyes and looked directly at him. “I love you, John Thomas.”




Chapter 26



I can't even explain how good it felt to wake up with Charlie tangled within my body. Sure, we were sweating and the sheets were soaked, but it didn't matter. For the brief time that I thought I'd lost her, I felt empty. It was crazy how I felt about the girl after never feeling anything for a female my whole adult life. Charlie was a spitfire. I loved her spunky attitude and the way she tried to hold her own, even when she was really falling apart.

I kissed her gently on the head, causing her to stir. She looked up at me and smiled. "Hi."

My lips met hers again. "Hi, yourself."

I heard the door creak open and noticed little Ryan standing there. He got a smile on his face and jumped in bed between us. "You want to shoot some pool, Jammer?"

I laughed, knowing first of all that I wasn't wearing any clothes, and secondly that it was too early in the morning to go downstairs and play pool. "Maybe a little later, bud."

"Ry, go get dressed for preschool. I laid your clothes on your dresser last night." Charlie waited for him to jump up and run out of the room before she put a pillow over her head. "Just give me thirty more minutes."

I grabbed the pillow and tossed it off the bed. "You don't need any more beauty sleep."

"I'm tired though," she whined.

"How about I get the kid ready and on the bus, while you sleep for a little while longer?" I was wide awake and didn't mind kissing up to score some brownie points. Our sex life might not have been having problems, but we still had issues to work through.

"Can I have my pillow back?" I climbed out of bed and tossed her the pillow. She giggled as I walked in front of her to get to the bathroom. "Nice ass!"

I smacked my own ass right before heading into the bathroom to take a leak and brush my teeth. By the time I came back out Charlie was already back to sleep. It amazed me how easy it was for her to sleep. She'd told me all about the horrible
dreams she used to have, but since I'd been staying there with her, they'd all but disappeared.

Ryan was easy to manage in the mornings. He liked school and did his best to be a big boy. We walked downstairs and stood outside waiting for the bus. "Did you make Charlie cry yesterday?"

I squatted down to his level. "I didn't mean to."

He looked down at the ground. "She was real sad. Don't do it again or I won't be your friend anymore. Charlie is the best sister ever and I don't like it if she cries."

I had to give that kid props for taking up for his sister. "You love Charlie don't you?"

"Yeah, do you love, Charlie?" He had a right to question me.

"I do."

"I thought so. Here comes the bus, I have to go. See you tonight, Jammer. I want hotdogs for dinner." I waved as the bus pulled away with Ryan on it. That kid was all spunk.

When I went back inside, Charlie was still lying in bed. She had the covers pulled over her head. I crawled up and attacked
her, waking her up and causing her to scream. “Wake up, grouchy.”

She kept her head covered by the sheets. “Go away! You suck!”

BOOK: Hustle Me
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