HYBRID (9 page)

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Authors: Charlene Hartnady

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Something resonated, yeah like the fact that he knew even then that she was meant to be his mate. Why else would he have put that there? She took another look at the ink, sexy and deadly. Is that how he saw her? Garrett had dreamt about her, tattooed her on his arm but still wouldn’t acknowledge her.

“You’re such an asshole.” She propelled her way forward, bracing herself with her elbows on either side of his head. Before he could answer, she slanted her lips across his, slipping her tongue into his mouth. His cock pushed up against her sex. Garrett bracketed her hips with his hands holding her in place while he rubbed his thick erection against her already slick folds. She moaned, sucking on his tongue before nipping softly. He pulled away and her cry of irritation turned into a deep wretched groan as he lifted her and suckled on her nipple. This new position put the tip of his cock at her drenched, aching pussy. Brice couldn’t wait to feel him inside her. Had to…she slid back onto him and her eyes closed as she stretched to accommodate his substantial girth.

“Wait, Brice. We need to use a condom.” His words were choked and although he had said them, his hands clamped tighter on her waist and his hips arched further forward until he was balls deep inside of her. He groaned, “You feel so fucking good.”

She was breathing in choppy pants, trying hard to remember why they needed the condom. There was a reason, a very good reason…oh yes…she wasn’t on birth control. Garrett withdrew before pushing back into her. He grit his teeth but still managed to force out a moan.

“Condom,” she managed to somehow wring out the word between gasps. “Need one.” Already she’d forgotten why.

Garrett cursed and withdrew leaning to the bedside table drawer. It was half full of foil packets. Brice grit her teeth to the familiar tingle in her gums. Jealousy could be a major bitch. She shut her eyes trying to fight back the emotion. Better not to think about future women. Back to the original plan of really great sex. Garrett removed the condom and pulled it over his cock. Brice positioned herself over him and sank down onto his length. She threw her head back at the pure ecstasy that tore through her body. Slowly at first, she soon found a rhythm and just the right angle to ensure that his cock was hitting her sweet spot every time she drove herself down on him.


It was exactly as he had seen in the vision, only the sensations were a hundred times more powerful. Garrett decided that it was time to follow the path of the premonition and allow it to happen. He should have done so sooner because in a way, the vision had been like a map detailing what they needed to do to get her to turn. Brice rode him, not too fast, not too slow, taking him deep inside her with every sweet thrust. He needed more, so he grabbed her waist and pumped his hips towards her, keeping the same rhythm. Her perfect breasts swayed and bounced every time their bodies slammed together. The emotions he was feeling were the exact reason he had wanted to avoid this. Just as he had always known, they fit perfectly. It was not just the coming together of two bodies, but the coming together of two souls. Garrett reached up and cupped her glorious mounds. First squeezing their soft mass before rubbing his thumbs over the hard nubs. She moaned throwing her head back and rocked faster. Fuck but he was close, his balls were pulling up. The sensations were building.

Brice lowered her head, her eyes were glowing. Garrett took back his hands, putting them behind his head. To her, he should look submissive, like he was giving full control of the moment over to her. It was more like putting his hands in close proximity to the knife. He was terrified, not of dying which was a very definite possibility but of hurting her. Accidentally killing her. Thankfully the growing need to come had subsided to a bearable level just as her teeth began to erupt from her gums. She thrust harder, snarling in what still sounded like pleasure. Garrett reached under the pillow with both hands, quickly slicing across the palm of his left hand. Brice leaned forward, her eyes had narrowed and were zeroing in on his neck. She placed both her arms as anchors on either side of his body. Best he get moving or his life would soon be over.

Every instinct inside of him was screaming, every hackle was raised, every hair on his body stood on end. For the first time since meeting Brice he felt real, deep seated fear. This had to work. He was in a hurry, so the slash he managed to make between her breasts was longer and deeper than what he had planned. Brice hissed, a terrifying sound that struck him bone deep. She was far quicker than he had ever imagined possible, dropping down to his neck like a heat seeking missile. She was on him before he could complete the required steps to get her back under control.

       He was in deep shit.

Chapter 9


Her teeth latched onto his neck. Garrett realized that he was screaming just like he had in his vision but forced himself to stop. There was no way he was dying wailing like a little baby. He clenched his eyes, expecting excruciating pain as his throat was ripped out. Nothing happened. He couldn’t move because he’d tear his skin if he did. Bee mewled, a tortured sound. Still, somehow even fully turned, she managed to keep some sort of fragile control on the demon inside her. She squirmed but didn’t let go. A trickle of what could only be blood ran down the side of his neck. He didn’t move a muscle let alone breathe.

Brice moved from snarling and hissing to mewling and whining. Her body kept squirming like she couldn’t decide what to do, her teeth remained clamped over his throat. Thankfully the force of her fangs didn’t increase. It became clear that unless he did something…soon…he wasn’t going to survive this. It was a miracle she’d kept control for this long, it couldn’t last long. His dying was one thing but, even worse, many more would die before her rampage ended. Bee would stop only when she was dead and, make no mistake, she would be put to death. No questions asked. His heart felt like it ripped in two at the thought of her dying.

As carefully as possible, he slipped his hand between their bodies. For half a second, he tensed, fully expecting for her fangs to clamp down. When it never happened, he pushed his bloody palm against the wound on her chest. Brice hissed once and her teeth retracted. She collapsed on his chest.

Garrett spun her around, laying her on her back so that he could check her over. “Bee…honey…Brice…” She was unconscious. He brushed the hair from her face and said a silent prayer that she was still breathing. “Brice…” He cupped her cheek, feeling more terrified right now than when his throat had been in her demon jaws. “Please wake up for me.” She moaned, it was the sweetest sound he had ever heard. “That’s it. Wake up sweetheart.”  Another endearment, he’d gone his whole life avoiding the use of such terms. It was normally the skirt chasers, the players, men like his father that used them so that they didn’t have to try and remember the names of the countless, faceless women they bedded. Yet, for the first time it felt right. She deserved to be called sweet names. Was worthy of them all.

Her beautiful golden eyes opened. They were a little disorientated but normal. “What happened?”

She tried to sit up, but he held her down. “Don’t move yet, catch your breath first.”

“What happened? Oh God…” Her hand flew to his neck. “I’m so sorry. I did this to you.”

“It’s a scratch. Dragons heal quickly, even diluted dragons. It’ll be gone by morning.”

With a sharp intake of breath, her hand rushed to her chest and his eyes followed the movement. The wound was already knitting, should be healed within the hour. “I’m sorry I had to do that, I didn’t mean…”

Brice put her fingers over his lips. “Thank-you. You did what you had to. I nearly killed you, wanted so badly to rip you to pieces but I couldn’t bring myself to kill my mate.” She traced her fingers along the edge of his jaw.

Everything had changed for him. That little bit of demon blood inside of him was right, she was right. In making love to her, he had realized that they were meant to be together. To him, Bee was perfect in every way. She was his. He would never want another woman as long as he lived, he felt stupid for ever thinking himself capable.

“We need a shower and then we need to talk.” He had to tell her how he felt about her, and he needed to tell her all about Evelyn.

* * *

Bee knew exactly what was coming. One times Dear John speech. Garrett picked her up and she couldn’t help but slide her hands around his neck and pull herself in close. He’d grown to mean everything to her.

Garrett put her down carefully and adjusted the faucets till the water was just right. “I’m almost too afraid to ask. Did it work?”

“I don’t know. I’m always calm when you’re near.”

“I’m going to leave the room then.”

She nodded. “Close the door to the bedroom,” she shouted after him. That would do the trick for sure. After a minute or two, nothing happened, it was as if he was still in the room with her. Bee stepped in the shower. The hot spray of water felt good on her back. She should be ecstatic, she was cured. There was nothing left to keep Garrett in her life. Although she was infinitely grateful, she couldn’t help but feel hurt. She could already feel his loss and she hadn’t even left yet. Bee turned letting the water spray her chest. It stung. The water turned red for a few seconds.

“And?” Garrett stepped into the cubicle with her.

“You did it. Thank you.”

He grinned pulling her into the wall of his chest. “Thank God.” He nuzzled into the top of her head. “Turn around, I’ll wash your hair.”

After grabbing the shampoo, his strong hands rubbed her scalp. Bee had to suppress a moan. No fair, at this rate she may start to believe that their being together was an option, that maybe he’d changed his mind about walking out of her life. Certain parts of her anatomy throbbed, a reminder that they may have had sex but neither of them had gotten off in the end.

Garrett lathered himself with shower gel while she rinsed her hair. They changed places while he rinsed off. “You finish up, I’ll fix us something to eat.” He leaned forward like he was going to kiss her and then thought the better of it shooting her an outrageously sexy grin instead. Her stomach growled, food would be good.

It didn’t take long for her to finish and she was just pulling on a fresh t-shirt when she heard the doorbell. Bee put on a pair of sweats and picked up a brush to take care of her tangled hair. She could hear low voices from the next room. Curiosity ended up getting the better of her, so she snuck a peak around the door jam.

It was a woman, late twenties, long blond hair with an athletic build in perfect proportion. In short, she was beyond plain pretty, more along the lines of movie star attractive, right down to her hot pink nail polish on her toes. The woman wore a pair of white capris and a turquoise strappy top.

“I’ll fix us some dinner. Put on a movie, which we won’t end up watching.” Blondie winked suggestively then threw her arms around Garrett’s neck. He didn’t encourage her in any way, but he didn’t set her straight either. In fact he stood perfectly still. Alarm bells started ringing in her head.

“Evelyn, I told you, I’m still on the job. I’ll come by later.”

“Promise.” She scrunched up her cute little button nose.

“Yeah, I promise.”

Blondie leaned up and kissed Garrett, who grabbed her elbows but not before she got her lips wrapped around his. “I’m on the clock. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

“You’re such a spoil sport. What man isn’t up for a quickie? I can make you come in under three minutes and you know it. What type of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t help ease a bit of the on the job stress.”

Brice had to shut her eyes and concentrate on regulating her breathing. Her teeth had grown sharp. The thing might be more under control, but it was definitely still there. Right now, it wanted to rip Evelyn’s head off. Scratch that,
wanted to rip Blondie’s head off.

“Please, Evelyn. Not now. Later.”

When she opened her eyes, he had ushered Blondie to the entrance. After barely saying goodbye, he closed the door and breathed what looked like a sigh of relief. Was he happy she was gone or happy because he thought he hadn’t been caught? She’d bet on the latter. How had she been so stupid?

Brice pulled the door open. “You did try and warn me.”

His face drained of color. “How much did you hear?”

“Enough. Your girlfriend is very pretty,” Brice ground out the word girlfriend. “Oh my God. I just realized, you made it sound like you would end up cheating on me with another woman meanwhile I
the other woman. This is so much worse.”

“It’s not what you think.”

Brice laughed. “Isn’t that what they always say? I’m sure I just heard you agree to go to her house later for some stress relief. I guess I should be grateful you didn’t take her up on her quickie offer. How fucking embarrassing would that have been?” Damn it, she needed to try and keep her cool. He’d never made any promises to her, the opposite was true. Garrett had never wanted things to progress between them and had tried to warn her. It was difficult to keep any type of decorum. She wasn’t feeling logical right now, not when it felt like her heart had been ripped out of her chest and repeatedly hit with a jack hammer.

“I did agree to go to her place later, but to tell her it was
not to fuck her. I had planned the break-up before even meeting you. We only dated a few times.”

“How convenient. I guess that makes it okay. What was she to you then?  Someone to warm your bed?”

“Yes, okay, that’s exactly what she was and I never told her differently.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you had a girlfriend, because that’s what she seems to think she is to you?” Her voice sounded shrill and she knew she should back down but couldn’t.

“She’s not my girlfriend.” He raked a hand through his hair. “I wanted to tell you Brice. It just never seemed like the right time. I told you we needed to talk. I had planned on telling you about her after fixing us something to eat.” He paced, his hands fisted at his sides, he was wearing a pair of low slung jeans, chest bare.

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