HYBRID (8 page)

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Authors: Charlene Hartnady

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“Oh God, Garrett I’m going to….”

He straddled her thighs using his hand to carry on where his mouth had left off. The orgasm started in her core exploding through her entire body. She grit her teeth, her back arching off the bed, her hands tearing at the sheets. He slowly eased off and she collapsed, a panting, sweating mess. The best orgasm she’d ever had and he hadn’t even had sex with her.

He cursed.

“I’m sorry, Garrett.” Aside from a light tingling of her gums, her demon had given her no sign of appearing.

“It’s not your fault,” he pinched the bridge of his nose.

“It sort of is.” His dark eyes flashed to her. “It wants you to fuck us. Won’t come out until you do.”

“That’s your fault how?”

“I want you to fuck us too.” She wasn’t normally this brazen, but he was hers and if he didn’t see that…yet…then it was his own problem.

Chapter 8


His already hard cock hardened up a whole lot more.

“You were marking me by the way.”

He shook his head trying to follow what she was saying.

“With your semen. You were trying to mark me as yours. That little piece of dragon inside of you instinctually knows what I am.”

Garrett opened his mouth to tell her she was crazy and then shut it again. There was some merit to what she said. Even now, he felt a driving need not only to fuck her, but to spill himself inside her over and over again.
To mark her as his.
He moved away. Why would he be feeling like this? Unless, unless she was right. They were mates. Even though he didn’t want it to be true, everything in him told him that it was.

A string of curses left his mouth as he paced. “This is worse than marriage. How the hell did this happen? Brice this means you’ll be dependent on me. I can do a lot worse than just break your heart, my indiscretions could end up hurting you, killing you. Mates are physically and emotionally dependant on each other…”

“Listen to yourself Garrett, you said ‘each other’ you would be just as dependant on me. We would be in this together.”

She was kneeling on his bed, naked, so beautiful, so pure and innocent. Brice had no idea what he was all about. If she did, she would leave and never look back and it was up to him to educate her. He needed to come clean about his past…
but also
about Evelyn

Garrett had wondered how the hell she had managed to control the hybrid demon inside her. It was unheard of for a hybrid not to go on a killing spree. The amount of sheer will power it would have taken. She would have to have concentrated twenty four hours a day, every day since the hybrid inside her had come into its own. Since spending some time with her, he knew that she was too good and cared too much about others to have let her guard down even for a second. She was special, unique, trusting and he was not about to fuck her up in the long run. He had to explain to her why he would never be a suitable mate. This couldn’t work.

“Like father like son right? At least that’s how the saying goes. My father liked to screw anything in a dress. From my childhood I remember having to listen to my mom cry herself to sleep at night while he hung around in bars and cheap motel rooms or worked late.” He couldn’t help but grind out the last few words.

“My mom would always try to leave him and he would somehow manage to talk her into staying. He’d behave for a couple of months and then it would start again. When I was old enough to understand I asked her why she stayed. What the hell is wrong with a woman to stay in a situation like that? She explained that my father was…sick was how she put it, that he really did love her and she him. It was so fucked up. He died in a car accident coming home after a bar session one night,” he grit his teeth for a few seconds. “I felt nothing but relief."

“Oh, Garrett.” Brice scooted off the bed and slid her arms around his waist. “You’re nothing like him.”

She felt so good up against him that he couldn’t help but hug her back. “Yeah, except I look exactly like him. I
exactly like him. I may be highly diluted, but I have dragon blood in my veins.” He released her and took a step back. “Dragons are sexual beasts. My mother was not enough to satisfy my father. I won’t hurt you in the same way.”

Brice looked down. “Do you pick women up in bars?”

“No, but that doesn’t mean anything. I know what I am, so I stay away from temptation.”

“Do you date?” She looked back up, her golden eyes almost his undoing.

“Yeah, but I’m sure to break it off before any attachments are formed. Before I can do damage.”

“Why? Did you have the urge to cheat on them?” Her lip went back between her lips, her eyes still on him.

“There have never been any exclusivity arrangements so it wouldn’t be cheating, but no it’s not something I make a habit of.” Evelyn was on the tip of his tongue. If she asked him outright he would have to tell her.

She shook her head, running a hand through her hair. “You are nothing like your father, Garrett. You don’t sleep around and you’ve never cheated.”

“I never said that I never cheated. You asked me if I date and I do, I just don’t let things get serious. I was in a relationship that got serious. It only happened once.” He needed her to understand. Needed to keep her safe even if that meant not being a part of her life. “I grew up with a girl named Jessica. We were neighbors, the same age, went to the same school. God, our relationship was romance book worthy. Once we reached a certain age, our relationship seemed to naturally progress.”

“As in puberty.”

“Yeah,” he grinned. “I guess I noticed that she had breasts one day. She saw me notice and next thing we knew, instead of hanging out we were making out. Jessie had it all planned out. After two years of steady dating we were going to go to college together, finish our studies, and get married. The plan was five years to get our careers going and then we would have our first child…a boy.”

Brice sat on the edge of the bed, she folded her legs and leaned back using her arms to keep her upright. Naked, beautiful and so comfortable in her own skin. “Wow, she planned the sex of your first child.”

“Yup. She could be a little over the top. Jessica knew everything about me. That I had strange premonitions sometimes, how fucked up my family was. She was my best friend and I cared about her deeply.” He took a deep breath. “We were invited to a party and Jessie wasn’t feeling well so I went on my own. A couple of drinks later and one of the girls from the cheerleading team”—Garrett shook his head, still disgusted with himself after all these years—“she gave me a blow job. I let her. I can’t blame alcohol or anything else. Shit, I didn’t even know the girls name, didn’t kiss her. One minute I was at the party and the next I was in a back room with a pretty girl sucking on my dick and I couldn’t say no.”

“Did Jessie find out?”

“I told her what had happened. She was so angry, understandably so. Jessica told me that I was exactly like my old man and you know what? She was right. I hurt her so badly. She never spoke to me again. Ignored me flat out, which I deserved. I’ve never let myself forget. I can’t allow myself to forget now.”

Brice smiled, “I don’t believe you would do that to me.”

Except he was doing it to her...well sort of. “Didn’t you hear a word I just said?” Again Evelyn was on the tip of his tongue. He’d tell her after he fixed her. He still needed Brice to be a willing sexual partner if he was to help her, even if sex was the last thing she needed from him.

“You were a young man, must have been around eighteen years old. You were dating your best friend who had mapped out your entire future together including the sex of your children. Chances are good you weren’t…”

“Stop making excuses for me. I was in a monogamous relationship. I didn’t realize it at the time, but Jessie was more of a friend than a lover. It still doesn’t excuse what I did.”

“You were young and stupid. We were all there once. I can understand that Jessie was upset, but to put you in the same category as your father wasn’t right.” Brice stood, placing herself directly in front of him. “You were hardly having sex with anything in a skirt and you told her the truth when chances are good she would never have found out. Why are you doing this to yourself?” She took another step closer to him. “Based on what you just told me, you don’t sleep around. Aside from that one time, you don’t cheat on the women you date and even if you did you weren’t tied to any of them anyway.”


Garrett was so infuriating and so sweet. Brice could understand how hurt his girlfriend had been, but don’t throw someone’s weakness at them when they mess up. Especially since Garrett had done the right thing in the end by telling her about his indiscretion. Even if things were said in the heat of the moment, Jessie had to have known how telling Garrett he was just like his father would have seriously screwed with his mind. Sure, what he had done was wrong but he didn’t deserve to never have someone important in his life because of it. To never risk letting someone in even if that someone was his mate.

“Garrett.” She threaded her fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck. He closed his eyes, his expression a combination of torture and rapture. “How do I get through to you? Do you at least believe that we are mates?”

He opened his eyes, more silver than blue and nodded. “We are meant to be mates. I realize that now. The intensity of my desire for you,” he slid a hand around her waist, “my need to mark you. I’ve never really felt my demon until meeting you. The way my blood heats.” He smiled, “Fuck, even my hot semen.”

Brice laughed. Was he finally accepting that they were together?

It was like he read her mind. “This is still not going to work. I’ll wear a condom. It’ll be difficult, but we can still go our separate ways. I refuse to watch you become a version of my mother. Do you know that he’s been gone for twelve years and she still hasn’t been on a single date? Still pines for him?”

Brice dropped her hand. “We all have a choice in how we live our life and the decisions we make. Your father made his and your mother made hers. You are your own man. You can choose your own path in life.” How was she going to get through to him? She couldn’t tell him that she understood what he was going through because Brice’s own family could be compared to the Brady Bunch. Her parents were not only still together but very much in love, she was the youngest of three, all girls. Although she’d been in two long term relationships, nothing compared to the last two days with Garrett. From the moment he had first spoken, trying to save her from Curly and Mo, the hybrid inside her had recognized its mate and without having spent much time with him or knowing much about him, she had fallen in love. Brice knew he felt the same way, but he was going to walk out of her life the moment he helped her get control of her demon. There was little she could do about it. Brice was not going to give up on him without a fight though and she’d start off by making sure they had really fantastic sex.

“I can see I’m not going to change your mind, so let’s just get on with it.” She grabbed a hold of his thick biceps and turned them so that he had his back to the bed. Both hands against his chest, Brice pushed and Garrett allowed himself to fall onto the mattress behind him. He moved backwards until his whole length was fully on the bed. With hands and knees on either side of his big body, she crawled her way up him until she came to his bulging crotch. Brice unsnapped his jeans and pulled them down.
Until you know what you would die for, you don’t truly know what you are alive for.
Powerful, poetic, she wondered where he had heard the saying and what had made him tattoo the words on his body, in a place that not many would have access to.

Brice took a hold of his generous erection, it throbbed in her hand.

“Wait a second.” Garrett reached behind him and pulled a sheathed knife from the back of his pants. Then he pulled what looked like a razor sharp blade free and she couldn’t help but flinch.

“Are you going to use that on me?”

Garrett slid the knife under the pillow at his head and reached up to cup her chin. “Don’t think about it right now. It’ll be over quickly I promise.”

“Why? Do you have a problem with premature ejaculation?” Brice couldn’t help the snide remark. His eyes darkened and he allowed himself to fall back onto the bed. “I’m sorry.” She pushed her lips together to prevent a smile from forming.

At first there was a half-smile and then he all out laughed. Then his eyes turned silver and the dick in her hand twitched. She bent forward and took his head into her mouth. Garrett groaned gently threading his hands through her hair. “You have to stop.” She took him deeper and he groaned some more. “Oh God that feels so good, but you really have to stop. Please Brice I mean it.” The hands on her scalp tightened pulling her up. “A nip to the throat is one thing but biting my cock off would be another altogether.”

“I would never. You’re not afraid of a few small teeth are you?”

“Honey,” he seemed to flinch after saying the endearment, “have you ever seen yourself when you go all demon?”

“No. It hasn’t happened very often. My gums tingle and my teeth get a bit sharper. You have nothing to worry about though because I’m not going to change right now.”

“Your teeth get long and seriously sharp and I’m not just talking the ones you have, I’m talking multiple rows of serrated, arrow shaped fangs like, like…” He stopped to think for a second, “Like this.” Garrett turned his arm to her, showing her the tattoo of the half naked girl with the freaky mouth full of teeth. When she looked back up at him, he looked confused. He shook his head. “It can’t be.” He looked from the tattoo to her and back again. “It’s you, the girl from my dream. It happened a long time ago, I should have known. The woman was naked, beautiful, turned me on fangs and all.”

“You tattooed that image on your arm because a freaky demon lady turned you on?”

He rubbed his hand over the ink in a loving fashion. “There was more to it. Something resonated in me. I guess it was a premonition I just didn’t realize it at the time. I normally don’t have visions about myself and I’m always awake when it happens, but then again nothing where you are concerned has been text book in any way.”

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