I Am Not a Slut: Slut-Shaming in the Age of the Internet (46 page)

BOOK: I Am Not a Slut: Slut-Shaming in the Age of the Internet
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comfortable, 155, 157
curvier girls and, 152
fast fashion, 147
parents and, 331–33
school and, 145, 148–55, 158–59
sexually provocative, 142, 145–59, 172, 191, 241, 280, 281, 284–85, 302, 324, 331–33, 340
yoga pants, 156–57

coercion, 115, 244–53, 256

normalization of, 260
see also

college campuses:

drinking and, 263–64, 265, 269
rape and, 258–63, 311–13

Columbia University, 39–40

Common Sense Media, 111

“community property,” 243, 244

competitiveness, 23, 133, 136–38, 139

condoms, 219–20, 223–24, 227

Conley, Terri, 79–83

consent, 244–53, 279–80, 306

intoxication and, 265–66
and “nonconsensual sex” as synonym for rape, 259
parent-child discussions about, 334
sexual assault vs. ambiguous sex, 253–58

contraceptives, xx, 194, 222–27

condoms, 219–20, 223–24, 227
Fluke and, 38–39, 222–23
Jackie’s story and, 16

Cooper, Anderson, 314

Cooper, Brittney, 293–94

Cott, Nancy, 9

Crane, Shabiki, 10

Creepshots, 113

Crispin, Jessica, 36

Crunk Feminist Collective,

Curtin, Jane, 34–35

Cyrus, Miley, vii, x

Daily Beast,

Daily News,

Dartmouth College, 260–61

de Blasio, Bill, 158

Degutis, Linda, 244–45

Dickens, Charles, 30–31

dick pics, 162, 165–71

Dilemmas of Desire: Teenage Girls Talk about Sexuality
(Tolman), 185

discipline, 115

self-, 115, 116, 120

Dombey and Son
(Dickens), 30–31

Doody, Justin, 135–36

dos and don’ts for parents, 327–37

“drama,” 69–71

drinking and being drunk, 241, 243, 251, 252, 339–40

college life and, 263–64, 265, 269
hooking up and, 142, 173–91
parents and, 330–31
rape and, 245, 254–55, 256, 263–77

drugs, xx, 193, 207–8, 209

rape and, 263–64, 265

duck face, 127–28, 132

Duke University, 60

Duncan, Arne, 311

Easton, Dossie, 36

Easy A,

eating disorders, xx, 193, 205–7, 209, 320

Ehmke, Rachel, 37–38, 235

Eminem, 262–63

End of Men and the Rise of Women, The
(Rosin), 175

End of Sex, The
(Freitas), 144

End Violence Against Women International, 249

Engeln, Renee, 56

England, Paula, 187

Engle, Melanie, 118

Ensler, Eve, 78

envy, 66, 92–94

Equality Now, 324

Ethical Slut, The
(Easton and Hardy), 36

Excitable Speech: A Politics of the Performative
(Butler), 297–98

Facebook, xvi, 2, 23, 40, 59, 64, 73, 74, 78, 109, 111, 114, 120, 123–24, 126–27, 129–30, 132, 140, 254, 272

creation of, 133–34
photos on, 125, 129–32, 134–38, 164, 235, 236
self-sexualization on, 108–9
“slut” greeting used on, 108
smut list group on, 76–77

Facemash, 133–35

family unit, 8–9

Faris, Robert, 68

22, 121, 132–33

Feldt, Gloria, 220–21

oral sex

Femen, 284

femininity, 32, 33, 53–61, 65, 68, 99, 105, 110, 111, 113, 115–16, 121, 122, 125, 133, 137, 144

beauty and,
social media and, 125, 126

feminism, feminists, 54–55, 143, 146, 195, 201, 202, 242, 280, 283–87, 292, 297, 302–4, 320

Riot Grrrl, 35, 201, 281
slut-shaming by, 303–4
white, 293

Feminist Press, 324

Fey, Tina, viii, 24–25

Fielding, Henry, 30

Flack, William F., Jr., 190, 245–46

Flickr, 113

Fluke, Sandra, 38–39, 222–23

football players, 261, 264, 273–74

Forever 21, 147

Formspring, 73–74, 235, 237

Foster, Frances Smith, 32, 33

Foucault, Michel, 114–15

Freitas, Donna, 144, 184

Friedman, Jaclyn, 297, 303

Garcia, Felicia, 38, 236

Garcia, Justin R., 187

gay-bashing, 234

Geller, Jaclyn, 9, 57

gender orientation and identity, 10–11, 287

bisexuality, 11, 55, 98, 216
lesbianism, 10–11, 97–98, 206, 266–68

Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law,

Gill, Rosalind, 119, 120

Girl Coalition, 324–26

Goddard, Alexandria, 303–4

Gong, LiJia, 163–64, 165

Good Morning America,

“good slut,” 4, 5, 6–11, 24, 28–29, 41–42, 51–52, 54, 58, 61, 111, 113, 120, 137, 253, 286

white privilege and, 291

“good slut” containment strategies, 141–92

hooking up while drunk, 142, 173–91
sending sexual texts, photos, and videos, 142, 159–73, 191, 330, 340
wearing sexy clothes, 142, 145–59, 172, 191

Green, Laci, 317

Grimes, Andrea, 229–30

Guttmacher Institute, 54, 174, 225, 228, 230

hailing, 112–13

H&M, 147

Hanlin, Jane, 276

Hanlon, Phil, 260

Hanna, Kathleen, 35, 42, 281

Hardwicke Marriage Act, 9

Hardy, Janet, 36

Hatfield, Elaine, 81–82

health care providers, 220

Heldman, Caroline, 174, 246

Here Comes the Bride
(Geller), 9, 57

Hill, Anita, 35

hip-hop and rap, 262, 299

Hlavka, Heather, 240–41

Hoccleve, Thomas, 29–30

“ho,” “whore,” xi, xiv, xv, 1, 18, 21, 24, 25, 34, 37, 289–91, 319

Hoffman, Alina, 163–64, 165

Hoffman, Claire, 133–34

Hollaback!, 306, 308, 309, 314

hooking up, 173–83, 214–15

defining, 174
drinking and, 142, 173–91
insecurity and, 182–83
oral sex and, 187–89
orgasm and, 187
racial reasons for, 180–81
sexual assault and, 189–90

Hoover, Hayley G., 317–18

Horace Mann School, 159–60

How to Make Love Like a Porn Star
(Jameson), 117

Hoyt, Dan, 307

Huckabee, Mike, 223

Huffington Post,

image control, 21–22, 126

Imus, Don, 37

insecurity, 23

hookup culture and, 182–83

Instagram, vii–viii, 2, 40, 59, 109, 114, 260, 272, 274

Internet, x, xi, xiv, 2, 3, 71–72, 120, 122–23, 124

activism on, 306–18
parents and, 335
see also
social media

interpellation, 112–13

It Was Rape
, 277

see also
Baumgardner, Jennifer

Jacobs, Harriet, 9–10

Jameson, Jenna, 117

Jarvis, Heather, 280

Jay-Z, 319

jealousy, 66, 92–94

Jersey Shore,

Judgebook, 134–35

Justice, 147

Keeping Up with the Kardashians,

Kennedy, Randall, 299, 300, 302

“Kill You,” 262–63

Kinsey Institute, 187, 212

Klout, 124

Koenig, Ravenna, 39

Kuan, Anni, 158

Kubon, Nicole, 183, 292

Lackaff, Derek, 128–29

Landsburg, Steven, 222–23

Laney, Jessica, 38, 237

Latimer, Anna, 175–76

Leaper, Campbell, 178

Lennon, John, 293

lesbians, 10–11, 97–98, 206, 266–68

Levy, Ariel, 274, 275, 276–77, 304

“LGBT,” 287

Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet
(Turkle), 122–23

Limbaugh, Rush, 38–39, 40, 222

liposuction, 119

Lisak, David, 256, 257

Little F’d Up, A
(Zeilinger), 127, 176, 177

Logan, Jessica, 37, 234–35

Lohan, Lindsay, vii–viii

Lonsway, Kimberly, 248–49

Los Angeles Times,
75, 117, 261

Losse, Katherine, 124, 125, 134–35

Luther, Jessica, 261

Lyles, Raediah, 300–301

MacLeod, Sarah Sloan, 313–15

Madonna, 77

Marcotte, Amanda, 130–32, 146

marriage, 8–9, 57, 178

Marwick, Alice, 69, 70

masculinity, 99, 102, 105, 115–16

May, Emily, 307–9

Mays, Trent, 273–77

McCray, Chirlane, 158

McDevitt, Jill, 20

McInerney, Meg, 7, 51, 52–53, 191, 319, 321, 324, 325

McKinley, James C., Jr., 249

Meacham, Andrew, 232

Mean Girls,

Memoirs of an Ex-Prom Queen
(Shulman), 283

Men and Feminism
(Tarrant), 114

Middleton, Kate, 57

Millburn High, 76

Miller v. Skumanick,

Minaj, Nicki, 252

Molina, Gabrielle, 38, 237

Moralez, Cherice, 250

Moritz, Jacques, 220, 221

motherhood, 116

Mourey, Jenna (Jenna Marbles), 40, 250–53, 315–18

MTV, 160

Murnen, Sarah, 148

music, 262–63

hip-hop and rap, 262, 299

MySpace, 71, 125, 127, 164

Nass, Clifford, 126, 136


National College Athletic Association (NCAA), 261

National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, 244

National Organization for Women, 292

Nelly, 262

New York
Daily News,

New Yorker,
122, 243, 274, 304

New York Post,
118, 321

New York Times,
xiii, 35, 39, 40, 56, 60, 69, 73, 117, 131, 177, 184, 188, 190, 210, 249, 273

Nigger: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word
(Kennedy), 299

Nguyen, Thao, 306–7

(Orwell), 115

“N” word, 290, 293, 294, 299–302

N Word, The: Who Can Say It, Who Shouldn’t, and Why
(Asim), 299

NYPD, 282–83

Obama, Barack, 38, 39

Occidental College, 174, 246

Olweus, Dan, 67–68

Online College Social Life Survey, 175, 187

Ono, Yoko, 293

oral sex, 187–89, 246

forced, 240–41, 247–48, 264
in sexual history, 211–12

orgasm, 187

Orwell, George, 115

otherness, 66, 89–92

Our Bodies, Ourselves
(Boston Women’s Health Book Collective), 161

Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion
(Cline), 147

panopticon, 114–15, 120

parents, dos and don’ts for, 327–37

Parsons, Rehtaeh, 38, 237, 272–73

parties, slut-themed, 37, 144–45

penis photographs, 162, 165–71

Pepys, Samuel, 31

Pew Research Center, 160

Photobucket, 164

photographs, 114, 125–38, 164

dick pics, 162, 165–71
duck face in, 127–28, 132
on Facebook, 125, 129–32, 134–38, 164, 235, 236
selfies, 126
Snapchat, 114, 163, 169
unflattering, 136
sexually suggestive, sending, 142, 159–73, 191

Piedmont High School, 78

Pikinis, 77

Pilkington, Alexis, 37, 74, 235

Pimps and Hos parties, 37, 144–45

Piskorski, Mikolaj, 125–26

Planned Parenthood Federation of America, 220, 226

plastic surgery, 118–19

polyamory, 36


aesthetic of, 116–18
child, laws on, 163–64

Pott, Audrie, 38, 235–36, 272–73

power, 112–13

pregnancy, xviii, xx, 225–31, 271–72

abortion and,
Jackie’s story and, 15, 16
from rape, 249

Press, Joy, 35

Prince, Phoebe, 37, 233–34

Prince Akeem, 320–21

privacy, 123, 242

“prostitute,” 34

Limbaugh’s use of, 38–39, 222

“prude,” 53, 54, 102–4, 111, 256, 294

prude/slut contradiction, 18–22, 52, 172, 198

Pryor, Richard, 299

Putin, Vladimir, 284

Quan, Tracy, 117

“queer,” 287–88

Rambold, Stacey Dean, 250

Ramsey, Franchesca, 315–17, 335

rap and hip-hop, 262, 299

rape, 33, 201–2, 239–77

agency and, 247–49
ambiguous sex vs., 253–58
Cleveland case of, 249–50
coercion and consent in, 244–58
on college campuses, 258–63, 311–13
definition of, 241
drinking and, 245, 254–55, 256, 263–77
drugs and, 263–64, 265, 311
false allegations of, 256–58

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