I Am Scout (31 page)

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Authors: Charles J. Shields

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legal appeals and

New Yorker
assignment and

New York Times
item on

trial for

Truman and Nelle's Christmas dinner breakthrough and

Truman and Nelle's first interview with suspects in

Truman and Nelle's interview methods and

Truman's Kansas contacts and

Truman's off-putting demeanor and

Collins, Don

Collins, John

Connor, “Bull”


Countryman, Sarah

Cousland, Mike

Crain, Maurice

Crash of 1929

Crimson White

Crosby, Bing

Crowther, Bosley

Dees, Maggie

Delaney, Caldwell

Delta Review

Dewey, Alvin

Dewey, Marie

Dunphy, Jack

Duntz, Clarence

Duvall, Robert

Ellington, Shirley

England, Nelle's trips to


Ewalt, Clarence

Ewalt, Nancy

Faircloth, Dorothy

Faircloth, Taylor

Faulk family (Truman's cousins)

Faulkner, William

Finch, Alice (Nelle's aunt)

Finch, Ellen C. (née Williams; Nelle's grandmother)

Finch, Frances Cunningham.
Lee, Frances Cunningham

Finch, James (Nelle's grandfather)

“Fire and the Flame, The” (Capote and Lee)

Fleming, Arthur

Foote, Horton

Foote, Jeanne

Fountain, Murdoch McCorvey

Frazier, G. Stanley

Gilbert and Sullivan

Gill, Brendan

Golitzen, Alexander

Graham, Kay

Great Depression

Green, Logan

Greenhaw, Wayne

Griffith, Leon Odell

Hammond, Mrs.

Hammond, Ralph

Hamner, John T.

Hanes, R. Philip

Hare, Frances W.

Helms, Catherine

Hickock, Richard

execution of

trial of

Truman and Nelle's first interview with

Hicks, Granville

Hines, Anne

Hohoff, Arthur

Hohoff, Theresa von “Tay”

Honor and Duty

Hoole, W. S.

Hope, Cliff

Hope, Dolores

Hope, Holly

House of Flowers

Hudson, Rock

Huntingdon College (formerly Women's College of Alabama)

Huntress, The

Hutchens, John K.

Hutchinson News

In Cold Blood

Truman's failure to recognize Nelle's contribution to

Johnson, Claudia Durst

Jones, Captain and Mrs. Powell

Jones, James Earl

Jones, Martha Louise

Kansas State University

Keith, Don

Kemp, Kathy

Kennedy, Jackie

Kidwell, Sue

Kimbrough, Edward

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Ku Klux Klan

Lee, Alice Finch (sister)

Nelle's affairs managed by

as Nelle's role model

racial equality promoted by

Lee, Amasa Coleman (father)

Atticus Finch character and

as attorney

birth and childhood of

central philosophy of

character modeled on, in Nelle's early writings

courtship and wedding of

death of

early career of

family background of

Lett case and

Methodist beliefs of

Nelle's career choice and

Nelle's literary success and

as newspaper publisher

as parent

Peck's meeting with

personality and demeanor of

physical appearance of

political career of

racial justice as viewed by

wife's mental health and

Lee, Cader Alexander (grandfather)

Lee, Edwin (brother)

death of

marriage of

Lee, Frances Cunningham (née Finch; mother)

childhood and schooling of

courtship and wedding of

declining health and death of

family background of

household management of

mental health of

as parent

Truman's short story about

Lee, Frances Louise (known as Louise; sister)

Lee, Gus

Lee, Nelle Harper (known as Harper).
See also
To Kill a Mockingbird

athleticism of

burned in kitchen accident

celebrity of

childhood of

in college

earliest writing efforts of

family background of

female role models of

gender conventions ignored by

honorary degrees awarded to

humor of

interviews with

jobs held by

in law school

as loner or recluse

mental abilities of

musical tastes of

name “Harper” used by

“nonfiction novel” attempted by

parents' impact on

photographs of

physical appearance of

reading loved by

second novel attempted by

smoking of

as teenager

as tomboy

typewriter given to

Lee, Robert E.

Lee, Sara Anne (née McCall; stepsister)

marriage of

Lee, Theodocia Eufrassa (née Windham; grandmother)

Lett, Walter

Lincoln Memorial

Lippincott, J. B., & Co.

Literary Guild

“Love—in Other Words” (Lee)

Lowery, Naomi

Lucy, Autherine

Lyell, Frank

Lyon, Kenneth

Maxwell, W. M. “Willie Jo”

Mayes, Bill

McAtee, Charles

McCain, James

McCall, Sara Anne.
Lee, Sara Anne


McCoy, Kathy

McCullers, Carson

McKinley, Alice (née Finch; Nelle's aunt)

McMillan, Amanda

McNeil, Leighton

Meador, Daniel J.

Megna, John

Meigs, Frank

Member of the Wedding, The

Methodist Church

Miller, B. M.

Mitgang, Herbert

Mobile Register

Monroe County Bank

Monroe County Courthouse

Monroe County Heritage Museums

Monroe County High School

Monroe Journal

Monroeville, Ala.:

demands on Nelle's time in

history of

premiere in

tourism in

Nelle and Truman's earliest writings set in

Nelle's later years in

as Nelle's refuge from celebrity

Peck's visit to

segregation and open racism in

setting of
To Kill a Mockingbird
based on

Montgomery Advertiser

Moore, Barbara

Mulligan, Robert

Munro, Irene

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

National Book Award

National Council of Teachers

Newquist, Roy


New York City:

Nelle's later years in

Nelle's move to

New Yorker

New York Herald Tribune

New York Times

New York World Telegram

Night Fire

“Nightmare” (Lee)

Now Is the Time for All Good Men

Nunn, Grady H.

Nye, Harold

“Old Mrs. Busybody” (Capote)

Old Stone House (Ct.)

Other Voices, Other Rooms

Oxford University

Pakula, Alan

Parks, Rosa

Peck, Gregory

Monroeville visited by

Peck, Mrs. Gregory


Persons, Archilus Julius (Truman's father)

Persons, Lillie Mae (Truman's mother)

Persons, Truman Streckfus.
Capote, Truman

Peters, Brock

Philipp, Sue

Polk, L. Reed

Prelude, The

Pride and Prejudice

Pulitzer Prize

Pulitzer Prize Novels, The

Purdy, Mae

Racial injustice

A. C. Lee's views on

Alice Lee's achievements and

civil rights advances of 1950s and 1960s and

Nelle's college writings and

rape case in Monroeville and

Scottsboro Boys trials and

as theme in
To Kill a Mockingbird

Radney, Tom, Sr.

Rammer Jammer

Reader's Digest

Reverend, The

Revue Studios

Richards, Ann

Riviera Utilities Corporation

Roberts, Leo R.

Robinson, Earl

Rood, Tina

Ross, Harold

Rowley, Hazel

Rudisill, Marie Faulk (Truman's aunt)

Rupp, Bobby

Ryland, Cecil

Sanford, Logan

Saturday Review, The

Sawyer, Elliott

Scottsboro Boys

Seed in the Wind

Sergel, Christopher

Siegel, Stanley

Simms, Zoot

Sims, Robert

Skinner, Charles Ray

Smart, William

Smith, Harrison

Smith, Perry

execution of

KBI interrogations of

trial of

Truman and Nelle's first interview with

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

“Springtime” (Lee)

Stapp, Mary Lee

Stark, Dr.

Steiner, Roberta

Stevens, George

Stikes, Florence

Stuckey, W. J.

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

Supreme Court, U.S.

Tate, Roland

Tennessee Commercial Appeal

Till, Emmett

To Kill a Mockingbird

absence of mother in

as original title of

Atticus Finch character in

Aunt Alexandra character in

as book club selection

book-signings for

Boo Radley's father in

Boo Radley's home in

Browns' gift of money and

Calpurnia character in

contract for

critical response to

differences between book and movie versions of

Dill character in

first-person narrative voices in

Mrs. Dubose character in

Nelle's celebrity and

Nelle's college writings as forerunners of

Nelle's distancing of herself from

play based on

popularity of

as presumed start of long literary career

Pulitzer Prize won by

rape case in Monroeville as basis for

To Kill a Mockingbird

real-life details from Nelle's life in

review of galleys for

sale of movie rights to

sales figures for

Scottsboro Boys and

setting of

taught in public schools

time frame of

Tom Robinson character in

translations of

Truman's rumored participation in writing of

unifying story for events in

writing of

To Kill a Mockingbird

Academy Awards won by

Alabama premiere of

casting of

critical response to

editing of

filming of courtroom scenes for

filming of exterior scenes for

premiere of

title change contemplated for

writing of screenplay for

Tomlinson, Mary Benson

Torrence, Elon

Tracy, Spencer

Tucker, Mel

Universal Studios

University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa)

Untidy Pilgrim, The

Van Vleet, Gerald


Walter, Eugene

Washington Post

Watson, “Doc”

Watson, Gladys (later Mrs. Watson-Burkett)

Wee Diner (Monroeville)

Wells, Floyd

West Point, Nelle's address at

“When Children Discover America” (Lee)

White, E. B.

William Morris Agency

Williams, Annie Laurie

Williams, Dickie

Williams, Jane

Windham, Donald

Windham, Theodocia Eufrassa (Nelle's grandmother)

“Wink at Justice, A” (Lee)

Women's College of Alabama

WQRX, Nelle's interview on


Henry Holt and Company, LLC

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Copyright © 2008 by Charles J. Shields

All rights reserved.

First edition—2008

eISBN 9781466867529

First eBook edition: February 2014

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