i bc27f85be50b71b1 (289 page)

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of genitourinary system, 56 1

Bed rest, prolonged, effects of, 752-753,

of heart, 10


in reflex sympathetic dystrophy, 398

Benzodiazepines in nausea and vomjring.

Axillary nerve, 277t


Axonal injury, diffuse. 30h

Berg balance test, 902, 903f-907f, 907t

Azathioprine in organ transplantation,

Berger's disease, 574-575


Bernstein test,S I 3r

Beta blockers, 853t

Babinski sign, 297

Bicarbonate blood levels, 1 12

Bacitracin in burns, 461 t

in respiratory evaluation, 1 12, 1 14, 1 16

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