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Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures;

numbers followed by / indicate tables.

Abwdmab, 852r

Acid secretion, gastric


and gaS[roesophageal reflux, 525-526

bmder device for support of, 226t

in peptic ulcer djsease, 528-529

exammanon of, 505-507, 562-563

stimulation test of, 508r

auscultation 10,507,563

in Zollinger. Ellison syndrome, 529

In gastrolntestmal evaluation, 505-

Acidemia, 112, 113


Acidosis, 112, 113, 114

In genuourmary evaluation, 562-

common causes of, 1151


m diabetic ketoacidosis, 680-681

palpation in, 507, 563

Acromegaly, 663--664

percussion Ill, 507, 563

Acromioplasry, arthroscopic, 216, 219t

hcrtll:l of, 531-532

Addison's disease, 672

peripheral nerves of, 2791


regions or quadrants of. 50S, 506f

of liver, 350, 351

organs located in, 506(

of parathyroid gland, 687

roentgenography of, 51St

of pltlntary, 664, 667

Abducens nerve, 290,

of rhyroid gland, 657t

ABO blood typmg In organ transplanta·

Admission [0 hospital

lion, 700, 703

m burns, guidelines on, 447-450

Accessory nerve, spinal, 279f, 292t

medical records on, 746-748


Adrenal gland, 651, 668-673

fractures of. t 75-176, 176f, 240t

disorders of, 672--673

In hip arthrop1asrr, 190--196

adrenoconicolropic hormone

Achalasia, 525

stimulation [est in, 662t

Acid-base balance. 112-116

cortical insufficiency, 672

common causes of disorders in, liSt

hypcnension in, 3951, 673

genllounnary system affecting,

pheochromocytoma, 395f, 672-



Acid perfusion leSl, 5131

screenmg for, 651



Adrenal gland-continued

to latex, 751

function of, 668, 669t

rhinitis in, 6 1 8 , 864t

tests in evaluation of, 662t, 668-672

in transfusions, 4201

�-Adrenergic blockers, 853t

Alteplase, 868t

Adrenocorticotropic hormone, 662[,



gas exchange In, 94-96

deficiency of, 672

structure and function of, 9 1 t

overproducrion of, 664--665

Amebic menIngoencephalitis, 628

stimulation test, 6621

Amenorrhea, 670

target sites and actions of, 66 1 1

American Cancer Society, on common

Afterload, 7-9

signs of cancer, 333-334

Age. See also Elderly

American Heart Association classificaand blood pressure, 19t, 3931

tion of heart disease, 48-49,

in leukemia, 352, 352t


and wound healing, 473

Aminoglutethmude, 860t

AIDS. See HIV infection and AIDS

Aminoglycoside antibiotics, 848r

Air entrainment mask 10 oxygen ther

Ammoma levels, 5 1 61

apy, 7761, 782f

in hepatic encephalopathy and coma,



auscultation of, in respiratOry evalua

Amnion graft in burns, 456t

tion, 99-105

Amputarion, 887-896

in burns and inhalation injuries. 450-

lower extremiry, 887-888


levels of, 890f

obstruction of, air trapping in, 1 30

treatment suggestions in, 8951,

Alanine aminouansfcrase levels in liver


disorders, S I I, 5 1 6t

types of, 891 t-892t


physical therapy In, 888, 893t-896t

electrophoresis of, 5 1 9r

upper cxtrenllry, 888

serum levels of, S I9t

levels of, 889f

in liver failure, 7 1 4t

trearmenl suggesrions in, 895t

therapy with, 4 1 8t

.ypes of, 8921-8931

Alcohol abuse, 760


withdrawal in, 760-761

serum levels of, 5 1 6t

Aldesleukin, 860t

urine levels of, 5 t 7t

Aldosterone, 670-67 1

Amyloidosis, 354

cardiac effects of, 1 1 t

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 319

deficiency of, 672

Anagrehde hydrochloride, 852t

elevated levels of, hypertension in, 395t

Analgesia, 879-884

target sites and actions of, 669t

patient-controlled, 8831

Aldosteronism, hypertension in, 3951

Anaphylaxis III transfusion reactions,

Alerrness, 282t, 283


Alkalemia, 1 1 2, '1 1 3

Androgens, 668, 670

Alkaline phosphatase levels, 5 1 6t

in prostate cancer, 344

Alkaloids, plant, in chemotherapy, 859r

target sites and actions of. 669t

Alkalosis, 1 1 3, 1 14

Anemia, 404--409

common causes of, liSt

aplastic, 406-407

Alkylating agents in chemotherapy,

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