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In neurologIC evaluatton, .10 1

III restrictive disordcrs, 1 2 1 , 124f.

m vascular dIsorders. 37,�,


Malab�orpllon syndromes, 51.5-536.

volume measuremcnts in, 1 2 1 ,

.1 5 1

122f, 126" 1 27,

MalformatIon!., vascular

gas exchange In, 94-96

arteriovenous, 3 1 3-314. 403

hypermfbnon of, 1 3 0

congennJI, 403-404

dynamIc. t n postUve end-explratory

Malgalgne fractures. 175f

pressure, 8 1 8. 820, 823

Mammography. 337t

Interstitial dIsease of. 144

Manometry, esophageal. 5 t 3r

motions m respiranon. 92-94. 95f

Marshall·Man.:hetil-Kranrl procedure.

pneumonectOmy of, 1 5 1 . 345


scgmclltocromy of, 1 5 1

Masre((omy III hreast cancer .147,

structure and function of, 91t. 93f-

Mechanical venlllauon, 8 1 1-826. Su


a/so Ventilatory �upport

transplantatIon or, 727-732

M«hanor�eptof'j:. 1 1- 1 2

donors tn. 700, 701. 729

Mechlorethamine. 8.5.�r

double lung or bIlateral, 728, 731

MedIan nerve. 277t

functIon tests tn, postoptratlve,

Mediasuno!.Cop)'. I S I

729, 730

Mediastmum. 2

with heart tr.msplamanon, 732-733

endoscopic examinarion of, 1 5 1

indications for, 727-728

MedIcal rC�()fd!.. 745-748

physical therapy m, 729-730, 731-

MedICal-surgICal eqUIpment. 769-808


Medulla ohlong.1t.l. 267r

postoperative care and complica·

MelanoC)'te-"llmulattng hormone, 661 r

nons in. 729-731

Melanoma. 332, .157

relectton in. 707, 730-73 1

Melena. $17

stngle lung, 728, 73 1

�Ielphalan. 8551

volume reductIon surgery, 1 5 1

Memory tests, 285 (

wedge resection of, 152


LuteinIZIng honnone, 661 t

tnflammatton nt. 626-627, 6J5t

Lymph node mvolvement in cancer. 336

structure .1nd jUllctlon of. 269, 269t.

in lymphoma, 352-353. 3S3t


stagmg of. 338, 338t

�temnglus. 626-627

surgery In, 339

III HIV IIlfec:uon and AIDS. 635t

Lymphatic system, 364

�lenlllgoenccphalltls. amebIC. 628

Lymphedema In breast cancer, 347,

Memsc«tomy. arthroscopIC. 216, 2 1 7,


Mental �tatu ..

Lymphoma, .l33" 352" 352-353, 353,

III acute carc senlng. 757-758. 760

Burkltt·s. 352

and cognitIve funetton, 285. 28St. See

characteristics of, 352, 352,

a/so Cogmuve funetton

U1 HIV mfection and AIDS, 635t

examtnatton of. 282-286

Hodgkin's, 352, 352,

COIl$CI(}u!.ness levels m, 282t. 282-

stJging of. 353, 353,


emouonal assessment m. 286

MacrolIde anllblotics, 849t

Glasgow Coma Scale tn. 283-284.

Mafentde acelate tn burns, 460t


Magnetic resonance imaging

spe«h and language ahlllt'Y m, 286

in cancer diagnosis, 337t

m Ll1tr.lt:ramal pressure II1cre3!.C, 3231

tn gasrrolntestmal evaluation. 522

Mercapropunne. 8H(

m genttourmary evaluation, 569

Metabolic eqUIvalent) m exerCISC, 3.5t,

tn musculoskeletal examUlatJon, 168

49, 62




in hip arthroplasty, 1 94, 196

in burns, 439

patient education on, 1 95, 196

disorders of

in resection procedure, 208

acid-base balance in, 1 13, I 14,

weight bearing in, 192

115t, 1 1 6

in knee arthroplasty, '1 99, 200

bone disease in, 689-692

patiem education on, 199, 200

screening for, 651-652

weight bearing in, 199

tests in evaluation of, 67 I

in musculoskeletal examination, 165-

Metacarpal fracrures, 189-190


Metaplasia, 332

in spinal surgery, 213, 2 1 4

Metastasis, 332

i n wounds, 479, 494t

to bone, 345-346

Mobirz type atrioventricular blocks, 79t

physical therapy in, 358-359

Mohs surgery, 339

staging of, 338, 338t

Monoclonal ami bodies in cancer ther-

Metatarsal fractures, 182

apy, 344

Methicillin-resistant staphylococcal

Mononucleosis, 634--636

infections. 615-616, 617

Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis, 628

Methotrexate, 857t

Motiliry disorders

Microalbuminuria in diabetic nephropaof esophagus, 525

thy, 580

of intestines, 532, 534

Microbiology studies in infections, 6 1 1 -

of stomach, 529


Motor function

Microdisctctomy, 210,2 1 1 t

evaluation of, 294-297, 901-918

Micturition patterns

Berg balance [eS[ in, 902, 903f-

in acute renal failure, 570-57 1

907£, 9071

history of, 561-562

cranial nerve tests in, 289t-292t

in prostatic hy pemophy, benign, 584-

in Glasgow Coma Scale, 283, 284r


muscle tone in, 295-296

urodynamic studies of, 568

reach rest in, 909-91 1, 9 1 0t

Midbrain, 266t

reflex testing in, 296-297

Midline catheters, 799r

six-minute walk rest in, 915-918,

Mineralocorticoids, 668, 670-671

9 17t

target sites and actions of, 669t

strength testing in, 294-295

Minnesora rube, 797t

rimed get up and go test in, 902,

Miromycin, 856t

908t, 908-909

Mitoxantrone, 856t

Tinetti assessment in, 91 1 - 9 15,

Mitral valve

9121-9 1 5!,9161

anatomy and function of, 4t

lnd gastrointestinal motility disordisorders of, 45t

dets, 525,529, 532, 534

replacement surgery in, 57

in intracranial pressure increase,



in amputation, 895r-896t

mobility in, See Mobiliry

in ankle arthroplasty, 206


in burns, 464, 466t

cancer of, 354, 355

in claudication, intermirrent, 388

risk factors in, 335t, 355

evaluation of

funcrion in gastrointestinal system,

six-minute walk test in, 9 1 5-9 18,


9 1 7t

Mucolytics, 865t

timed get up and go test in, 902,

Multiple sclerosis, 320-321

908!, 908-909


Tinetti assessment in, 911-915,

cardiac, 23t, 68

9 1 21-915t, 9 1 6t

genitourinary, 563


Muromonab-CD3 in organ rransplamarespiratory muscles in, 92. 92t

rion, 705t, 706

strucrure and fUllcrion of, 1 60

Muscle relaxants, 868r

Mycob3cterial mfections


in HIV mfection and AIDS, 635r,

111 critical illness myopathy, 759


electromyography of, 304

tuberculosis in, 62 1 , 622, 636r

respiratory, 92, 92t

tuberculosis in. 6 1 3, 620-623, 636l

strength testing of, 294-295

Mycophenolate mofetil in organ rrans

In burns, 464, 466[

plantarion. 70Sr

in wounds, 479, 494t

Myelogcaphy, 1 68-1 69,304-305

structure and funcrion of, 1 60

prCC3utions after, 305

tone of, 295-296

Myeloma, multiple. 333[, 354

tumors of, 333r


Musculocutaneous nerve, 277t

anatomy and function of, 4t

Musculoskeletal system, 1 59-258

diseases of, 44, 46r

disorders of, 1 69-232

classification of, 46r

anhroplasry in, 1 90-209

ischemia and inf3rcrion of, 39-43

arthroscopy in, 2 1 5-2 1 7

biochemical markers 111, 29-3 1 ,

braces and splints in, 225-229


cancer, 345-346, 346t

chest pain Ill, 39-40, 92 1 , 923

diagnostic rests in, 337t

cholestcrol levcls 111, 29

rypes of, 3331, 345, 346r

complication!' in, 40, 4 1 t

casts in, 220-224

coronary arrcry byp3SS graft in,

chest pain in, 922r


III cmical illness myopathy, 759

drug therapy Ill, 59

in electrical burns, 443

p-adrcnergic blockers in, 853t

external fix3ror devices in, 229-

calcium channel blockers In,



fractures, 1 69-190, 237-258. See

nitrates Ill. 866t

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