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tNDEX 949

Hyperplasia, 3 n

Hypoxemia, 130, 770

Hyperpnea, lOOt

oxygen therapy in, 770-783


signs and symptoms of. I I I t

and aller�K reactions. See Allergic

Hypoxia, 113, 130


sensory. after ampuratlon, 894t

Ifosfamide, 855t

I lypertension, 392-395

lIeo!ltomy, 549

hlood pressure r,ln�e m. 19t


drug therapy Ill, 60-61. 393

111 bladder substitution procedure,

�-adrener�ic blockers Ill, 853t


calcIUm t:hanncl blockers m,

Crohn's disease of, 537


function of, 504t

dIUretics 111, 861,

Ileostomy of, 549

vasodilators Ill, 869t

Ileus, paralytic, 532

effcct!> on tMget organ!>, 392, 394t

Iliohypogastric nerve, 279t

kidney disorder!> Ill. 394t, 572

iliOingUinal nerve. 279r

111 pheochromocytoma. 39.5t, 673

Ilium, fractures of, 174, 175f

portal. 542


esopbagc'll varices m, 526

braces, splints, and orthoses m, 225-

hepatiC enccphalop;uhy Ill, 544


III liver failure. 7141

casts m, 220-224

poslllolllng prc�autlons Ill, 551

and effects of prolonged bed rest,

pulmon,uy, III I flV IIlfc�tlon and

752-753, 754t

AIDS, 63lt

of knee, 227t

risk factors for, .192-39.,

m hip arthroplasty. 195

secondary, .,93, 395t

m knee arthroplasty, 200, 20 I , 209

II}'pcrthyroidism, 656-658, 657t, 660

Immune system, 606, 607r

Hypertonicity of muscle!>, 295-296

components of, 606, 608r

Hypertrophy of pro!>tate. benign. S84-

factors affectmg, 606, 609t

586, 196

in re,ectlon of organ transplantation,

Hypcrvcnlilanon, lOOt


H)·pcrvolenua. 764, 76S(

Immunocompronllsed patients, 607r

I lypodcrmis, 4,�8t

ImmunodefiCiency virus infection,

11)'I>oglo!>sal nervc. 2921

human, 631-634. See also

llypoglyccnlla III diabetes melhrus, 677,

HIV mfection and AIDS


Immunoglobulm IgA nephropathy, 574-

Ilypoglycenlic agent!!. oral. III diabetes


mellnu!>. 678

Immunosuppression, 607,


111 transplantation procedures, 703

Hyponatremia. 76.5t

and acutc relcction, 706

Hypoparathyroldl!im, 688-689

In bone marrow transplantation,

HYPOpituitarism, 666-667


Hypotension. orthostatic

and chrolllc relectlon, 706-707

in heart transplantallOn, 726

drugs used 111, 704t-705t

111 IIlfectlon!!, 639-640

infections m, 707-708

l lypOlh.ll.1nlll!o

Immunotherapy in cancer, 343, 344

and pituitary flillCtlOn, 660, 663

Impedance plethysmography, 373t

strULture and function of, 265t


Ilypothyroidlsm, 658-660

fecal, III cancer, 349

Ilyporomclt)" of muscles, 295-296

urmary, 562, 584, 585(

Hypoventllalion, lOOt

bladder neck suspension procedure

Hypovolemia, 764, 765t

in, 597




prostatitis in, 586

In cancer, 348, 349

pyelonephritis In, 572-574

physical therapy in, 600

respiratory. 6 1 8-624

types of, 585t

sepsis in, 637-638


of skin, 630

cerebral, 3 1 3

sputum analysis in, 109, 1 1 9

myocardial, 39-43. See also Myocar·

subclinical, 607t

dium, ischemia and infarction

terminology related (0, 606, 607t


roxoplasmosls, 637

Infections, 605-640

in transplant recipients, 707-708

in arthroplasty, 207

In bone marrow transplantation,

resection procedure in, 207-209


bacterial. See Bacterial infections

in lung transplantation, 730

in burns, 452-453

viral. See Viral infections

cardiac, 624-625

of wounds, 482

carrier in, 607t

Inflammatory demyelinating polyradicucerebrospinal fluid analysis in, 303

lopathy, acute, 320

in chemotherapy and neutro�nia,

Inflammatory phase of wound heahng,



communicable, 607t

InfluenL1, 6 1 9-620

in diabetes mellitus, 6 8 1

Inhalation IIljury in burns, 450-451

disseminated, 607t

Inotropic drugs in heart failure, 59, 867t

drug therapy in, 638, 848t-850t

Inspection. See Observation and inspcc·

sensitivity and resistance to, 6 1 2 ,


6 1 5� 1 8, 623

Inspir�Uion, 92-94

evaluation of, 606-61 3

auscultation In, 1 0 1 , 103

history taking in, 606

capacity in. l 22f, 1 27t

laborarory studies in, 6 1 0-613

flow rale III mechanical venrilation,

physical examination in, 607-609



ratio to expiration in mechanical venhistoplasmosis in, 623-624, 635t

tilation, 822t

in rml1splanr recipients, 707, 708

reserve volume in, 1 22f, 126t

gastrointestinal, 630-63 I

Insulin in dLabetes mellitus, 674, 676t,

glomerulonephritis in, 575-576


host in, 607t

and hypoglycemia, 685

immune system in, 606, 608t, 609t

type 2, 678

musculoskeletal, 629-630

Integumentary system, 436(, 436-437,

neurologic, 625-629

438t. See also Skin

nosocomial, 607t, 6 1 4

Intensive care UI1I1, 757-759

antibiotic·resistant, 6 1 5-6 1 8

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