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chest pam in, 525

metabolic equivalents in, 35(, 49.

diagnostic tests in, 5 12t, 5 1 3t


dysphagia In, 524t, 524-525, 526,

in physical therapy, 61-69


rate pressure product in, 67

in gastroesophageal reflux, 525-

stability of response to, 62-63, 64f,



In motility, 525

in stress testing, 32, 33-36

positioning precautions in, 526,

companment syndrome after, 399


deep-breathing, postoperative, 345

referred pain in, 502t

in diabetes mellitus, 677, 679

varices, 526, 551

in elbow arthroplasty, 205

esophagogastric tamponade tube

in endocrine disorders, 652, 692-693

in, 797t

of pituitary, 664, 665, 666

function in gastrointestinal system,

of thyco;d, 655-656, 660


in fracture managemem, 237-257


in gastrointestinal disorders and phys

In breast tumor ceils, 343

ical therapy, 550-552

target sites and actions of, 669t

in genitounnary disorders and physi·

therapy With, cancer related to, 334t

cal therapy, 599-600

Ethical Issues m end-of-life care, 753-

in hematologic disorders, 429, 430


in hip arthroplasty

Etoposide, 859t

in physical therapy, 194-196, 208-

Evans and Russell-Taylor classification


of femoral fractures, 242t

in resection procedure, 208-209

Evoked potennals, 304

weight bearing in, 192

Excitability, cardiac, 3

in infections, 639-640


in HIV Infection and AIDS, 634

after prolonged bed rest, 753

musculoskeletal, 630

III amputation, 888, 893t-896t

respiratory, 6 1 9

in ankle arthroplasty, 206

i n knee arthroplasty

Borg's rating of perceived exertion in,

in physical therapy, 199-20 I , 209

67, 67t, 155

in resection procedure, 209

in burns, 466t, 467

weight bearing in, 199

and functional mobility, 464, 466t

in knee arthroscopy, 217t-2 1St




hypertension affecting, 394t

in ostcomyelitis, 630

movement of, cranial nerve functions

in osteoporosis, 690

in, 289t, 290,

oxygcn supplementation in, 770. 779,

opening of, in Glasgow Coma Scale,


283, 284,

range of motion in, 163, 165, 1 66t

in burns, 463-464, 466t

Face, cancer of, 354-355

in wounds, 478-479, 494t

Face masks for oxygen delivery, 773r-

in resection arthroplasty, 208-209


in respiratory disorders, 152, 155

air entrainment, 776t, 782f

activity progression in, 155

closed, 773t, 780f

bronchospasm in, 150

non-rebreather, 775t, 78 1 f

dyspnea on exertion in, 9S

parrial, 774t

in infections, 6 1 9

open, 779f

in shoulder :mhroplasry and physical

Facial nerve, 290r

therapy, 203-204

Factors, cloning, 385t

in spinal surgery, 2 13, 2 1 4

in disseminated intravascular coagulai n thrombocytopenia, 429

tion, 4 1 0

in traction, 232

in hemophilia, 4 1 1

in transplantation procedures, 737-741


activiry progression in, 740

cerebelli, 269t

in bone m:lrrow fr:lI1splamation,

cercbri, 269t

736, 737


education of patients on, 740-74 1

cunearus, 276t

in heart transpl3ntation, 725-727

gracilis, 276t

in kidney rransplanration, 7 1 1-7 1 2

FasciotOmy ill burns, 454

in liver transplantation, 7 1 7

Fat, fecal, 5 1 8t

in lung transplantation, 729, 731-

Feeding tubes


in gasrrostomy/jejunostomy, percurain pancrc;)s rr:lOsplamation, 720

neous endoscopic, SOOr-80 I t

in wounds, 47S-479, 494t

nasocnrcric, 799t-SOOt

and functional mobiliry, 479, 494t

nasogaslric, 800t

range of motion in, 478-479, 494t

Femoral artery

Exercise resting

and aortofemoral graft, 425f

in cardiac evaluation, 32, 33-36

and popliteal bypass graft, 423. 424f

in vascular disorders, 374t

and posterior tibial bypass graft, 424f

Expectorants, S62t

Femoral nerve. 27St

Expiration, 92-94

injury in hip arthroplasty, 195

auscultation in, 1 0 1 , 103


forced flow in, 1 2St

fractures of, t 77-179, 24 1 r-245t

forced volume in, 1 2 1 , 1 24, 12St

diStal, 1 78-179, 244t-24Sr

peak flow rare in, 12St

Evans and Russell-Taylor classificaratio [Q inspiration in me<:hanical vention of, 242t

[ilation, S22t

Garden classification of, 1 77, 1 78£,

reserve volume in, 1 22f, 1 26t

24 1 ,

External fixator devices, 229-230

in head and neck, 177-178, 1 78f,

Extracorporcal membrane oxygenation,

1 79f, 24 1 ,


intertrochanteric and subtrochan

Extrapyramidal tracrs, 276t

teric, 1 77- 178, I 79f, 2421


in shaft, 1 78, 243t

examination of, in neurologic evaluasubcapital, 177, 178f, 179f

tion, 287, 293f, 293-294

in hip arthroplasty, 190-196



Ln knee anhroplasry, 1 96-20 1

Fractures, 169-190, 237-258

a-Fcloprolem levels, 5 1 6t

of acctabulum, 175-176, 176f, 2401

Fcver in transfusion reactions, 420t

of ankle, 1 80- 182, 249r


in bone metastasis, 345-346

atrial, 741, 83f

of calcaneus, 1 82, 250t

ventricular, 771, 86f

carpal, 1 89

Fibrinolytic therapy, 868t

complications in, 172-174

In myocardial inbrcuon, 50

elecflve or non urgent management of,

tr311SC3theler, 423

1 7 1

Flbropbsflc phase of wound healing,

equipment in managemem of, 220-



Fibrosarcoma, 333f, 3461

external fixation of, 229-230

Fibrosis, cystic, 133f, 136-137

of femur, 177-1 79, 241 t-245t

diagnostic tests In, 5 1 9t-520t

01 fibula, 1 80-182


of foot, 182, 2 5 1 t

In ankle anhroplasty, 206

of forearm, 1 89, 258t

fractures of, 1 80-182

goals in management of, 1 7 1

Fllgrasnm. 860t

01 hand, 1 89-190

Fisrula, arteriovenous, 403

healing of, 172, 1731, 174

for hemodialysis, 590, 59 1 f, 795t

stages in, 172

FK506 therapy in organ transplantation,

of humerus, 1 85-186, 254r-2561


metatarsal, 1 82

Flail chest, 1 47r, 149

orientation of, 170, 170f

Flocculonodular lobe, 2681

in osteomyelitis, 630

Flow-volume loops in respLratory evalu-

III ostcoporosis, 690

arion. 1 2 1 , 125f, 129r

in P3gCt'S di�3se of bone, 691

Floxundillc. 856t

of patell3, 179-180, 245t-246t


of pelvis, 174-1 75, 1 75f, 238t-239t

deficit of. 764, 765t

physical therapy in, 237-258

excessive, 764. 7651

01 cad;us, 1 881, 1 88-189, 2571-2581

intake of. 764, 768

reducrion of, 171-172, 172f

ahcr angiography, 370

of ribs, 144, 149

in anridiuretic hormone inapproof shoulder, 1 85

priate secretion, 665-666

of spine, 182-1 84, 252t-254t

III burns, 452, 465

of tibia, 1 80-1 82. 1 8 1 f, 246t-249t

III waler deprivation test, 6621-663r

IJ'pes ol, 1 69- 1 7 1 , 1701

in water loading test, 663t

of ulna

5-Fluorouracil, 856t

in olecranon, 1 86, 1 88f, 257t

Fluncr, atrial, 741, 82f

in shaft or distal, 189, 258t

Foam dresslllgs, 4921

urgent management of, 1 7 1

Foley catheters, 805t

Frank-Starling mechanism, 7

FoliC acid deficiency, 406, 4 1 6, 866t

Fremitus, 106

Follicle-snmubting hormone, 661 t

Friction rub, pleural, auscultation in,

Foot disorders


ampulanon in, 891 t

Fronral lobe, 2621

braces, splints, and onhoses m, 226t-

Fructosamine levels in diabetes mellitus,



in diabetes mdlirus, 471 -472, 6 8 1 ,

Functional residllal capacity, 1 22f, 126t


Functional teSIS, 901-9 1 8

fractures of forefoot, 1 82, 251 t

Fungal infections

ForaminOtomy. 2 1 0, 2 1 1 t

histopl3smosis in, 623-624, 635r

Forearm fractures, 189, 2581

in rransplanr recipients, 707, 708

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