I Cross My Heart (17 page)

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Authors: Vicki Lewis Thompson

BOOK: I Cross My Heart
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Three long weeks passed. Every day he worked at the Last Chance until he was exhausted, and then he drove to the Triple G and worked some more until he was catatonic. Jack loaned him a horse, and sometimes he’d take Tie-Dye out for long rides, hoping the spectacular scenery and fresh air would help. Other times he drank too much beer, hoping that would help.

Nothing really did. He had lost the love of his life, and he wasn’t sure how he would manage to get over that. The pain was a hundred times worse than when he’d ended his marriage to Lindsay. That had been a relationship doomed from the start.

Bethany wasn’t Lindsay. She focused on people, not things, and she would never allow income, either his or hers, to be a bone of contention between them. But that lovely little insight didn’t help ease the pain. Because he loved her, he wanted her to have this amazing opportunity. And somehow, he’d learn to survive.

He’d formed the habit of sitting on the back stoop to catch the view of the Tetons at sunset. He always took a beer, her parting note and his phone, not that he got that many calls. He hadn’t been the best company lately, and his friends and family must have figured out he wanted to be left alone for a while. The celebration he’d planned to have at the Spirits and Spurs after closing on the ranch had never happened.

But tonight, for some reason, his phone rang, and it was an area code and number he didn’t recognize. He answered, expecting someone wanting him to answer survey questions.

A crisp voice came on the line. “Please hold for Opal Knightly.”

“Opal Knightly?”
Nash straightened so fast he almost fell off the stoop.

“Yes, sir. Please hold.”

Nash set his beer carefully on the step beside him, tucked Bethany’s note in his left shirt pocket and took a deep breath. He couldn’t imagine what this was about, but Opal Knightly was an efficient and busy woman who didn’t make idle phone calls.

“Nash Bledsoe?” The rich voice made him think of her day in Jackson Hole, which made him think of Bethany, which made him hurt like hell.

“Yes. How can I help you, Opal?”

“I’ll cut to the chase. Bethany is miserable without you. I thought she’d come around, but the girl seems to be so deep in love she can’t see straight, which presents a problem.”

Nash’s chest grew tight. He wasn’t sure whether that came from joy that Bethany missed him or sorrow because she wasn’t happy. “What do you want from me?”

“Do you love her back?”

“Yes, of course I do, but—”

“Then I can work with you. If you’d said no, I’d have sent her to counseling and maybe a spa. But since you love her, here’s the plan. I like it, and I think she likes it, although she keeps blathering on about being ungrateful for what I’ve done for her. But mostly she doesn’t think you’ll like it, at least not yet.”

He did his best to breathe, but it was difficult. “Does she know you’re calling me?”

“No. She’d have a fit. She insists you need time to settle in, maybe a year or so, before you’d be ready to hear about this plan. But I hate to see the girl spend a year being miserable.”

“I hate to think of her spending a minute being miserable. What’s the plan?”

“Well.” Opal took a breath. “I’ve finally realized she’s not cut out for the talk show gig. She’s more of an introvert who’s happier writing, but she also enjoys working with people when she’s out of the spotlight. I suggested that the Triple G would make a great retreat for stressed-out CEOs. You’d have to build cottages for them, get some horses, take ’em out riding, and you could handle all that. Bethany could write her books and counsel the CEOs in a lovely setting. You’d both make a good living.”

“You mean she’d live here full-time?” The idea dazzled him, but he dared not believe in it.

“She would, but she doesn’t think you’ll like this idea of mine, which would change how the ranch is utilized. And you own the place, so it’s your call. What do you think?”

“Opal, I would cut off my right arm for that woman. If she could be happy here counseling stressed-out CEOs and writing her books, I would do anything to make that happen.”

“I’m glad to hear you say that. Here’s what you can do for me, then. Come on the show day after tomorrow and propose to her on the air.”

His heart kicked into a full gallop.

“Can you do that? I’ll send my private plane to the Jackson airport tomorrow. My people will see that you have a hotel room and are fed, and they’ll advise you on clothes, but the cowboy look is good. The audience will love that. Oh, and get a ring.”

Nash opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

“Nash, honey, are you there? Or did you pass out?”

He sucked in air. “I’m here.”

“Will you do it?”

The way he saw it, he had no choice. If he wanted Bethany, this was how he’d get her. “Yes, I’ll do it.”

* * *

could tell from the extra sparkle in Opal’s green eyes as she and her mentor fiddled with their mikes and did a sound check. Normally Bethany’s segment was at the end of the show, but for some reason Opal wanted her to lead off today.

The studio audience seemed especially lively this morning, too, as if they knew something that Bethany didn’t. She leaned toward Opal. “You have something up your sleeve, don’t you?”

Opal smiled as the opening theme song played. “Ready?”

“I hope so. You know I don’t like surprises, right?”

“So you’ve told me.” The talk show host faced the camera as the director counted down the seconds. Then she put on what Bethany called her
Opal face
and began her monologue, touching on a few current events and the latest Atlanta Braves game.

Next, she introduced Bethany’s segment, but instead of leaving Bethany to handle it alone, she stayed on the set. “I’m sticking around for this one.” She winked at the audience.

Bethany’s stomach churned with dread. She hated surprises, and she hated them even more on live television.

Opal smiled at her with normal good cheer. “As we all know, Bethany, you’ve inspired thousands of people to believe in your mantra and choose happiness instead of pain.”

Bethany focused on breathing normally. “It’s rewarding to think that I’ve had that effect.”

“Oh, you definitely have. We’ve had many testimonials, both in person and from viewers calling in. But I thought it would be special for our audience to watch someone in the process of choosing happiness over pain, right here, right now, in real time. Are you up for that?”

Oh, God. What now?
“Of course. That’s always a wonderful moment.”

“Then welcome today’s special guest, Nash Bledsoe.”

Bethany gasped and felt the blood drain from her face. “Nash is here?”

“I am.” He walked onto the set, the heels of his polished boots clicking on the floor. The black jeans, white shirt and black hat appeared new, but they fit him as if they were custom-made. He looked like a million bucks. “Hello, Bethany.”

She popped out of her chair and then wished she hadn’t, because she was a little dizzy. “What are you doing here?”

He caught her elbow and steadied her. He had a mike clipped to his shirt. “Choosing happiness.”

She put a hand over her mike because she could hear herself gasping for breath, which did nothing for her cool and professional image, either.

“I love you.” He said the words loud and clear, without a single waver. “I choose to be happy with you.”

The audience let out a collective sigh, but all Bethany could do was stare at him in disbelief.

Covering his own mike, he leaned forward and murmured in her ear. “I love Opal’s plan. Just go along with this, okay? Then we can get out of here.”

Her heart hammered wildly. This was happening. It wasn’t a dream. “You’re being bossy, Nash.”

“I’m a little agitated, okay? Just follow my lead. Please.”

As Bethany took a long, shaky breath, it all became clear. Opal was setting her free so that she could live the life she wanted with Nash. But being Opal, she always had her eye on the ratings. A stunt like this would send them through the roof. After all Opal had done for her, Bethany couldn’t begrudge her a ratings boost.

Taking another deep breath, she looked into Nash’s blue eyes and saw the love shining there. He’d agreed to this drama because Opal had asked him and he knew how much Opal meant to her. If he could go along with it, so could she. She gave a subtle nod.

With that, Nash dropped to one knee, reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a diamond ring that glittered under the studio lights. “Will you marry me, Bethany Grace? Will you choose to be happy with me?”

She cleared her throat, uncovered her mike and smiled down at him. “Because I love you with all my heart, my answer is

The audience erupted.

Holding her gaze, Nash slipped the ring on her finger. Then he rose to his feet, tossed his hat into the audience and gave her a kiss that blocked out everything. When he finally lifted his head, the cheers and whistles deafened her.

“Give them a big send-off!” Opal called out. “Because they’re leaving before this show becomes too hot for daytime television!”

Nash hurried Bethany offstage. A crew member quickly divested them of their mikes.

Bethany turned to Nash. “What now?”

“Opal has a limo outside waiting for us.”

“And then? What happens after that?”

He grinned at her as he took her hand and pulled her toward the exit. “Our future, which is gonna be great.”

“Is that a promise?” She really didn’t have to ask. Nash was a man of his word.

He stopped. Slowly he turned to her and cupped her face in his big hands. “Yes, it’s a promise.” His voice was gruff with emotion as his unwavering gaze held hers. “I cross my heart.”


their usual predawn
breakfast in the bunkhouse, Emmett made an appearance. Luke Griffin wasn't
surprised to see the foreman show up. Yesterday had been Nash's final day of
work at the Last Chance, so logically Emmett would need to reassign Nash's
former duties.

Nash had already asked Luke if he'd be interested in a job over
at the Triple G, but Luke had respectfully declined. Normally he got itchy feet
after a year or so of being in an area, and he'd likely leave Jackson Hole in a
few months. No point in hiring on with Nash for such a short time, much as he
liked the guy and wished the best for both Nash and Bethany. Luke was a rolling
stone and didn't anticipate that changing anytime soon.

As expected, Emmett discussed the changes Nash's departure
would mean. He spread the extra work among all of them so no one was impacted
too much, but Emmett also promised that someone would be hired to fill Nash's
spot within the next month.

“One other thing.” Emmett paused to refresh his coffee. “I need
to make you all aware of the eagle situation.”

“The nest is still there,” a big-eared cowboy named Danny said.
“At least it was two days ago. And unless I miss my guess, it's got eggs in

Emmett took a sip of his coffee. “Yes, it does. And there's a
young lady who's applied for a private grant to study those eagles and their
chicks, assuming the eggs hatch.”

“Who's that?” asked a lanky redheaded cowhand named Jeb.

“Naomi Perkins.”

“Oh, yeah.” Jeb nodded. “I remember her. Worked for her folks
at the diner before she went off to college. She's back, then?”

“Yep. Lost her job with Game and Fish in Florida. So this grant
would help her out, and since the nest is on Last Chance property, Jack's given
her permission to be out there to study them if the grant comes through. Just
wanted all of you to be aware.”

“So what does she look like?” Luke asked, and immediately
everybody started ribbing him. “Hey!” he shouted over the general uproar. “I
need to know so I can identify her!”

“Yeah, right,” Danny said. “You want to know if it's worth
riding out there and striking up a conversation.”

“I don't know what she looks like now,” Jeb said. “She was kind
of cute before, blonde, blue eyes, but you never know. People change. Has
anybody seen her since she came back?”

“Jack has, I guess,” Emmett said. “But it doesn't matter what
she looks like. I'm sure if any of you see a blonde up in a tree in the general
area where the eagles are nesting, you'll figure out it's her.”

Luke had to smile at that. “Good point. We don't have too many
tree-climbing blondes at the Last Chance.” And he was intrigued. He'd never met
a woman who made her living studying wild creatures. Naomi Perkins, eagle
watcher, sounded like someone he should get to know.

* * * * *

Keep reading for an excerpt of
Lying in
by Jo Leigh!

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