I Kissed a Dog (15 page)

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Authors: Carol Van Atta

Tags: #carol van atta, #vampires, #cambridge press us, #charles river press, #werewolves, #i kissed a dog

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Chapter 17

Several aspirin, washed down with a secret hangover remedy, courtesy of Logan Sanders’
younger sister, Misty, had me feeling almost normal.

Now it was time to get tough and keep the crying to a minimum. I was married to a
werewolf, after all. I’d resolved earlier to make the best of my dismal situation,
while ensuring that Zane forever regretted his selfish decision to coerce me into
this perverted version of Holy Matrimony.

Despite my fury over Zane’s lack of discretion, helping the pack wasn’t negotiable.
If I wanted freedom from a vicious killer and the mutant hybrids, my participation
was critical.

After a lengthy and much-needed discussion with Logan and several high-ranking pack
members, I’d committed to using my talents not only to help find Plum Beach’s allusive
serial killer, but also to snoop around at their upcoming board meeting. I hated to
think what scary secrets the participants’ pets would divulge.

Even our well-laid plans did little to quell my fear.

One unpleasant question nipped at the edge of my thoughts — how would Jazmine respond
to the impromptu wedding? My new status as Zane’s wife wouldn’t help matters. She
was already hell-bent on destroying me and taking Zane as her mate.

Much to my relief, I didn’t have to stew alone. Misty had agreed to keep me company
for the remainder of the afternoon and answer some of my questions while the men further
plotted their strategies. I hoped our girl-time bonding-session would provide an opportunity
for me to learn more about the whole werewolf mating phenomenon.

I still wasn’t sure if our recent marriage equaled a formal mating ceremony, or if
something additional was required. From what I’d gathered during our group discussion,
Jazmine could no longer claim Zane as her mate, as I was now his one and only … whatever
that meant. My questions would have to wait, though. Hunger pangs had driven any lingering
nausea away, making the search for food my number one priority.

The official lunch hour had long passed, but once again, the time didn’t matter. It
was Las Vegas. Days merged with nights and vice versa. And from what I could tell
by the other hotel patron’s rumpled attire and drooping eyes, I wasn’t the only one
none too thrilled with my previous night’s conduct. For most of them, their nighttime
indiscretions had been dragged into today, right along with their over-worn clothing.

I’d at least made the effort to clean up in an attempt to hide my recklessness.

“People don’t sleep much around here,” I acknowledged to myself, not sure yet how
I felt about Misty. At least she understood my initial distress over the sudden change
in my marital status. She’d stood up to Logan and Zane, voicing her sympathy for my

“Sleep is overrated,” she said. “Casino owners count on guests that gamble until they
drop. Tired gamblers make desperate decisions that tend to increase our profits.”

“Can we eat here?” Longing for food, I stared through one of the hotel restaurants’
open doors. An overflowing buffet table was calling my name. The inviting aromas were
enough to drive me forward without her approval.

“You sure your stomach is ready for all that?” Misty studied me. “You were still pretty
pasty an hour ago.”

Appreciating her concern, I gave her my most sincere smile. “I promise if I get sick,
which is happening a lot lately, I’ll take the blame.” I understood on some level
that Misty was for the moment in charge of my wellbeing. Zane wouldn’t take kindly
to my being returned worse off than I’d been before leaving. If anything, since last
night, his protectiveness had increased.

“You’re catching on quick.” She gave me a grateful look. “I’ll grab a table.”

After filling my plate to capacity, I joined my first ever female werewolf acquaintance,
who I hoped in the future I could refer to as a friend. She seemed nice enough.

We ate for a few minutes in comfortable silence, both of us lost in our thoughts.
She was the one to speak first. “How much did Zane tell you about the mating process?’

“Not much.” Wasn’t that the truth? Yesterday I was single. Today I was married to
a werewolf and trying to accept that I’d had sex with said werewolf without my knowledge.
I’d apparently given permission and enjoyed the monumental event.

During the morning meeting, I’d caught a vivid flash from Zane’s memory that showed
me kissing him with great enthusiasm on the bed. I could understand how he would have
considered me a willing wife.

“Chloe …” Misty called me back to the present.

“Sorry, please, go on.”

“Male werewolves know when they’ve found their true mate. Normally, a female werewolf,”
She explained. “I’ve seen just one human werewolf mating … it didn’t end well.”

“Why?” I was almost too scared to ask.

“She died in childbirth. Her body wasn’t equipped to handle the pregnancy. Some say
it was because she’d never received the mark.”

“The mark?”

“Didn’t you wonder how Zane knew you were his mate? Why he rushed you off to get married?”
Misty asked her voice softer.

I doubted she’d accept my true thoughts on the matter, but I shared them anyway. “I
assumed he was being selfish and controlling.”

“You don’t remember what happened before your nuptials, do you?”

I closed my eyes and inhaled. “I’ve never been so intoxicated in my life. I don’t
remember much.” That fact troubled me.

Something significant had happened before my interlude with Zane. I vaguely remembered
a vampire at my table. Just thinking about him caused my heart rate to quicken. I’d
kissed him.
I was sure of. I’d enjoyed it too.

“Let me fill you in then. You were wrapped up in the arms of a master vampire. Thankfully,
he didn’t get a taste of your blood.”

A sense of foreboding slithered through me in response to her last words. I’d know
if a vampire had pierced my flesh. Wouldn’t I?

“Are you okay?” Misty leaned forward, pushing her empty plate away.

“I feel like there’s a memory missing. Like it’s been erased.” I shivered in spite
of the warmth.

She nodded. “Master vampires have the power to dazzle your mind. They confuse your
thoughts, drug you in a sense. No wonder you were so sick. Drunk
dazzled — definitely not a good combination.”

Rather than reply, I considered my life four short days ago. I could never have predicted
on Monday that by Thursday I’d be in Las Vegas, married to a werewolf, following a
make-out-session with an ancient vampire, who may or may not have tasted my blood.
I also realized that most of my rage toward Zane had vanished to be replaced instead
by a mind-dulling numbness.

For the first time, my ability to communicate with animals seemed less important in
the big scheme of things, but I knew otherwise. It was
so-called talent that had landed me in my existing predicament. Had I been a normal
woman, none of this would have happened.

“Earth to Chloe …”

“Sorry. Again.” I forced myself to refocus. “Tell me how Zane knew I was the one.”
I had to know. We had experienced an abnormal attraction starting from the moment
we’d met. I could attest to that.

“On his ankle, a symbol appeared. This symbol shows up within seventy-two hours of
meeting a mate. By claiming you and marrying you in the traditional way, he has given
you his name, and his protection.”

I leaned down and twisted my legs, looking for any anomaly. Nothing. There were no
symbols on either of my ankles. “What about me? Shouldn’t I have a mark or something?”

“It’s different for females. Men don’t have a choice. You do. Should you determine
in your heart that you want to be mated to Zane, and proclaim your love for him, you’ll
receive the mark.”

I could tell she was leaving out something important. “And if I fail to reciprocate?”

“Zane will be alone for the remainder of his life. Werewolves can only have one mate.
And once they’re marked, they are, as you humans say, ‘off the market’.”

This still didn’t explain Jazmine and Zane’s previous commitment though. “How then
could Zane and Jazmine have been promised to each other as mates? He doesn’t even
like her.” I remembered Zane’s explanation, but I was curious to see if Misty confirmed

“Should a male and female be pledged as mates, a ceremony can still take place. They
forfeit the opportunity of finding their true, fated mates. This is how alliances
are formed. Alliances often without love.

Parents may choose this path for their children in order to strengthen their pack.
Finding your destined mate isn’t always easy. Some never do,” Misty sighed. “Had Zane
already been mated to Jazmine, he wouldn’t have recognized you as his real mate.”

“Do you have a mate, Misty?”

Her expression revealed the answer before her words. “The one I wanted found his true
mate. They’re very happy.” She looked down, cheeks blazing.

“I’m so sorry. Here I am with a mate that I’m not sure I want, and you desire someone
you can’t have.” I shook my head amazed by the irony.

Misty was a beautiful young woman, close to my age. She wore her fiery hair in a textured
shag that framed her waiflike features. Her skin was creamy, free of any blemishes.
Like me, she had emerald eyes. She was petite, with narrow hips and small breasts.
I always felt too shapely around pixies like Misty. Any man would be thrilled to have
a woman (werewolf) like her.

“Goodness! I didn’t mean to get all mushy about my …” She looked up, embarrassed.

“Forget it,” I countered. “I’m the master of mushy. Ask Zane.”

“Speaking of Zane,” she paused, her tentative expression revealing the uncertainty
she felt broaching the subject. “He loves you …”

I started to interrupt but thought better of it when I noticed the gleam in Misty’s
eyes. She was determined to have her say.

“He was never really interested in Jazmine. Numerous females have tried to seduce
Zane. Many have been disappointed. Any female I know would be honored to have Zane
Marshall for a mate or husband.”

“Those females are the same species. I’m human. This match just isn’t right.” I struggled
to remember the reasons why a relationship with Zane wasn’t acceptable. The biggest
barrier I could come up with was his bull-headedness, which if I were honest with
myself, rivaled my own. Admitting how much we were alike wasn’t easy.

“You love him. I can see it in the way you look at him when you think no one is watching.
Passion sizzles between you two like bacon in a frying pan.”

The bacon comparison was too much. I couldn’t stop the laughter. It intruded into
our serious discussion, causing Misty to double over; her own melodic giggles sending
me into a renewed frenzy. Several customers shot annoyed glances our way as we continued
to escalate, releasing any previous tension that might have lingered between us.

Choking back tears, I somehow sputtered, “Bacon? I can’t believe you described our
attraction as sizzling bacon.”

“So maybe it was a bit melodramatic,” she said, still fighting for control.

Much to the pleasure of the nearby tables, a stern-faced waiter chose that moment
to deliver our check. Grabbing my arm, Misty led me to the cashier and signed her
name on the bill. “Being the owner’s sister has certain benefits.”

“Free food is always a perk,” I agreed, pleased to have met Misty. Laughter in the
midst of my present situation was good medicine.

“Would you like to walk around the grounds outside? It’s like exploring a jungle without
the danger,” she offered. “I promise that my brother and your mat … husband will be
wrapped up in their plotting session for hours.”

Knowing she was probably right and eager to have some danger-free fun, I found myself

It was apparent that Misty had been right in her description of the resort’s grounds.
They were amazing, especially the sound effects. An authentic roar caused me to grab
Misty’s arm. Instead of laughing at my reaction, she tensed, raising a finger to her

In the same fluid manner that I’d seen Zane move, she lowered herself into a defensive
crouch. Like Zane, her eyes changed to scarlet as she surveyed our surroundings.

Remembering my own talent, I probed the area with my mind, seeking anything out of
the ordinary. It didn’t take long to locate another nonhuman presence.

She smells so good. I want to taste her flesh, her blood. But, no-o-o-o-o, Jazmine
needs the little bitch intact. Maybe one bite?

Hoping that Zane would hear me at this distance, I blasted the thought to him. Logan
had suggested that as mates our telepathic communication abilities might increase.

“Get behind me!” Misty hissed.

The familiar vibration hummed through the air, preceding an explosion of clothes from
her tiny frame. For a brief second I saw her nakedness; then she was on all fours
covered in luscious grey and silver fur. Though not as big as the male wolves, she
was still magnificent.

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