I Love You, Always (9 page)

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Authors: Natalie Ward

Tags: #New Adult, #Romance, #fictionm young adult

BOOK: I Love You, Always
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Track 10 (A side) – It’s All An Illusion

Can’t pretend that any of this is fine

That it’s all just in my mind

But piecing it back together only breaks my heart

This shit, this nightmare, is ripping me apart

Mia walks into the living room and stands in front of the couch Ash and I are lying on as we watch TV. I glance up at my sister and see she looks worried. “What’s up?” I ask.

Mia puts her hands on her hips and stares down at us and I have to fight a smile as I wait for her to try and tell me what it is I’m going to have to do. “Jared and I are taking off for a week or so to his parents’ place and we think you two should come with us.”

I look down at Ash who just shrugs in response. After what happened last night, her finally catching me out in the nightmare, I thought she’d be all over this plan. “Why?” I ask, looking back at Mia.

She takes a seat on the coffee table in front of us, blocking the TV so we are both forced to listen to her. “Why not?” she says. “Be nice to get away for a bit. And Jared’s mom is a doctor, so you know, you don’t need to worry about anything, Luke.”

“Yeah maybe,” I say. “But maybe we should just stay here.”

I kind of don’t want Ash to be anywhere that’s far from help, even though I know she’s not really in any danger now. The doctors were happy with her progress when we left the hospital, and even though she still has some stitches to be removed, things are good. Well, as good as they can be given what that fucking asshole did to her.

“Why?” Mia asks, her voice a little firmer. “What do you need to stay for?”

I glance at Ash again who says, “I don’t mind if we go.”

I kind of get the feeling she really wants to go, but this is her way of forcing me to make the decision. To admit that getting out of here for a few days would actually be a really good idea. We haven’t left the apartment since she came home and I wonder if she thinks a change of scenery would help with my nightmares. It’s reverse psychology at its finest and it makes me smile.

“Why do you want us to go?” I ask Mia, wondering if there’s something more to this. I watch as she takes a deep breath, glancing first at Ash and then back at me. “What is it?” I ask her again.

“I quit my job,” Mia says. “I just told them.”

“Yeah, and?” I ask, not really understanding what this has to do with us.

“I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before Dad finds out,” she says. “And given what happened last time I tried to quit…” Mia trails off and it finally clicks. Shit.

“You think he’d show up here?” Ash asks, reading my mind.

Mia looks over at her. “I certainly wouldn’t put it past him.”

I exhale, running my hand over my head. I wouldn’t put it past him either. Just the threat of Mia quitting her job a year ago was enough to get Dad taking pretty serious action. I can’t imagine what he will do when he finds out she actually has. Especially when he finds out she’s done it so she can be with Jared and worse still, leave with both of us to go to L.A. and make this album. Maybe getting out of here for a while would be a smart move, because I sure as fuck don’t want to run the risk of him showing up when Ash is here, especially like this.

“Yeah, me either,” I murmur, looking down at Ash.

“You want to go now?” she asks, and I know she knows I do.

“Do you mind?”

She shakes her head. “Of course not, it will be nice and if it makes you feel better, if it helps, then I think we should.” She’s looking right at me now and I know she’s not just referring to Dad maybe showing up. She’s talking about last night, and all the nights before that. Last night was only one of many, but all of which I now know she knows about. So much for me protecting her from them.

I exhale loudly. “What about the cops?” I ask her.

“What about them?” she answers, her arm tightening around my waist.

“When they find the guy?”
they find the guy is
more like it, because the way things are now, I’m not holding out much hope that they will. And it fucking pisses me off to think this guy will get away with it; that he won’t pay for what he did to Asha.

“Luke,” she says quietly. “It’s okay, they’ll call when they find something.”

I look down and see my arm has tightened around her waist and I immediately loosen it. Fuck, she’s still got stitches; I need to be more careful. “Sorry,” I whisper, leaning down to gently kiss her.

I feel Ash’s hand on the back of my neck, holding me to her. “It’s okay, really. But let’s get out of here for a while, okay? Let’s just go and forget everything that’s happened. Have a break and relax, away from all this.”

There’s nothing I want more, but right now I have no fucking idea how the hell I’m supposed to relax, let alone try and forget everything that’s happened. But I don’t tell Ash this. I can’t, because all I care about is getting her back on her feet, getting her better and finding the fucker who did this to her and making him pay. And if being away, on the off chance my fuckhead father shows up, then right now, I’ll take it. Right now, I’d take anything good happening. But I keep all of this to myself and instead I smile, kiss her again and say, “Okay, sounds like a good idea.”

We leave the following morning, Jared renting a car so we can head up whenever we’re ready and not worry about the trains. I’m actually excited about his parents meeting Ash, because they are so much like family to me now that it seems natural to introduce them to the woman who has changed my life. I know they will be excited to have Mia back, too. They love her, Jared’s mom in particular, like the daughter they don’t have. I’m glad because fuck knows our mother made Mia’s life hell.

“You two ready?” Jared asks, standing in the doorway to our room.

“Yep,” I say, glancing at Ash, who’s sitting on the bed. She nods in agreement, standing up and walking towards me. I sling an arm around her shoulders as I pick up our bag.

“Come on, come on,” Mia yells from the front door, hurrying us all up.

Jared shakes his head, but he’s smiling. He of all people knows how stubborn and impatient my sister can be. And I’m guessing now that they’re finally back together, she’s just as excited to get up there and see his parents too. They are the closest
either of us has to a family.

We lock up the apartment and head downstairs. Ash and I sit in the back seat and as we head out of the city, Mia twists around in the front, so she’s facing us. “You know, Ash, this is where it all began for me and Jared, at his parents’ place.”

Ash smiles, her hand squeezing mine. “Really, I don’t think I know this story.”

Mia smiles as she turns back to face the front, leaning over to turn the music down, so she can fill her in. “Jared had taken Luke up to his parents’ place to recover,” she starts.

“Wait, what, recover?” she asks.

My fingers squeeze hers now, as I turn to look at Ash. “This all started after Dad showed up,” I say quietly.

“Oh,” she says, leaning over to kiss me. She knows that story, I’ve told it to her. I’ve told her everything she’s ever asked me about, there are no secrets between us. But she probably doesn’t know the other part of this story, the part that changed everything for the two people in the front seat of the car.

“Yeah, so anyway,” Mia says, moving on before any of us can think about the real reason for that trip. “I’d been trying to call and text Luke and obviously he wasn’t in a position to answer. I had no clue what was going on, but finally, this guy,” she says, her hand sliding to the back of Jared’s neck.

I watch as he glances at her and smiles, shaking his head as he murmurs, “This fucking guy,

Mia leans over and kisses his cheek and I shake my head at the two of them. How the fuck they ever thought they were keeping being together a secret from me, I’ll never know. It was so
I think I knew how they both felt about each other before they even did.

this guy
says laughing as she messes up his hair with her fingers. “He finally answered Luke’s phone and told me what had happened.”

“And lured you up here?” Ash says, laughing at the two of them.

Mia laughs. “Sort of. I flew out that day and when I walked into the living room and saw him, well, my life completely changed in an instant.”

“It did?” Jared asks, genuinely surprised as he glances at my sister.

I watch as Mia pokes her tongue out at him and says, “You know it did. I walked in, I saw you, and I fell hard.” Jared smiles at her words and I know she wasn’t the only one. “The problem was,” Mia says, turning to face us again. “I wasn’t sure dating my brother’s best friend was a smart idea. So for a while I tried to fight it, then I tried to hide it, then we just gave in and went for it. Luckily, Luke was okay with all of it.”

Ash squeezes my hand again. “I remember you telling me that,” she says, and I know she’s talking about our trip to the Cape when she first noticed things between Jared and Mia. They weren’t even together back then, but like I said, they were never able to hide their feelings about each other.

“Yeah,” I say, smiling back at her. “These two idiots thought they were hiding it from me, but they weren’t fooling anyone.”

“Well you could’ve fucking told us earlier,” Jared says now, glancing in the rear view mirror. “Would have saved us a lot of the sneaking around, you know,” he adds on, smiling.

“I thought you liked that,” Mia says, her hand pushing Jared’s hair back.

“Baby, you know I loved it,” he says, glancing over at her. “I love every second of being with you.”

“Fuck me,” I murmur, rolling my eyes at the pair of them.

“Hey,” Ash says, pulling on my arm, so I slide closer to her. “It’s sweet, and I for one, am glad you two finally sorted all of your shit out. Watching you both, in just the short amount of time I’ve known you, was painful.”

“Yeah,” Jared says. “I know what you mean.”

A silence fills the car now and I’m guessing both Mia and Jared are thinking back over the last year. The year they spent apart and angry at each other and all because of my stupid fucking father. My stupid father who is the reason I met Jared in the first place, the reason I ended up at Jared’s parents’ house a year later and the reason we are heading up there now. The man just seems to have a way of fucking up lives and he’s certainly done it plenty of times to not just me, but the two people sitting in the front seat.

“Well,” Ash suddenly says. “Now everything is how it should be, and your dad,” she says, pressing a quick kiss to my cheek. “Is not going to fuck up anyone’s life, anymore.”

“Damn straight,” Jared says, and I know he means it. There’s not a chance in hell this guy is ever letting anything come between him and Mia again, certainly not my father.

“So tell me, Jared,” Ash says, smiling as she tries to lighten the mood. “What was it about Mia that did it for you?”

Jared laughs now as he glances at my sister again. She’s smiling back at him, eagerly waiting for his answer as well. I shake my head at the pair of them, idiots.

“Well, obviously, she’s fucking hot,”
says, and I can’t help but groan. “But, I think what really did it for me, was when she kicked my ass at
Guitar Hero
, after that I was a total goner.”

“Wait, what?” I say, shocked. I’ve not heard about this before. “Mia beat you at
Guitar Hero

Mia laughs now, her fingers running through Jared’s hair again. “No, big
not just beat, totally kicked his ass. It was pathetic really, just how easy it was, especially when he was so cocky at the beginning and all.”

“Baby, please, like I wasn’t letting you win,” Jared says, the smile on his face telling me he probably wasn’t and he totally doesn’t care anyway.

“Whatever you have to tell yourself,” Mia whispers, leaning over to kiss him.

I turn to look at Ash and see she’s smiling at them. Squeezing her fingers, she turns to face me. “You think we’re like that?” she asks, gesturing into the front seat.

“Please,” Mia suddenly says, turning to face us. “You two are a million times worse.”

“Whatever,” I say, leaning in and kissing Ash on the lips now. I couldn’t care less how we look to others. I only care about how I look to this woman sitting beside me now. The woman who is the end result of the journey I took when I walked out of my old life and into this one. She makes everything that happened to me worthwhile. She makes this trip I took nearly six years ago, to this very house, so worthwhile.

And this time, coming back here with her, will be creating a new memory of this trip and this place. Even if the reason we’re going there is eerily similar to before.

Track 11 (B side) – Broken Soul

Beaten, broken, destroyed on the outside

I’ll never show what you did to the inside

Cuts and bruises and broken bones can all heal

But my soul, the deepest part of me, is not yours to steal

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

I look up as I throw the last of my clothes in my bag and see Jared walk into the room. I feel like shit, as though my legs are going to collapse beneath me, and I’m either going to throw up or pass out. Possibly both. But I need to get out of here. I can’t stay in this place because I can’t afford it, and even though the doctors have told me I shouldn’t be leaving, I’ve signed myself out, against medical advice. Fuck it, I don’t have a choice.

“Shouldn’t you be at work?” I ask him, avoiding his question and his stare.

“Nope,” he answers reaching over to pick up my bag. “And like I said, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

I take one last look around the room I’ve spent three days in. Three days, which I can’t afford but which have been paid for anyway. I pick up the bag containing the drugs I can’t afford either and turn back to face Jared.

“Why aren’t you at work, J?”

He shakes his head at me. “Come on Luke, forget about me and why I’m not at work. Why don’t you tell me what you’re doing? I know you shouldn’t be getting out of here today, the doctors told me it would be a couple more days.”

I shake my head at him, knowing I can’t tell him the truth, because he will only try to convince me otherwise. Unfortunately, this movement results in a burst of pain, starting behind my left eye and radiating throughout my head. “Fuck,” I can’t help but whisper, as it starts to feel like a nail is slowly being driven into my eyeball.

Jared is staring at me as he exhales loudly. “See, this is why I’m not at fucking work. Dude, just tell me what’s going on?”

“I can’t stay here, Jared,” I tell him, bile rising in my throat from the pain. “I can’t afford it. I’ll be fine, really.”

Jared’s just staring at me, not saying a word and I’m not really sure what he’s thinking. I’ve known this guy about a year, and for the most part he says exactly what’s on his mind, which makes a nice change. My dad was always one of those people who made you guess through silence. Like I was supposed to interpret what he was thinking by the way he looked at me, or the length of time he didn’t bother speaking to me. Christ, just thinking about him makes me so pissed off that I really do think I’m going to be sick again. I sit down on the bed, in an attempt to try and get the room to stop spinning.

“You’re really serious about getting out of here?” Jared finally asks, watching as I try to nod at him. “Even though I’ve told you not to worry about what this is costing?”

I nod again, my hand on my forehead as though I can somehow stop my head from exploding. The pain is suddenly unbearable and as much as I’m thinking maybe staying in here is the smarter idea, I know I can’t.

“You are a stubborn fucking shit, Luke, you do know that right?” Jared says, apparently unaware of what’s going on inside my head right now. I nod again and this time the pain is so bad, I know I have to stop moving all together. “Fine, if this is the way it’s
be, then I guess I’m gonna have to take matters into my own hands,” he says, pulling his cell phone out.

“What are you doing?” I ask
my mouth suddenly dry as I decide lying back on the bed is a smart move before I throw up just from being vertical.

“Don’t you worry about that,” Jared says, the phone at his ear. “You just pass out in peace and let me take care of this.”

And then I must, because I don’t hear another word he says.

The first thing I see when I wake up is Mia’s face. I’m either dreaming or these painkillers are stronger than I thought. My head still hurts like a bitch though, so they can’t be that good.

“Luke…” she says, throwing her arms around me just like she used to when we were younger.

The pain jolts through me and it’s only then that I realise she is actually here, in the room with me, wherever the hell that is.

“Mia,” I whisper, my voice hoarse from too much sleep.

“I can’t believe he did this to you,” she says, her voice unbearably sad. “I can’t believe it.” I can hear the tears in her voice, the tears I used to hear so often when we were kids. They were usually a product of our mother, Mia never able to do anything wrong in our father’s eyes.

I never begrudged Mia that, but I sure as fuck hated Mom for the way she did. I don’t know if it was jealousy or anger or resentment, but from the minute Mia was born, she was the only light in my father’s life.

“Mia, stop, what are you doing here?” I finally manage to get out, easing her off me a little. “Why are you in Boston?” I’m guessing that’s where I am, even though I don’t recognise the room I’m in. It’s not the hospital, I vaguely remember leaving that place, after getting a new one ripped from Jared at the fact that I shouldn’t be.

“Boston?” she asks, pulling back “We’re not in Boston, Luke.”

She’s hovering over me and now that my eyes have finally focused, well the good one anyway, I can see the look on her face. She’s crying
she looks like she’s been crying a lot. It reminds me so much of when she was little and all the times she’d come into my room to hide, seek comfort from the only other person who knew what she was going through. Yet here she is, giving that comfort to me.

“Where am I?” I ask her again, trying to pull myself up a little.

Mia reaches out and moves the pillows for me, giving me something to lean back against. The room is in darkness, but I can see the edges of light leaking in from around the blinds, so I know it must be daytime. “We’re in Connecticut, at Jared’s parents’ house,” she says, taking my hand in hers. “He brought you up here after you stupidly decided to check yourself out of hospital.”

“What?” I ask, surprised. I have absolutely no memory of coming here and no clue as to how Mia would know I was here. I haven’t spoken to her in days.

“Jared called me,” she
as she gets up off the bed and walks towards, what I’m guessing is, a bathroom.


Mia doesn’t answer and I can hear water running. When she walks back out to the bedroom she has a look on her face that resembles being pissed off. She sets the glass down on the side table. “I’m kinda pissed at you right now, Luke,” she says, her
mad at her older brother voice
now in place.

“Mia…” I start, before she cuts me off.

“No, Luke, hold on a second. I can’t fucking believe you didn’t tell me what he did to you. I can’t believe I only find out about this when your best friend, who I’ve never even met incidentally, finally answers the millions of calls I’ve made.” She stops for a second to take a breath before launching back into me. I know there is no point trying to stop her when she is on one of her rants. When Mia is set on something, it’s easier to just let her talk, get it all out. I reach for the water she got for me and take a mouthful.

“Did you think I wouldn’t notice the lack of communication? Did you think not speaking to me for a week would be okay?” she asks.

“A week?” I say surprised. “Mia, it’s only been a couple of days.”

Mia is shaking her head at me. “No, it was three days in the hospital, Luke. It’s been three more since you got here. We normally speak every day,” she says more quietly. “I didn’t know what had happened to you when you stopped answering the phone.”

“What, a week?”

Her voice softens as she moves closer to me, her hand resting on my arm. “Luke, you’ve been sleeping on and off for three days now.”

Huh, evidently these painkillers are stronger than I thought, I don’t even remember taking them. “When did you get here?” I ask.

“Jared called me on the way up here. Said you’d checked yourself out, and because you are a stubborn ass and basically went against doctors’ advice, he was bringing you here. His mom’s a doctor you know, so he figured this was the next best place.” Mia stops, squeezing my hand in hers. “I flew in the night you guys arrived, but you were too out of it to notice,” she says quietly. “We’ve been waiting for you to wake up ever since. Viviane said it might take you a few days.”

“You’ve been here all this time?” I ask, shocked.

She smiles at me now as she lies herself down on the bed beside me, her head resting against my shoulder. “Of course I have, why would I be anywhere else?”

I exhale loudly. “I don’t know. I guess I never expected to see you here.”

Mia wraps her arm around me as she whispers, “I’m always here for you, Luke. Just like you were always there for me.”

And then it finally hits me. Everything my father has done to not only me, but Mia as well. While the physical side of what happened a week ago definitely sucks, I feel like it’s the emotional bullshit we’ve both had to deal with, which has been so much worse. The only thing I’m grateful for, in all of this, is that I’ve had Mia and she’s had me. She’s the only person who truly understands it all, and having her here now means more than she could possibly know.

I don’t know how long we lie in silence. It’s like Mia knows I’m finally being hit with all of this and she’s just giving me the space to deal with it. I have a million questions I want to ask her, but at the end of the day, there’s really only one that matters. “Do you know how he found me?” I finally ask.

I feel Mia tense beside me. I don’t feel anything and I know if it somehow comes down to her, that he found me through her, I won’t be angry. There’s a part of me that’s not even sorry he did find me. Sure, I could have lived without the broken face, but really, the part I’m most glad about is the fact that when he found me, I didn’t give in to him. For the first time in my life, I didn’t stay silent, and I didn’t just run away. I actually stood up to him, I said no, and didn’t do what he wanted or expected me to do. I think at the end of the day, that’s the real reason he hit me. Not because I’d left school or wasn’t going back with him. Not because I’d embarrassed him or pissed him off.

It was because I finally stood up for myself and said no to him.

And that is something my father is never used to hearing, especially from his own son. I’m about to tell Mia all of this, but the door opens and I never get the chance.

“Hey, is he awake yet?”

It’s Jared, a guy I met in a shitty roadside diner two years ago, and whose house I’m now staying in after he paid all of my medical bills. How the fuck am I ever going to repay him for this? I really need to get out of here. Mia and I don’t belong here and I should never have become friends with Jared in the first place.

I try to pull myself up, the pain shooting through my skull at lightspeed. I see stars in front of my eyes, but it doesn’t matter, I’m getting up, getting dressed, and getting the hell out of here. I grab Mia’s hand, half using it to support myself, half to pull her off the bed.

Suddenly I’m pushed back into the pillows. “Luke, don’t,” Mia whispers to me. “It’s okay.”

I grimace, as the pain doesn’t subside. “Mia, I can’t be here, this isn’t right,” I whisper back urgently. “He’s already done so much.”

“Luke,” she says more forcefully now. “It’s taken care of. Don’t worry, I took care of it.”

I want to ask if she’s talking about the money. Mia would still have access to hers because she never pissed my father off like I did. I also know, repaying Jared for everything I owe him is exactly the sort of thing Mia would do.

I turn and see Jared step towards us and take a seat on the end of the bed. He looks at Mia first, then at me. “Yes, she’s paid for your hospital bills, Luke. I tried telling her it didn’t matter, but seems she’s as stubborn as you are.” He laughs a little and I see Mia turn to face him, a slight blush on her cheeks.

I take a deep breath. “You have to take the money, Jared. I can’t live with owing you for this.”

He nods at me. “It’s done,” is all he says and for the first time since this happened, I can breathe a sigh of relief.

The door suddenly opens again and this time an older woman who looks vaguely familiar walks in. If I had to guess, I’d say it was Jared’s mom, but I don’t really remember meeting her.

“Hey, Viviane,” Mia says, pulling herself from the bed.

The woman walks towards us, putting her arm on Mia’s shoulder as she stands there and watches me. “How are you feeling today?” she asks.

I watch the easy familiarity between my sister and this woman. To look at them, you’d never guess they’ve only known each other for three days, and I can’t help but wonder what has gone on while I’ve been sleeping. Turning back to Jared, I see he’s looking at Mia, a small smile on his face.

“How’s the eye?” she asks, taking a step closer and tilting my chin up so she can look at me.

I blink, trying to focus. It does seem clearer today. When it first happened everything was a blur, only colours and shaky boundaries defining anything I looked at. But now, I can see this woman’s brown hair, her blue eyes, and the kind smile she has on her face. “Better, I think,” I finally manage to get out.

She smiles. “Good, this is a good sign, a couple more days and it should hopefully be as good as new.”

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