I Saw You (10 page)

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Authors: Elena M. Reyes

BOOK: I Saw You
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The parking lot
was packed as I pulled in.

Nerves were starting to take a hold of me; my palms became sweaty and my breathing a bit labored. That didn’t sit well with me. Made me feel week. Made me feel like a bitch.

For the next thirty minutes or so I just sat there and watched the building. Watched as the patrons came in and out, laughing and smiling as if they didn’t have a care in the world. How they went in hungry and came out satisfied.

All were oblivious to the man inside the black SUV, and I liked that. No one paid me any mind; didn’t give a fuck that I was there. Good.

My nerves were all Gabriel’s fault.

If the asshole had stayed quiet and not put shit in my head, all would be fine. But no, he had to warn me about the possibility of her father not accepting me, my career, and the bullshit the media put me through. That they could be my biggest threat or allies.

“Asshole,” I muttered low and got down from the car. Inhaling deep, my stomach grumbled as I’d yet to have a bite.  After meeting Gabriel, I made my way back to my hotel and took a small nap. Arianna wasn’t due back at her parent’s until dinner service tonight, and I needed to be there.

On time.

Prepared for war.

Another rumble, and I patted my stomach. Did smell great though, and after lunch I hadn’t eaten a single bite.

“Welcome to Qu Va’s,” an older woman called out as I crossed through the entrance. She looked to be around fifty, small and delicate with bright green eyes and shoulder-length chestnut hair. The same penetrating gaze as my Slim.

She appraised me from head to toe as I approached. Calculating. Knowing. “I’m looking for a Mrs. And Mr. Garcia. The owners.”

“Who’s asking?” she replied with sass, brow arched.


Her eyes narrowed, and a hand went to her hip. “Same idiot that pissed off my little Arianna?”

My mouth opened, the words sitting on my tongue. I wanted to defend myself, explain, but instead two words escaped my lips. “Fucking Gabriel.”

She schooled her expression into an offended one. “Yes,
Gabriel—as you so eloquently put it—called and warned me of your impending visit.” With a roll of her eyes and then a huff, the woman tried so hard to hide the small smile trying to break free.

I tried to hide my own and failed massively. “So you know why I’m here?”

“I do.” Tapping her high-heeled foot on the ground, she gave me a cheeky wink.

“And you’ll help me.” Not a question. Extending a hand out, she grasped it to shake, but instead I brought it up to my lips. Laid a tiny kiss there, causing her to blush. “Please.”

With a shrug, she pulled her hand free and mock glared at me. “Haven’t made up my mind yet.” Didn’t have the same affect when her face was still slightly tinged pink. She wasn’t immune.

“Mrs. Garcia, I need—”

“Who’s this, cariño?” a portly man asked while laying a tiny kiss on her cheek. He eyed me shrewdly over her shoulder.

“Honey, meet Chester Greene of international superstardom.” 
Fuck me running.

Narrowing his eyes, he studied me the same way she had earlier. “The one who confused my daughter with a grou—”

“You spoke to Gabriel, too?” I groaned and rubbed my face harshly. Our conversation was taking a turn for the worse, and it seemed nothing I said would appease them.

“No.” He laughed, the sound deep and loud. “Much worse. I spoke with my Ari.”

“Fuck.” It slipped, and his face turned red with anger.

“No. No fuck.” His accent thick now, he was fuming and thinking the worst. “How dare you show up here and ask for help.”

“Because I have no other choice.” I sighed. “That beautiful, hard-headed woman won’t listen to me.”

Mrs. Garcia ran a hand down her husband’s back in a soothing manner. “She has good reason to, no?” Instead of giving me a minute to answer, she continued to rant. “Our daughter isn’t stupid. You aren’t the first man with money to approach and lie.”

The fuck.

Jealousy. That fucking traitorous feeling burned through every single molecule in my body. Within seconds I ran hot, face flushed and breathing labored. Angry. Without reason to be, but goddammit, nothing about this situation made sense.

My walking frustration.

My guilty fascination.

The only thing I fucking desired.

Taking in a deep breath, I let it out slowly. Tried to calm myself enough to answer them without exploding because the mere thought of another man…

“Do you need some water?” Slim’s father asked me, and I snapped my eyes to his.


“As you wish, rock star,” he deadpanned while his wife giggled.

Looking behind me, I noticed a small empty booth close to where we stood. “Can we take a seat, please?”

“Sure.” Mrs. Garcia grabbed her husband’s hand and pulled him toward the table in question. “But we don’t have all day. Not trying to be rude here, but the dinner rush will be picking up soon.”

“Understood.” Taking a seat across from them, I placed my hands atop the table. It was a nice place, not that I’d had much time to observe. Tropical meets modern. Clean lines and bright colors. Not overpowering, just eye catching.

“Make us understand.” The drumming of her fingers on the table pulled my attention back toward them.

“I never lied to Arianna.” Mr. Garcia opened his mouth to protest, but I held a hand up silently asking for a minute. “What she saw and the truth are two separate things. There is no one else, just a huge misunderstanding. I want to get to know your daughter. No one else.” Desperation colored my tone at the end. “What I feel for Arianna controls me. Confuses me.”

“Why should that mean something to us?” There was a lot less bite to her tone.

“Why? She asked me why.” Sarcastic laughter bubbled out of me, making them both look at me as if I’d lost my damn mind. Maybe I had. “Your daughter controls a part of me that refuses to listen to reason. There’s no choice for me.”

“Ay, mijo…” Mrs. Garcia began with a genuine smile on her face “…we’ll help you. Right, Ernesto?”

“Maria!” Ernesto cried out in shock. “Arianna will not be happy. No meddling.”

Turning to face him, she captured his face with her tiny hands. “She’ll be thrilled and happy.”

“Thank you.” That earned me a scowl from one and from the other, a smirk.

“Don’t thank us yet, boy.” At almost forty, how was I a boy? “Maria might be smitten, but I’m not sold.”

“I will, sir. All I ask is—”

“What the hell are you doing here?” At the sound of her voice my eyes snapped up, and what greeted them was pure heaven and hell. Pissed and hurt, Slim stared me down. Made me nervous. Arianna sneered while pushing past her father. Everything . . . her purse, keys, and the supplies her parents had asked her to pick up dropped to the ground.

Not at all how I envisioned our reunion to be.

Standing up, I took the three remaining steps. “Can we talk, Slim? That’s all I’m asking for, just a few minutes of your time.” We stood now chest to stomach. She was so damn tiny.

“You have some major balls to show up here and ask…” jamming a manicured nail into my chest, she advanced another step “…get the hell out of here.”

“No.” Three distinctive gasps were heard at my refusal. “Not leaving until you hear me out.”

“Why the fuck should I?” Not one to be deterred, she rose up on the tips of her toes and pressed her nose against mine. Challenging me to continue pushing the matter.

Where she failed was in the way her chest expanded, taking my scent into her lungs. In the way she grasped my shirt tightly in her hands—the way her fingers twitched and pulled me in the tiniest bit closer. Her eyes, those beautiful emerald eyes, watched me with trepidation, yet there was a miniscule piece of her that was happy to see me.

“Because that woman whose ass you kicked wasn’t my girl.” My hands of their own accord lowered and encircled her waist, holding her against me in case she tried to escape.

Which she tried and failed to do so.

“Bullshit.” Struggling in my grasp, she raised a foot and stomped on mine with the heel of her sandals. Hurt like a fucking bitch, yet I held on. “Let go.”

“Jesus, you’re stubborn.”

“Fuck you,” she muttered with a defiant turn of her head. “How I am is none of your concern.”

“Ashley was just trying to protect me.”

Slim’s head turned to face me so fast I heard it crack. “Protect you from what? A short Cuban chick who weighs 120 pounds soaking wet?”

“It’s something we’ve done for a few years now. She pretends—” Again, I tried to explain, but Slim interrupted, this time with a slender finger placed over my lips.

“Why?” I went to open my mouth and explain, but she pressed the finger harder. “And before you answer, think about it. Be clear and concise. I’m not looking for a long-winded answer to appease me, I want the truth.”

Nodding, I kissed the tip of her digit. “Thank you.”

“Maybe you two should take this to our office?” I’d forgotten all about her parents being there. Her mother brought everything back into focus, and at the same time our eyes wandered the room. We’d attracted attention from everyone within the vicinity, yet not one’s phone was out.

No one cared about making a quick buck off me.

“Let’s go.” With my attention pulled from her for a second, Arianna escaped my hold. Now, she stood beside me with a sheepish smile looking at her parents. “We’ll be out of your hair.”

“Not that it wasn’t better than one of those Spanish soaps your mother watches…but yeah, take it to the back, mija. This isn’t a dinner show.”

“Sorry about that,” I added.

His smile turned into a frown. “Upset her again, and I’ll have our cook dismember you. The man can filet just about anything.”

Looking down at a snickering Slim, I nudged her side. “Is he serious?” I’d never done the whole meet-the-parents crap, never had the need to. But this shit was insane. Dismember? Out of respect I wouldn’t tell him to fuck off, but...

“As a heart attack.” She elbowed me and tilted her head toward her awaiting father. The shit I was putting up with for this girl.

“I’ll try not to. There’s no way that I’ll never upset her—I’m human. Promising anything more would be a blatant lie.” Mr. Garcia seemed appeased by my honesty and smiled, extending a hand out for me to shake. “Are we good now?”

“Welcome to the family,” they replied in unison, and I paled.

“Too soon!” Beside me Arianna shook her head, but I saw the smirk at my discomfort. Brat. Someday I’d get my revenge. My family was just as insane and embarrassing.

Since when was I planning on her meeting them?

Bending down, I picked up everything my girl dropped while they continued to talk. Let them try to make sense of this, because quite frankly, I was a lost little fish. What the fuck was I thinking coming here?

“Cheesy?” Slim waved her tiny hand in front of my face. “No reason to plot your escape yet.”

“I wasn’t.”

“Liar.” That right there was why I was here. That sassy mouth and the twinkle in her eye each time she called me on my shit. Beautiful and smart, there was more to her than the great set of tits and ass. “Want to head back to my place?”

“Is it wrong of me to say ‘fuck yes’ in front of them?”

“I’d be mad if you didn’t.”



“This is me.”
Soft, her voice had turned shy once at her door. Seeing her fidget while pulling the key out of her oversized bag endeared her to me. Showed me a side of her that was different from the ball buster I was accustomed to. “Please ignore the mess from this morning.”

That was such a chick thing to say.             

“It’s fine.” I waved her off and tried to be patient while she opened her door. Once open, I stepped through and then stood to the side waiting for her to walk through. Big mistake. That fucking minute or two while she came in and paused beside me were torture.

She was everywhere inside this space. Her smell—her very essence infiltrated my pores and forced me to succumb to her will. Became a part of me.

Arianna’s home was an extension of her in every sense of the word. Open floor plan from what I could see with clean lines and bright accents. All white walls and furniture, yet the hints of metal throughout made it feel welcoming. Splashes or red, teal, and orange throughout gave the room life. Made it feel like a home.

A place I wanted to desecrate with my come.

Take her on every surface available.

“Are you okay?” Somewhere in the background I heard her concerned voice, yet nothing in that moment could infiltrate the cloud I was trapped in.

“Fuck.” It left me as a pained whimper. Cock hard and pulsing, I fought against everything within me to kiss her. To push her up against the goddamned wall and take what she, without knowing, offered.

Trying to focus on anything but her so I could calm down, I looked around at the non-visible mess she’d mentioned. The proof of its existence—one lonely coffee mug next to a magazine placed on her coffee table.

Looking back toward her, I opened my mouth to crack a joke at what a pig she was, when the door clicked shut. Our eyes met; hers had become hooded and the green of her irises almost nonexistent.

“Would you like something to drink?” Lip caught between her teeth, she roamed my body from head to Converse-covered toe. Its plumpness drew my attention, and my mouth watered. Yearned for a taste.

Under her attention I felt naked. Desired. Truly fucking wanted as a man and not a trophy.

Fist clenched and breathing heavy, I tilted my head toward her couch. “Maybe we should—”

“Hate that I want you,” she hissed a second before fisting my shirt in her smaller hands and pushing me up against the wall. A picture frame fell, and I heard the glass shatter. Stares connected, we stood closer. Bodies pressed together without an inch of separation to be found.

I didn’t give a flying fuck, and neither did she.

The entire place could burn to the ground, and I’d still be right here.

“Feeling’s mutual, Slim.” At my words a hum of approval escaped her; a sexy sound that caused a shiver to run up my spine and settle on the tip of my dick. It twitched against her stomach, and she gasped. “Don’t understand it, baby…I hate complicated. Yet, I can’t stay away. Want you.”

Right as the last word passed through my lips, Arianna did something that changed my life—cursed my existence. I’d never be the same.

She kissed me.

Smashed her lips against my own and stole the very breath from my lungs.

“Son of a bitch,” I moaned as her taste hit my tongue. There was no going back. Lips pressed against my own, she moved against me, rubbing my cock through its denim confines.

Arianna pulled my top lip between hers and licked.

Asked for the entrance I’d yet to give.

Eyes open and staring at my own, she smirked. “More.” Low and sultry, her tone was temptation. Sin. The devil himself whispering in my ear and demanding that I do as I’m told.

This woman had no idea just how much she held me by the balls.


Slim didn’t like being denied, and her eyes narrowed. “As you wish.” Releasing my now stretched shirt, she tried to push off, but couldn’t. “Let go.”

“Again…no.” While she was busy getting mad, I flipped our positions. Her back hit the wall hard and another picture fell; she noticed and tried to look down. With the tip of my fingers under her chin, I pushed her lips back toward mine and pecked them once. “Don’t look away from me.”

She pursed her lips. “Are you looking for an apology?” Infuriating woman just couldn’t stop and see just how enraptured I was by her. With a hand on her cotton-covered hip, I held her in place while grinding my hardened cock against her lower stomach. Physically showed her what my silence didn’t. “Oh God.”

“There isn’t a single part of me that doesn’t need you. Crazy. Fucked. Makes no goddamned sense, but I do.” Fisting a hand in her hair, I tilted her head back. Slim whimpered at the act, and my fingers tightened just to hear the sound again. “Never doubt that this…us…will happen. Not up for discussion. Just is.” Leaning down to her level, I ran the tip of my tongue across her lips. Savored the taste of the cherry Chapstick she wore. “No matter what, I’m not letting you go. Do you understand, Slim?”

With that, I kissed her.

Took from her what she’d stolen from me.

Passion palpable, I took her lips softly. No rush. They molded against the other’s. Teased.

With gentle pressure, Arianna nipped my bottom lip. “Yes. Just please…” she mewled against my mouth “…need more.” Adding just enough pressure to sting, she sucked the bruised skin.

Felt good.

Felt like home.

Her tongue skimmed over my bottom lip once more, asking—no, demanding entrance. An entrance I was all too willing to give now that she understood that this wouldn’t be a one-time thing. That’s she be seeing a lot of me.

Our tongues met, and we both sighed into each other’s mouth. Crazed, we turned feral and took from the other. Teeth clashed and lips became bruised. Electricity flowed—burned through our veins and etched our truths behind closed lids. There was no escape. None needed.

Slowing the kiss down to breathe after a few minutes, I pecked her lips twice and pulled back. Forehead resting against hers, I watched the way her chest heaved and lids fluttered. How she licked those swollen lips to get the last taste of me in her mouth.

“No turning back.” Voice raspy, I spoke through choppy breaths.

“I know.” Green eyes locked onto mine, and her lips turned up at the corners. A sinful smirk. “Maybe we should have that conversation now?”

Not being able to resist myself, I bit into her chin. “Good idea.”

“You are going to be such a pain in my ass,” she mumbled under her breath while pulling out of my arms. This time I let her.

“It’s a great ass, though.” With both hands, I reached down and grabbed a handful of each cheek inside the tight yoga pants she wore. Lifted her up and off the ground and immediately, her legs wrapped around my waist. Tight, her hold was like heaven. With her in my arms, I carried us over to the couch.

The feel of her bare flesh in my hands was indescribable. Electricity flowed through my fingers and up my arms. Tingled, fucking vibrated and caused the head of my cock to swell further. I could feel the tiny bead of pearl-like liquid seep and roll down my hardened length.

Stopping in front, I met her eyes once more. Slim, in this position, wrapped around me, was at my height. Each breath she exhaled, I inhaled. Took her into me.

Snaking her fingers into my hair, she pulled hard and pressed her lips to mine. “We’re combustible. A huge BOOM waiting to happen.”

“Is that so?” Her lips against my own were soft and sweet; I refused to move an inch and lose the connection.

“Yes.” She giggled, and I smiled. The sound of her laughter was adorable.

“You’re a dork, woman.” Sitting down with her in my lap, I situated her round bottom over my knees. In order for us to have that conversation, I couldn’t have the heat from her pussy anywhere near my cock.

“Hey!” Swatting at my chest, she pouted. “If I’m a dork, you’re an asshole.”


As if a light switch had been flipped on, the smile vanished and the distrust from before was back. Slim watched me with calculating eyes, but never removed my hands from her body. Didn’t complain once at how I rubbed soothing circles over her thighs. Nor did she ask me to stop dropping soft kisses here or there.

“Look…” She paused, taking a moment to collect her thoughts. I didn’t rush her; instead, I continued my soft caresses. After a few minutes those gorgeous green eyes brightened, a hint of mischief behind them. “Believing you isn’t the issue here, Cheesy.”

“Jesus,” I groaned. Attacking her neck with bites, I took my revenge on her and also learned that my girl was ticklish. Something I’d be saving for later.

“Behave.” A scold, as if I were a bad puppy. This girl had balls.

“Brat.” It was a weak reply, but I was too busy enjoying the low sighs she made each time I nipped or kissed the skin below her ear.

“Stop.” Immediately I complied with her request and sat back. “Can’t talk with the distractions.”

“Go on.” Yeah, I was smug.

“As I was saying before your rude interruption.” Before she rolled her eyes, she flicked my lip. “No one travels across the country and begs a girl’s parents for help, if all he wanted was a quick fuck.”

“No, definitely not for a quick fuck.” I saw the intent before she’d even raised her hand. This one had a mean streak in her and wasn’t afraid to result to violence. Grasping her hand, I brought the finger she’d used to flick me up to my lips and bit the tip. “Keep those hands to yourself, sweetheart, unless you want to be spanked. But if that’s the case…”

“Will you let me finish?” Exasperated, she raised her hands up in the air. Nodding, I waved her on. “Thank you, Chester.”

“I like hearing you say my name.” And yeah, I kissed her again. Passion filled and with a hint of promise.

Breathless, she pulled back. “She’s your best friend and I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but, and this is a huge
, I need to hear the same words come out of her mouth.”


“That easy?” she said, mimicking my nonchalant tone.

“Ashley fucked up that night—she accepts her fault. But she was doing me a favor.” Needing her closer, I wrapped my arms around her back and pulled her to lie against my chest, her face nestled in to the crook of my neck.

“Explain.” One word, but I heard the fear behind it. Ari wasn’t fully convinced.

Stroking her back, I waited until the tense posture lessened to continue. “Few years back I found myself in a compromising situation. Three women managed to sneak into my room while I was knocked out—trashed from a night of partying. Long story short, they accused me of all types of shit and tried to sell some bullshit story to the tabs. Shit storm would be putting it mildly.”

“Still doesn’t explain Ashley.” Didn’t miss the way she sneered her name. Those two would never get along.

“Was getting to it, you impatient thing.” I kissed the top of her head. “We’ve been friends since we were kids, and at that time she was working as my PA. Still is.” Tiny finger came up and did the “whoop de doo” motion. Ignoring it, I continued. “Ash found them in the room, taking pictures, while I was out to the world. Calling the cops was the least of their worries, and by the time Ashley flipped everything around, the media put them on blast. Treated as whores and much worse. However, then the speculation began and we just…went with it. Everyone thought she was my girl, and we didn’t deny it. Worked for me at the time.”

“And now?” That right there was the make or break question.

Pushing her to sit up, I took her face in my hands and looked deep into her eyes. “Now, it doesn’t. I want you. The whole get to know you and dating shit that never mattered to me. Want it all.”

“That won’t work with her as your girlfriend.” Slim took in a deep breath and let it out slow. “To the media, she’s the one you’re with and I’d be the homewrecker. Not a role I’d be willing to play for anyone. Real or not.”

“You wouldn’t,” I vowed.

“Chester, what are you asking of me?”


“Time,” she repeated in a soft whisper.

“In good conscience, I can’t allow her to be publically humiliated because of me. No casualties left behind on either side. Let me do right by you and her. Please, just let me get to know you while I deal with this…I swear you won’t regret it.”

“I won’t wait on you forever.” It wasn’t a no or a demand that I fuck off.

“Couldn’t ask for something I myself couldn’t do.”

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