I Saw You (23 page)

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Authors: Elena M. Reyes

BOOK: I Saw You
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“Down, tiger,” I whispered low, my lips at her temple. Jade eyes snapped to mine, and what met them was amusement, not the hidden anger she projected at the now fumbling stewardess.

“Of course, ma’am. I’ll let the others know not to disturb.” With a smile as fake as her platinum hair, she turned around and continued up the aisle to her place with the other crew members. Her companions looked our way, but a single glare from me and they sat down.

“Did I fuck up by claiming you like that?” Even after all the reassuring I’d done in the last few days, Slim still didn’t quite believe me. Not a hundred percent anyways.

Didn’t matter. The truth was bound to smack her in the face this trip.

“Hell, no.” Wrapping an arm around her, I pulled her to my side. “I want the world to know that this rock star will never be a bachelor again.”

Thirty Five


“About time you
showed up, Cheetos,” Rick sneered as I walked into the room, causing me to roll my eyes. Fucker knew—they all pushed me to go after her. Cursed me out for letting myself be photographed in the position I was caught in.

Unison bitching is what I received before boarding my plane.

“Quit it, dick.” I walked past him, my hand connecting with the back of his head as I did. “We don’t have time for that crap. Rehearsal starts in ten.”

“Now he’s concerned,” I heard being muttered, and I snapped my eyes toward the person responsible. When would Ashley give it a break already?

Opened my mouth, the acid-filled response sat on the tip of my tongue, but it was Tex that answered. “Back off, Ash. Your job is to assist, not constantly complain.” He was leaning against the wall off to the right of the main stage, bass guitar strapped on and his thumb lazily strumming a few chords. “Tired of it, babe.”

Well that was new and strange. Condescending almost. From what he’d always shown, Tex despised her.

“Shut it,” she spat, her right hand balled into a tight fist at her side. The papers in her hand crumbled, a corner torn. Her harsh glare went from him to me. “There’s a photoshoot scheduled for right before tonight’s show. They want you all dressed up. Suits and tattoos will be the theme for their next issue.”

“Already knew that, Ash. You left me three messages just yesterday.” Walking over to a small table that held drinks and a few snacks, I picked up a bottle of water and chugged half its content down. “Let’s get this over with; I have a Slim to pick up before the event.”

“You brought
back with you!” Ashley threw he hands up in the air, the papers flying up and scattering around the small area. “What happened to slow? To not putting me in a fucked-up position?”

Dropping my half empty bottle on the table, it toppled and water sloshed over the edge. “Quit it.”

“I think you need to leave,” Chris stepped between her and me. When had she gotten this close? “The band as a whole doesn’t need your assistance for the remainder of the night. Get out, and cool off.”

“He’s right. For tonight, leave.” Running an agitated hand down my face, I steeled myself for her reaction. “I’ll be talking to Brenda tomorrow about us releasing a joint statement.” Her face paled at the implications of those words. “No more.”

“You promised.” Glistening eyes met mine, begged silently for me to relent.

“And I’ll keep my word. You won’t be embarrassed, and I’ll make sure it comes across as a mutual decision between exes. That we still care as friends, nothing more.”

“Am I losing my job?”

“No.” To be honest, I always thought we’d just go back to how things were. “Unless you’d like to move on. I’ll respect your decision.”

“Don’t want to leave.”

“Then don’t.”

“Good, we have that covered. Ash,” Tex said, clapping his hands together to draw her attention, “get out. You guys can talk another time. We need to start practice.”

I Saw You...

There’s nothing in the world that could compare to being up on stage. Nothing like the high of the crowd chanting your name; big or small venue, didn’t matter. They’d come alive for you, a euphoric bliss.

Hearing them sing along made you want to leave every part of your soul on that small platform. Bleed for them in return for the love they freely gave.

Made every moment of hardship worth it—this life wasn’t an easy one. More nights away from home than with your family. Living between your tour bus and a hotel; grabbing your luggage became second nature. Eating fast food and crashing hard after a gig.

The moment you stepped out, all that disappeared and the screams of your name became the balm that soothed your tired bones. Best motherfucking drug in the world.

Tonight, though, none of that registered.

While we were playing at a charity event, the venue wasn’t that small. It was one of the few telethons that were televised live and people watched. For the acts or celebrity host, none of it mattered when what was collected made a difference.

Biggest ticket item was our performance. A very select crowd, those that could afford the ticket price, got an intimate unplugged session. The crowd of maybe two hundred in attendance inside the L.A. venue with a meet-and-greet for the VIPs.

“Tonight’s a special night,” I spoke into the mic, and the crowd’s roar slowed into a low thrum. “Apart from the amount of money we are bleeding you dry for.” Everyone laughed; the women in the front screamed they’d pay more for me. “Some very important people are here tonight…” This crowd’s enthusiasm picked up, and a light was shone over them. “The women in my life.”

Front row and a few steps away were my Slim, mother, and sister all holding hands and smiling wide. Again, there were screams. Female fans telling me they wanted to be my girl. Not a single person asked about Ashley.

Cris began to beat his drums in intervals, quick raps against the tops before silence descended, twenty seconds apart until the opening riff of Rick’s guitar intervened and the screams grew defining. Harsh beats permeated the room, heads began to nod, and a few fans in the center of it all pumped their fists.

However, it was my girl’s face I focused on while I crooned the first lyric. Her smile made me feel like a large motherfucking beast pounding his chest. I peacocked it for the crowd from one end to the other. I gave it my all while she mouthed the lyrics back at me.

Our eyes remained locked for the remainder of that song and the next. Every once in a while they would stray and look out into the crowd, but they always found their way home to hers.

Beautiful jade orbs that swam with love—acceptance of me, and the sometimes hard positions I found myself in. While I was my own man, the industry and our fans owned a small part of my life. I was born to be up here, but seeing her so enraptured and happy showed that she was born to be loved by me.

“Who’s ready for our next song? Any requests?”  Names were thrown—shouted at us from all angles.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Rick step towards his mic and smirk. “Can’t hear you!”

More unintelligible shit was shouted, but even before he asked, I had our next choice. Slim and my sister were standing atop their chairs with their hands in the air, smiling and dancing to the slow strum of Cris and Tex continuing to play the end notes of our last song.

Arianna looked up at me from beneath her lashes, and immediately my cock hardened. “Fervor, please,” she mouthed with a pout thrown at the end for good measure. Jesus Christ, this girl.

“Fervor it is,” Rick chuckled with a wink thrown her way.

I Saw You…

“Epic fucking show, guys.” Brian tapped his hand on the door’s frame before walking in. I was in the middle of running a towel through my wet hair after a quick shower. Dressed in only a pair of old jeans and white wife beater, I sat with my bare feet up on a small coffee table in the center of the dressing room. “Do you have any idea how much those rich assholes paid for that show? The foundation reached its goal twice over, and donations are still coming in.”

“That’s good.” Looking over at Mike, I called him over with a finger. Once he was beside me, I asked about the only thing that I gave a shit about at the moment. I’d donated money and time every year, did more than most of Hollywood, but didn’t need to announce it to every outlet that wanted to hear. If you wanted to do something good, just do it—no need for praise. “Where is she?”

“Ms. Garcia is on her way back with your family. Just had to wait a little for the crowd to disperse and get them out safely.” What the fuck did that mean? At my angry expression, he rubbed the back of his neck. “Fight broke out between a few of the VIPs.  Groupies.” Enough said. “No one was hurt, but it all occurred a few steps away from where she and your mother stood talking. Had to contain and then get the women out of here. Their passes were revoked, and they were taken into custody by the police officers working the event.”

“One of the cops even asked me for my number.” My eyes snapped toward the doors and narrowed. There stood my Slim, all smiles with an edge of trouble. She was dressed in a pair of sinfully tight black leather pants and a Deep tank top with my face across her chest. Her exposed red bra peeked through the top of the thin cotton shirt; two mounds pushed up high inside the soft-looking lace.

From head to toe, I fucked her with my eyes. Especially the sexy pair of red pumps on her small feet—they made her high enough to reach my lips without having to drag me down to her level. Or climb my body like…

“Take the shoes off,” I demanded with a growl, and she quirked a brow. A challenge.

“Excuse me, crazy?”

“Off.” Around me I heard the snickers from my boys, but I gave no fucks. I liked my girl short.

“Chester!” my mom chided, her lips twitching as she tried to keep in a chuckle.

“Mom, quit meddling. Leave me and my woman alone.” The whine it came out as had my girl giggling while holding my sister’s hand for support. They both looked close to passing out, and seeing how comfortable they were with each other made me happy. Eased my worry.

“I love this dork.” Gasps came from a few people, but I paid them no mind. They’d get used to the once forbidden word. My eyes were solely on her while she bent at the waist to remove her shoes. How she picked them up with two fingers and sashayed her body over to where I sat. Didn’t say a single word until she’d taken her place on my lap and her shoes lay beside my own on the floor. “Hi.”

“Hi, beautiful.”

“Are they always like this?” Brian’s voice carried through the room, and I’d forgotten he was still here. He stood next to Tex with a beer in hand. “I’m guessing she’s the reason shit went down outside the studio? And back in Miami?”

“The fuck you just said?” Anger singed my veins, and I picked Slim up and settled her down on the couch beside me. “Want to repeat that, Brian?”

“Don’t,” Cris warned him with an edge to his tone. He stopped twirling his drumsticks and stood up, walking across the room to get nose to nose with Brian. “What’s your problem?”

“None. Jesus, Cris, I’m not like that, and you know it.” Brian picked at the label on the bottle in a nervous gesture. “Was about to compliment the girl. I see it now. She’s beautiful. Knockout, really.”

“Glad you do,” I grunted, my girl deciding to plop herself right back on my lap.

She turned sideways, fingers digging through my still damp hair before giving me a quick peck on the lips. “Always so grumpy.”

“Lucky I love you too, or I would’ve dropped you on this…” reaching down, I squeezed a cheek “…cute ass.”

“Did he just say the ‘L’ word?” Tex whispered not so low. “Cause if he did, shit just got real.”

“Dear God, kid, I will beat you if you break the beautiful moment.” Mom glared at my bassist while Heather threw her shoe at him. “Does my heart good.”

“What does your heart good, babe?” Chaz walked in then and wrapped an arm around Mom’s waist. “Should I be jealous?”

At that point it was just too many people in the room, and my boys looked uncomfortable.

“Everyone out.”

“But—” Heather began, and I held a hand up to silence her.

“We have a commitment to wrap up, and I know my girl has to be hungry. No complaints and dinner’s on me…Brazilian steakhouse?” A chorus of “yes” followed, and Slim stood from her place on my lap.

“I’ll go hang with them until you’re done.” Bending at the waist, she framed my face in her hands and squeezed my cheeks in. Had me sitting in a room full of people with puckered lips she proceeded to kiss. “Have fun.”

With that, she walked out with half of the room’s occupants.

“She’s good for you.” Brian spoke up just as I’d picked up my shades from the coffee table. “Haven’t seen you this happy ever, and I’m going to take a wild guess here...”

“Speak up or we’re going to be late,” Rick grumbled, punching my shoulder on the way out.

“We need to draw up a press release and soon, announcing that you and Ashley are?”

“Fucking done.”

Thirty Six

“Seriously, Cheesy?”
Slim stood in front of me with a hand on her hip, a perfectly arched brow aimed at me. “You’re putting me to work? Why?”

“Because.” Yeah, not brilliant, but all I could come up with at the moment. My girl was adorable. Dressed in an oversized pair of overalls that I’d gone out and bought this morning at the closest hardware store. One of those mom-and-pop shops that had everything you’d need at a slightly higher price than the bigger chain stores.

“I’m going to need something better than that,” she deadpanned while holding her pant legs up. They engulfed her, covered her tiny foot in its entirety.

“Want me to be honest?” Ari nodded, lips pursed out in a too-cute-for-words pout. “I got nothing.”

Releasing one pant leg, she brought her hand up and smacked my chest. “You’re an ass. Brought me all the way here, took me away from work, and all to come paint a room in your house of all things. Just devious, Mr. Greene.”

“I love it when you’re devious—naughty too now that I think about it.” My hand pressed hers against my chest. Let her feel the way my heart beat for her every time she was near. “But at the moment, what I’ll enjoy most of all…” wrapping my other arm around her, I pulled her in closer “…is how sexy you’ll look while holding that roller against the wall. How your ass will sway from side to fucking side while you use a paintbrush to touch up corners. High and arched while you stand on my ladder and tape the ceiling’s edge.”

“And what will you be doing while I slave for you?”


“If you think for one minute…shit!” she squeaked as I picked her up. My hands wandered down her body and settled on her ass. A good squeeze and she was up and off the floor. Long legs wrapped themselves around my waist and tightened. “Quit using your powers of manhandling against me, jerk.” With one hand she cradled my jaw, pushing my cheeks together so they formed a fish face. The other she used to draw a line across my eyebrows, from the left to the right and pausing at the clear earring I was using at the moment to keep the hole open. She flicked the clear tip once while her eyes furrowed. “How come I never noticed you had a piercing here? Anywhere else I’ve been too preoccupied to notice?”

“No, just that one and it’s quite understandable. Expected.” Chuckling, I skimmed my fingers up her back until reaching the edge of her neck. Cupping it, I held her squirming body firmly in my grasp with both hands—the one on her ass massaging the firm flesh there. Soft, light brown locks skimmed the back of my forearm. “You were

“Tell me you didn’t just say that? That’s not a real word, Cheesy.”

I shrugged at her with a smirk across my lips. “My house. My rules. My made-up words.”

Slim shook her head while giggling. “Incorrigible.”

-tator is more like it.”

“Oh God, please stop.” Arianna hid her face in the crook of my neck while peals of laughter bubbled out of her.

“Dick-pologize and I will.” Had to throw that in there.

“I’m sorry?” she posed it as a question while looking at me, trying like hell to look serious. Nevertheless, her lip twitching gave her away. “I’ll behave, promise. I’ll even work for some of that big dick later.”

“How could I not accept an offer like that?” Bringing her face closer to my own, I kissed her. Quick and rough, I swiped my tongue over her bottom lip. Hers parted and she exhaled and for a moment I just stood there. Took her exhale into my lungs and groaned, her natural sweetness coating my lips.

Tiny fingers dug into my arms and pressed closer. Returned my kiss with an urgency that almost bowled me over. My lungs began to burn, but I couldn’t move. Wouldn’t. Not if it meant that we’d be separated for any length of time.

Arianna slowed the kiss down after another minute, not pulling away, just lighter touches between quick intakes of breath.

Leaning her forehead against my own, she sighed. “Let’s get to work.”

“You don’t sound too excited to be helping your amazing boyfriend with his D.I.Y. project here. Where’s the enthusiasm?” I lowered her down, placed her Nike-covered feet over my own, and rocked from side to side. “If you’d prefer to just hang out, that’s cool too. All I want is a quiet and fun day with you. Just you, and maybe a beer or two in between.”

“Whoever told you that painting a room is fun should be shot.” Tilting her head to the side, Slim pursed her lips while contemplating something. “Or they had the right idea and you didn’t quite understand which kind of paint they were talking about.”

“My come is the only thing I need to paint your body.” Angling her face up, I bit her lip once, a hard nip that made her whine low in her throat. “You’re the canvas, and my cock the brush.”

“Jesus,” she mewled before pushing me back with both hands. Creating enough space, she disentangled herself from my hold, walked across the room, and picked up a paint brush. Tossed it at me with a quick flick of her wrist; shit looked like a professional toss. “Don’t look at me like that, Cheesy, my dad is a baseball fanatic. Playing ball is in our blood and girl or no, I know how to throw a mean curveball.”

“You are an expert at handling mine, so…” I winked, and she blushed. Motherfucking adorable and a distraction all at once. Behind the fabric of my basketball shorts I twitched, and her eyes followed the movement.

Eyes almost pitch black looked up at me from beneath her long lashes. “Grab some paint and start on the other side.”

Giving her my most innocent grin, I took a step closer. “Why? I wanted to help.”

“Go.” Arianna backed up. For every step I took she moved back two. “You wanted the room painted. So that’s just what we’ll do. All work and no play…”

“Makes for a very dull afternoon,” I growled out before attacking. Picking her tiny little ass up, I threw her over my shoulder and marched over to the ladder over by the longest wall. Placed her on the bottom step and stretched out the ends of the tarp beneath us. “Stay.”

At my order, she raised a hand and gave me a saucy salute. “Yes, sir.”

“Brat.” Reaching down, I pinched her right cheek. “Don’t move.”

Within seconds I was back, a baseball cap in one hand and a bandana in the other. Slim’s hair was placed in a messy bun atop her head, the shiny mass looking sexier than it should. Made her look hot and well fucked, as if she could care less about her appearance.

A quick kiss to her pouty lips and I placed the hat atop her head, tucking all the stray ends underneath. Fuck, she looked beautiful—no makeup, one of my old tank tops, and the oversized overalls. Perfection. Exquisite. Mine.

“Thank you, babe.” Slim lifted the bill of the cap a bit and smiled. “I was worried about that…you know, splashing and stray drops. Paint’s a bitch to get out.”

“Welcome.” Running a hand through my own hair, I pulled it back and away from my face. Tied the black bandana in place and looked back at her. “Ready?”

Hooded eyes met mine, lip caught between her teeth. “No.”

“Turn around and start cutting the edge, Slim,” Gruff, it left me on a strangled groan. “Paint for me.”


“Now.” Grasping her hips in my hands, I dug my fingers in. Just a bit. “Faster we get done…” After turning her around, I placed the paintbrush in her hand. On the ladder there was a small painter’s cup full to the rim of the taupe paint, one of the three colors I’d chosen for this room.

White. Black. Taupe. All three would end on her body somehow. I wanted to see her dirty. Fucking filthy.

“You suck.” I heard the pout in her tone.
No, but you will.

“Paint for me.” Slim shuddered at the roughness of my voice. It’d gone lower, the raw hunger I held coming straight across. There was no confusion in where this would end up.

Slowly, and with so much care, she dipped the brush inside. Just the end and then pulled out, swiping the bristles over the cup’s rim. Excess paint scraped off, she reached up and made one straight line across the wall’s edge. Her hand remained steady, her focus precise, and I found it oh so sexy to see her work.

Two hands—my rough and calloused fingers—skimmed up her front and toward the flap of her overalls. Unbuttoning the two thin flaps that held her bottoms up, I caressed—swiped the tips across her puckered nipples. Fuck, my mouth watered while Arianna’s back arched, her overalls pooled at her feet.

“Fuck.” It left her as a hiss, and the paintbrush in her hand fell. Slowly it tumbled down her arm and onto her thigh, splattering us both.

One color down.

“Paint.” At my demand, she shook. Lips pressed against the center of her back, I kissed the small birthmark there before reaching for the discarded brush. Taking her hand in one of mine, I dipped it back inside the paint. “I want your touch over every corner of this room. You’re my inspiration. My muse.”

Slowly, her hand reached up while I returned to my spot, holding her in my hands, squeezing the supple flesh before flicking each bud with a hint of force, enough to sting and make her clumsy. She managed two swipes this time before I pulled on the puckered tip and her hips bucked. The ladder moved, and another dollop of paint fell from over the cup’s rim.

“Shit!” Arianna squeaked and bent forward to catch herself. Her thin top scraped across the cup filled with paint, right onto her left breast and my hands that held the perky tit tightly in its grasp.

I massaged the taupe into her skin while the excess rolled down her midsection.

“Think we need a new color,” I mused aloud while stepping back, just far enough to grab the canister and place it on the small ledge of the ladder. Opened it and dipped two fingers in. Brought the black-drenched fingers to her right breast and drew another small circle. Her gasp and the way she broke out in goosebumps was more than enough proof that she enjoyed my game.

A taupe hand met the black one over the front of her tank and pulled at the seams. Inside the quiet room only our labored breathing could be heard, the sound loud and erotic. Slow, and with precise movements, I tore the top from her body and flung it behind me.

It was never my intention to make this room perfect. I wanted a chaotic mess. Different strokes and splatters, her body and mine, marking every square inch of available surface.

“What are you doing?” Rhetorical question if you asked me. With her overalls down to her feet and her shirt gone, I picked her up and pushed the remaining material off. Shoes and all.

There, I held my Slim’s naked body with the strokes from my own painting on her flesh. Her tattoos enthralled me; the cluster of stars and the colorful design of her quill were beautiful.

Bright and delicate, just like she was.

“Well, first, I’m going to place you like this…” Placing her feet on the second to lowest level on the ladder, I pressed her against the metal surface. With my hands I positioned her to my liking, raising one leg and then placing it on the level above the other.

The way her ass stood out was a thing of beauty. Motherfucking wet dream come to life.

Dropping my own bottoms, I kicked them off along with my shoes across the room.
They hit the wall with enough force to damage the drywall. Gave no fucks either.

“You said paint, not let me fuck you. There was no mention of the word ‘please’ either.” Her haughty tone caused me to chuckle while fisting my cock. Looking over at me from over her shoulder, Slim licked her bottom lip before biting down on the pliant flesh. “Although…”

“What?” I asked while raking my eyes up and down her form. She was just at the perfect height, ass up high and back arched. Running the head of my dick across her slit, I gathered the wetness there before giving one shallow thrust. Half my length and then pulled out. Those slick lips of her grasped at me, tried to pull me back in, but I held back.

Instead, I ate her with my eyes. Enjoyed the wetness that seeped—her slickness formed at the edge of her opening and ran down her thighs. Goddamned bewitching.

“Could just finish myself off. Never needed a man…son of a bitch!” she choked out as my cock filled her to the hilt. In one smooth flex of my hips, I was buried deep inside her heat—surrounded by her tightness. Her walls fluttered, massaged my cock while I grit my teeth and tried not to come.

She felt too good.

“This won’t be long.” Warning her, I pulled all the way out and then slammed back in. Over and over, not giving a fuck about the way I was taking her. How hard or the way the metal edges of the ladder destroyed my wall. “Make it up to you later.”

The world could crumble around me, and it wouldn’t make a lick of difference. All that mattered was this. Us. Now.

“Just fuck me.”

With a hand on her hip, I pushed in fast and hard. “Never. Fucking. Beg. Me.” She mewled low, a small whine in the back of her throat while rising up on the tip of her toes. That goddamned noise made me wild. A lick of fire traveled up my spine and settled on my heavy balls. “Everything I am is yours, Slim. Motherfucking yours.”

I swelled—throbbed inside her while she tried to coax the come from me. Tight, almost to the point of pain, she held me captive and swiveled her hips. One hand reached up and wrapped her long locks around my fist. Pulled her head back, stretched her neck, and forced her back to arch further.

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