I Saw You (18 page)

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Authors: Elena M. Reyes

BOOK: I Saw You
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I wanted to be her partner.

Do this with her.

Even if I had to tie her little ass down and sign the papers behind her back.

“I’m in.”

Twenty Six


“Do you have everything
you need?” We were at the airport, both wearing glum expressions while the time of her visit drew to a close. Snuggled into my side, she rested her head on my shoulder while watching planes take off.

I’d been lucky enough to change her ticket last minute. Instead of the mid-morning takeoff, we were looking at a late evening flight. First class had its benefits, especially for celebrities who were given that extra mile when it came to their comfort.

Private entrances let me in and out without much fuss. I’d traveled enough through LAX to know most of the employees that worked here. Seeing the rich and famous didn’t have the same novelty effect anymore.

“Yeah.” Low, she whispered her answer while looking straight ahead. We were a pathetic bunch.

“Look at me.” Slim shook her head no. “Please.”

“I’m just being a big baby. Ignore me. Okay?” Was out of her goddamned mind if she thought there weren’t things that needed clarification. One being our relationship status.

“No, I won’t, sweet girl.” At the term of endearment, she turned to look over at me. A stray tear fell down her cheek. Arianna tried and failed to be discreet. She wiped it away before I noticed, but I saw the action.

Turning in my seat, I cupped her face with one hand. “Tonight, when you get home, do you know the first thing I expect you to do?”

“No,” she said and then sniffed.

“Call your boyfriend.” Her smile was back, and it warmed my heart. “He’ll be worried sick until he hears from you.”

“Is that so? Because I don’t remember having one.”
I tickled her. No other way to describe what I did, but I attacked her where I knew she was vulnerable. My fingers dug in, and she squealed. “No one’s asked me!”

Pausing my actions, I pulled her face closer. Our lips brushed. “Thought my cock inside your tight cunt was more than asking.”

“Cheesy,” she gasped, then narrowed her eyes. “Haven’t you ever heard of a fuck buddy or one-night stand? As in, one time and that was all.”

“Fucking bullshit and you know it.”

“Must you be so crass?”

“Then don’t push me, Slim. You and I both know this isn’t a one-time deal.” Nipping her bottom lip, I pulled it between my teeth and bit down. “If it were, you wouldn’t be sitting here missing me already.”

With a hiss, she pulled away and crossed her arms over her chest. Glared me down. “Don’t assume and ask me, Chester Greene. Ask before I get back on that plane.”

“Be mine, Arianna Garcia.”

“Be your what?” Slim asked tentively, trying and failing to hide the shy smile breaking through.

“My everything.” Two words, but they encompassed what I wanted. Everything. With her.

“Well, shit.” That time tears fell with wild abandon. There no hiding behind indifference. This was her, unguarded and showing how she felt. “Yes.”

“Thank you, sweet girl. I promise that this,” I said while pointing between us, “will work.”

“It better, or I’ll kick your ass.” Leave it to this tiny woman to laugh and cry at the same time.

Now boarding flight 61208 from Los Angeles to Miami.

“That’s me.” Arianna stood from her chair and faced me. “Get up and give me a proper goodbye.”

Instead of answering her crazy ass, I pulled her into my arms and kissed her. Poured every bit of the feeling I held for her. Might not be all encompassing love yet, but fuck, it was getting there and fast.

Never had I been so consumed—wanted to spend all of my time with a woman.

Never introduced her to my friends and band mates.

Never wanted to take her home to my mother.

Never. Ever. Taken one to the studio and let her see such an intimate part of who I am. The kind of man I am.

Slowing the kiss, I laid my forehead against hers. “I have some free time coming up, Slim. Can I fly down and spend it with you?”

“I’d be offended if you didn’t.” Her hands came up and cradled my jaw. “I want all your free time, if possible.”



I Saw You...

“Look what the cat dragged in. You still work here?” I’d been at the studio all of an hour when Ashley knocked on the door. Security called to ask if I wanted her buzzed up, and I grudgingly accepted.

Even though I wasn’t in the mood for visitors, there were still things it seemed that needed to be discussed. Like why she disappeared all these days. Made herself scarce. Flat out refused every invitation I made to hang out with us.

Both in the studio and at my home.

Ashley didn’t want to take the time and get to know Arianna. More than clear, I was now convinced that the incident at the club was done on purpose. Not that I told my girl this, but she wasn’t dumb.

“Didn’t come here to fight, Cheetos.” Ashley took her seat across from me on a couch against the wall in my direct line of sight. Opposite the piano I sat behind. “Just needed to see how you were. It’s been a few days—”

“You made yourself scarce, Ash. No one asked you to be.” Had to interrupt her. Today wasn’t the day to pull her crap.

“Isn’t that what you wanted, though? While you were off playing house. Couldn’t have your ‘girlfriend’…” sarcasm and air quotes accompanied her cold glare “...interrupting.” I expected her to feel slighted, but never the venom in her tone, much less have it directed at me when I’d been more than clear. “Didn’t want to be in the way.”

“Bullshit, and you know it.” With more force than necessary, I slammed the lid to my piano closed. “If you’re going to sit here and once again pin your shit on me, leave. Door’s right there, sweetheart. Let’s not waste our time anymore.”

She gasped at the hard truth and brought a hand up to her chest. “Are you serious?”

Some people go through life hearing what they wanted and not facing reality. Enough with the games. The dramatics. All for what? So she could be happy inside a fake bubble?


We were all too old for this shit.

“Get out, or sit the fuck down and talk. Really talk to me.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Ash asked tentively, standing up from her place on the couch. With measured steps she walked over to where I stood. Three steps from my bench, she paused and wrung her hands. “I didn’t come here to argue. That was never the point.”



Not trying to stir the anger brimming beneath the surface of my skin.

“How did you know I’d be here?” That was also something that I found weird. We haven’t spoken in a few days, since she popped up uninvited. “Better yet, how did you get into my house without the gate code?”

“Drove past here on the way to your house…Tex said she was leaving—”

I raised an incredulous brow at that. “Why would he share that with you? You two barely tolerate the other?”

“Wasn’t to me per se…” she shifted her weight from foot to foot “…I happened to be at the same place for lunch as him and Cris. He mentioned it just as I’d stopped at their table to say ‘hi.’ It was out of his mouth before he could stop it.”

“Do you realize how stalker-ish that sounds?”

“I was there on a date, Chester.” Well, shit; that was the last thing I expected her to say. “Well, not a date
…more like catching up with a good friend. You remember Ritchie?”

“The cokehead?” I growled, hands clenched over the top of the piano. “The same asshole that stole from you, and then shoved you up against a wall the night I fucked him up?”

“He’s been clean now for two years and wanted to apologize.” Ashely shrugged, her finger skimming over the wooden edge. “Not the same man I once knew.”

“Good for fucking him,” I snapped, running an agitated hand down my face.

“Jealous?” At her stupid question, I narrowed my eyes. “Maybe not.”

“How did you get past the gate?”

“I’ve always had the code,” Ashley quipped, her own eyes narrowing while she ticked things off with her fingers. “Who set up the alarm company appointment? Who met with them while you were in the studio recording?”

“Understood, but I set up my own codes.”

Fisting her blonde locks in her hand, she pulled hard. “And my email is attached to your account. Any changes are sent to my email along with yours; part of my job, Cheetos. You know, what you pay me for.”

All this time.

“I’ve never let myself in before.”

“Again, bullshit.” Lifting the fold over the keys, I tilted my head in the direction of the door. “Leave.”

“You’re willing to throw away years of friendship over a woman you just met?” she choked out. Her hand came down with force, knocking off the few music sheets I’d been writing on. “A virtual stranger?”

Looking up, what I found made me feel like shit all over again. “Wish you would listen to what I’m actually saying versus picking up what you want in conversation.”

Never was it my intention to hurt her. More than anything, I just wanted my friend back. Best friend.

“Do I mean so little to you?”

“Believe it or not, Ashley; I love you...” a small smile bloomed across her features “...as a sister. Family.”

Pain flickered in her eyes, yet it vanished just as quickly as it came. “Then why are you treating me like this? As if I’m the asshole in this scenario.”

“Want the truth? Or what you want to hear?” Because while I felt responsible, it didn’t negate her error in this mess or my own for that matter. It was my fame that put us in this position, yet my fault for accepting her proposal.


That caused me to snort. “Sure about that?”

Her eyes narrowed, and a hand went to her hip. “Don’t be an ass, Cheesy.”

“Never call me that.” Fuck, no. Only Slim could call me that. From her lips it was cute, but from anyone else it just felt wrong.

“Why? That Arianna girl does,” Ash demanded, her tone snooty.

“She’s my girl, Ash. That gives—”

“When the fuck did that happen?” And we were back to tears. They began to roll down her face a minute before her chin quivered. Sad blue eyes met mine, demanded an explanation. “Just like that? Without talking to me? You’d embarrass me like that.”

“Come here.” Reaching over, I pulled her stiff body down to sit next to me on the bench. “Sit. We need to talk.” At first she fought me, tried pulling her hand from mine, but in the end gave in.

Leaned into me while choking on a sob.

The roller coaster of emotions I’d been on as of late was beginning to wear me down. No matter what I did or how I handled things, I couldn’t win.

Either I hurt her, or my girl. Neither was acceptable.

“Let me go,” she whimpered. Ignoring her, I tightened my hold. Turning on the bench, I straddled the padded seat while wrapping her in my arms. Pulled her into my chest while rocking us both back and forth.

Waited until she’d calmed down enough where we could talk.

I understood her in a sense. Change was never something people accepted with ease. She’d lost her place in my life and had to acclimate to there being another woman.

One I was more than beginning to fall for.

Because I was.




It was all of the above and more.

More than just friendship. More than just lust or need.

Affection that grew the more time we spent together. Missed her, and it was the first of the many times we’d be apart.

“Are you paying attention? Calmed enough to talk?” A nod, but she remained silent. “Listen, because I will only say this once. Okay?”

“Yes.” Ashley said, meek and low.

“You are my best friend, and that won’t change just because I have someone in my life. I care
her, but I’d never hurt you because
her. Our relationship in the media will end…” she stiffened again and tried to pry my hands off, but I kept on talking “...slowly. With mutual respect. We will handle this with care, Ashley. That’s something Arianna will have to understand.”

“Do you promise?” Seemed my response was all she needed; she became compliant in my arms.

“I do.”

“I trust you, Cheetos.” Intertwining our fingers, she pressed herself closer. “You’ll handle this—her, correctly.”

Kissing the crown of her head, I squeezed her once before letting go and standing up. “And I trust you. Don’t make me regret it.”

Twenty Seven


I’m in! ~Slim.

I’m in! ~Slim.

I’m in! ~Slim.

That was all she sent me more than three days ago. Three days with no communication whatsoever. She was busy, and my hours in the studio were ridiculous. Morning, noon, and night cooped up in a small room with the guys while we tried to wrap up the next album.

Writing late into the night used to be my vice. Now, it’s like a noose around my neck. Not because I didn’t enjoy the process, but because I had someone on my mind.

Someone who was thousands of miles away and too busy to send me a fucking pigeon with a note around its neck. Not a smoke signal. Nothing, and it fucking sucked.

I’m in! ~Slim.

Never, not once, did I take into consideration that she wasn’t the kind of woman who needed constant contact. Didn’t need reassurance or for me to hold her hand. Fake girlfriend and all, Ashley constantly interjected herself into situations that were none of her concern.

Needed to know where I was. If it wasn’t scheduled by her, she needed to know the three Ws: whom, what, and why didn’t I consult with her.

This indifference from Arianna bothered me.

I’d always had one fear when it came to relationships; losing my freedom. Still, I knew with Slim it would be worth the headache, yet three days had gone by and not a single peep. What the fuck?

Going into this with her, I’d begun to expect the same treatment as I had with Ash. Reality was different, smacking me dead in the face, and I just didn’t know how to feel about it.

Stepping out of the shower, I heard the faint sound of ringing coming from my room. Didn’t sound like my phone’s ringtone?

Just as soon as I’d heard the annoying sound, it stopped, only to start again.

Wrapping a towel around my waist, I exited my bathroom and walked deeper into my room. The ringing went off again, coming from the opened laptop atop my bed. Something I was surprised about. No one Skyped me.

Once again it rung.

Water dripped onto my floor and bedspread as I picked up the computer.

Her face looked back at me. A tiny picture of her that looked a few years old, but her beauty was breathtaking. Perfection. I truly missed my girl.

Clicking to accept the call, I climbed up the mattress and settled in. A second or two passed before her sleepy face came over the screen. No makeup. Natural and sweet.


“Hey, beautiful,” I crooned low, body reacting to the shy smile across her plump lips. From soft to full mast, I hardened for her. “Missed your pretty face.”

“God, it’s good to see yours.” That groan she released settled on the tip of my engorged head, causing a small bead to pool at the tip. My hips flexed up, a minute movement—rubbed myself against the terry cloth fabric still wrapped around my waist.

Up until that very moment, it hadn’t hit me just how much I yearned for:

Her smell.

Her softness.

Her smiles.

Every single part of her that she’d spoiled me with over her short visit.

Arianna’s giggle caught my attention, and my eyes focused on her lips. “Such a perv.”

“What?” I spluttered, caught off guard by the remark. “How am I a perv?”

“You’re going to deny that you were thinking about…” she trailed off and bit her lip. Caught it between her teeth, causing it distress. To swell just a bit. Slim’s mere smile turned me into a deranged and out of my goddamned mind asshole who wanted nothing more than a taste.

One lick or bite. At that moment in time, I wasn’t fussy in the least.

“Not at all.” Moving the computer just a tiny bit lower, I undid my towel and let her see the evidence of what she did to me. “Not ashamed to admit how much I want you.”

“Fuck.” Mumbled or not, I heard her loud and clear. So did my cock by the twitch it gave for her.

“When can I see you again?” Had to be motherfucking asked. “I’m not good at the silence from your end.”

“Sorry about that.” A sheepish smile before grabbing her computer and turning to walk toward what I knew to be her bed. At the edge, she paused and gave me what I could describe as an apologetic look. “Didn’t mean to, babe. I’m just not used to explaining myself—checking in with anyone. I’ve been on my own for years.”

While I shouldn’t take offense to that, I did. What made her think that the bullshit excuse would placate me? I gave no fucks about who was in her life before me. Inconsequential, to be honest. To me, it didn’t matter how long between relationships or the fact that she was independent.

When she left my home and got on that fucking plane as my girl, nothing from her past mattered. Being mine came with responsibilities; communicating with me was top priority.

“Don’t care,” I spat the words and grabbed at the towel close to my thigh. “You left here days ago, sweet girl. Days.” I covered myself, something she followed with her eyes. “Your first priority should’ve been to call your
” I stressed the word, “not play catch-up days later.”

“I’m just not used to this.” Slim waved a finger between her and the screen. “Please understand that I don’t do it on purpose.”

“Neither am I.” Running an agitated hand down my face, I took a minute to collect myself. Again, the raging emotions were taking hold. Between her and Ashley, I’d go gray in a few months. “Haven’t been in a relationship—”

Her snort interrupted me. “In your words: bull and shit.”

My eyes narrowed, and she raised a brow. “Excuse me?”

“Fake or not, you’ve had a girlfriend for years. A woman who is a constant in your life.” My mouth opened to reply, but she held a finger up, effectively silencing my rebuttal. “Fighting with you is the last thing on my mind, Chester, but I won’t be made into the asshole here.”

“How many times do I need to explain that I don’t want her?” Son of a bitch, how hard was it to understand? Didn’t want Ash that way.

Ignoring my question, she hoped up on the bed and placed her laptop atop what looked to be a breakfast tray. Angling the screen down toward her, she nodded and then got comfortable.

Arianna lay on her stomach with her elbow propped on the mattress holding her face up to my view. Knees bent and feet up in the air, I had the perfect view of her behind. That ass, though.



Boy shorts, tiny and yellow, covered most of those tight cheeks. The tips peeked out and with each swing of her feet, they jiggled in the most enticing of ways. Made me forget my argument.

If her mission had been to distract me, she’d won. Hands down, motherfucking won.

My girl was out for blood at the moment. Caused my life force to rush once more toward my cock and swell.

“Ashley’s always there, Cheesy,” she deadpanned, and my eyes snapped back up to hers. I left the glorious sight of each globe, an annoyance which had me glaring at the screen. “You share a bond with her.”

“Your point?” Wrong motherfucking words. Could tell immediately. The words had barely passed through my lips when her eyes grew hard.

Stare cold.

The small hand not holding her face up tightened into a fist atop the mattress. “Let’s not waste our time here.”

; never had six words stung so badly.

That ache, the one from weeks ago, came back and I rubbed the spot. “Not up for discussion.”

Scrambling up on the bed, she sat up on her knees. “The hell? Doesn’t work that way, Mr. Greene.”

Now, I had to rub something else, and for an entirely different reasons.

No makeup. Fresh faced. And her long, light brown hair cascaded down her back in loose curls. Beautiful. The word couldn’t even begin to describe how she looked. My girl was all soft and warm—comfortable in her underwear and tank top.

I wanted to be there with her. Wrap her in my arms and kiss her. Take her. Fuck her. Remind of her of why she was mine again.

“I don’t want to fight, Ari.” I sighed, running a hand through my long hair. The Mohawk had gotten long and needed a trim. “All I’ve wanted these last few days was to see your face. To enjoy my Slim.” At the term of endearment, her expression softened.

“Missed you,” she murmured. Her rigid posture loosened, and her hand dropped from her hip.

“Fuck, did I miss you.”

“Don’t like you mad at me.” Disappointment tinged her tone. “And I’m sorry for not calling. Promise to work on that, but...”

I hated buts. How did an apology work with a
situated between the words?

“What?” Somehow, in the strange Slim-revolving world I now occupied, the tables had been turned. Saw it clear as day. “How is this on me?” Resolved to my fate, I laid my head back and looked up toward my ceiling. “What am I sorry for?”

“You didn’t call me either.”
Fuck, I know.
“Phones work both ways.”



“Not that it’s an excuse, but shit hit the fan a bit over here.” Beside me the phone chirped, and without looking down I reached for it. Having thrown it on the bed before taking a shower, it was on the pillow beside me. Picking it up, I brought it up to my face and noticed it was a text.

Are we on for movie night? ~Ashley

What was once okay between friends wasn’t anymore. Movie nights between lulls in my schedule were normal. Something I did with my best friend. Couldn’t anymore.

Arianna wouldn’t see it that way. Part of me hated that I had to choose. Resented that I was put in this situation to begin with.

Ashley flipped the script on me without notice, and now I was stuck in a difficult position.

I couldn’t keep my close relationship with Ash while Arianna was my girl.

I shouldn’t have to choose.

“From the look on your face, you’re either not happy with the person texting or the text itself.” Not a question. Moreover, by the sudden annoyed look on her face, I could surmise that she knew just who it was.

Tapping out a quick “no,” I tossed the phone toward the end of the bed. No time like the present to get this shit over with.

“We need to talk.”

“Go ahead, but I can already take a wild guess here. Ashley?” I nodded, and the hands on her lap clenched. She opened and closed them three times before turning around on her knees and crawling up the bed. All the way to the headboard, before turning around and getting comfortable.

“Fuck,” I groaned aloud and bit into my knuckles. How does one function with that in your face?

Once situated, she crossed her ankles and looked at me with a perfectly arched brow. “What now?”

“We talked.”

“Uh huh...” Two fingers were twirled around in the air. “Go on.”

Taking in a deep breath, I let it out slow all the while trying to gather the right words. “She asks that I don’t embarrass her in the public’s eye, something that I find reasonable. That I don’t make her look like she wasn’t enough to keep me.”

“Uh huh…” Arianna didn’t move from her seat, just watched me with a neutral expression.

“Ashley proposed that we do this transition slow.”

“Uh huh…”

“That we get to know each other behind closed doors, take our time. Keep this to ourselves while I dissolve our relationship and give the breakup time to become old news. Not give the celebrity hounds anything new to latch on to, and I agree. They will bleed you dry, Slim. You’re not used—”

“I dated the city’s golden boy a few years’ back.” Her voice was low as she spoke, too calm. “He’s the biggest basketball player in the game as we speak.” Jealousy burned through my veins, choked me, and made see things in a reasonable way damn near impossible. Fuck not caring. Wanted the motherfucker dead, or at the very least for him to break his leg this season. “I know the media,
. How ruthless they can be. I’ve hung out with it all in your circles. Your celebrity status does not scare me, nor am I blind to our reality.”

“What she says does have merit, Ari. I’d like to keep this between us.”

“To protect her.”

“To enjoy you.”

“To make her happy.”

“Dammit,” I hissed out through clenched teeth, hands rubbing at my tired eyes. Looking over at the nightstand, I realized it was already two a.m. my time. So late. “It’s not like that. Please, just give me—us—some time to get this right. I know it’s not your fault, and that my asking this isn’t fair, but please, just trust me. I won’t hurt you or

“Okay.” That’s it? Didn’t trust the all-too-calm demeanor.

While her face and body language seemed calm, her eyes gave her away. Unhappy would be putting it mildly. What I was asking hurt her, but she was willing to wait.

“You won’t regret trusting me,” I vowed while my finger caressed her face on the screen. “I’ll make you so happy.”

“I’m sure you will
…” I winced at her confidence, how sure she seemed that I would fail “…but let me make one thing clear, Chester. Keep something in mind.” Didn’t go unnoticed that she didn’t use the nickname she’d given me.

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