I Want My MTV (31 page)

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Authors: Craig Marks

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John Sykes wanted us to do an MTV contest. I said, “You know, we're not really the contest types,” but they came up with the idea of being a Bruce roadie for a day. It was an enormous success in terms of the number of people who entered, and some nice kid won a signed guitar, and they filmed a little reel of him pretending to do different tasks. That promotion probably had the impact of a couple of videos.
As MTV became the primary outlet for pop music, everybody started putting as much effort into videos as they did into recording a song. Other acts came along, doing more adventurous videos, so you had to keep up. You could no longer just have a guy standing there strumming his guitar.
“Love Is a Battlefield” was about a runaway. I give Pat Benatar credit, because she was not a dancer, at all. But she almost pulled it off.
The choreographer on “Love Is a Battlefield” was Michael Peters, who worked with Michael Jackson. And I have two left feet. That
five, six, seven, eight
style of dancing? Are you fucking nuts? I can't do that.
So there I was, like, “Oh good Christ, what have I gotten myself into?” I hated it so much. I was crying, and Michael Peters is like, “Come on!” I'm happy I did it, but I can't say there was one moment when it was pleasant. When I do the song live now, I go back by the drums and do the “Battlefield” dance for like eight seconds, and the crowd goes nuts.
I thought “Love Is a Battlefield” was quite good, with the threatening gang of dancing women coming toward the camera. I also liked all of Cyndi Lauper's stuff. She was unconventional in terms of how she looked, so it was encouraging to those of us who were young women at the time.
I wanted “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” to be an anthem for women around the world—and I mean
women—and a sustaining message that we are powerful human beings. I made sure that when a woman saw the video, she would see herself represented, whether she was thin or heavy, glamorous or not, and whatever race she was. It was about representing as many different women as I could. And I cast my mother, to be honest, because I just wanted to hang out with her. And you know what? She was a natural.
MTV compounded the possibility of overexposure. I think Cyndi Lauper got caught in the MTV trap. Her image became frozen because of MTV. Which is unfortunate, because she's a very talented artist. She should have had a stronger career. If Madonna hadn't been a marketing genius and reinvented herself from album to album, she would have been toast many years ago.
Funny, my manager, she now says that maybe my image became so big that my talent got hidden. I can see that now, but we put our energy into making videos because I got more love from MTV at first than I did from radio.
I think I picked up on how the business worked really quickly. The way people in record companies respond when they see someone who genuinely knows what he's doing is unbelievable; they never say
. It starts with what to do for videos, then it becomes what singles should be released.
JAZZ SUMMERS, manager:
Wham!'s “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” is a bit camp. Two young boys dancing around in shorts. I thought it was tacky, and I said so. I tried to talk them out of it, but my management partner, Simon Napier-Bell, was more camp than a row of tents. He thought it was lovely. And MTV really got behind it.
“Careless Whisper” was a fucking disaster. We shot it in Miami. After the first day of shooting, George told me he didn't like his hair.
Wham! went to Miami to shoot “Careless Whisper,” and they didn't like what they shot, so their manager, Jazz Summers, called me. Jazz had managed my college band, Havana Let's Go—Tim Pope was supposed to do our first video but we couldn't afford him, and since I'd studied film at college, I made it instead. Jazz said, “I need a favor. We screwed up the video, and I'd like you to reshoot it.” By then I'd developed a small reputation as a director. “Careless Whisper” is basically George Michael performing in an empty theater, the Lyceum in London. It's probably best known for how much George's hair resembles Princess Diana's.
MTV was pounding Wham! videos. It was like Wham! TV. George and Andrew Ridgeley were dancing on the carpets of 22 million homes, fifteen times a day. In cities where MTV was big, we were selling loads of records. I sat down with Simon Napier-Bell. I'd stopped drinking and he was still drinking, so he got drunk. He said, “Wham! should be playing stadiums.” Then he got even more drunk, and said, “Fuck it, let's do something interesting. Let's go to China.” I thought it was a great idea. We could get national and international press by being the first pop band in China.
So we went to China and made a film, and took footage from that to make the “Freedom” video: George and Andrew walking around the Great Wall of China, a bit of concert footage, and it starts with a minute and a half of the Chinese countryside, and zillions of people walking over a bridge and riding their bikes. MTV were chomping at the bit for it. They said, “We want an exclusive on it. But we don't want to air the bit on the front of the video.” I said, “In that case, you can't have an exclusive.” And I went back to England.
MTV needed this video. So John Sykes and Les Garland flew to London with David Hilton, their top negotiator. Hilton set up the Fox network years later. We went to an Italian restaurant, and he said, “We'd like to play the video six times a day.” I wanted nine times a day, and I wanted it in peak-viewing time. He said, “I'm not sure we can do that.” I said, “You can do whatever you want. You can show it once an hour if you want. In fact,
what I want; I want you to show it once an hour every day for the first ten days,
the introduction on the front, and after that, you can take it off.” And he said, “Deal!” David Hilton has been one of my best friends ever since.
Everybody said I was crazy when we did the stadium tour, but we picked cities where MTV was on. We had 60,000 people in LA, 40,000 people in Miami. We didn't play Chicago, because MTV wasn't strong enough there. Ticket sales in a city were directly proportional to the strength of MTV in that market.
Being a gay-boy magnet even at fourteen, I was in love with George Michael. I'd come home from school and turn on MTV—and there was “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go.” There were a lot of people dressed in white, dancing. I thought all thirty people were members of Wham! George Michael had a million-watt smile and a tan. There was a Wham! camp and a Duran Duran camp, and I was in the Wham! camp. For me, Duran Duran were sort of dark compared to Wham! They probably had more songs in minor keys.
I made Duran's “New Moon on Monday” because Russell Mulcahy wasn't available. I wasn't the first choice. We attempted to make a little movie, and I'm not sure we succeeded. We shot in Noyers, a village northeast of Paris, and the former Miss France was in the video. The band was instrumental in casting her, I recollect.
“New Moon on Monday” is my least favorite of our videos.
Russell optioned the William Burroughs book
Wild Boys
, and he was in development with the film. The film fell through, which we benefitted from because Russell took all the crazy, fantastic ideas he'd developed for the film and jammed them into the video.
Wild Boys
is a hard novel to read. Very homoerotic. One day I was on vacation in Greece and I ran into Simon Le Bon and Nick Rhodes. Their yacht pulled up next to our rented yacht.
I had taken a sailing boat and Russell had brought his boyfriend on another boat.
We started talking about
Wild Boys
and they asked to write a song for the film. They spent a lot of money on the video, around $1 million. Sting was next door filming
The Bride
, and he came over to the set and went, “Holy fuck.” It was a four-day shoot, and celebrities kept turning up to gawk at this extraordinary set, with a giant windmill that had poor Simon strapped to it. The windmill would spin around and Simon's head would go underwater into this chilly tank. It did break down at one point, and people had to jump in and lift his head out.
“Wild Boys” was outrageous. That went on for two weeks at Shep-perton Studios. There were all kinds of freaks in that video. I think they had the tallest man in England, and a guy who was twenty-four but looked like he was two hundred. There must have been twenty-five dwarves as well. One of the girls had a terrible fear of dwarves, and every time they came near, she'd start gasping and palpitating. Russell had me topless, painted gray from head to toe, and my hair was painted white. At 6 A.M., they would stand there and spray-paint us. We'd all been up most of the night. There was one scene where a guy flew across the ceiling, and everyone heard this ghasly sound—
. I think he broke his collarbone.
There's a scene where we put Billy Idol's girlfriend Perri among all the dystopian,
Mad Max
–looking boys prancing along. I asked her, “Can we see a tit? One tit?” She said, “Darling, at this price, you're gonna get two!”
I was dragged into making Billy Idol's “Rebel Yell.” Bill Aucoin, Billy's manager, had been KISS's manager. He was a marketing genius. Bill lived it up—you could lose brain cells by osmosis being with him. He was the most full-tilt character I knew, besides Keith Moon. Bill knew I had done the Who documentary
The Kids Are Alright
, and he kept saying, “We're getting lame concepts for the video.” I said, “If I were you, I'd do a live performance.” He said, “Great. Can you do it tomorrow?”
It was the holiday season, so all the equipment houses were closed and we had nowhere to shoot it. Somehow we organized getting the Capitol Theater in New Jersey the next night. We bused kids out of New York to the theater. Of course, we had a lot of beer and wine on the buses, which nowadays you could not do. Everyone was well soused. I put the hot-looking girls with the big tits up front. We had a mosh pit—my cameraman had the footprint of a Doc Marten boot in his cheek for a week after that gig.
Even though it was a triumph, it was a hair-raising experience. About an hour before the “Rebel Yell” world premiere, we got a phone call from MTV, telling us to remove a shot of a kid in the front row holding a Budweiser can. So we got the master tape and had to find a shot to slug in, right? We need one more shot of hot-looking girls with big tits. We ran it over to MTV ten minutes before the world premiere, or there would have been 4:50 of black. That's what it was like in those days.
Billy went from playing to fifteen hundred people to playing the Oakland Coliseum in six weeks. That was the power of MTV.
That tour, we went from playing in clubs to playing in theaters to playing in arenas, over a ten-month period. Videos were gigantic in putting across, in images, what I was about. You almost didn't have to say much, because the video espoused what you were about.
The look of “Rebel Yell”—that backlighting, the purple, the smoke—was totally mimicked in
Purple Rain
. My video influenced a lot of live videos that came down the pike.
On “Eyes Without a Face,” I brought in Tony Mitchell as DP—that was one of the first videos he shot. David Mallet directed, and David always shot in 16mm. I said, “I don't care what else you do, but we have to shoot this in 35mm and Billy has to look like a beauty queen.”
The video was super-important because we had large hopes for “Eyes Without a Face.” We poured into it not only ideas, but also money and time. For three days, I didn't see anything but dry ice, smoke, fire, and naked bodies. We hardly slept.
Bill Aucoin brought some new contact lenses for Billy. I said, “You can't give them to Billy, they might redden his eyes during the shoot.” Well, he gave them to Billy. David Mallet liked to use lots of dry ice in videos. So Billy was laying in dry ice for quite some time,
he was really tired, and his eyes dried out. The contact lenses fused to his eyeballs.
We'd been up all night finishing the video and got straight on a plane to do a gig in Arizona. It was boiling hot so I laid down on the grass outside the venue, and when I woke up, a sheriff was standing with his gun drawn. I'd never really had a gun barrel in my face.
I almost couldn't think because of the pain in my eyes. I'd fallen asleep with my contact lenses in, and they were dried out from being on set, then on an airplane. I said, “I'm with the band that's sound-checking inside that building.” My eyes were tearing, pouring water. So we got inside and the sheriff made my road crew line up. He said, “Who is this?” And they said, in unison, “The boss.” So he left me alone. Then they had to take me to the hospital because I'd scraped the cornea so badly. I had my eyes bandaged for three days, until the cornea grew back. It was stupid, really; I should have known. But I wasn't thinking too much, I was just trying to get the video done.

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