I Want To Be Yours (5 page)

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Authors: D.M. Mortier

BOOK: I Want To Be Yours
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Chapter Four


After more than
a month since the night in Nico’s office, Mari still couldn’t forget. It featured in every dream she’d had since, being replayed, enhanced, and re-scripted. She woke most nights panting in need.

Mari had seen many headlines in the tabloids about Nico’s nasty divorce and knew that Celina had tried to blackmail Nico with another pregnancy announcement. Nico called her bluff and found that Celina had again not been pregnant. All media outlets showed Celina raging about Nico being sterile and that being the true reason for their estrangement.

Nico refused to confirm or deny her accusation. The pictures of a naked Celina and her lover being escorted from Nico’s home by his bodyguard were still a big news headline. The divorce proceeded with swift precision and vicious intent by Nico’s lawyers, who were out for blood.

The team had continued its hectic pace on local and overseas assignments. Mari and Nico worked hard to pretend their intimate night together had never occurred. But this was a useless endeavor as all it took was a glance, an accidental touch, the smell of alcohol. The smallest little thing could recall the incident sharply to her mind. Then the air would thicken and tense with mutual desire. She struggled to maintain a calm façade, hoping that none of the other team members would notice and become aware of her discomfort. She stood firm in her resolve not to give in to her weakness. Nico was still a married man!

As promised, he didn’t try to change her mind or make her feel uncomfortable in their work environment. However, it was sad that their friendship and easy camaraderie was a thing of the past. No more late-night working together, no more meals out and no more confiding in each other.

Her Saturday morning began as usual, with an intense four-mile run, light strength training, and a quick breakfast of toast, fruit, and coffee. But the office party was that night, so instead of spending a few hours cleaning her flat and grocery shopping, Mari dressed in casual, high-heeled sandals and a comfortable jersey dress before braving the swanky London shops for her party dress. After a quick and efficient browse through her usual shops, she was about to give up her quest, when she spotted the perfect dress in the window of a small boutique on an obscure side street. A few hours later, with her purchase making a huge dent in her savings, Mari hustled to find matching stilettos and accessories. Mission accomplished, she then visited her favorite hair and nail salon. By the time she arrived home, she had only an hour to make a respectable entrance at the party, which was being held in an upscale hotel in the heart of London.

Before jumping in the shower, she called a car service to collect her. The goal was to arrive at the party a little late, lessening the time she had to mingle, make small talk, and avoid Nico. She would be lying to herself if she didn’t admit that the effort she’d made that day was strictly for Nico’s benefit. With helpless optimism, she hoped she could by some miracle inspire his lust to turn into love. If he loved her, he wouldn’t have given her up so easily. If he loved her, that night in his office wouldn’t have been just about sex, but about mutual desire and respect.

By his own admission, his marriage to Celina was one of convenience, not love or anything close to it. But Mari didn’t want to be any man’s convenience, not even Nico’s.

Although she’d refused to have an affair with him, it didn’t stop her yearning for him. She would often lie awake in her lonely bed in acute sexual frustration, missing him, missing their close relationship, and wanting him still. Then the doubts would come, and she’d question her decision to let him go so quickly.

Should she have given their relationship a chance?

Would it have been better to have what little he offered, instead of nothing?

Mari knew she wasn’t built like that. There was no way for her to get that involved with Nico without experiencing a world of hurt at the end of it! And she knew it would end. Nico wasn’t ready for a lifetime commitment again, or God forbid, happily ever after.

She dressed meticulously in the blood-red halter dress she had purchased. It lovingly hugged every curve of her body and was exquisitely cut to emphasize her fit frame. The vibrant color accentuated the creamy brown tone of her skin. The soft, delicate silk draped elegantly, caressing her as she moved.

Mari paused.
Do I need this extra stimulation tonight?

With Nico in the room and the feel of the dress against her lotioned-from-head-to-toe body, she would be lucky to maintain some semblance of sanity throughout the night. For one month, she’d been in a constant state of arousal. She definitely didn’t need to up the ante.

Mari glanced in the full-length mirror, critically noting her simple gold hoop earrings, the blood red stiletto sandals that encased her feet with matching red-painted toenails, and finally her flawless earth-toned makeup. A spritz of her favorite perfume and she was ready to go.

The car arrived on time and minutes later, she gracefully strode through the hotel lobby. Her confident entrance into the party was marked by a slight yet distinct silencing of the room. Mari hesitantly looked around for her other teammates, embarrassed by the obvious stir her late arrival had garnered.

The men were huddled in a corner with their dates, enjoying the upbeat atmosphere. They had noted her entrance and had immediately waved her over. The relief their immediate welcome brought was ruined by their whistles and catcalls as she approached. Her mortification was complete.

I swear I’m going to kill them!


Nico watched her from a secluded corner of the room, where he’d been conversing with a few of his executives from the Group’s operation in Australia. She drifted through the crowd of partygoers with effortless grace, seemingly capturing the eyes of everyone in the room.

Nico was blown away by her exotic beauty. In his experience, the beautiful women were often selfish, shallow, and completely enamored with themselves. He found Mari’s complete disregard for her own natural beauty refreshing. She was simply stunning in that dress, which seductively molded to her tall, curvy body.

“Bloody hell!” he whispered under his breath. That provocative, apple-shaped ass, mile-long, toned legs, and perfectly round breasts would drive any sane man crazy. Desire, hot and fierce, clamored through him. His libido reacted instantly to her graceful glide through the room. He had to force himself to remain still and continue his conversation. He diligently tracked her progress toward the other men on the team, ridiculously happy that she didn’t have a date in tow.

Selfish, I know, but I’m a selfish bastard when it comes to her!

But there was no way in hell he could stomach that shit after claiming her. She was his. She just didn’t know it yet.


Mari breathed a sigh of relief that Nico wasn’t in the group with her other team mates. She needed to gather her strength for the inevitable encounter with him. Introductions to the current girlfriends ensued, with Mari only half-heartedly taking an interest. She knew from past experience their presence in her colleagues’ lives was brief at the best of times, with most relationships lasting only one night. The men worked hard and played even harder. They were handsome, young, and wealthy; beautiful women were never in short supply. She had, for years, ignored their attempts to get her into their beds. She suspected they flirted with her more out of habit than any real desire to develop an intimate relationship with her.

Mari tensed suddenly, as the hairs on the back of her neck tingled—Nico had to be close. She felt his stare as keenly as if he had touched her. She turned slowly. Her gaze instantly collided with Nico’s, making her the recipient of his lazy, insolent scrutiny. His smoldering inspection traveled down her body, lingering on the swell of her breasts displayed by the plunging neckline of the halter, and her sensual curves delineated by the dress. His demeanor communicated more clearly than words his desire for her.

It was impossible for her to look away. Her mouth felt full of cotton. Her nipples hardened. Desire flared in the pit of her stomach. Her juices dampened her inner thighs. The spell was unpleasantly broken as a strikingly beautiful brunette woman embraced and kissed Nico lovingly on his cheek.

He turned and smiled down at her indulgently.

His tender, loving look for the other woman devastated her.
He’s capable of love, just not with me!

Jealousy surged through her with crippling effect. Mari knew she had no right to feel jealous. She had no claim on him. But acknowledging that did nothing to lessen the pain. Slowly and with deliberate care, turning to her companions, Mari determinedly gave a convincing pretense of enjoying herself. She spent the reminder of the night skillfully evading Nico’s attempts to talk to her. By keeping track of him at all times, she was able to stealthily find another group to mingle with just as he committed himself to the group she had been in. His date remained by his side throughout the night.

She said goodnight to her colleagues a few hours later, happy to escape with her dignity still intact. Unfortunately, after taking a quick trip to the ladies’ room just before making her escape, she was accosted by Nico just outside the entrance. He clasped her hand in a firm, brutal grip and pulled her along to the elevators.

“Let me go. What are you playing at?” Mari whispered fiercely, struggling against his hold, trying to get away.

Nico ignored her, silently fuming and refusing to let her go.

A number of guests were moving back and forth around them, it was impossible to get away without making a scene. And with Nico giving every impression that they were together, by holding her close to his large frame, Mari was forced to remain silent beside him. However, she was rigid with restrained rage.

They entered a crowded elevator, again impeding her efforts to escape him. He inserted a key and they were taken to a private floor of the hotel. As soon as the doors opened, and they were alone in the hallway, Mari angrily pulled away from him.

“I’m not going in that room with you, and if you try to make me I’ll scream this damn place down,” she said with an angry glare.

“What the hell is the matter with you? I have been trying to talk to you all night. Why are you avoiding me?” Nico nonchalantly leaned against the wall next to the elevator doors, and regarded her intently.

“What do we possibly have to talk about?” She mutinously folded her arms.

“How about how much I want you and how very much you want me,” he said lazily.

“In your dreams—”

“Hell no!” Nico waved his finger at her. “Don’t even think to deny it. You can feel my desire just as I can feel yours. Why are you putting us through this agony?” He moved suddenly to stand in front of her, close enough that their breaths mingled, but their bodies not touching.

“Why?” His whispered question defused some of her ire.

Mari wrapped her arms tightly around her body, trying somehow to prevent herself from giving in to her desires. She kept her gaze glued to his lips, yearning to taste them, to taste him! His shockingly gorgeous eyes revealed the same intense hunger as the one clamoring through her. He looked spectacular in his elegant dinner jacket, the brilliant white enhancing the beauty of his smooth olive skin and midnight-black hair. She stood frozen in place by the allure of his masculine, dominating presence—his height and the breadth of his shoulder a testament to his blatant strength.

Mari fought desperately to organize her scattered thoughts. “Because women mean nothing to you. I’ll bet your poor unsuspecting date downstairs doesn’t know that you’re up here trying to get in my pants.”

“What date?”

“Black hair, blue eyes, incredible black dress… does that ring a bell?” Mari asked sardonically.


“I don’t care what her name is. You should return to her.”


“Sarah is my sister, not my date. Technically, she came with me, but…”

His voice trailed away as she looked at him in surprise and momentary relief, which she tried quickly to hide by lowering her lashes. But it was too late. He had seen and wasn’t fooled in the least.

Nico smirked in triumph as he arrogantly observed the effect his disclosure had on her. It would take very little to convince her to spend the night with him. His lips twisted in bitter distaste of his intent to cold-bloodedly seduce her. Was he prepared to be the bastard to hurt her, and destroy her remaining innocence? Had he not taken enough from her? Nico was angry with himself, and for the first time in his life he was ashamed of his actions. He liked her a lot. Her rare mix of allure and childlike innocence humbled him.

He closed the remaining distance between them and took her lips in a deliberate yet tender kiss. He allowed himself to savor a small taste of her sweetness before putting her away from him. She looked at him in confusion.

She thinks she’s confused?

Bloody hell! This kid has the power to devastate me.

“I don’t understand. Why did you bring me here?” Mari whispered. “You know as well as I do, any relationship between us at this time is detrimental to everyone. This is certainly harmful to our stakeholders, who have relied heavily on the strength, independence, and scandal-free reputation of our team. And this is also detrimental to you. Your reputation of never fraternizing with your employees is a well-known fact. What are you thinking?”

“I just wanted to talk to you.”

He grinned as she rolled her eyes and gritted her teeth in annoyance.

“Right, like I would believe that shit. Look, don’t think for a moment that I’m that stupid girl to let you use her whenever the mood strikes you. I’m not that girl, so back the hell off!”

She’d made him again acknowledge what a bastard he was being. He silently regarded her from head to toe one last time, smarting from her blunt reality check. “Just go. This wasn’t one of my better ideas.”

“You’re only now realizing that?” Her glare seared him.

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