I Would Find a Girl Walking (27 page)

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Authors: Diana Montane,Kathy Kelly

BOOK: I Would Find a Girl Walking
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October 2, 1985
Was glad to get your note Tuesday night. At least they got things right this time. They know I will file another Inmate Request form on them.
Kat, I am receiving mail from people I don’t even know, concerning pictures of myself. It all started with that Art Museum, and my picture. These people want to send me everything from money to items I need (clothes wise.) All they want in return is my picture. Nobody has mentioned anything about a book yet, but I wouldn’t put it past them. As far as I am concerned, they can “fly a kite.” You are the only one I want to talk to about this. I will keep you posted on what they have to say, and offer me.
I will try and find out why they wouldn’t let Paul come up with you. He might have to come up by himself. My ear is much better than it was. Guess the medication really works. I still have to take it till Friday.
We have been having thick fog up here this week, but it’s burned off by 10 am, so you won’t have any trouble driving up next Thursday.
Kathy, are we going to put anything in about my ex-wife, and her family? Or my other girlfriend (Yvonne) and her family? So far, we have hit lightly on my parents, and brother. It has mainly been about the first murder, and it has me wondering why you want so much detail. You know I already have two (2) mandatory quarters for that. If you must know, you would have made a great detective, instead of working for the News-Journal. Guess being around the station most of the time, has rubbed off a little on you. Also knowing Paul the way you do.
Why would he say that I “would have made a great detective” only because “being around the station . . . has rubbed off” and also because of “knowing Paul?” And then he proceeds to talk about the female detective who had a “bad attitude” because her boss “was an S.O.B. and it rubbed off on her.” Apparently women didn’t stand on their own for Gerald Stano. They never did.
Paul can verify this Kathy. There was a female detective from the West Coast who had a boss who was an S.O.B. and it rubbed off on her. She had a bad attitude that rubbed me and Paul the wrong way. They even came for me by plane once (her and her boss, an FDLE person.) Treated me like dirt for 2 weeks in their county jail. All of the others (det’s) were up and above board. Paul and I could talk to them real easy. I have never seen such an extensive background check as the FDLE did on me then. They even went and located my old 1073 Plymouth Satellite Custom we bought in Pennsylvania. Plus, they took my 1977 AMC Gremlin totally apart in the Sanford Crime Lab. They even contacted a few girls I knew in Daytona too. And they were very nice girls too (NOT Prostitutes.) Even old bosses I worked for too. They all gave good references of me, even the girls. I thought they (all of them) would talk bad of me, but I was wrong. I always tried to make a good impression on my bosses at work, and never give any problem to them.
Kathy you wouldn’t believe how much I want to be out of this place. I go to thinking of my old girlfriend Yvonne, and it brings tears to my eyes. I should have put my foot down to my father before I left Pennsylvania. But this is what happens when you lead a sheltered life and can’t fend for yourself. I should have seen the writing on the wall 13 years ago. But I never had the courage to do anything to hurt my parents. All of that is in the past now, and has been coming back quite regular now that I have been talking to you about everything.
I will continue this Monday morning, after my parents’ visit on Saturday. They sound upset about something. I have to find out what it is. See you later—
Sunday P.M.
Hi again:
Well, I had a nice visit for a change. My parents went to see my attorney this past Friday. Said, they can see where my attorney is coming from and gave him a lot of background material on tape too. Mom wants me to see she is working for me.
I received your letter with the stamps and new questions. Thank you.
Kathy, I would like to point out that the subject you want to discuss is very sensitive.
I have to give this a lot of thought Kathy. I have my reasons for this, and I hope you can understand what I am saying. But I want to give this a whole lot of thought before I answer the question about this subject. Please forgive me Kathy, but as I say, I have my reasons.
I am looking forward to this Thursday’s visit. See you then Kathy.
P.S. Thanks again for the stamps you sent. Now I can write more than 2 pages at a time to you.
October 7, 1985
Dear Kathy,
This letter I am writing to you is in reference to your letter about Susan Basile.
I have written to Paul about it, and showed him where F.D.L.E. messed up on their part. They were interested in clearing their books, than taking time to verify where I was, what I was doing, etc.
You see Kathy, I was in the old County Facility (before the new one) til 6/3/75. Then, I was put on probation for 1 year, with my father-in-law being in charge of me. I even had to have permission to leave the county for my honeymoon which was for 2 weeks. I stayed in Orlando at the Ramada Inn Southwest for 1 week then my wife and I went to Pompano Beach for 1 week. We even called from each place to her mother, so they knew where we were.
I was given a job at my father-in-law’s station the same day I was released from the County Facility (6-3-75). I even had reports once a month filled out for my probation officer. I have papers to prove where I was for the whole month of June Kathy. So, you can see where the false confessions come in to play.
I am trying to show you exactly how much I want to help with this project. We don’t want to print anything that isn’t true Kathy. That is why I am explaining this to you this way.
The reason I was locked up was for the following:
A.) Ct. I–Forgery
B.) Ct. II-Uttering a false or forged instrument.
A.) Ct. I Nolle Prossed [not prosecuted]
B.) Ct. II 1 year probation 6/3/75
I also did 2–3 months time at the old County Facility, besides the 1 year probation.
Sure hope this doesn’t hurt the way you wanted the project to go. But I want you to know the truth about everything Kathy. There will be no lies or fabrications of the truth on my part.
Some law officers
don’t care
about the person who committed the crime. Like, if he has an explanation, of where he was, the night in question. All they care about is “cleaning up their books of that particular crime.” I can also tell you something that will shock you about the West Coast investigations. A detective promised me and Paul a steak dinner in return for clearing up a case of theirs. Guess what—they bought Paul and I that steak dinner Too. Even Robert Smith of F.D.L.E. got one too. I hope you can see, how they pay a person for clearing up their books of crimes.
I can explain in person better about this.
See you Thursday at 1 p.m.
October 10, 1985
Hi! I was really glad to see you today.
Now, I want you to listen for a minute. I know your doing this on your own—not company time. So please worry about work first, then our project. We are in no rush to do this, are we? Let’s get most of the paper work done by writing, but that is time consuming on our parts. When you visit we can clean up loose ends that need to be clarified more. Just like we did today. As far as your tape recorder, you can bring it any time you like Kat. I am used to those things, as you know.
Before I forget, I hope you made it home safely. It was raining when you left. I was worried about you driving up this morning, due to the tropical storm we had.
Kathy, you can see why I want to keep this from mom and Dad. It’s between you and me and Paul, okay? I don’t need any problems with the family now. They have been through enough stuff.
I am waiting for your girlfriend to tell you who is working at the 7-11 store. If it’s my ex-wife, I wonder what happened at the beauty parlor? But there is no love lost there. I was happy to get out of that family, the way I did.
Please tell Nancy not to give any information out to her either. It’s none of her business what and where and who is handling my appeals. She never cared before, so why should she care now. Am I right? Besides, she can read the newspapers to find out.
Kathy, what would you say to an article printed in the newspaper? It would be a type of apology to all the relatives of the victims. I would want you to write it though. What do you think? If you want to do it, let me know, and I will formulate the letter for you. But, I would want it word for word as I write it. I trust you more than anyone to write it. It’s the least I can do. Cause, the public has me labeled as “having no remorse or feelings.” But let me know what you think, okay? I would like to verify a few things, and put a point across to someone and their family.
You caught me off guard with your questions today. I was centered around what we have talked about already. Also, I didn’t mean to bore you about Yvonne. But she meant a lot to me at the time. I still think about her at times.
By the way Kat, I have some yarn left over that I’m going to make you a hat and scarf combination. It will be a while before I start it, cause I am making Christopher Quarles and his wife each a matching set too. It will be my Christmas gift to you. It is the least I can do, for now, cause you take time to come up here to talk to me, and most important—you take time off from work to do this.
Kathy, remember I told you I was receiving mail from people who wanted my picture? Well, I got a letter tonight from a man in Wisconsin who sent a $20 money order and said he would send more if I send him a picture. Well, I told you I wasn’t going to send any pictures, and I’m not going to. I am tired of these people doing this to me Kat.
Well, I will stop for now cause my show is on—“Cosby Show”—will write more this weekend.

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