Ice Steam (Loving All Wrong #3) (22 page)

BOOK: Ice Steam (Loving All Wrong #3)
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Xavier’s weight disappeared, and then his hands were clasping my hips, urging me to my knees. I went willingly, but kept my upper half down on the bed, face buried in the pillows to muffle my moans as he strummed my clit as skillfully as he’d done the guitar earlier.

“Want me again, Chino?” His head now prodded at my opening. “Want me deep?”

I pushed back, taking in the tip as an answer. “Always.”

He drove in, full force, full speed, full capacity.

I grunted into the pillow, gripping the sheets tight in my fists.


In response I pushed back again, and that was all he needed to start stabbing me. And I was enjoying every single second of it, learning to appreciate a damn good size.

Every stab of pain was chased by a great rush of pleasure, and it wasn’t long before I was slamming back against him, meeting his thrusts halfway and screaming his name as a brain-rattling orgasm wiped me clean of all consciousness.

Xavier groaned low and feral as my muscles squeezed around him, and his pumps slowed down, and even slower, the telltale sign he was on the brink of coming.

Bracing up on my hands, I peeked over my shoulder at him. “I want it all over my face, Xavi.”

Indulgent, pleasure-filled eyes met mine, reluctant to stop. But when I put in the effort of biting my lip and lowering my lids, he sucked in a breath and wasted no time pulling out of me, flipping me onto my back and straddling my chest.

Face strained, he knelt above me, fisting himself to the edge, while I smoothed my palms up and down his firm thighs, staring up into his eyes.

“I’m waiting, Xavi,” I cooed, taunting him.

“Coming,” he hissed through a strangled voice.

“Give me.” My tongue darted out and wetted my lips. “Give it
, Xavi.”

“Coming…c-c-comi—ahhhh…” He garbled, as his cum squirted out in white-hot bursts all over my face. I opened my mouth to catch some on my tongue. “Shit, Chino. Shit!”

I watched him, seized in pleasure, veins all but ripping out from under his skin, his muscles flexed tight.

My King Xavier.

I’d never done anything so wild and porn-star-ish before, but I had realized too late that he’d entered me without a condom yet again, and I didn’t want to take another risk, but I also didn’t want to ruin his vibe by telling him to stop or pull out, so I’d had to think quick of a solution.

This face job was the result.

And heck, what do you know, turns out I liked the feel of cum all over my face. It made me feel like a bedroom bad-ass, and I suddenly wanted to do all kinds of freaky stuff with this rocker.

Xavier’s phone began hollering and dancing across the nightstand, cutting short his high.

Muttering a disgruntled curse, he reached across for the phone and answered, then he cursed again to the person on the other end and told them he’d be there in a minute.

Tossing the phone aside, he leaned down and kissed me with his come still on my lips and tongue, then ordered me not to move as he climbed off me and disappeared bare-butted into the bathroom, reappearing a minute later with a damp rag.

Sinking one knee up on the mattress while his other foot stayed planted to the floor, he gently used the warm rag to clean up his mess.

“That was Tex,” he told me, wiping around my nose. “Was supposed to be in a meeting at Guest Rest fifteen minutes ago.”

I pouted. “Didn’t you guys already have a meeting on Friday?”

“That was something urgent. This one’s for both bands.”

He finished up, ditched the cloth, and started getting dressed. “Gonna be here when I get back?”

Stretching my arms over my head to wake up my laconic muscles, I answered, “I can wait an hour tops. If you’re not back by then, I’m splitting. Weekend’s over. I have to be up by five in the morning.”

He said nothing, zipping his cargo shorts. We both knew he wouldn’t be back in an hour. “So it’s next Friday before I see you again?”

“Until these shoots are over, that’s how it has to be.”

Dropping his gaze, he picked up his T-shirt and hauled it over his head. “Can I at least drop in at one of your shoots during the week?”

“I could do without the paparazzi excitement again,” I refused. “You’re you. They follow you everywhere.”

“Fine. Whatever,” he mumbled, moving around the bed and heading for the door. “Text me. At least lemme know if you get home safe.”

Bolting off the bed, I raced to door before he could reach it, blocking his getaway. “You’re not leaving mad at me again, Xavier Xander.”

He stared over my head. “Not mad.”


The skin around his eyes tightened as he brought his glare down to me. “These annoying test shoots, how long they gonna last?”

“Just for the next three weeks,” I rushed out. “Then I’ll have some free time as Lion decides how he wants to make his money off me.”

“Three weeks,” he mused, mulling it over. “Be sure it’s three weeks, or imma be forced to take drastic actions.”

One brow winged up. “And what’s your idea of drastic actions?”

All of a sudden I was lifted off the floor and pressed back against the door, my legs instinctively locking around him. “Buy you outta T’mar’s contract and have you sign a new contract, to be mine and only mine. Dress up and pose for only me. That kinda drastic.”

I circled my arms around his neck. “In that case, I think I might convince Lion to extend these test shoots for at least another month. Yes?”

Steel-gray eyes narrowed in warning before he dipped his head and slid his tongue into my mouth.

With deft fingers, he gave me another quick orgasm against the door, before lowering me back down to wobbly feet, and rushing off for his meeting.


Immediately after Xavier left, I took a long, hot bath, got dressed and texted Mel to come get me.

I was sitting at the side of the bed tugging on my boots when a timid knock sounded at the half-opened door, then Xena’s head poked in.

Giving her a bored once over, I resumed donning my boots. “Huh. Thought the ‘Queen of Beach Rock’ didn’t knock.”

She walked into the room. “Just trying to avoid getting bitch-slapped again.”

“You wanna tell me it was unwarranted?” I zipped up the last boot then straightened up to look at her.

Sending her gray eyes heavenward, Xena dipped two fingers into the whiskey glass she was sipping from, lifted out a small cube of ice, walked over to me and held it to my mouth. “Here, put this on your tongue and cool the hell down for one freaking minute.”

I opened up and let her place the ice cube on my tongue.

“Suck on that and let me clear the air,” she said, taking a seat beside me on the bed. “Not a word until the ice melts.”

Closing my mouth, I sucked down the stinging chill of the ice.

“I don’t hate you. In fact, I like you for my brother. He’s the reticent, in-the-background kind, but with you, he doesn’t seem to care if there’s God and trumpet-blowing angels in the room, he just displays his affection right there out in the open, like there’s no one else around but you. And, trust me, you can ask anyone, that’s

When I tried to speak, she pointed at my tongue to remind me that the ice hadn’t melted yet. “Now, about last night. I was upset about the breakup, but I was more upset about your cold reaction
the breakup. Overall, personality wise, you come off as frigid, aloof, and world-weary. I get that. Some of us just aren’t people-lovers and would rather be left alone. But your
breaks up with you and you just shrug your shoulders? Nope. I figured there had to be something twisted up in that head of yours.

“The things I said last night was my way of dragging some kind of emotion out of you, to prove that you are human, that you
hurt. I was also the one who lied to Amber, told her Xavi was into her and urged her to throw herself at him. I was hoping if you saw them together it would, you know, wake you up a bit.” She took a gulp of her liquor. “Now I wasn’t quite aiming to get slapped, but hey, it was worth it. It worked!”

By then, the ice had melted completely from my tongue, but all I could do was shake my head at her. “You’re mental.”

“So I’ve heard.” She grinned. “I’m
glad you’re back together!”

A true smile tugged up my lips. “He makes my heart ache, Xena.” I cursorily added, “In a good way. A
good way.”

Xena’s smile withered like a flower starved of sunlight. “You were right, you know.”


“I do bully people because I can’t get what I want.” Her gaze dropped to her half-empty glass. “I’ve been in love with him since we were in school. But…he just doesn’t see me that way. And then there’s
. He’s been broken over her for
. No one knows how to fix him. Even when she’s married and preggers, I can’t compete with her. Can you believe I’ve never dated anyone because of him? Because I’m freaking delusional?”

I touched her shoulder. “You don’t have what you want because you’re not taking what you want.”

Her glossy eyes came to me. “What?”

“Xena, you’re hot. You think the guys from both bands don’t stare? They stare. But they just don’t
because you’re ‘Xavi’s little sis’,” I told her. “You eat, sleep and breathe in the same house with Tex. If you want him, take him. Or at least tempt him. Let him
you. Make him laugh. Help him forget about her and stop enabling his bullshit.”

“You think I’m

“You all are!” I said. “I’ve been here for less than two days and what I’ve noticed is that
you all
enable his ‘poor me and my broken heart’ bullshit instead of whacking him over the head with a guitar.”

“Not all of us can brush things off as easily as you, Alina. Unlike you, we have actual hearts that actually hurt.”

“You want the guy or not?” I asked, irritated.

She swallowed. “I want him.”

“Tex notices you, Xena. Here’s what I’ve seen in just two days: He sits wherever you sit, he allows you to boss his sluts around, his eyes follow you whenever you’re too busy to catch him staring, and your sauciness
him—this is a good thing, by the way. But like I said, you’re ‘Xavi’s little sis’, and he probably thinks going after you would ruin their relationship, and possibly the band’s. It’s
job to make him see you’re worth the risk.”

“How?” she asked, straightening, hope dancing in her eyes.

“You’re the girl who got me to show emotion last night, Xena.” I shrugged. “I’m sure you’ll come up with something.”

My phone buzzed. Mel. I stood. “Gotta go.”

Xena stood with me, started to say something, hesitated, then tried again. “I know there’s history between you and Davi.”

Every joint in my body locked, rendering me immobile, panic rising. “What?”

“I saw the looks you two exchanged. Not looks of new lust or curiosity. But familiarity. He knows your secrets and you know his. When Xavi left with you earlier, I watched Davi. He went from pale, to green and then purple, I kid you not. I kept waiting for him to hurl. You being with Xavi obviously affected him. He told Jess he wasn’t feeling well and excused himself from the table. If anyone else had been paying attention as closely as I was, they would’ve figured it out, too, Alina.” She paused, then sighed. “I don’t know what kind of past you two have and why you need to keep it a secret, so I won’t say anything. But I’m
you not to hurt my brother. We come from a family line that doesn’t hold together well with hurt and pain. Xavier’s a different person with you, he
likes you, and I’m afraid of what will happen if he eventually falls in love with you…and then you break him.”



y phone was ringing.

I was in the middle of getting my face made up, it was lunchtime, I was hungry, miserable, and my phone was ringing.

“Danni, grab that for me, would you?”

Danni, who was seated in a make-up chair next to me, laptop on his lap with about ten different browsers opened on gossip websites, grumbled at the inconvenient request before fetching the phone for me.

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